HomeMy WebLinkAboutHome Occupation Application 1986-06-09.f"t;:" CIIY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 225 North 5th Street Spri ngfi el d, Oregon 97 477 Phone: 726-3759 haoaao H d p 2 \J l*- L-)Itlolst\luI lt }.P' 0c I I It\ l/- hri C-oo'od H ID IDP.Po-zo u, NN BN N UUt0 A,cf cloo ocRg15 P.(+dO cl-o.o (U cl Bo hJF P r\.U z\NN Fl EEpsDX5obdc| H) 'l'2o'u.o H P.x\ 'css\)or* z oooooo15 F. ooo.o Ed td FF trHh\oNcDUE [N rt favx HOME OCCUPATION APPLiCATION Location of Property Existing Use of Property 610 N 3}.nd F,L ?esidr^h'J Description of Proposal tre e rpt-r€. o\.rno srncl\ su.brcrn\.o*( no b.* \s,ess J e n[\ s s rnc^ Lt eFR .-o c}t-s<C^.\I Srr^c.\\ cpttrc.r O S \.>.iR .r- *o\...s Appl i cant Name Add res s a Phone, ?46-tttD Owner Name( s) Address Phone: OVER C-,- ha^kV f a^ n\ Ra ["lb [) 3 1 HOME OCCUPATION AGREEMENT Thg appi i cant' s si gnature of thi s agreement certi fi es acknowl edgment of the fol I owi ng conditions of operation: Except for the one non-il'luminated I L12 square foot wall sign permittedjn Section 16.080 (1)(a) of the Springfield Development Code, there shall be no display which would indicate from the exterior that the building is used fon any pul'pose other than a residential dwe11ing. There shall be no outside storage of materials. No mechan'ical equipment shall be permitted except that which is compatible with residential purposes. ._r There shall be no offensive no'ise, vibration, smoke, dust, odors, heat oi glane noticeable at or beyond the property line resulting from the operati on. Qn'ly fami]y membens who reside at the dwell'ing may be employed, The operati on shal I not create burden on-street parking areas. hazardous traf f ic condi t'ions or undul y If the proposed use requi res a bui I d'i ng modi f i cati on to the dwel 1 i ng or accessory structure of a nature that 'is not typically found in res'idential di stri cts , the proposed use shal I be consi dered i n appropri ate and therefore i nel i gi b1 e as a home occupati on. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Commerci al body-fender permitted. 9 auto repair, includ'ing but not limited to tune-ups, alignments,work, pai nti ng and deta'i 1 i ng, and uphol steri ng shal I not be No 'in merchandise or services shall be a wholesale or retail manner. sol d to the publ'ic f rom the premi ses It is understood that if neighborhood comp'laints are neceived, the nature oftnis nome occupafion w'i i i be re-rnvestigateo. If tnis nome occupation is found in violation of the Springfield Development Code, the use will be termi nated upon not'i f i cati on i n wri ti ng by the P1 ann'i ng and Devel opment Di rector. It 'is further understood that approval of this application does not exempt the applicant from the requirements of any other City codes or ord'inances. p an9anveepamen App 1 i cdnt'Sl Signatu rf