HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-02-23.. RESID *.\TlA[.. zls North sth stt"eeaPPLrcArr,N/PERMrr Spz"tngfield, 1negon 7Z4ZZ Building Dioision 7 26- 37 53 # SPFIINGFTEL.D tu\ n* AK if, rz- ha-r^/arr/- - dR tlt\ry> ,'*)g7 Slqned:de Date e. -Q5 -8tr Job Loeaticn: Aesessoz,e Map #oe-ooras lat I Ot Subdiuision: Asner:n -8sAdd?ess:Phone:tA fioAlx u1-r**;rnn/''*TA)oa/sar:<- Date of appliootio, Q - Q 3' ffi t-t Neu Addi.tian L L Value GenetaL n €-r' ConstuuettoLtedg!_ tt ie the respono'ibilitg of tte petmtt ltold* to oee tlut all inspectiona az,e nade at the E)ro?e? tine, that each cddress is t'eaCahle fran tlu at?eet, and that the permit catd ie Loeated at the froat of the property *Bui7-ding Noiciot approu*ed plan sltcll retnain on tlp Building Sitc at aLL times. PROCEDUIE FQ! INFPEC?IOII REQUESTTCALLT26-3769(tecotder,) state Aou" City destgrnted job nronber, job aCi.z'ess' type_of inspeelicn eadgforinspection,Contyaetorsir,a"tner's-rtclnecndphonenumbel,.Requestsreceiuedbefcre7:00an '*iLL be nade the sane day, ?eEtests nade after 7:00 @n rrLLL be made the nert aorking daE. Iour Cifu Desigr,ated Job Nunbet' Is 860r+b R emt i-r erl Tn sn e e ft', cns e-t;Aatl;n, but prLor tc set up of forns. SI?E INSPEC?I)N: To be nade after INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER ITISPECTION=: fo be ,nade after aLL insulaticn e,d requited oqor bet"ie?s @e in PLace bul be|ore any l-ath' gApsun baatC ot' tnLL cooering is applied' and before ay insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECIfON: Tc be nade after,-ilT@nat Tts in place, but prior to any taPing. OR i,iCWD BUILDI;|CS Sanitary seaer eapped at ProPetfui Line Septic tcnk puped and filled t'tith gratel linal - l'{hen abctte'Ltens are ccttpleted and uhen Cenclition is eotnplete o? strac- ttue noued ar,.d. pretrLses cleaneC up. Ilobile Hcmes Blocking ord Sat-uP Plmbing connections -' sal)er orl uater Electrical Ccmnection - Blocktng' set-up - "iiilrri+"q connections tn;st be apprct;ec i,nfol, " reqisting eleelrlcal insp ec lion Aecessot'Y BuiLCtng I]NDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCHL\IICAL: To be made before anY ffi7ia6oered. II P1OTING 4 FOaNDATICN: To be rnaCe 4i;FEe"ctes are e&caoated attd fonns ate erected, but Prior to pour"Lng ecncrete. tion. requested UNpIRGPAUID PLUM9TNT sltltP, w,4r-!,n' DRAIIIAGE: To be maCe P?Lor to J1-L- T@irenehes, ailpERFL1oR PLUI':BiliG q I4EC\ANr7AL: ^To be mal.e pt'ior to 1-nstaLLdtlon oJ' floon insulation ot' decking' POS? AND BEAM: Io be nade PrLot' to #t"TTfitilof floot' insulation or d.ecking. RouGH PLU 18 r !1 G. .ETECTR r qAL & :t -E-CTANIUU No uork is to be covnerea *t T-tho"n inspections ?tatse' been nade ard aPProtted'. ETPEPLACE: matertaLs Ptior to Placir4 faeing and before franing insPee- \IAS1NRI: SteeL Loeati,on, bond Tid{lgrouting or oenticaLs in o".ord&.ce tLth u.B,c. section fl w1oosro'tE: After install.ation is l, /\l antpletul. 11 CITRB & APPRCACH APPON: After fonns te ereeteC but Pnior to Pourtrry concrete. Sil)ETIAT,K & DRII,WAT: FOT ALL CON- ;;a;ffiAffi stt'eet ,isht- )i*r'. tu be nade after aLL etca- iLtt."L' eonplete & forn wrk & sub- base "materLal in Plaee' pcrckes skirting' decks,Pinal - After etc. at'e c'cmP after eLectv,i-aaa P.U.E. hlhen co,rtP Lete -- Pt'ouiCe or mottable secti,ons throughFRN'INC: Ihust be 6iooat of rough cil & neclnnical. p Lunbi.ng' A LL roofing etc. mtst bebraelngI chirrneys' FIIIAL PLUIISING TINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL . conPteted' -cealed unti.L thi,s i'nsPectlon lss 'been made anC approtted. Ilo wrk is to be con- ALL pt'oi ect condi tions, such ae the ;-.nstallati'on of conpletion of FIfAL can bestreet t?ees' reqired LanC.scaPi,rcg 'etc. t fltust be satisfied before the BUILDING TINAL BI)ILDING:The li,nal flruat be Meehar'ieaL en made the requested- Electri.cal'dnn Bui.Ldin4 InaPection InsPeet:"ons hqoe be requested afte? the Final Plwnbittg and aPProoea Pege 10f I,ALL TlIANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IlIUST BE ACCESSIBLE 'ADJUST!'IEIIT TO BE I',ADE I.T NO COST TO CIT! Deseribe h'ork: l tr I dsoLAR Aqc ESS REQ.-JOB NO L-CO Bedtoons This perrnt-t is granted on the e$press condition ttnt the_ said-eonstruction i,iitt', l,n a1.L r.Lspects, eonform to the 7rdinance adop.ted biy the 9ity o.f Spilngfiefa, including' the \oning Crdinanc-e, r,egulcting the ccnstructicn ird i| of 'buildings,' and may be suspended or ,euokeC at cnA time upon uic- lation of qn7 prcuisions of said Ot'dinances. -- Fees -- TOTAL VALUE J. U. U- eat Lace X Value * Signed: Df House Lot Faces - ITEM l.lain 1.5 s ?otal Clwrges Duilding Per'mit State Date Paid: #: LCr rw8 _ Intet'ior Comer Panltan'dle - *L-dn-ro" Iat sa. Etq. 7 cf Lct Cooeraqe # of StorLes Total Height llopogrqhy Building V<llue & Permit Plumbing Permit No pet,son slnll constract, instaLT-, aLter ov' cltange anA nea cr etisting plwnbing or dtainage systen in uhole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plunber's License, eteept that a pe"son nag do plunbing uork to pt:operty uhich i.s otmed, Leased or opez'ated by the appli- cant. N0.FEE CHARGE * ITEM Resil.ential (1 bath) Seuer Plwnbing Pertrtt State Electricql Permit Where State Lan requires tlnt the electy,ical uork be done by an ElectrLeal Contz,aetor, the elec+-rical portion of thie permit stwll not be oaliC untilthe Label Lns been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Permit Neu/Eztend Circaits Set uiee State Total ntM FgE lll i DvD V I * Mechonicql Permit llcodstole Vent Pot khanst HooC D Permit fssuorce Meehanicel Pernrit .15 5 Pemit Clttbeut Mobile Home SideuaLk PLan Esaninet, ?otaL r IIAW CAREFULL, EXAAII,IED. the completed, application for pemnit, and, dchereby cet,tifu tha.t aLL i"for-"lii;- inf,no" is tnue and. conrect, cnd, rfu,tkez,.cer.tlfu thaT-any ";i-;1;;_":i-p)r,ornnd ahall be done in acco?_danee "rith the Ordi_r ':i.-t4 ;t" ;,;:;:"";:;;frX1:r"L'!i,"'i,!,!,0"["1,0"#iZlii,i"lZri,! "*; ,:#'i;,,'rf:,P!'ttcv ?nilt be nade o1 oy" "trrii""Z-iitio"t permissi-on of the Buitd.ing Di.-tsision. r further ebrtiig tn"t oily- "oitro"ton" and enp:Lcgees uho are ineonpliance aith cRS zu.bis ?riil- i;" ";;;.;;- tLtZ i"ZiZ"iuvsees * TO?AL AMOTJN? DIJE: *il rc-'15lJ ts. 0(\