HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1976-09-28CITY OT SPRINCT'IIiLD A}PLICATION AND AGR-EE}fiNT FOR SEWER 1IOOKUP Application is hcrcby madc by the unCersigned proPerty owner for permission to coi-,nccE thc following dcscribed property to a city sanitary sewer line, or.rncd and rnaintained by the City of Spring-ficld, and I agrce to pay such a hoolcup charge of $4.50 per front foot of the property for the firsE 150 fcct in depth to be served by such city ser.rcr line in licu of an assessment againsE the described property. An additional $0.03 per square fooE will be charged for any additional propcrEy beyond the first 150 feet. ProperEy DescriPtion: LrX 66, Old Win&oj-11 Tract Address. 692 North 32nd Street Sewer hookup charge z _ 7-2 _ . front f eet G $4.50 per front fooE = #324.00 square feet G $0.03 per sq. ft. This agreement has been computed as being one-ha1f ()) of the equivalent cost of an eight (B) inch lateral sanitary selver at the rate of $4.50 per abutting fronE.root and does not include the cost of a house connection to said city ser{er, se\.rer user charges, plur,rbing pemits or other such cosEs to be assumed by Lhe property owner. CITY OE SPRINGFIELD OREGON PROPIJRTY Oi,]liERS: By e Date:x7/ STATE OF OI'EGON SS County of Lane tL \L t,1e 1GBE IT REim)lBirRDD, that on this ZE day of ) ) ) before rne, tltc r.rndcrsigned, a Notary personally appcared the r"ithin narned i'ub1ic in and for the said Count;' ancl State, rT)nr>.Q eA R.G L€ TY) knot.,n to lne to bc thc idenEical intlividual -----.--..-_ and acknor'r1c<lged to ute tirat itr and rqiro cxccufcd Lhc rvithin irrst'rtlluunE cxcctrtccl tltc sattrtl fre:cly ancl voltnltarily'cl cscrioed .A e--, I{l'INliSS m1'ltand and seal Ehis day and ycar lasE al'ove writtcn. Notary I'trblic Or Ity Corrutri:islott l'lxpi rr't; /Qz --<'_