HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1976-11-30a DEPARTI'1 ENT OF PUBI-IC Vr'OR}(S C]:TJ.Y C)F, SPF,I}TG.J]-].]rI]_,]:) SPIiINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 Novcmber 30, 1916 346 MAIN STREET -/ 47 -422r l'1r. J. F. Johnstone 574 l,lorth 32nd Street Springfjeld, 0R 97477 Dear Mr. Johnstone: At 1,6ur request the Building Department of the City oi'Springfield,0regon made a housing itlspr,ction on t'lovember 29, 1976, at 574 l'lorth 32nd Street, Springfield, 0regon. The following itcms vrere found in need of repair or replacement to comply r^rith the Uniform llousjng Code as adopted by the C'ity of Springfield,Oregon: I 2 3 4 5 6 7 oo 9 The electrical service must be 100 amp rninimum There may not be nroie than sjx (6) mgin breakers.All l5 and 20 amp breakers must have a main breaker ahead of them. A firer,rall is required betr'rer:n the garage and house. A sol jd core door r,rith an autoritatic cl oser is required betwecn the garage and hou se. The steps at the rear of the house must have equal risers arrd the height of the rjsers may not exceed eight (B) inches The crar,rl space access hole needs a door installed. All craivl space vents must be screened. The mesh of the screen ntust not cxcecd ,2't or be less than N". Post suppor':ing the floor beams must not exceed seven (7) feet on center and must be set on concrete or masonry and must have a ground to i.iood clearance of six (6) inches. i.iore ventjlatjon is r"equired for the attic. The ntetal post bases on the post support.ing the patio cover attached to the rear of the house should be replaced. Al I necessary perinits inlrst be obtained before vrork is started and al I t','ork ntust be co;rrplbted according to applicable codes and inspected bcfore a Certifjcate of Compl j ance 'is j ssued. If 1,ou have any 1'urlher or;r:sticrrs, plcase feel frce I,o c,,ntact tite c'L 147-4221 . Sirrcerely, l/) -y'' .J "t!,/// -../i.,t:/./, Ilan Snri th Building Inspector DS : srn 10.il. t :r/f4*-l t- /-zz Cl:A.}f C)}' S]PItII$(;-F-l"lrlI-D Si,TiINGFIELD. OR EGON 97 4'/ 7 DEPARTT\4ENT OF PUBLIC VVORKS 346 MAIN sTREET 7 47 -4221 Mr. J. F. Johnstone 574 I'lorth 32nd Street Springfield,0R 97477 Dear Mr. Johnstone At your request the Building Department of the City of Springfield, 0regon made a housing 'irSp,:ct'ion on ['lovember 29, ]976, ,tt 574 l{orth 32nd Street, Springfield, 0regon. The following items vrere found in need of repair or replacement to comply with the Uniform Housing Code as aelopt+d by the City of Spr.ingfi'eld,0r^egon: 1. The electrfcal servjce rnust be 100 amp minimum2. There may not be nrorc than six (6) mgin breakers.3. All l5 and 20 amp breakers must have a main breaker ahead of them.4./A firerval'l is rcquired betvrer:n the garage and house.5.A sol id core door l^rith an autonratic-cloier is required between the garage and Jro u se. 61/Ihe steps at the rear of the house must have equal risers and the height of )he rtsers may not exceed eight (B) inches.7fi/)he cravrl space access hole needs a door installed.Bf/Nl crawl space vents must be screened. The mesh of the screen must not gxceed Lr" or be I ess than %" . 9.y'Post supporling the floor beams must not exceed seven (7) feet on center and must be set on concrete or masonry and must have a ground to wood clearancepf six (6) inches. L/yore ventjlation is required for the attic. y,/The metal post bases on the post support'ing the patio cover attached to the rearof the house should be replaced. November 30, 1976 t0il All necessary permits must be obtained before work is started and all work must be comp'leted according to applicable codes and inspected before a Certificate of Compl jance is issued If you have any further questions, please feel free to c()ntact me at 747-4221. Sincerely, -,i/) y'' J4l,zzt 4--zt',, y'.t, Dan Smith Building Inspector DS: sm I : ! CIry T O F, sP-a,rlTci]Ll'rl-114. .rT) SP RINGFIET_D. OREGON 97 477 346 MAIN STRE.ET 7 47 -4221DtrPAR'l-MENT OF PUBLIC \NORKS Mr. Kerureth E- MeYers 6787 lr'Iai:r Street Springfield, OR 97417 i RE: I{ousing Code TnsPecticn Dear Mr. MeYers: At your request the Building Departaien!' ?I -th" ciLy of sprinofield made an occupanqr irrspecrion ";;";;; 5, L9i6,It tr," r",ai"q=-r"i-"tea it:62 soutrr 32nd street' Springf 5 eld, Orc-gcrt' Tllre fol-lcrvi,,g iteirs iv'eIe for.I-rd that were in need of repair arfi'/ot \{ele not in ccnptianc" ,itr, -,-r," uniform ffi";;; ;;; ; ;6..d rv tr'e citlr of sprirsfield: 1. service gror.rndiflg conducLor nmst be conlinuous frcm groundirtg electrode to 2. il:;H* 3."# ?il:l in subpa,el wirrr 20 and 15 anp fuse stats as Pcr wire size used - ^ - -.: --^ rched t ft6n- 3. T\,vo wire circuits can only have I yire-receptacles atU 4. Wiring not "tttpl-eLed in the renodel area' 5. A11 panels '*-:tL have dead fronts' '-- anv r+jrdcnl 6.Serwice*itt=nmstf'"tf""tt:i""tfrcrnanyr+jrdcn'l' 7. IIouse is Lnn"cted tlo a seplic d: --A rrnrqt be reinoved or fixed so it B. . Tlee ,";";;il"v i:.r"iii"q apart and rnr:st be reinov' canrot be used as a chrri-neY' g. underfloor venting n-.t -ue'irovided at,the ratio of L-L/2 square feet of ventilalion for every ziii-It'r feet of foundation ,3_l?: ::y"*#il ft$*'""4J*ffi,-gf,;:i3il=;*"en the sarase a.d arr livins \- a-rcas - L^^ -^+r-a1 and nnrst be replaceo' ttr2.fhresouthstileofthegaragedoorhasrottedand-rcn-rstbereplaced.13. A1r wood aror:nd th" h#:'fr1!.*t"";; ;i;;at'ce fron the eround' L4. rt" *"i* ar.:n nn:st;:;?;ilry witrr traps and vent' -i:, ffi::ilH'-*.H :".=n=: Si',?":"1":"Hm rise or the stair is B" and the mjmjm,n run of ,t"p=-i, gl. Ttrere ;;a ;-" lanarail on one side of the stairs.Ttterennrstb..;*;'+,,'o,,,,a-.r.,"-=t-il,"irtr,utisamirlinnnnof36',i, height with intern'ediaie rails tp"H*=J'; 9" diameter object cannot pass through' I Iii t i : t __t PS Form 3811,Jrn'1975 €J i5 fdt 3slr,hr. I cIlY OF SPRTNCTTELD, oREGr Bulldlng DePartmenE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Thlr ccrrtf!ec that tho butldtng tnd ProPergy,locstod aE hae been lnepecced and found to comply wlth the o rdlnanceg of the CltY of Sprlngflold, Oregon. owners Name J. F. Johnston Addrese Same Springfleld,0RCity Iteme of epeclal conslderatlon are: January 4, 1977 llan S:nith SMc DsEe 'Buil,ding Inspector I -:-r { ) \ 574 NORTH 32ND STREET tt/29/76 ffi,. I ! rO I - *k: -n I .l t. TIT,, *'d I T I r--T I r-ir J E I I I ;l I qe I .a? l'rt F -^ .-J -T-- 574 NORTH 32ND STREET La/2e/76 I {\ \ k. : \ L -') F !^ \_l r -. I ---J il-/ ,4 !\-L. -J].$6 r!)." \\ ia !7 ij.r-Nl