HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1983-10-05Sigted: NLL /r?o .. RESIDENTIAL.. APPLTCATION/PERMIT 225 North |th Street Springfield, 2regon 97477 Building Nuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFIINGFIELI) 0^w Date: ( ?cz, Lot # s., Job bcaticn: Aesesaore )!q ll Subd*t;-sicn: 0, A" t))rnoLrOc,J. tlt};ner: l1D licnfsrck D.r.' Pto,,z: LrSb -fq3aAddtc-ss ffi Ttv,ans-9 r.lo5City:u ol) 1escribe h'ork: DuunMt-\n0-a_ Val-ue /(p rto O O n -3Dcte of App Licatian ldCiticn RenoCeL sc. I--o?a GeneraL Saniloty setet cq-oeC ct propatQi Lir:e Septic totk Varyed nd filled tith gzr';zl P'JtwL - l4ten abcue itens ate ccnoT.eted u:ti uhen Certcl'.tion is carplete o" st,.le:- ture naoo-d otd. prai"ees cleaneC up. [!cnes tslocking od Sat-up PlurtbinX contecziotts -- aa))e? ad. ua1et Electr)cal Ccdneet,Jon - Blockitq, se!-u: ad plwbing connections mist be apprcr:eC before requeat')ng eleclm)cal inspee:iot Acceseory SuiHin4 ?{.nzl - Aftar pcrches, skirtitg, deci's, etc. @e ecm-ole=ed. Z,';e 1 of 2 :t ia the tesponaibility oi ttc penrit iolder to oee !l@t aL! inspecti-ons cle nod,e at ihe p?oper line, that acch cddtess is readatie ;'ru, the streec, cnC tlu,t the p*nrtt cal. ie located at the izoat of the propertg. '?uiAi.g ?iuiciol cpproted pibz shc,Ll reaain on tlu tsu'Jld'Jng S'-te at aLL tines. P1oCgDLtPg Fon iitsP1elCtl R11WS?.'CALL726-3769 (tecordet) state gout City Cesigt"tted job ntzriber, iob alitess, type-9f inspe_c2icn @eady1btir,specco/L,con*dctatsciau.ne:srlatlealdptonenunb*.P'equesxsreceitedbef*e7:00an'-ill be na,cie the sone dcg, ?eque6ts naie cfter 7:00 an viLL be rmde the nect "nrkiq dag. 81'L \oq Cons3rucCcn_!end2_ UIIDIRSLAB PLL'],I3|:IC, ZL'A?ICAI.' iECill)liCAL: io be nwie beiore cay tso;rk ie eovez,ed. ?eOTI:iG 1 ?AWDATICI|: ?o be taCe ffii;; a";Zcattated ard fcrms are erected, but ption topurirq cocaet€. FT1IAL PLAJEIIC ? I :IA L,',!E CP.A :I i CA L II;IAL !LEC:?ICAL Iou.r CiW Desigra.ted Jab &tnbev Is: IilSLILAITCN/I/APC? BARRI,R ITSPICTION : lo be na,C,e after aLL insukticn eti requ4red vqor bo-*[e?s @e r)n pLace bat beJbre oty |ath, wpsuri boazl. or tnLL couez,ing is qplied, atd. before ay insuT.ation is concealed. l-l Si?9 ::15?9C:9!l: to be nrCe af'-er i | *cacr-oa b"x pricr tc se= u.o of - J'ctns. DPY,|ALL I]ISPIC!lClt: Tc ffifi-f,fi@JaT-ts tn but prior to cny tapittg. .IOODSTC'E: eryTetA. be natie plaee, a upiac?cn:D ..!LMeJlLS4!r_ !E!:b'J Lirq t"enchcs. 7 uacepsaccR !,tu:Br:G I :1!cgt:trc;i:l-) lo be r,c,ce prtcr '.o installztton cf floor insui)ti.ott or decking. V posr AiD 3Ei.!.1: ?o be r.oce oricr tot I ""-natalit'-ciof l1oor insul,aiion ct deckittg, .-'1 R)t-tcE ?aa!81:!G. lLirPlcAa , :ec7-tt - :tr,='-i :h.ese inscecticr,s h;,le beq- ruie nl. -cyclt'ed..] n:zptsczi *-ion -.o 2ke-Jr4 :'cc--nlI I mcter-als srd. befone frmir4 ineoec- tiotz. - F."l-''::D: ltuoa be reotested afler J c?p"crui. of rough pltr,bing, eiectri- a.L 1 nechanical. ALL noi'Jr,4 btec:.ng I ehittmegs, etc. tzlsc be attple*-ed, llo .,tctk is to be con- - cecled until this insoecttcd i"a.a'beet na,l.e anC cpgn"-ed. III W.S?NRY: Steel Location, bond ffilgouti.n4 or oerticcls in accoil.drrce lriith U. B. C. Seeti.on 2415. After installation ie CURB & APPRCACE AP3CN: Afiet formss,e-Affiiut@ to bcamry conc?ete. SIDI'IALK t gRITnA!: Eor aLL cotr- aete paning aLthin st?eet right- of-ury, to be naCe after all. eeea- udting alttolete I :-oan usork & aub- base natei-al in place. ?!NC!: l,lhen conplate -- ProuiCejEG or nouable' sectians through P, U. E. ALL pro;eet conii:ions, such as che ").nsvallaticn of sareet trees, ebryle-"icn o;'t|te reqtti.red Landscqir4, etc., ilust be satisJ'ied beJ'ore xi".e tsUiLDIilC illAL cen be regested. lIilAL ilILDIItG: The Einal 9uildir,4 Inspection ntst be veauesteC citer the ?ittzl Plw'bing Eleccrical, od !,lecluniccl Insoeetions hque been narie arui aoprouei. .ALL.''!A:IECL1S ATIO CLEANOUT,:!US! EE.4CC!S,I?L1, ADJUST:IiJ! lO SS:!4DE !.!:]O::5! ?C CIIY ?=ce 2 JOB NO l^+ e- Fa-wb e1. t vY. 7, cf Lct Ccoetege # of StorJes ?otal leight ?opogqhg Pl',nbing Petrrit Pend'" !otal Pet:d,t lasu,ctce U-^h--.'^-7 ,^*' ' soLAR,_JESS REQ.- rcr :y?! _ Intericr _ Cotner _ Panharuile Cul-<ie-sac L-CO G+ Receipt #: Plumbing Permit llo_ pereon thall ca*truet, lnslalL, alter ot chanqe anA rleu cr existing qlutnb-ing ot, dz,ainage systal in dthoLe oz, in patt, inless such person is thele-gal.posseasor of a oalid plutnber,s Licensb, eccept th.at a pZ:son nay doplwbing uork to ??o?e"t! uldeh is ormed, Leased on opetated by the aipli-c@tt. Electricol Permit ll\ere State La requires tlat the elec+-rteal aork be cane bg an glectz.ieal Contruetor, the electrical portion of this pernit sl,a,Ll rot be ualiC untilthe label has been signed by the Electzn|cal- Contracto?, Mechonicol Permit 3eiroons Lot Faces -ln2rnu :aurces leat ar !^.,-^Aecess ildter lleeiepllovth ltreoi.cee South ;lood.croue West Building Vqlue & Permit This pettrtrt is granted on the e*T"ess condition tlnt the said. constntetionshaii, ln aii rescects, eonicrn to the ird.in"anee :Coctei Z'1 the CitT cf Spmngf'.e7-d, ')ncluciing )he loning Crdir.6nss, regulc:)t.:o ;he ecns;rtcticn amd _,,rse of buiiiings, and nz,g be susoend.ed or reuckei at cr.A tane upot uic-laticn ci any cz.cuisicns oi saiC 0yCirances. Qalaf lrr?ttd :{ PZan s.D.c. 7.5 e Euild"Jrg Pernit ?otal Chcgea State listt;o"es ResiCzntial (1 bath) SazzitanJ Seuet ilcte? C:ii:.GE:io. 3es. So. flo ileu/Eetand. Cireuits lanocra.y Ser,sice - at, 1)-a:IC *.ne-^^ )itt, ? bhast HooC Vent Fan -lco<istc:se -- ,;ic?aACi:.:!:t7 -- D7 *!-e- I AW CA-REIULLY Sxil,llllq ile eottpl,eted aopllcation for tetmit, ctui dchereby ce"tify thet aLL itfotnation hereon'ia ttwe oiC "'"rn""t, ,*7 tfatther.eertify that atry cr,l. aLL uork cetforned srnll be dote in a""on-dance ',rith the 1rdinsrces of the ci,ty bf spfingfield, anl. the La;i of thestate of cregon pertcining to the wtk cescr"Jbbd herein, czd tha.c :ro ccc:.i- P.r.ilC.:t vLl,L b-e oa.Le of dry stzaceoe tlithou.t permiseion cf the 3uiidine Di-tieion. I further eertifl th.at o:tly cont?acto,s ad. r,plcyees xta arle incalrpliance ulth CRS ?0L.055 aiLL be used on this project |gqr:t-" Deaosit Stotase llcintencree 5LA,endL,<. /g 90IO?AL A}IAUIT DU|:' : ilobile ilcne Signeci 3c-tkaeks ?otal Aaroes Stdte lence / ro.\ 6