HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1964-08-22s_q,!,firn L, Ei' 4r{g c0N}tEnI, gN_4qgEEfiFNI KNOW ALL t{Etl BY THESE PRESENTS: That for arrC ln considerat[oil of the pro- vlslon of a publlc sewer facitllty constructed by the City of Sprlngfield, a munlclpal corpcratlon t heneln described, we n- Lane _Cou.nty, .Ogegun fpl' .thq benef I !: cr-f- the real pi'opertyJerry Bush ddd 0pf,l Bush, husband and wl fe emenrE-ffi-to,r,l:"":;;": ?,;5";rff :ff il:l:ffy beiref ited and described as fol lows: 672 North 32nd Street Sprlngflcld, 0regon Lot 52, Old Wlndmlll Tract, Sprlngflcld, Lane County, 0regon. (tot ls 72.0r x 125.5t, Amount of Llen: $ 2r+4.80 $ald i"eal property described shall be held as security fc'r the re-pEyment of the abo,re sum ln ten :que! seml-annual instal lments, plus accured lnterest at the rate of 5% from the date hereof on the balance of the unpald assessment. The lnltlal payment of princlpat and ln'terest will be made by the propet'ty owner slx (6) montlrs from the date of tlris agreement" l'u Is further prov lded that this lien mair be foreclosed as other clty liena in accordance wl th tlre Prov isions of the Ordlnances and Charter of the Clty of Spr I ngf leld ln the event that lnstal:ntent paynent3 lncludlng !nteraste are not paid wlth slx (5)mcnths of thelr due date. Thls ilen has been coii:pute,d ati being c;lre- half (*) of ttre equlvalent cost of an elght (8'') lnch lateral sanitary sewer at tFre rate of $3.40 per abutting front fcot for .0 feet arrd does not includa tlie ccst cf a hsuse connectlon to said trunk se;*er, sewe r user cltarges, Pltlmf:ing August permlts or other such cuete to be assumed by the prqPe!'ty owner. Thls llen anr! agreement to pay the same shall be blncilng upon the underslgned who are the o!.mers oi the reat pr.rpenty l:ereln descrlbed and sha!i blnd thelr helrs, exec!.!tors, ad:n!nistra6ors, ass!gnl and Sugcessors ln ii'lterest, and until pald, Shall u"-"onrttued to be a covenafit rulliliirg witll the lend , reil-. I s 3, he wlthi (senl.) (ssel) personal IY ca,rne before n named gc t to me personal lY knotln to be Ithln instrument, and acknow- oluntarl ly for the uses and t{0Ti{Ess rry hand ar,d seal thls day and year last above written' 1 Comm ssl on -6 re5 Dated at SPrlngfi STATE OF OREGON ) ) )Courrty of Lane therel n day executed the same free