HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1987-01-04N4t , SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIETD Office of Community & Economic Development CERTIFIED LETTER January 4, L987 Ms. Charline Bennett 415 North 32nd Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Subject: Pacific Security Alarm 17'i02+31 "24 Tax Lot 06500 System, 415 North 32nd Street, Assessor's Map Dear Ms. Bennett: A recent observation of-ygur property reveals that you are operating a businessfrom the residence at 415 North 32nd Street. fne tity of Sbringfi6ld requiresthat businesses operated in residential zones (your propLrty is zoied Low DensityResidential) adhere to specific requirements in order'to te compatfb'le with thlcharacter of residential neighborhoods. Those requirements are listed on theHome 0ccupation Agreement you received from Code Enforcement 0fficer Jackie Murdoch. The-Springfield Development Code requires that all legitimate home occupations beregistered with the City. The registration is a oni time process with a fee of$25.00. As long as no complaints aie received and the business complies with theconditions of the Home Occupation Agreement, it will be considered a lega'l home occupati on . Potential problems ygyr business will have in meeting the Home 0ccupationrequirements are as follows: 1. I understand from your conversation with Jackie Murdoch of this office thatyour employees pick up their paychecks and uniforms from this location. Thehomg occupation. regu'lations limit the nurnber of employees for any onebusiness to two (ilris allowance for employees was just recenily app"ovei). The intent of the allowance for employees is to al1ow up to two employees towork at the residence. I feel that having a number of employees cbme and gofrom your residence to pick up checks and uniforms is not in keeping wtifrthe intent of the Code. It may be possible for you to make adjustmeits inthe operation to qualify as a home occupation, however, until I know moredetails about your operation (e.g., number of employees, etc.) I cannot say. If you feel that you meet the conditions of the agreement, fil'l out theapplication (be very specific about the workings of your op6ration) and return itto thg Springfield Planning & Deve'lopment Department, 225 North 5th Street,Springfield, Oregon 97477 along with the required fee (tfr.is fee is nonrefundable). Because you do not own this property Jane Sanders (owner of record)wi'11 need to sign the home occupation application as wel'l as you. your application will be reviewed and you will be advised if you qualify. 225 North 5th Street o Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753 t'l! r) r":. ",!, If you are unable to comply with the requirements of the Horne 0ccupation Agreement you will need to rnake arrangements to relocate your business to the proper zoning district immediately. Please contact this office to discuss this matter. Si ncerely , ia L. Harmon Devel opment Permi t Coordi nator Gregory S. Mott, Deve'lopment Code Administrator Jackie Murdoch, Associate Planner Jane Sanders, 38624 E Cedar F'lats Road, Spfld, 0regon cc CTTY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, oREGoN 97477 PH0NE: (503) 726-3759 SPRINGFIELD EOHB OCCIIPATION APPLICATION LOCATION OF PROPERTY 4'15 North J2 Street to eomplete papemork, do booklceeplng, ctore extra unlform coats, shirte, and nise. rmaLl equiprnt needed for security Offioers on slte. lt)tt)f{ U)u,o T v, =ro z P J \ o t:t t Ntlqor!1OztrrcHFzrd2, Ht-t 4I N $$ \ s(\ =t,UF: Fl Fl '!r{E{o E()Ct-C)tE izEH F: Fl flJ FttE{t, \l \ r r,) i Ns_h t>> N IO-o\ Donald I,I. and Charlene A. Bennett Jr.APPLICANT NAME ADDRESS llt5 Norttr )2 Streot Springfto].d, 0r. }T4TB pHoNE: 7474079 ()t{oc)Fl rdFOH trl l{tt ttE 0VNERNAME(S) @ n(J A. S-ncl r F:t XZ ot-'!ooHE F3zot,' tt't-H G-eG2NH I f. Itoo z OaL ?.rd ADDRESS OVER sLl 5-143J 6 rnolln s {89-{g8l} Ftdor{Hru F3 zI N EXISTING USE OF pROpERTy Family D,vel1ing DESCRIpTION 0F pROpSSAL To uge one room in fanril"y dwelllng as a officel ('. 1 EO}iB OCCUPATION AGRBEHBIIT THE APPLTCANT'S SIGNATURE OF THIS AGREEMENT CERTIFIES ACKNOSLEDGMENT OF THE FOLTOIIING CONDITIONS OP OPERATION: EXCEPT FOR TIIE ONE NON-ILLUMINATBD I L/2 SQUARE FOOT I{ALL SIGN PERMITTED IN SECTION 16.080(1) OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMEM CODE, THERE SHALL BE NO DISPLAY I{HICH ITOULD INDICATE FROM THE EXTERIOR THAT THE BUILDING IS USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN A RESIDEMIAL DI{ELLING. THERE SHALL BE NO OUTSIDE STORAGE OF I,IATERIALS. T{O I.{ECIIANICAL EQLIIPUENT SHJtr,tL BE PER,HTTTED EXCEPT THAT wHIcTI IS C0HPATTBLE $TTII RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES. THERE SHALL BE N0 oFFENSTVE N0rSE, VTBRATTON, SMoKE, DUST, oDORS, HEAT OR GLARE NOTICEABLE AT OR BEYOND THE PROPERTY LINE RESULTING FROM THE OPERATION. A MAXIMUM OF 2 VORKERS MAY BE EMPLOYED AT ANY GIVEN TTME BETIIEEN TIIE HOURS OF 7A.I,I. AND 8 P.M. IN ADDITION TO FAII{ILY MEMBERS IIHO RESIDE AT THE DIIELLTNG. THE OPERATION SHALL NOT CREATE HAZARDOUS TRAFFIC CONDITIONS OR T'NDULY BURDEN ON-STREET PARKING AREAS. IF THE PROPOSED USE REQUIRES A MODIFICATION TO THE DI{ELLING OR ACCESSORY STRUCTURE OF A NATURE THAT IS NOT TYPICALLY FOT'ND IN RESIDENTTAL DISTRTCTS, THE PROPOSED USE SHALL BE CONSIDERED INAPPROPRIATE AND THEREFORE INELIGIBLE AS A HOHE OCCUPATION. 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 COMMERCIAL AUTO BODY-FENDER IIORK PERMITTED. REPAIR, INCLUDTNG BUT NOT PATNTING AND DETAILING, LTMITED T0 TUNE-UPS, ALIGNI.IENTS, AND UPHOLSTERING SHALL NOT BE NO MERCHANDISE OTHER TIIAN IJTIAT IS PRODUCED ON-SITE SHALT BB SOLD TO TEE PUBLIC FROM TIIE PREMTSES. rr rs UNDERSTooD THAT rF NETGHB0RII0OD COI,IPLATNTS ARE RECETVED, THE NATTRE OF THrSHOME OCCUPATION IIILL BE RE-INVESTIGATED. IF THTS HOME OCCUPATION TS FOIJND INVIOLATTON OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVBLOPMEM CODE, THE USE SHATL BE TERMINATED UPONNOTIFICATION IN 1IRITING BY THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. IT TS FURTHER TJNDERSTOOD THAT APPROVAL OF THTS APPLTCATION DOES NOT EXEMPT THE APPLICANT FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANY OTHER CITY CODES OR ORDINANCES. w trt1-s8 DATE L: lA'7? DATE DATE ,S TURE - I CANT' S OI\JNER N J A. Sa rs) DEP DATE a-fy J /"-#