HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1984-07-24city of springfield 225 n. 5th street SPRII{GFIELD I N FO RMATTON: 726-37s3 INSPECTIONS: 726-3769 8.1 ogb SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION ra".r r.ot * TYPE OF .BUSIT:ESS A t-. IP LEcAL DEscRrprrou /7- oB . e 7--/o, a7 Lt7 1 .LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) PROPERTY ADDRESS NAME OF BUSII'IESS, FIRM, ETC. O}INER OR ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK: *[unncr ArrER RELOCATE OTHIiR STP.I,'CTURAL TYPE OF SIGN: -\Jrm- FREESTANDTITc ROOF PROJECTING },IARQUEE UNDER I,IAROUEE Ofi{ER c.B.USE AI{D CPARACTER OF SIGN _IDEl.IIITY -INCIDENTALDOUBLE FACF: _SINGLE FACE MLILTI-FACE D, X nraprn BILLBOARD BOARD Vl*q- L{cLtZ E q 7L{p7 . VENDORS, CONTRACTORS SIGN ERECTOR EXP. DATECITY LICENSE }IWBER .ADDP.XSS SIGN I,IANUTACTURER CIF OT}ER TIIAN ERECTOR) ADDP.ESS EXISTING SIGNS ARE THEB€ ANY M(ISTIUG SIG}IS? G {,,,tro fiffiix, 60ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINESS, ETC. },ITHBE.A. SIZE IN S DI]'18}ISIONS, UISTALLATIOI{ & CONSTBUETIO}I TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEP.IICAL DI}4ENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL IIID?H OF SIGN DII.TENSION FRO},I GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? .. ---]rr5IF YES, DI}'IENSI3N BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS ttORE THAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPEPJY TPX SICN ERECTOR I'IUST FILE WITII THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/}IER LIABILITY AI,ID PP.OP- ERTY DA]'IAGE I}ISUP"ANCE POLICIES. E / &,0 t. *"TIIICK}.IESS OR DEPTll -J6./7 l7' . VALUE OF SIGN:K . I.IILL SIGN HAVE ELECTP.I,CAL I'IIRII{G? - SITE INFOP}{ATIOI{ (LAT{D IISE) -- EXISTING USE BUSINESS -OUTDOOR I4ERCHAI.IDIS II{G PB.OPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND: LISC.NTMBER Fi Yp5 J OR LAND (OR I.AST USE IT VACANT) ) OF CTRICAL SIGN ADDRESS IF YES, WHICE T.PPLY? _ILL1}{r.NA'IED (INDIPJ, ETECTRICAL CONTPJ,CTOR 'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAII}JED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information is true and correct, and I fuither certify that all work performed shal1 be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the UAiforn Sign Code-as adopted by the City of Sorinqfield and all other-OrdinancEs of the City of Sprinqfield and the laws of che State of pertalning to t-'re worl: described nErern. I further certify that rnv Xlgn Contractor.r-i- 'ith the City of Springfield is in ful1 force and effect as reouired by Springfield Codes ) and 9-7-20(2). I will request all required sign inspections listed on the approved DATE Cregon cense w 8-2-6(3permit. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) SIGNATU DESCRIBE TYPE OR YATERIALS SIGN IS 'o*"UT?o''<i,e^ e,!r "rf in/ lngit rr €rnmt, OnqAi f rr( PLEASE READ Separate sisn Aoolication: A separate application ls required for each separate sign as definedffi-EHE-SEi-EoG: Electric?t: -Any PermiE issued under this application will include wiring in or on sign structure,the supply wires for connection musE be covlied on "r, "i""tii""r-p="irit. Electricar eonnectionmust be made onlv by a sEate Licensed Electrical Contractor. rllirminateg signs (both internarlyand exEernallv) irust conform to i."iion"-g:1-tr-<t i-&-?5i-."i g:7:iii-oe-it. springfierd sign or-dinance. Plans Reouired: This application is Eo be submitted with two complete sets of plans showing di-mensC;-anfE'eight.f ;iil;-;a.r""t-I"i"g *""""!e-o.-"ig.,; r-ocarion of sign on properry wirh di-mensions to proPercy 1ines, structural details-or suptiri r=.ri"il ui""iig and^fobcin!s; materialsot consEruction for sign and si8n structure.; elecrritil eq"ifore"E'."a-iigf,rinc; ;i;a-iij tocatio.,of existing.sign! on pioperty f{r Ehe-same u""i""""1-.rr i" l"q"i."d-to-deteruine comoliance wirhthe springrield sign Ordinante (Article 7 or tfi.-ipiingii-ia-ciii-c.aJi.*;i;;:';t,Ii"'ilf,i'iorro"_ing lnforrnaEion on the plot plan (ptan showing pr;;;;$ iinJs-a"i l;;;ii""-;i-itgiir>: 1) 2) 3) 5) 6) 7) 8) e) a) show rhe locarion of all exisring stg.n(s) as well as proposed stgn(s).b) show the length of the street frontage laken up by the business or building. For waltsigns, show rhe length of the buildiig frontage. g) show the locarion of entrances open to the public and driveways. . 4) I'theri required, because of design,- size, etc., englneered drawings and calculations ErLlst be pre-pared by a licensed engineer oi shall conform to-design "aila;;e; on file ar rhe ruitatng Divi-sion Offlce. Plans of lnsufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permir beinglssued. Signs must Deet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the springfieldComprehensive Zoning Code. N9TE: .No-sign-nay be erected which is less than 12 feel horizontally or verticalry from overheaderectrlcar conducEors in excess of 750 voLts, oi i.""-than 5 feet in'.rry dir."tion fron overheadelectrical lines which are energized at fess'tt."-750 ;;il":rf a sign is noE Lnstalled within 60 days after the date of issue of this peroit, the permit shal1be void. Insp tlons : a)Site Inspection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footing rnspection1I-f-PPTIEab_rqIqrayb-emadeat-th.-".,"tiieasth"sit.Inspgctionffi-tion is to be made-afEer hole(s) 1s e;rcavatua,-;"t-piior to iir"-pii".r..rt or concrete. b)Final rnspection:- to be uade upon coryletion of a1r. work.c) tllectrical - all electrical.signs rnust be lnspected for erectrical hook up after the signG-Erecred and before i["-"is"-i. ilr"i-oil"' CAIJ. FOR TIIE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726.3769 srcN Dr srR tct /gtDA;Ezzfl I zot{E DISIRICT 36 tbTOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: SrTE/LOCATIOT{ _FOOTTNG OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENT j-er.ucrnrcer. )lrruer. OTIIER a SPECIAL EONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: Eee<Tqtqf-< Wqq 5u.i % iim;rta.* Il,R Ar(m'$/{Z aF clae,<7*/4<, </RCzr/R?'d'tu<-' 7€ @SrartneO F? I f,ru*- Osi;x2*a'1ts'7i7tq<. a2*r8*q4 ; ADDITIONAL INFORMAIION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSIIED: APPROVED BY SECTION:a a RINGFIELD SIGN ORDINANCE ELECTRICAI PERMIT FEE: 47" STATE SURCIIARGE,:,10 L/a TOTAI oDA g7 JOB CLERK ao SIGN PERMIT FEE:* rv*,