HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-05-03Peceict { St 9Z/" RESID*..lTlAL" C OMB IN AT T ON APPLT C AT IO N /PEPJIIY 225 North 1th Street SpringfielC, )regon 97477 Building Ditsision 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFIELD 'lru o u "()fr- -r,&/g *)*ufJ--,-'"" q -l a ur, ale'y '( o c tJ fltr Ao sis-4' 7 /L' Date:5-3- I Z -3t-2 S Y@Lot# ! iob Locaticn: Subdiuision: Assessore !,ho I I)tme*Tk/ .r) 3e ^ a;1.7vz- 3ybZPhone:Addtess )a lrz/. &zlrp*zip: 7Z ?77v-u5. 7-,J ,-o O S l*,',, P---*^j T/ Dedcyibe i{ork: 5 # 6t( o o c ;leD RenoCel L VaLueDate of ffi eant;on Cont?dctots Aadre Genetal 4)L fu-^-L ()Lc Constntction Landet It ia the responsibility of tlte pextrit iutd.* to see that aLL inspections de natie at lhe propet tiste, that ecch cddtess is tead,'ibia fron the street, and that the pertrtt esd ie Located at -!h9 fro* of the_-propetrg.iZui!di.-4 Nuicio= apprct:ed plan sltcll z,emain on iie BuadLttg Sita at aLL tines. 11OCEDURE EOR litsPggfuil RE1.aEST: CaLL- (tecotdet) state your City Tesignated job nur.ber, job aCdtess, laPe.of inspe_cticn @eaavforinspeetion'Contracta"s'raile?stlaneanriphonetwttbe.Pequestsyeceii;edbeJ.cre7:00,rli,t'iLL be natie the eane dcg, "eqosts nad.e afta 7:00 dtr vtLL be naCe the nezt'-nrking daE. *zlt 4/?--Your Citl Deaigrated ,Iob lhtmb* Is: DEtt1Li?r1il aR Soti:cg saset cqcei :t pto?at\ line Septic totk p-,nwed a:"; filied .stth gza;tel lincl - ,lthen abc,-e itans @e caryLezed cd uhen dnclition is eon:Le=e a? stntc- ttse noueC a: pre:rises c':.eanei up. e Hanes Blocking otd. Set-tp PlunbinT ccnnecticns -- aa)e? cd. uater El,ectrical Ccnneetion - Blcekir4, ae!-uo and. pltnbing eonneeticns tast ba befote requesting eZe:tt+cal itcspec--ion ccz.ekes, skiz,t-Jng, decks, Accessory Bu;-Aing Final - After ete. ote ccnc IilSULA?TCil/7N.PCR SARRI9R IT]S?SCIIAil : fo ite nade ai'ter aLL insulaticn ed' tequired uqot bmie?a @e in place b,ut befcre ary Lath, Wpan boaz'C or tnLL oueting ie qplied, od before oty insuT,ation is concealed. DRYilALL I\ISPECI1N: Tc be nade -.. after aLL 6a,yuall is in place, but prior to any taPing. I,IAS2NRI: Steel Location, bond. Wg"outing or uertieals in aecordoue vith U.B.C. Section 241S. |{00DST07E: After installation is arpLeteci. CWB & APPPCACH APPOL: Aftet formsee erecteC but prior tn pourtng eonc"ete. SfDYIALK ,1 DRT,TIIAI: For aLL eon- crete paoing urtthin street rtght- of-uny, to be naCe after aL! exea- uatina eatolete & forn wrk & eub- base nctet"[al in pl,aoe. SI!9 jl€?rq!)il: lo be nod.e afterffiffi prior tc set up of forne. WD'RSLAB PLUMBINC. ZLZCTRICAL & @ClQ;lI!/L: lo be nade before angffiE-iatered. F0OI|NG ! FOANDA?ICII: To be nzCe @-e.acaoated anl forns ate erectzd, but pvio? to pourir,4 c6ic"ete. UNDIRCPOUTD PLUI4PING. S'7IER, V.\TSR, DRAItucEj-?oie ral.e prior tu fnl- @rerrches. WDEP,ELOAR PLUi,9IIIG I, !.IEC\IANICAL : Tb be nd.e g*Lor to installation of floor insulction ot decking. PO1I 4!P -PE{M: To be nade Prtor to --4 installaticn of fToon insulation ot deckitrg. ROI-IGH PLU:,!BI:IO. gLgCiRlCA' & !|ECH. i-nlcLt: No uork is to be co"*ered Gilfthese inspec'-ions ha:ue beet nwde and. apgroueC. FfPEPLACE: Pm)or to plccirq fccittgncterials and before frotring inspee- tior.. .?RAYfIG: Ffi.tst be rec.uected aftet,qproual of tough plurhing, electz-i- cal & aeeltanical. ALt roc!'irq bractrq 3 chitrmcys, etc. t,r.;,st be ccmoLeteci. llo acrk is to be ccn- cecied until this insoeertcn has been nade anC agpro,-ed. FTilAL PLUMBTilC IIIIAL |,IECHAilTCAL IINAL ELSCTRICAL o iENCE: ;r4ten conplate -- ?t'ouiCe gates or nooable sections tht'ough Dnl ALL project condi=ions, stch as the instaLlatzon of 87eet trees, cc-olJ,tion cf ihe required l,anasccoing, etc., tmtst be satisl-ied beiore tl',e BAILDI::C FlllAL:an ie recues;ed. ?Ilt.4L tsUILDInC: Tke Fina! Build,ing Insoection trust be ?equestea aller :he linal ?lanbrng Electrical, oti ileci,tc.ical Inspectionc lune been nade atd approued. *ALL IlAIIHCLES AND CLEAIICA?S NIJS? 9E .ACCESSIBLE, .IDJAST\ITN! :O 9E I44DE i,T NO CCS? ?C :TY .-.c - vJ J t-l Lisc. # u F tr tr l T Etl E T iJcb Nt flbe?7zo/r>Refenerce lwnbers Lot Faces - L-COC # Bedtooms Iot Sq. Etg. % oi Lct Couenage i # of Sbrtes ?otal Eeight iapogruphy I?Ei.I Building Pe"nrtt State ?otal Charaes _ fnteticr _ Cor.ner _. Panlnndle Cui-de-sac ks .- Fees - Va Building Volue & Permit This pernrtt is granted on the erpress eondition that the said consttaetion' shall, in aLL respects, eonform to the 1t'dLnznce adopted by the City of SpringfieLd, ineluding the Zoning Cvdinance, regulating the ecnstzacticn and use of buildings, and may be suspend.ed on reuokeC at c:nA time upon oic- TatLon of qn7 prcuisions of said Ordinances. Df House Colaae Accesa !!eat llot,th FirepLaee South liest DQ. T:U X Geaqe Carport Aecessoru TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c PLan Check Fee: Date Paid: Reeeipt #: Plumbing Permit No person slwZl construct, i,nstal|,, alter ot ehange -GnU neu,c? ecisting pltinbfflg or drainage systan in uhole or in part" unless euch person ie t?p iegaL p-osseason of a ,:alid plmberts Lieense' ercept tlwt a pe"son ^dA qg ptintl..itg aork to propert'g ahich is otmed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. NO EEE LhATULI?EM Pi-rtures Residential (1 bath) Sa)e" PLumbl,ng vet rLt State taL Electricol Permit where state Lau requires tl"at the eleetrical uorkbe done by,an Eleetuical Contpactot,, the eleett icaL portion of this permLt slall not be talil until the Label has beqn sig:ned bg the Electrieal Contractor. irFi Permit NO. State !otal Nas,/Extend Civcuits Setwice Vent Fan 00 t AL CI]ARCE oIlcodstotle/ (,State Mecho nicol Permit /S',CJo o o o ITEM Ezlwtst HooC Ftrnece 3?U'S Penrot fssuance llechanical Penrit I HAW CAREFULLy IXAI,IINED t?e completed application fot permit' and do iei.ty certify that aLL inforrnatibn hereoi- ie true and cot*ect, and I fuythZr certT-yy that any ard aLL uork perfortned shall be dovte in aceor'- bance urtth th'e" 1rdinencLs of the Ci.tA bf SprLngfield, ann th9 Laas of the iit. of 0r,egcn pe,taining to the uov'k Cesct'ibed hev'ein' cnd tlut N0 1ccu- pLACy ,ltt b"e ,w1e of any" structuTe tithout permissi-on of the Bui,T.ding D-i- oision. I furthet, ierti"fg th.et only cotttractors cnd anplcyees uko ote in eonpliancebit|, cns 701,055 ui,LL be used on this proiect P Lail Liaml-ne? Mobile Hcne t/s/r> Date TOTAL AMOUII? DUd:, Date Pcrmit SLgneaa t /s- c -. ENCROACIIMENY -. Cwbcut Si.da,taLk 'zoyte: oecuDancu Grr ,/ood.stou'e l.la;.n Signed: Ua*or