HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-07-26NL CtTY OF SPRINGFIELD_-.--- cOMBI NAii 0N'Rppt- t clrton/PERMIT Job Address )aL EIIERGY SOURCES Sq tq.1n Hea t !q. Fts s._ l^later Sq.Ft g Ranq Val ue oc) l-ega1 Description I I o*neI Address n Descr Fam i ac Ga .c., Build Single ^A t- t----6*tConstructi on Addre s s Phone L I *Lr name I ics./o exo l res phone no.rJ Primary Structura l El ectri cal Mechani cal CONTRACTORS name addres s 'I i cs. no.exD t res (ohone no. ) II PI I l.techani ca'l PLUIIIB I NG ELECTRICAL MECHAN I CAL FEE CHARGF NN FFF al.la pG F I'r0 FFF Each single fixture Residence of furnace/burner to BTLI' S Relocated building (new fix. additional) New ci rcu i ts al ts. or extens ions Floor furnace and vent S. F. Residence(l bath)SERV I CES Recessed wal I Soace heat-er and vent Duplex (1 bath) each Additional bath Temporary Constructi on Apol iance vent s epa ra te [,later serv ice Change in existing res i dence Stationary evap. cool er Sewer mult'ifamily, corm, or T ndustri a l Vent fan with sinole duct Storm Sewer 0f amps.Vent systern apart from heat-ino or A.C. COMI.I./IND. FEEDERS Mechani cal exhaust hood and duct Insta l I /al terlrel ocatedistrib. feeders l'Jood stove/heater 0f s. ISSUANCF OF PFRIIIT TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES WHERE STATE LAN REQU shalI not be vali'l until IRES that the Electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit the label has been signed by an Electricai Supervisor and returned to the Building Division I HAVE CARE EXAi1INED the completed apnlication for oermit, and do hereb.y certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the 0rdinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oreqon oertaining to the work described herein, and that NC 0CCUPAI,ICY will be made of any structure without the permission of the Building Division. I further certify that m-y registration vrith the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and ernployees who are in comciiance wjth 0l?S 701.055 will be used on this project. fr;L) C. Dtr(er\DA]E 1 /zclr *liAl,'lE ( pl ease pri nt )S I GNATURE C Zone Const.ts o. Fto. l'lain x Value Fire Zone Bedrooms Occy Load !q Ftg. Access x Val ue Flood P1 ain Stories 0cc.y Group Sq. FtS. Other______x Val TOTAL VALUATION BUILDING PERIIIT Charges and Surcharges t> Plan Ck. Conm/Ind 65%/B1do Per Fee tenls opment Plan Ck. Res 30%/B1do Per Fee PLUI4BING PERMIT Charges and Su rc ha rges Fence D6mo ELECTRICP,L PERtlIT Charqes and S u-rcha rges Sldewalk A/C Paving Total Comb. Permit 14ECHANiCAL PERMIT Charges and Surcharges Curb Cut TOTAL &Q rY r)' s0. FT. TOTAL CHARGES COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. App)icant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legal Description1. qg[p]_g- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 432. exampie- Lot 1. Block 3, Znd Addition toSpringfield EstatesC. Name, etc. of owner and construction IenderD. Energy Sources1. example- heat/electrical ce.ilinq/or forced air oasz. ExamFTe- waterne6EerytIETil cE-l /or soiffE. Square footage or vaiuationl-EE. 1. examp_le- 1?50 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot garage2. example- iT new project, check-new _ it aOOitioi,check add, etc.F. Building permit information:1. example - construct single family house with anattached garage ?. examp_le - remodel exist.ing garage into family room3. example - convert singie fam.ily-residence iniorestaurant (change of use)G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of theStructural Specialty CodeH. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, BuildingDivision Staff must be able to contact appropriitepersons regarding design information or job sitecorrections, etc.II. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical, & Electrical SchedulesA. Except where blank spaces occur in the descrlption--portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules,the applicant need fill-.in only the No. Boxes adjacent _ t0 the appropriate item(s) to be installedB. Ful'l Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedulesare available at the Building Division1. To conserve space on the permit form the scheduleshave been abbreviated2. If the item(s) to be insta'lled are not covered onthe abbreviated schedules you should consult thefu l I scheduIesC. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAp, the label must be delivered to theelectrical contractor for signature by h.is electrical - supervisor. The general contractor ii not authorizedto sign the e'lectrical labelIII. Applicant to sign and date llhenever possibie, the initial appl.ication wi.lI be used asa.worksheet oniy. l,lhere possible, Building D.ivis.ion Staifwill prepare a type written copy and return it to theapplicant at the time the actual permit is issued toi trls s i gna ture.IV. Fees and Charges PIan check fees are due and payabie at the t.ime of thea-pplication, and no plans will be processed until thesefees are paid. All other fees and charges are due andpayable when the permit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT VALIDATION Permit Cle 3tw11 PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAI'ICY: Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Add'itional Project Information : PLANS REVIEWED BY: dates i gnaturename I r r e, ?-=-.-t::::':' ?_Er^r[E E1rr.f frPal f d,t lF c'"-(' G..;, {ttt( ,t {{( ( {.( t rd -{o' p.$clC 6tc1rets ffiE Br:PL A\ \){iLrd a toVI lt L 4q ,,,-1'' , 6tY+ -,L : \ c.\lss E|.JL A tlii,6 Eltsr- c-l.f [Lr*-(G,o6*' tr Lb OT/* 3g _F"--.--a- - ) ) d I i !g*..Kt\T-H'gt'ti:Rl!f,uEecn r" rJr.r { ,r r? nfr qtt"- o r)trFlc t .::-F'- gts(' ,! ' [r ? Igl,fff,Irryrr{o SPRINGFIELD, OR 9?4?? 726.O50L - FLEXALUM AWNING AI'RORA I{ERTDIAN MABqUEE ARCADIA ENGINE'E|RTNG DATA HUNTER DOUGLAS ALUMTNUM CORPORATTON t/zg/>6 Tnur rtE[aum Armlro corgIRuqtloN BDil$ar' BDAB SteeI a UDDcr Peaclr PaacIr Tv.r"aca Valaaee V-Strlnger EnO -t o+ I[o. 2 V-Strlnger 1TEREE STRIX@R COITSTRUCTIOT HIIEOI'T VAIANCI BEATd Flasblng CbsDDcl F1aahlag v VaLaace Y-Strlager tro. 2 V-8trluger YaLance Bcrn FOIIR STNII{OER EOTSTtstrcrIOT YJIE VAJ.AI{CE BEAI,I AXD NATIER FIGI'RE 1 SPAD SteeI llnreg Befter Trrae Iatcrue0late V-Strlrg3r Eudl. c FIE)GLUM AWNTNG ENGTNEERING DATA A. ArrRoRA - MERTDIAN - MARQITEE - ARCADIA 1. GENERAL CONSTRUCTTON. A11 f'lexalum vertical tytrle avnlngs are mqde ln the same general constmctlon. The deek panels are d.esigned. to be load carrying members and. are 1n turnsupported. by V-strlngers. Ttre V-stringers vhlch rnEry or nay not have steellnserts serve to loeate the panels and also support the 1oad. lrposed. by thepanels. The number of stringers used, in the ar+ning d.epend.s prlnarily upon thea1lovable span of the panels. T'he use of steel lnserts ln the strlngers d.epend.s upon the required strength of the stringer. Trusses are used. to support the strlngers. ffiren the requlred. trrss spaclngis such that the stringers vould. be over1oad.ed., a steel valance beam 1sused. to support the valance of the avnlng. Wtren four or more stringers areuseil, there ls one or more lntertetilate stringers vhich uust have a centersupport, in those lnstances r^rhen a valance beam 1s requlred. Ttrls supportis obtalned. by the use of a rafter located. nldruay betveen the trussee and.para11e1 r-lth the top members of the trusses. Thls rafter Ls sgpported.by the valance beam and a r,saal br"acket. TIee flashlng strlnger is a}+ays supported. contlnuously by a flashing chanrtel mounted. to the waII. Flgure 1 shows the general construction of an avnlng irlth and. rrlthout a vaLa.nce beam. 2, CAIJUIATOR. Ihe tr'le:calum awnlng und.erstructure calculator perforrs the necessaryrnatheratlcal computations to ttetemlne the type of constmctlon regulred.to l1nit the bending moments of the lndlvld.ual- coryonents to pred.ete:m1aed.values. fbe ealculator nay be useil to d.eslgn av:rings for load.ings from5 to lrO pound.s per square foot of proJected. area. MAIER]AI.S. Unless otberw-ise speclfied., the alming eoryonents are 'rnd.e of an alu:ulnumaI1oy having the follouing as palnted., typical propertles: 3 Tensile strength YleJ.d strength (O.Z$) Elongatlon ln 2 lnches Modulus of elastlclty 34,OOO p.6.1. 28rOoO p.s.1. 5% l0rOO0rOOO p.s.1. TI.EXAU'}{ AHIIING ENGItrUEBIXO DATA l,tAlERLAItl (Coat. ) Avnlng ccmponenta epeclftecl aa ateel are uade of nArraco Alunlnlzed Steel fype 2.n The typlcal phyalcal propertles of thla steel aa publlehelt by the Arueo Steel- Corporatlon are: Teaslle atrengtbIletd rtrengtb Eloagatloa 1o 2 lacbcg ,\rOO0 p.8.1. l+0rOOO p.8.1. 22$ l+. PAIELS, frl+r-ror. the parcls are roade of alunlaun alloy roll fomedL aatl assenbled 1u tbe ermtng, ae lnd.leatcd belm: TIGIINE 2 Locklag Tab )z f:.*r A Sectlon A-A v-s PaneI Propertlee of tbe Bauel aectlon are: [-- a 3.300" .025' Ar l,taxtuurtr paael etress - lbs. per eq. lnch Bend, over tabto Lock panel la etrlnger .5zsArea of Eectloa ilmeat of laertla Sectlon modlulug .1O9 ln 2 0O3l+ 0065, in lla:rlaum panel span lnehee of borlzontel proJectlou ll .312"R. 1n Outelde Ava{ng Panel3 Experlncutal loatllug tcetg of paaele gave alnlmun etress valvee at fallure ot 2)r@0 p.e.1. Ehc follmlng tablc glves ![g narlnlrB panel etressee for tbe varloua loadlngs rhea tbc armlng 1g uadlc 1a accortence rlth tbe caleulator: 4 8 L2 15 20 Il+ I9 5/B 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8L/\t/\ r5 \6 l+5 l+5 l+6 35 3' 200 300 ,00 5oo 8oo 300 roo t , t t t t t I Load,lng, Iba. Ircr aq. ft. ProJected Area 5 10 L' 20 25 3o l+O FI.EIWUM AIflIITG ENGIXEERING DATA ,. v-srRrrGEB tlrrnotrr rNsERTg. (v-strtnger, ffi7t-201). L 2-8?5r Panel Spaclng B .81r AI. Alloy Sectloa B-B Pane1 Bcaovedl V-Strlnger PaneL [heu the V-etrlnger vltbout lnsert 1a uaedl. l.n the #2 atrlngsr locatto (ece fU. I), the valance of the avalng lncreasea coasl0erably tbe effcctlvr etlffneas of thla atrlager. Ia load teota, lt vae fouDA that thc V-etrlager vlthout lueert vhea lufluenec0 b our gtaadlar{, aralng valauce vouLd, rsalrt a benalng monent of 375 Ib. lu. fhe naxlroun umeat rbleh vtlI be lupoaedl o tbla etrlnger 1a aa aralug cteelgaed, 1a aecordance rltb thc calculetor ta 3l+l+ Ib. tD. I{OIE: The V-etrlnger rltbotrt lneert 1g nerrer ueeA ln the lnte:med,late etrlnger posltlou (see Flg. I). 6, v-srRrlIGER rrrE stEEL rnsERT. (v-strtrger #7t-201, ancl strlnger rneerb #7t-zl0', l1rlE nember le the rcgul"ar Y-atrlagcr vlth a steel lasert aseembledl as shotra belsr: TIGUNE 4 100 d+o B roo 4 .Ol+7 gtcct 8u Sectlon C-C V-Strlage:rr vlth Steel Insert.Panel Removed. StceI PaneInsert Irben the V-etrtnger rlth eteel lnscrt 1s used. 1n the #2 strlDger locatlon (See F1g. t), tne valaace of the arulng increasea eougldlerably the effectlve stlffneag of thls atrlnger. In loact-defLectton teste, tt rae found, tbat the V-atrlnger vlth gteel lnscrt vhen lnfluenced by orrr etaad.arrl aralng valanee vorJ-dl rcelet a bendtlng mooent of 2L@ Ib. 1n. The uaxlnun monent vhteh v111 be fuopoaedl on tbls strlager tn au avulrg Oealgned 1n accor^d.ancc vlth thc calculator 1s I53O Ib. 1u. -lt'c c TIGUBE 3 TLEXATT'M AIININO ENGIIIEERING DATA V-STRIXOXR I{ITE SIEEL II{SERT (Coat. ) Wheu the V-strlnger wlth steel lneert 1e u6ed ln the lrte:mecl1ate atrlnger posltlon (see Flg. t), tUe loadl lnposed on tble strlnger 1s conelderably lese than would. be e:rpectecl 1u a rlgld stnrcture. Thls 1a clue to dleflectloa of the varLous uemberg alIorlng the panels nhlch are qulte stlff to transfer a portlon of tbe load to the valance and the flaeh{ng etrlDger. A npmber of Loacl tests have been nadle on avnlnga ruade vlth a valance beau, rafter and an lnte::uedlate Y-etrlnger rlth eteel lneert. In aII teeta lt was fouDfl that the lnterned,late V-etrlnger raa eufflcteut for auy loadl rhlch the valance beam vouldl eupport. 7. VATAITCE BEN{, #47t-et14.. 1'he velance beam 1e ueeA to aupport tbe front of the arnlng anil le attached to the [o. 2 V-strlnger. Loedlng teste of a valance beau bullt lnto au avnlng luiltoatedl tbat ttre valance bearn go uorntedl w1Ii. support a loadl vblcb w111 prodluce a beudlng mouent at the valance of tbe avutng of at least 98OO Ib. ln. fhe uaxluum moueut rblcb vlII be lnpoaeil on the valaace of the atmlag wben deslgned. 1n accorrlaace sltb the calculator rlll aever exceetl thle value. x7 6/t ANEA OF 3ECTION . as r ir.2 -ztl ax.1 3. t57 lN. UOilENT OF INERTIA 100 s'w.047 STEEL SECT I Ot{ MODULUS VATANCE BEAtl, lfulyew. rrgunE 5 RAI'IBS. A rafter le supportedl by the valauce beam and a raLl bracket. It ls located midlway betveen tnrsses and paralLel to the top uembers of tbe tnrsseE. (See Ftg. 1). Tbe rafter is used to support tbe lnte:mecllate strlngers at the center of the span. E:rpcrlnental- Ioad, testlng of arralags butlt with a valance beam andl rafter lnc1lcated tbat the proportlon of the load carrted by the rafter varled eonslAerably depencling upou the proportlons of the avnlng. Further testa iadlcatett that tbe actual bendllug load on the rafter rould never be greeter tban the moment vhlch vould. be obtaluedl by consld.erlug one-half of the total Ioad on the anutng eveuly tllstrlbutetl on tbe rafter' 17L32 8 l- TLErALTIU AM{INO ETGII{EERIDO DATA BAIIEBS (cont. ) 2.1+19 l+f9r2. [''30! dro713 t I Eat Sectlon, fl+7t-tol+ 3,106 AI. Alloy or Steel Tro Eat 9eetlons Back to Back 1* .Ol+O 41. Alloy or Stcc1 r'+l r 3" #J+ t/8 T L/8 3 AIun. f-Bean 71-2005 -1- r.7b, I .oL? Steel 7l-2]-7 a|, Rtuu. I-Beara #a+7r-zool+ nAmER s,crrol{' FrGuaE G Moment of Inertla etL/8 Bat Seetlon vlth Steel Insertr #4 Ihe follovtng 1s a llst of the dllffereut rafter nembers vltb tb,e 'nqxtuunmoment and strees developed 1n the rafters rrheu the arnlng le bullt aecordlngto the calculator. Tbe values of moment and gtreeg are flguredl accord.lDg to the above uentlonecl methotl frm actual load teet reeulte. Section llodulus l.taxteun Mooeut Uaxlmrn StreeeRafter Alunlnuu Eat Sectlon Steel Eat Sectlon Alunlnr:u Eat Sectlon rrlth Insert Steel Eat SectLou vlth Inaert 2 AIun. Eat Sectloas back to back 2 9teel Eat: Seotlona back to back at" 3" Alunlnuo "I'BcanAlurntnul'I' Beo- 20 3o I9 29 2lt 22 10, IO' 38 38 l+5 55 ro7 107 6g 5g 507 99 2200* 33oo't 550o* 66oo* 7500* 11200't L1200* l5OOOI 8oo 900 500 ,00 900 700 t t , t t #Ibeae valuee vere deterdnetl by experlneutal load teste of avalaga vlth raftero. FLEIALIIU ATI{ItrO ENGINMRING DATA 9. AWf,rrG SrDEs. A ulbcr of aralnsr of varlour alroa aan algle! rGra bullt aall norated vltbout tr.unm. fhGlc rralagr ucr,.c loll taetc0 to detarulac thc etreagtb of the cLa!!r. It rar foud tblt tb. e1(br rtll ;npDort thc aralag vhcn thc load oa tbc eratag d,orl aot crcccO 8OO ttrea tbe tangent of tha aa6lc of tbc aralng roof. 10. mIrBEEg. lltr trurso! aDt ooartnrctrlt ln tbc fo[grlag tgrerl llnur tyac Ol 1r r0r o! alrnlnun lquarc bracc, fi|J--J:O5. lnus tJrpc 6 1g na(b of rtccl square bracsr #a+Z:'-IL5s' |flrrrr typea ![, 2A, aDn 3A are ua&e of alurnlatn bat aectloa. llrtae t3rpca 18, 29, ard 35 are ndle of ateel bat ssctlou. AXnu. or Stecl 3h f'--- oa & os! \.--i.>l^./r'Q.I 1 -I 3h o93 .51+ I I 1A & III Eqnarc Eraeellmat oE lr:rtla = .@)6 BaCtug o( Oyrrtloa t.2) :"2A&2S L.7r3 .olo A1. ALLo or 8tce1 I Eat Scctloa Iaaat l{rent of Inertla . Ieaet Badlus of Gy:ratlon I I I t II,EXALUM A}INING ENGTNEERTNG DATA TRUSSES (cont. ) The calcuLa.tor ls basecl on the foJ.lov'Ing formulas for a multlple span awningt Actual corrpresslon l-oad on member A =Total J.oad on one span of avnLng AJ-Iowable eonrpresslon 1oad. on member O =2 The latter fonrula ts a varlatlon of Eulerrs fo:sul-a for columns. fhe fo11ov'lng table gi.ves the factors used ln the above fonruLa. fbeee values vere d.eteralned. by experlmental coryresslon load teste ustng one-haIf of the values eo d.etemlned.: Tnrss Tfpe trbctor used. ln Ca]-culator 213r 0O0 4Sorooo lr5OOrOOO 5,57O,OOO 1r 11+OTOOO 4rooorooo Factor from EuLerr s For.ru].a g58,0oo 2TBOOTOOO gr2oor0o0 2TrOOOrOO0 gr2o0r000 2TrOO0rOOO OA OS lA and. 2A 15 and 25 3A 3s EUNTER DOUGLAS ALUMTNUM CORPORATION