HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-07-01.. RESID'NTIAL.. APP L I C A!T]:ON / PE RIII T 225 NortLt Sth Street SprLngfie.Ld, )regon 97477 BuiLdtng Diui,sion 726-37 53 # SPRINGFTELD 0< 4>7 ll 4 \, \ Date:,7-l B ELecty"tcal Cons.tmr"!i4__L4o.!_ t_t ia the *esponaibi_L-ilU of -tte pen?rit holder to aee ttwt alt 'inspectiorts ee nade at lhe p?ope" tine, that each cdttness is reaCabit froot tle street, and Litat the -pet'nrit eatd is Located at the fuoni of the property*Building Diuision appto"-ed pLm sTnLL remain on the Building site'at aLL' tzlnes." . PR)CEDUPE E1R INSPE1II9II-3!9W%:CALL 726-3769 (reeordet,) state yout, City Cesignated job ntmber, job aCCaess, tgpe of inspeclicn @eadyfo7inspoction'Contt,aetoysoia,nn,"",*,eLndpnonent,unbel,.-n.equestsruLel,iLatL7"ri?:00oltu'LlL be made the sone dag' "eEtests nade aftx 7:00 an urill be nade tke neat,aoz,kin4l'd.ay.{Yryour cita Desigr"ated Job Numbet, rs: ) u L' 3 faReauire,i tions ba ,0 lagJob Locaticn: Aesessore Map # 11 O'a 3 t A4 Ia, I-at # O?gOA Stbdiuision: Clo*.!o^ C C}-"rShar.>on)umer: L r}l&ehone. lZCr- 4q ?3qAddress: Citg: Desct-ibe llotk: General n NeD 1 ValueDate of App dl -t _LLCAILCI I a 8( L 'a0 t-Decds-Additicn SIIE INSPEC:ION: ?o be nade aftet, ercauation" but pr.ior tc set up of fonne. ultDERSLlts FlUtfiBINc, ELF WCI!t":i: ;,1L: To be made befoz.e anywtk is ::otlet'ed. P0_O?ING & FOUNDAI'rCN: lo be nwCeafter ttenches a?e eseantated and fonns ct,e ereeted, but prior to pow"tng ecnereta. UNDSRGPOII:]D PLUMBINC, SEI,IEP. W,ATER, DRIIIIAGE: To be na.7e prior to fil-Lirq trenchee. INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPEC?ION : ?o be made aftet, aLL insulaticn atd. t equired oapor bmrie?s @e in plaee but before any Lath, gApsun boatC ot, tnLL coueting is applied, utd. before olg iraulation is conceq,Led. DRYIiALL LNSPECIf)N: Tc be made;Fie"'m@m'is in p?.a.ee, but prioz, to any tapinq. I,\ASONRI: Steel Location, bond beons, gtouting or oeyticals in accordqrce tith U.B.C. Section 24L5. Daraar r4Tnnl ^D \t^tfrn Sanitary seuer ccptped et WoperLg- Line Septic tank p;ttped cnd. filLed ttith gtat;ei Final - I{lten abcoe itens aye ecrnoleted and uhen Cenolition is cotnplete'ot strue-ture moued and. premises cLeaneC up. Mobi Hcmes ll rlnnEpruoqn pru.rcmc a wcsnnrc.qr,t t I'o be ndde pr")ot to installatton il egsr 4ry0 ryau: ro be nad.e pz,ior toL_l insta.Llaticn of floon insulation oz, d,eck1,t1g. CURB-& APPROACH APPAN,me eyecteC but prion BLocking md, 5et-up Plwnbing eonnecti.one -- sal)e? otd. aatet Electrical Connection - Bloeking, eet-up. and- plwnbing eonnections mtst b-e- apprctLibefore tequesting eleelrtcal i.nspebtion Aceessory BuilCnng Pinal - Aftet, -pcz,ckes, ski,rtittg, d,ecl<s,etc. az,e cornpleted. After ins talT.ation i,s floor insulation or. decking. of 3) eoncrete. : After fornsto pouring R1UCH PLU.{BII\7.'Eztcrntcu e ME1H_ ANTCAL-: uo aoip, is-to b-e-6oudiei-ur.til these inspectiot:s hatsc- been mad.e an<i appnoueC. Ff.e.EEl,Ac'L_: L,r.ioz, to plccins facinomateriaLs and before -f"*ri"S ir"pnl_DL0n. STDEWALK & DRT\EWAY: Eor aLL eon_ cr^ete pauing uithin street right_of-txA, to be nade aften aLL -ecea_ oating canplete & iorn tnz,k & sub_ base nater|al in place. FRAI.IING: l4ust be requested. aftet,cpprooal of rough plwr,bing, ei"ciTi_caL &- nechanical. ALL robfingbractng &_ ehinmegs, ete. ri"tst" be. cotnp.Le_ted. llo uotk is to be con_.-cealed until this inspnetion l,oi'been made anC apptotted, U!!E: h\tein conplete -- ptouiCe gates or not;able sections through P.U.E. PTTIAL PLUMBTTIG FTilAL ASCilANTCAL FTruL ELEC?RTCAL ALL proiect eond,itions, ,such as the tnstalitr?;l "i"!i*,Zrrri"rir*_t'equined zancseepins, 2t".,-iit"'iz ,iii1"io"o ort r"-Ji"-iaiiiiic FrNAL ean be requested,.[#:i,W'ffi ,X:*X:i r,X:*y.^::r-ection nwet be requested17-cal rnspections hauc oeen nade orra oppnourTller the ltnal pzunbing *ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEA]IOA?S TMS? BE A,CCESSTBLE, ADJAS?IIEII?7O BE t 4DE t? NO cos? ?o cny Page 7 of 2 /drlr*X T r 4 JOB NO.o soLAR AqCESS REQ.-L-co c Bedrooms: Lot Faces -Enerqu Souy,ees T.tloe Setbaeks Ileat DT Ilouse Caraae Access Water lleatez, North Range Eosf.Fineplace South tlaodstote % of Lct Cctserage_ LCT TWE _ fntericr _ Corner _ Panhandle _ Cul-de-sac # of Stories Total Height Iopographg Iot Sq. Ftg l^/est D^^^ I?EM FTG x Value Building Vtllue & Permit This pertrtt is granted on the erpyess cond.ition tl@t the said-construction sLnLL, in al.L r.espects, conform to the Otdinance edopted b:y the City of Springfield, incT-uding the Zoning Crdinance, regulcting the ccnsttacticn and. use of buildings, and may be suspended oy, r,eookeC at cny time upon uic- Lation of cnA prcoisions of said 2tdir,ances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Building Pernrit State Date Paid: ?otal C?nrges * FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit No pet,eon slnll constract, instalL, alter ot change anA nea cr eristing plwnbirq or dtainage systen in uhole or in patt, unless sueh person is the Legal possessor of a ualid pltunbet,'s License, eicept that a pe?son nay do pltnbing uork to propertA uhich i-s oumed, Leaeed or operaterl by the appli- cant. Firt'utes Residential (1 bath) Sani Sa'ser Plwnbing Pernit State Sutellatge Tctal Electricol Permit i Where State Lan requines tl"at the electrieal uotk be done by an Eleetu*ieal Contractot,, the electrLcal porti.on of this permit shall not be oaliC until the Labei Las been aigned bg the ET,eaxtital Covltr:3tc?. NO. ?otal Neu/Estend Circuits Setoiee r5 FEE tu A DanNC. & tv? Mechqnicol Permit llcodstoue Yent Fa bhanat Hood B?U I, PermLt Issuanee Mec?wnical Permit qs 5. 15 -- ENCROACTLMENT -- Sec,ritu Deposit Stotage Maintenance Pendt fl Ctsbcut Sideualk Fenee Eleetrical Labe! Mobile Home t \-\\ I # Sigxed: PLan Ecaniner uate I HAW CAREFULL( ExAn'lINED the cornpleted application fo-t'pennit' and' da herebu certifu tnat ait- i.nionnati'on hereoi is true and cbttect' artC r i;";kz"-;-";tlL."1y ti"t any ard aLL uo.tk perforned s?nLL be done in d'eco?- iiii- atn th'e" ordint;cL"*of inn city of springfield, and. th-e Las of the State of ,regcn pr"t"iir:ig'to the uoik Cescribbd he,ein' cnd' tlnt N0 occu' aicy itt b"e r,a,Le o1''""a'uti"Litne uithout permisaion of. the Building DL- uision. r fuTther' .""1;7!";h"t- o,ly "ont'o"lto"s a'zd enrplcaees uho are in Liplr:on"n'rltt oas 701.b"55 uiLL be- used on this pt'oject TotaL 5 Si.gned .,TOIAL AMOUIJ? DU8; T fi lcr Date