HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-08-18" RESIDEn--ilA[.' APPLICATTON/PERIII? 225 Noyth |th Street Springfield, 2regon 97477 Building Ditsision 726-37 53 tb Loeaticn: asessots Map #oa3(Q Taz Iat fl ubdioision: l^mer: lddress: o 4LI-K- Sfor,na, QL ta SPR',VGFTEL.D M a.C.o ir,$jv {-l l{ork: Ne) ldditicn + i!obil 4^^" Date of Aco Lication 8-\q- K(.VaLue ?e oui r e.1 f n sc e c t'i. c tz s Aao:,ess Icur Cifu Desicr,ated Job Nunber fs:Qao <7L) lt is the responsibility of the permit hoider to see that aL|. inspections aye nade dt the p?ope! t*ne, that acch acbress is renanr'-, irom the Bt?eet, anC that the penrtt eard is Located at the flant of tl.,e prooert4 '3ui1it.-4 Diuicion aep?oo-eci tZ'an sieli rena'.r on t)e Euildtng Jt;: b= aLL' tines." PI?L'EST:CALL 7 26-376 9 (yeeorder) state your City ;iesignted job nw;ber, iob aiitess, t'y=e oj inspee=icn Constrteticn Lenier F0n Li- be reaci.g fcr insccccion, Canttaeccrs cp ()*'ners nc:ne cni;rore nunber. Peques;s teceite: cejcne 7:t2 c-. :LLL be nade the sane dcy, reauests nctie cfxer 7:00 on tiLL be maCe tite ncct:sorkin^; cat. CeneraL SLectricaL l.leci.anic.zL ltJil-;T etone:ffi16 33q3I l ezca,.saticn, but pt ict, tc set up of forme . UilDE.qSLAB PLU!EIIIG, ZLEC?PICAL & iECil.tlliCAL: ?o be natie beiore cny ffiEiZoct,ed. F1CT.fi'lG 1 FOUTIDATICN: lo be rm.Ce after tr;encites are escauated and form:; are erected, but prior to pourir,g ccneteta. U!]DSRGPAU::D PLIJ!:9II:C, S!I'/!P, I.],A!!P, DRAII\AGI: 7'-; ia nnie prior 9o iil- Lirq trenches. UT\DERFLOOR PLU\.3 rNG & t'tEC!|Al!t!4L : of floor insulction or decking. P1ST AllD BEAI4: To be nade Priot to TiiiiTTdl-Tof floot insulation ot' deeking. ito lt ,t these inspeetiors haue been FINAL PLUILBIIIG PII]AL IIECHANICAL : : ; s L' L S.: : C ;; / V 4pC.5 p.l.?.?r:.? r,'.'s-:rJ]rl.'. r )I.',:3LIT:C:: CP :,:31/:' ts:ILD::;'Slo be naie after aLL insuLaticn atti required oqor baniets @e in place bat before oty lath, Wpsw'n bca.ri or tnLL couering is cpplied, and before otg insulation is concealed. a DRYHALL I\ISPICTI1N: Ic be made Ater al-&a:,ut,atu is in plaee' but prior to cn! taping. MAS1IIRI: Steel Location, bond 6ifiilgrouting or uet'ticals i-n aceor<i.otce vLth A.B.C. Section VO92E!98: After installation is ectnpleted, CURB. & APPRCACIT A.P.DON: After .fornsare erecteC but Prio? to Pourlng conc"ete. SIDEIIALK & DRI\EI'\AY: Eot aLL con- crete patting Dithin st?eet rlgnx- of-unu'. to be nade aften aLL e'rea- ,Ltr"Z' cotnplete & fotn wrk & sub- base tnaterLal in Plnce'mad.e arui aPPt'oued. FLP.EPLACE: PrLot to plccir4 faeing ;;;erlal" and before froning i'nspee- tion. FWlIllC: Wct be requested after ffioilt of rough plut"'bing' .eLeet?L- Z'L 8 ^""|onieal. - ALl- roofing iraelrrg 6 ehinmeYs, etc' rrust be iornptnioa. ilo wbrk is to be con- - "ihna ufitl this insPectLon las 'been no'd'e anC aPPrv'oed' Satti:aty saset, cqpei ct progertg lite Septic totk p'"rped an fnlled tith gzetei linal - tthen abcoe itens ote ecnpleted and uhen ietnclttion is co*plele or st:-il- tuye naueC ani pretrLses cleanei up. IENCE: When conPlete -- ProuiCe gates or morsabLe secti-ans through P.U.E. ALL proj ect conditions, slnck as the ;-.nstallation of s treet trees, co:P Letion of t'ne required LanlsecPir-g' etc' 'rlrrrst be sati.sfi'ed befote thE BIJILDII|C FIIIAL can be requeste<i l ll l PII]AL BUILDING:The Fi.nal {Lectrical, otC MeciuricaL nuildins Insoection nast be requesteC.cftet the Finel ?lunbir4 "rXZi""Zri-'i*ul b""n macie artri cop?ovza' ^.^;.'7 - U^m.. Blocking otd set-uP Plumcing eonnections -' aa)ev d uatet Eleetrical Ccmnection - Blockirg' aet-ut - ard plunbing eotteetions rn:st be cP?"eu'ec befoz'e requ-esting electrical inspe e!io:: Aceeseory BuilCing pcrekes' skitting' decks, 1 ^L^) Einal - After etc. are comP FINAL EL'CTRICAL ,ALL I4AIIHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUS?!!Z:I!TO BE HNDE I.T I:O C1ST TO CTIY ?3?e 7 o! 2 JoB "" fb\57b u-co *SOLAR A SS REQ.. T;t:aEnerau SouneesLot Faces - Setbacks House-Carao€P. L. No"th East South I,lest Iat Sq. Ftg. Z cf Lct Caserage ! of Stories rotal Height ?opogrcphy _ Interior _ Cormer _ Panhand.Le _ Cul-de-sac -- Fzes -- Be:iroons heat te" LACC av!:.1 Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the ex?t'ess eondition tlwt the said. eonstrucLion sLnL.L, in-all.resoe.cts, eonicrn Lo the Ordirnnee edooteC ily the Ct:L o!5p?-Lngfleld, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstpaeticnotd .use of buildings,.- and may be suspend.ec on reuokec ax cny xine upon uic-Latlon of cny prcuisions of said Ordirances. t :nF1a- TOTAL VALUE Euiltirna PermLt Iotal Clnrgea Date Paid Receipt #: x VaLue iesiizntial (i bath) Se-rer Plutbtt:g Perrit Plumbing Permit No cerson slwll consttact, instal!, alcer or citanoe cnu neu cr c:istit.:pluzbirq or erainale systen in uhole on in part, inLesL sudt person is" theLe.gal Dossessor of a uaii<i olunber,s License, ezceDt thc.t c D'e:scn na> icplunbing uork to proDe?tu uhieh is ot;nec, LeLsed. or. operatea' cy the a.=>Li-cant. tiJ. I I LL ^! 1 i.: ;a/izteni Ci?c*i.ts Eiectricol Permit i I{-net'e stcte Las teou'it'es xitax the eleetrical uork be <iote bu an zlect:.ie;_contraeto", tite elee=tica-t oot,tior: of tnis pernit siu.Ll nox be ,*c*i ut:::-i Ithe |-a.bel has been signec oy xhe Electrical Con.rccrc?. i .lP'- \ I\itechonicol L :f r_. Permit zhalst HooC znt Fot cod.sto;se Per*Lt Issucnee Mechanicel pe?E t -- E;,]CRCAC, ieuaLk I btZe Hcme PLdii LZC\LneT ! HAVE CAREFULLy ExL"qrtED the eomoleted aop'ieation for pernil, cnd d.cheteoA certify that aLL itfo:,nati'on h;;";;,funth.brecrtii,-"ii"-onyar.daLL,",k-e;;i";"i"!*TTuZ.IIi,Z,.,.T"=;,_ aance vtth the or,c.inancil +r;;i ;;;;.;V't;"r,?fi;;: ;;d-r;: LL* of tv.csxate or oregcn pcrxaininc to the wo,k ceslriacd .hcrein, cnd tiit i:J ccc,.:_PAilC.y DiiL be nade of a\! stlucture uithout petmissi-on of the Suilciinc Di_vlsl2t:. r furthen certiii; thet o,t/y- eJ;;;;.i:::"::,r":_:I ^:::_syconpliance'"tu, ons-z'ot.-o\s rttt-i"'";;:;";;.l:n;:l,liZlrr,""s uho ar'e in E: I El-E-i o(3 TAL AilOUlr DUt:.(s. bc Date -yb I I i i lr'A /;.Go " RESIDEN-I lAL.. 22s North sth streeaPPLrcA?r0N/PEilE?SpringfieLd, 7regon \Z4ZZBuilding Diuision 7 26- 37 5s ,tob Locaticn Aasesso"s llap i oa3(a/ tubdiuis LOn:E"a,L -0, + ?az lat il IC,CIe -O C))t7en: l lddtess: :it11:o /fu4/*1' Additicn Z Date of Apolieaticn 8-rq-K(- cr:;l:g:c:\' AL Va?-ue Date )enerei )Lunb :7 ^^ lcci.a r onst?re : ie the.resconcibi Zit-u of tie oetmi! hoiiet" to see?om xhe at?ee t,. anC thdt the -Derd.t cari is dt the3ui1iz::9 h.ui 3Lo!:. A9p"ou-€d.ttcn shcl JOaoS;ea anc u,;zen ljou thet al!T.nsDec t of the tiotts at,e nade .?to?eyta at the p"ope" tine, tl,.et .".1 ._iiress isfron Lc.an?L T.encari On ti,Z L times. ibe :CALL 726-376g (lceorcie") state your City iesigt=teC jobneaciit fcr ir.s on, Conxtdeac?s c? 2-.ne?s ra.,ne cni ;rio?ie runber, jab cj zrscec--icnnunber..teqlaes=s t ecei--ec ieicre 7:Cj -. L 'oe raoe the sane cicy,?eouesxs netie ai L€r ?:CA cn uiLZ be nczx uorkiry:- cc3 Phone 3q 3 .DII l l DT ae naae a_;'te"pmcf. tc set up of Io be arequiredDADO?betriers ate in pLacebut b elbre ory Zath, !cu? Citu Desigtu.ted Job liunzber fs Qa C S7 c, Sani 3ar! sele" cappei .t p"oD.' 4_ Lir:e .-rJ---- 9 l lW""::"!:om" I?:n.;. are ereeted, b"" p;;;; ;.;pourtn"a ccncreaa. t yy!=+!!r:g!: lc be nadeuJ LCr aLL ct,ltuaZl is in piaee,out prior xo cny copirg., ''-' YSoW!: SteeZ Loeation, bond lo-T",. arouting or uerxiccls in Z"nr?i*." t^tith a.B.c. Section E@0ETo!E: After instalt-a.tion isect@teted. SIQ-IITALK S DRI;Thty: Eo? a7.L ecn_c-Tzce paulrtg uixhin st?eet right_ ?!-:Yy' to be naCe a|ter att )iia- ",1lr"g canp.ze,te & fotn wrx a sii-oase ncterial in pt-a.ee. ?E\!CE: Men eonolete __ proviCegat.es op nouable sections throujhP.u. E. Septic tank pzx>eci and. fnlled uith gra:ei lincl, - I{nen cbcue ittanci u hen i;";;;;"" :?"- -y: cct"'Dl e. €: ""- " olu "Z",ii ;;h:"" "" n::;,, X:.s i-- r- DOTX couered, io be oejo?e any De na.ae prloy to eouerina is ccolnsulation is concealed. Wpsun bcayi or.i-ed., arui before .: 70Li"S crenchee. l Bloeking otd. Set_upfZoon Ai;iCAL urtil , io,nori,, FIIIAL UECHA:IIC^L co Lnsxa or cieckino of 1 !o:74P-!W: _ ro be nadc pnion to) ,r:^1.1:"""icn of floor insuZlati.i .iaeckLn€. Plunbing connections __ aa)e? ad ucter Electriccl Ccmnection - Bloekir4, aet_u:i!^Ll*:r"n ecweetions r*st be c.>prc--eiDe i o?c reques tang eiecj rical i;;e;;t:;;" - Aeeescot-; BuilCing llyt -: ^fr"r -pcrc-kes, sktrtino, decks,eXc. AIe ermDle:ed- l l to oc f rntn:c: l4uct be nequestec afterJ approual of rough pl,wr,bin,j, electri_cat a necnanieal. l.LL roiiiru ll"::rrt 3- ehtnncys, etc. tntst beconpLe-tco.. ilo ucnk is to be cott_--cecled. until this inspeetion ii'been msie ani approved, these irtspeetiors itaue beet;made arui aoonoued.. FIPEPLACE neteriais an<l bcfore Pr.to? to pLceir4 froning faeina T.nsDee-tion. FTilAL PLU!.!BIIlGl l l l AIL ptoject conditions, such os the i.nstallation of slreet trees, eonolc;Lon oi tierequited Zanisccping, ctc-, ,mtst be satisfied bciore the BUfLDIi;C FIIiAL can be requestcd- FINAL BUILDINC: The Einal Building Insoection mtst be requesteC cftet the Finc.L ?Lwr.bin-t Electrieal, otl. Nechar.ical Inspections ,14oc been made arui aoprovei.o Pcge 1 of 2 FINAL ELECTRICAL IALL I,'A!:T]CL'S AND IIEANOWS llLE? BE A]CEII.,STBLE, ADJUS?:!Z:I! TO BE tjADE t'T ilo r?s? ro et?v / -1 ,,oorrn ,oo" - fotne. JOB NO.h0 5 7b SOLAR ACAE SS REQ.- :,ot Sq. Ftg. i cf Lot Caoerage i of Stortes :otal P.eight !opogrcPhY C?qJ'.. IntePior CoYfie? Panhandle CuL-de-sac Lot Faces ' Setboars 1 Access.CaraccilouseP. L. llotth South L,lest Bectoons 7 ieaa kancr: i-irco Laee WaocatoDe l'alucx-:!::l -- Fees '- Building Vcrlue & Permit this permit is granted on the erpress eord-ition tlnt the said'consttacLion stull, in oLL resoe.ti,"';";:;z;1;"1io-biati"ce adoptec biy the Citt of springfield., incLudinlo'til'zl";'"g crd':'nanc.e' requlcting the cc'-nstt"rcilcn ' ;;-';Z'.';{Lu'i.laing.",.""a-^'v ut-'-"".p3nded,ot'reuokec at c,!y ti'me upoi DLc' lation of dA prcoisions of said 0rdir'-ances' 6^aaf frrf flaIUlAD VhDUp t:.0.c. 1.5 ;B Ht*IBuildinc PermLt Stdte Surch@ae Totcl Changes es':i€tltLd!. : - Diati) ReceiPt #: Sigtteti t,,-. v rlt Plurnbing Perrrrit No percon slnlL constt'uct' 't'nsta;!' a\'tet'. or e'nanoe Gnu neD'cr c:;-c?it:: plutb':-rq cr <irainaoe'";;;L'-';;-;;""" q: +" pi;' -unLesi s;ch =crson '-s t'icc Leaal possessor of " 'Z't1Z''iii"''i Li'"-tnt'"' es-ceDt thcr c De'-!sc-i:ii-1"'- p'riii#2""2";;.-b;";;;'t'iatii is ot;nei' Leaseti or oPeratea Dv tne cizLL- Electricol Permit i{nete Stete Las reoui?es ti'tct tite eleetrical uor.k be d:-'n "y -|t .3-:".:,":.!."-:' Con,rae--cr, t^n nt".tr1l":ilrrt;-or'- ct lnts -pert:;tx s'r"tll na':' be '"c"'' ut":L' ;;,;';;1 Ls bee't 'Lg'r'€' o:y xne llecxtieai -ona!,ctc!' '-=Mechsnicqi Fermit Set;e t Plu-b--t:: Peni: c+--^ <.'aa)aanc :;/Zzxenc Ctr:ttts r.i I :|wst HooC .,nt Fot :odstote Pett:i't issuenee Mecizcriczl Pernit )fcac Totel Cncroe: iesalk a2? I -- a;:cR)ACilt':E:"7' -' I HAW CAREFULLy DXAJ.IINED the cornoleted aoclication for oerrlt"' cnC d'c hereby certify ,not ,ii-';'ilo'n'"tion nn'pc't- is t''ue ari ectrce-" cni i *,a*\at aottift: ,n." o7r- "*- ilt oo"U periorned shall be dote it oeco?-t;;:.2";"ri;;i'r" uil,i|i.""r-o1 ti," citu'of -soninarieiti, arut th: Lc:s of t'nc sxate of 0regcn p"r"ri7i'i'""''" il't" "oii- ies'crib'cd hcrein' cnc list ::c ccc';- Pl.ttcv uitl be nsce .f"';;;';'t;;";i'ie uitt-'o't oermissiot of the 3uiid'ing Di- vision. f further..""lii,,"i'nZt-otly contra-ssys a:;d enplcllees ui:o are in ."ritll"." itith cRS ?01.'a'5'- uiLL be used on thi's proiect L :ile Hcne ,//r- 6 -rb i I _q .o1- --_a,m/ s .t"c .. f ..A,,.F ^||F..(a. t,c I ' tLonSa Date L-co c t t I i ir f'Latz cxanLnet'