HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2000-01-15CITY OF SPF'AI,GFIELD,OREGON a?irr(lFlSLD i-l The following proiect as submitted has the fol zoning and does rlot requrre specific land use approva.i Z2:' ETEIE SIREET SPRDIGETBID, ORDGON 97177 Date Zoning ffiiffir%Hlyfft' 726-1?$trized sisnature Pcrnits arc non-tr8nster8blc end expiEc lC vork ts not at.rtcd vlthln 180 deysof issuance or lf vork ls suspended for 180 drys. 2. COt{r&AqIOR INSf,ALLAIION OI|LI Electricel COntrecS6g SccutcCom. lnc Addrcss t 1't o H\5TAeET,:T E . \CX) City Job Nulber 3.COHPI.ETE FEE SCEEDT'I.E BBIOII Ncs Rrrldrntlal-Slngle ortlultl-Fanlly pcr dvelling unlt. Srrvicr fncluded:Itcns Cost 1000 sq.tt. or lcss S 85.00 Erch rddltlonal 500 se. ft or poatlonthereof S 15.00 Erch llanuf,d Hoee. or llodulrr 'Dvelltng Scrtiee or Fceder $ 40.00 Srrvlccs or Pccdcrs Instelletlon, Altcratlons or Btlocrtlon: A. T s 50.oos 60.00 s100.00 s130.00 s300.oos eo.oo c.Teaporrry Scrvlces or FccdersInstsllatlon, Altcretion or &clocetlon 200 anps'or less S 40.00 ovcr 401 to 500 aris - i eo.OO Ovcr 600 tnps or 1000-Gl=s sGG '8" aEEiiI "lruch Circuits Lfleu, Alrtrrtlon or ExGcnsion Per ?ancI One Clreul( S 35.OO Each Addttlonal Circuit or uith Scrviccor Eecder Permit S 2.OO E. lllsccllincous (S.rvlcc/fccdcr nor lncluded) -Eech lnstelletlon 200 e.ups or lrsr ?91 -p= to {99 enps -601 erps to 600 eaps - 601 rnis to 1000 aaps Rcconncct oniy DATE:JAN 19 2OOCI Al'lT RE[D:2 $ 3?.60 CHANEE: IAEHIER:059 -r'D PUR'(IT ATPLICAIION 0 Sun citvry p5on.96E-3505 Supe rvlsor Llcensc Nuaber 794JLE EXP iratlon Datc t0l0u02 Constr Contr. pr.g".3-353CLE EXP lrerion Dtce 10/01/00 Slgaature of Supervlslng Electrician ,r4a/-='-t.-' r' Ovnrrs Nanc ct OSNER INSTALI.ATION ,vo The lnstallatlon ls bel Add,.". bsl 5N LLLE-{ SI.RCET.11C,b Profor p.rty I oun shtth sale. Ieesc or ten Ocncrs SlSneturc2 ANy irrlgrtlontline Llght rns- tsoDA s 40.00 s 40.00 s 20.00s 36.00 ffi. DATE: q,EET /Bes /Conat OP ASOVE 1Z Strte Sureherge3f Adrlnlstrative Fee TOTAL Y, --o tBECEN'ED oR 5. r 16( Notiflcrit:" ;- in OAF li;;:: 0090. Yo'; ; calling tl numberf( Ct V t.