HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1987-01-30svbdiuision: A,Dte?: Ad.d.vess: LL .. RESIDE" -TIAL.. 22s North stt, itonffPLrcArr,N/PERtff? SprLngfield, )regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 53 Job Loccticn: Aesessore Map # SPRINGFIELD Tas Lot # Desez.tbe l,torl< Va'!.ue Iour City Designated Job Nwnbey Is: Location, bond or uerti.cals in U.B.C. Section 2475. IIOODSTOVE: ccnpT;;A. After installation is t/-U-orc tl 6qf, r tt q: n t-t Clrr-y Cfu-Additicn RenoCel Date of App Lieatian GeneraL Cons. tuuetion_Lendg!_ FTUAL PLUUAIIG FTilAL I4ECHANICAL be nade aftez: 'tc set up of 70-Date: I r^t ie the responsibi-Lila of-ttze pezmit holder to see that aL?, inspections are nad.e at the prope! tine, that s-sl1 :;rtre6s is ren)1hiety}lg at?eet'_anc tlwt the-permit_eed is Located at the ftwni of the property.*Euilding Nuicion approxed pLan shall nemain on tlrc auL\al"g- iii" "t aLL t[mes. job qC;'ness, type Pequests z,eceixed of inspee:icn befcre 7:00 ct -1 SITE TNSPIC:ION: ToI diauiion,TG prtor - fotms. -1 UNDERSLAB PLUMBT!92 JLECTT!!/1LJ )@nauo"K Ls eoDered. - pcpruNc & FquNpATrcN: ro be naCeI after D?encnes are eccansated and.. forns are ereeted, but prior topout Lng ecncrete. - u NptRG pc ur D zLUM!_I! s,__gsw!,__v!!E!,)Lirq trenchee. I Wo\pruoqa pruJnrnc a urcHwrc,qt, -) '1'o be maae ptioz, to installation of floot' insulction or decking. -l p.gsr 4t!-o etm: To be nade pniot, toI i.nstallaticn of floon insuLation or d,eekang. - ROUG\I pLU.!tsIxG. ELECTRICAL & t,tECH-I mrcm: no uorkETiE-cov,-iiid-- uLt-LL these inspeetions haue been_ made and app?oued.. I npWfact: prLor to plc.eirs faeinaI mct.erLals and before franinlg in"pnl_tion. 1 fAutaC:- ttust be requested. afte?) app"oual of rough pli*ing, eiectni_cal & meclanieal. dLL robfingbraeing &- chimeys, ete. trust be . compLeted. llo ucrk is to be con_ '_cecled untit this inspection ?ns'been nad,e anC approued. lI INSULATTON/VAPAR BARRIER ITISPECTIOT] :Io be nade after aLL insulaticn and.tequired oapor ba,z,ie?s @e in p'l.a,eebut before ory lath, Wpsurn bcarC ortnLL eouez,ing is applied, and beforeuty insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPXC?fON: ?c be made aftez, aLL C.tyuall is in place,but ptior to any tapirq. IIAS1NRI: Steel beans, gtouting aceordorce rtLth L{f} CURB & APPRCACH App,ON: After fortnsue erecteC but prior to pouring conc?ete. SfDEI"IALK & QlftEWAy: For aLL eon- cz,-ete pauing uithin stteet right-of-teA, to be naCe after aLL bcca-oating canplete & fotn r,pt'k & cub- base material in plaee. IENCE: h4ten conplete -- prouiCe gates or motsable sectians thnough P.U.E. AIL pnoject eonditions, such as the i.nstallation of stl,eet tt,ees, conoletion of tierequired landsccping' etc., rmtst be satisfied. ueyote-tnl aL,il;inc FrNAL eanbe requested. FrNAL BUTLDTN?: The Final Building rnspeetion mtst be yeauestec cfter the Final plwbing E L ec trical, orc Neetntical rns p e e tlio"" itaii- b; i"' r-aZ" "i Tpi,i, a. DEII?LITIA\I OR ).:OW) Scnitatg sesez: ccpped at propez,tg Lix,e Septic totk p;,r,ced aad filled trith gratel linal - l{hen abcue itens aye ccrnoleted and uhen Cqtclitiotz is cornplete Zo "*o"-tut,e moued otd. pz,errLses cleaneC up. e Hcmes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbing connections -- se:,)e? od. ualet Electticcl Cotnection - Bloeking, set-uc ard. plunbing eonnections m;st bb apprciedbefore z,equesting eleclrical inspec:i.or: Accessory Bui.LCnng Final - Aftet, pctekes, skirting, deel<s,etc. ee conpLeled. Page 1 of 2 ', 32 Phone: FTNAL ELEC?RTCAL IALL T,IAIIHCLES AI/D CLDANOU?S HUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTltiitt TO BE \UDE t1.? UO C-S? tO Cf?y tr JOB NO.020 soLAR AcAqss REe.- ilat Sq. Ftg. L-co d Beitoons % cf Lct Ccuerage t of Stories ?otal Height Topogrqhy Building Perm[t State ?otal Clnrges ITEM Fi.stu"es Residential (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Perni.t LCT TWE Intey,icr _ Co"ner _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Building Volue & Permit Ihis pertrtt is granted on the ecpl,ess eord.ition tlnt the said-consttaetion sLnLL-, in aLL respects, eonforrn to the fu'dinance edopted b;y the City of Springfield, inc!.ud.ing the Zoning Crdinance, r'egulattng the ccnsttueticn and use of buildLngs, and may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cny tine upon vic- lation of anA prcuisions of said 1z,dinances. Electricol Permit where state La,; requires th,at the electrical uork be done by an Electrical Cont?acto", the eleet?Lcal portion of thie permit shall not be ualil until the Lobel lns been stgned by the Electrical ContYactor.' Mechonicql Permit 1 * ' Nan/Eetend Citcuits Setoi Stcte Total Eshanat Hoo,L Vent E@t llcodsto;le PernrLt Issucnee Meclwnicel Pernrit State -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sectrt Permtt ?otaL Curbcut Sida,talk llectrieal [,o"be ,lobile llane wl PLan Eroniner Date I EAW CAREEULLL LXAI"IINED the eompleted application for pertnit' and do i"i)ti in"l;.tv tt"t ait-;.nion"ztiZn hereoi is true and correct' cn'c r iintlb in"tiiy that ony ir.d aLL uork perforned slnll be done in aceot- dance trith the Ordinai.eZ""of itn City'of bpringfield, .ard' the Lc;s of the St"tL if Oregcn p""t"iiiig to the uotrk Cescribbd herein, cnd tlut NO OCCU- p1NCy aill be nu.de of iiU" ttr"",ture uithout permissi-on of the Building- Di'- tsi,i.sion. I further c-ettily that otly con-t?aeto?s o;d enplcyees dho aae Ln cirpl'tarce iltt, oas ?01,bss I'LLL be used on this ptoiect (/ Lot Faees -Enerou Source-s Tuoe lieat Df House Cavaae Access ,late? lleate" Not,th Range East Fireplace South Woorictoxe West -- Eees -- ITE14 x Value Main Ce?ace Aceessot'u TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Cheek Fee Date Paid: Receipt # Signed: NO FEE FEE nQ /5, oo 60s.6 TAL .OTAL N,IOUI]T DUE:,/5,60 Date a41 * Plumbing Permit No pereon shall constntet, instal?., alter or clnnge GnA neu cz' ecisting -ptuint'i.ng o7 drainage systet in u?nle or in part, unless such pet'son is the iegal piossessor oia ,tolid plr^bnrts License, escept that a pe?son nay Qo plLnbing uork to property uhi,ch is otmed' Leased or operated by the appli- cant. $UILI'Il'l$ fiIUI$I0Fl J0B't' $-"S70 *_' "LEGttL.. L0T EL$CH t- J- t'.ti!L -\,irLUE* 0 -.AIrtrRE$5* 4L4 I'l 3?l.ltr ST TIH$*R i $EftIJ I CE: Ti,.II'IGE: -nt,Jt'lHR* li;HY LARG0 7,tr6-S33(i 1749 l'tf.tIl{ $FRII-IGFIELItv 0R q7477 *rNF 0-. FtEF.A I TT F:E$ITIET.{TIAL I1L 1 {}(, ]. *ft44-.ELEf,TEI C $EF:U If E fi03-O4?-'filfiUGH ELEI:TftI[ fift[ E.LECT'r L-AEHL I$49t: *S3*044-.HLECTR I C $EF:U I CF- rJ O4*04?*F I l.!r*rL ELECTFi I CtlL S7O 13{, / S7,3331 *EhIEESi'.- -STAT$- HEAT T.. ?* ELTIG U OI.IE HIO_ riT0R I E$ FL00trF,Lr,I t,t ftAHSE* BEIrRl.t 0rc fiftF UI.I I TS $TI FEET COI',IST "I'YF'E -. c 0 r..r'l' Fi r,' c 1' CI R s -. GEI,,IL-. [:NHTRACTOR F'HOI.IE- F Ll4tt- ELECT- I,IEf,H- IrE$Gl{- rrHF,T Crl1' *945 $Hfi*ftHtiUIAEII F,EEt.iIl'$*.-***--FEH-*-$tJF:f,llrlEiiE*IrAl'E*ftf {:[IF'T----l-'E:F:l'1IT'l'-*.-*'-'*trfrlUE*-* '] o 1 -. fi ,34 -- H L E.UT rr r I f+ L lS,Ofi **60 s70130 *773t lt tiliti*t"iIt-lIt,iut{ It',tSF'E[1'Ittl.,l$ -{. frEtluIfrfflEl{T$-- *-*-E}lF' ttfrTE-."*fiCT Itfil'8.* OO l. -'049--F Il'{fi L ELEfi I'H I tjfil.(:1 -, ra:I ? 'tU/ ULtiJI *7fitos t.lsE S7(i331 fili $70331 0l;: 870331 ill.i Jl. "l |, COURTESY INSPECTION APPTICATIO}I (RENTER REQIJEST) LLond e-ap n/l CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION DATE lC - 16-- 6' / ADDRESS oF TNSpECTToN '/ /, / A 3/tt d OiTNER PHO){E NO. .\.ADDRESS RENTER PHONE NO. SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER) FoR ACcESS To pRopERTy - TELEpHoNE NuMBER - '/ Z -7 Z=6 C.L- TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAMILY DUPT,EX t] MULTIPLE tr FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspection Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and 0rder Issued To Owner Date For Compliance Compliance Obtained - Date .)i ary Public July J 'L977 My Corunission Expires BRIEF DISCRIPTIoN oF MAJoR eRoBLEMS, li a l, , li -fi, / /( ?,.-J CITY OT S?RINGTIILD APPLICATION AND AGREE}{IINT FOR SEWER I1OOKUP Application is hercby madc by the undersigned proPerty owner for pcrmission to coirnecE thc following described property to a ciEy sanitary sewer 1ine, or.rncd and maintained by the CiEy of Spring-Eicld, and I agrce to Pay such a hoolcup charge of $4.50 per fronE foot of t-he propcrLy for the first 150 fcet in depth Eo be served by such ciEy ser.rcr line in lieu of an assessmenE againsE the described properEy. An additional $0.03 per square foot will be chargcd for any additional property beyond Ehe first 150 feet Property DescriPtion:Address 2 4L4 North 32nd Street Sewer hookup charge:75 fronE feet G $4.50 per front foot, =s 337-50 square feet G $0.03 per sq. ft. Ihis agreement has been computed as being one-half (r) of the eguivalent cost of an eight (8) inch lateral sanitary sewer at the rate of $4.50 per abutting front fooE and does not incl-ude the cost of a house connection to said city selrer' serrer user charges, plunrbing penlits or other suclr cosEs to be assumed by the property ovrner. CITY OF SPR]NGFIELD OREGON PROPIJRTY OIOiERS: By Date: dav of I'ub 1 in and ctoy' -/', L9 ,/Q2 t sar County ancl State linor*"n to lnc to bt: the {-,- 1+--^trw- STATE OF OREGON County of Lane ) ) ) ss BE IT REi'lElllllRED, that on this bef ore rne, thc rrndcrs igned, a Notary personally appcared the r;iEhin natned /-5- I{l'rN[SS my !ta tl t/ &,V \'lr' tP clcscrioed1t Ehis day and iden E ic a 1 i ntl iv idua L//1a4 and acknor.rle<lged to lre tlrat and r"'iro cxecutcd thc rviEhin insLrttlttcnt cxcctrtcd chc satnr: frt:cly ancl voltrrrtarily- year lasE al'ove wriLEen. Notary I'tr b 2_7 rll nd and scal ,l L/C otturr I ri s C l'.xpirt'r; Lot 5, Ol-d Windmill tract as platted and rbcorded in Book 31, Page 24r. Lane County Oregon Plat Records in Lane County, Ore. TRUNK LINE 'f- /"- , Etectricat Inspecuon fieport tn"i!-]rst726-37s3 ' W'RING 'NSTALLER ADORESS OF INSTALLATION TYPE OF STRUCTURE OWNER AOORESS AOE,RESS ITY OR TOrvN) LABEL N ffaWe u,.o rrfet/y'on?eHE,GHr ,^,&-y'2-:21 vvrRrN. METHoo: N.N-METALLTC sHEATHED .ABLE d..rc^",-= [l coNDUrr n--- powERco. a lcrTY oR TOw CHANGES OROERED ,n t I t.t 2 I covER FINAL ^CCOMPANIEO AY (o-n.r" z13z z>4 Z* ie7108 ,4afl'oo ,5"oku'b r }.3P EC TO R pH: 8L7-Sl11 //,r*,-4*-.-, I , I Electricat Inspecrion Heport If 78) 2 Phl Rev. 726-375 ? ( WIRING INSTALLER AOORESS OF INSTALLAY'ON TYIE OF STRUCTURE OWNER AE)O RESS AE,O RESS lcrTY c)R TOWN) ffanle u'.. ffrgrdloneeHErcHr o^rrD2/2:4 LABEL NO- wrRrNG METHoor NoN'METALLIC SHEATHEo cAELE d*aacAaLE D con ou,t E -._-- powER co. (CrTY oR rowxl CHANGES OROERED t CO\,ER txsPEcT0F. FINAL ACCOMPANIEO AY frc ,4drt'4g (casro,,.) , t SPRINGF!ELf' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works October 27, 1981 Ms. Ilelodie Marino 414 North 32nd Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear l',!s. Marino: '. The Uniform Housing Code, Section 201 (.c), states that the owner shaLl be responsible for maintaining rental properties. Uniform Housing Code, Section 1401\ (c), states that repair woik shal1 Lomrnence within 30 days of final notice (2nd. and final notice). 1) Replace defective duplex receptacLes in the kitchen, kitchenette, and by the front room heater. Uniform Housing Code (U.H.C.) 701 (b) and Oregon Electrical Safety Code (0.E.S.C.) 1 & 3 2) Replace defective light fixtures in the kitchen and in the bathroom. U.H.C. 701 (b) 3) Install extension sleeves in all outlets in panelled wa1ls (.receptacles and switches), and secure the devices to the boxes. 0.E.S.C. 370-7 anC 10 4) 0uter sheathing of cables to enter boxes. Upstairs outlet box. 0.E.S.C. 356-11 5) Install an approved recessed light fixture in the front porch ceiling (to be clear of the screen door). Original recessed fixture has been removed and hazardous sub- stitute wiring installed. u.H.c. 701 (b) 6) Replace rnissing cover plates. O.E.S.C. 370-15 7)Install wall switched lighting in the back room (addition) and at the outside en- trances of the addition. O.E.S.C. 210-70-A and U.H.C. 103 Cb) It is reconmrended that a S-way switch be installed for the stairway lighting and grounCing type receptacles be installed in the kitchen, bathroom, and for the washing nachine. A11 electrical work in rental property sha11 be done by an Oregon licensed elec- trical eontTactor. Oregon Electrical Standards 22-110 and Oregon Electrical Law 479--620 8) 10) Uniforn Housing Code, Section 701 (a) states that dwelling units shall pe provided with heating ficil:-ties capable of maintaining a room temperature of 70"F at 5 ft. above flcor level. N0TE: The electrical service is not adequa'-e for electric heat- ing. It is recorrnended that not less than 150 amp. service and basebacrd heaters be instalLed at this time. e) 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753 Ms. Melodie Marino Electrical Safety 0ctcber 27, 1981 Page 2. Please direct all inquries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. Sincerely, C/*", C. tr/afrrt, Charles Watson Electrical Inspector cc Judy Lobdel1, tenant Cll/ Is Eluctricat Inspecrion Heport (l 3Pt^I- Rev. 726-375 78) 37-en a AOORESS AOORES3 OF INsiT.ALLA,TlOX ?, ,,,e LABEL ITY OR TOWN OA'E TY'E OF SYRUCTURE C,WXER CHAN6ES ORDERED Fr.t t10 P ,,.. Eerr/-r 1-,?e-r. HE,cHy a , ,'24'8,' wtef ilG t'ETHoo' Non'MEtALLtc sH€ATllED cABLE {**o^"rclaLE D "on or,t E -._- powER co. AOORESS (crrY R TowN I 4 (tt e c A,t .v -O/=rfC 3.9 6 -/ / a r:r- i/it't trr!PECtC,R t FINAL ACCO}IPANIEE} OV covfe /h e 1r.c t / )'/jn h4 ./ ri) I e "o>( E /ecft't'. /)1 P //o J 1/ /le , ,-7 c- .i_ Erectricat Inspeffii0r Heport ,l:[],]i1,, WIR!NG TNSTALLER AOOR€SS OF INSTALLATIOX AOORESS lcrrv oa rowx LABEL NO. TYPE OF 5TRUCTURE usEo- HE.Gxr "^r. /(_, -2D-rF/ YvlR'NG HErxoo: I'oN-METALLI. .HEATHED CABLE [-] ^t^.,o"ao .ABLE fl aor*or,, E .._-- powER co OtY}{ER AOORESS lct OR TO CHANGES OAOEF'ED 71L//7C to s(1) o cov E rt txtr€ctoR FINAL ACCOM?ANIEO OV - frenf,er 3lcht tr P 4,,Ao ,',,J,o//,/ t1--ra/) - /z/-c )4 f SnENDtsR: compl€' *cmr I and 2 when odditlon!, s€rvlcas are desired t complets items 3 Put your address in tI, dETUBN To" Spsce on the reverse slde. Failure ao'b- ahi. wlll prevent thiscard from belng returned t9 you. The return recelot fee will orovide vou the name of the oersondelivered to and the date of d€liverv. For additlonal fees theJo@postmaster for foes and ch6ck box(es) for additional servlce(s) requosted.lXF Show to whom dellvered, dat€, and addrossse's address. 2. D Restrlctsd D6llvery I (Extra charge)I t (Extra charge)l o P"i2d'681' +ot Type of Servicer E Registered fr Certif ied E Express Mail D lnsured E coo 3. Article Addressed to: Res i dent 414 N. 32nd Street Springfield,0R 97477 Always obtain signature of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED. 5. Signature - Addressee ,4 N&t/ )a V *J, t .v,z a:Lz&4. $zlignlifire-Asent P t7 x 7. Date of Delivery/- 7'rl 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid) PS Form 3811, Mar. 1987 * u.s.G.P.o. 1987-178-268 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT I UNITED STATES I AL SE OFFICIAL BUSINESS lil .--rrr-,.,.+---,-, PENALTY FOR PBIVATE USE, $3OO RETURN TO l>Print Sender's name, address, and ZIP Code in the space below s3Prttit(rFrsLt, 0lfice ol Econcmrc Communig and tne 0epartmsrt 225 N. 5th Streer SDrtnltield Oreoon o PM .,A N 1F.3 (l):)+, B Print your namo, addross, and Code in ths spaco balow'. Complete items 1, 2,3, and tho r€vorso.. Attach to front of articls if space pormits, otherwiss affix to back of article.. Endorse article "Return Rocsipt Requested" adlacent to number' 4on CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, Rrblic Works OREGONl BUILDING DEPARTI{EM PW-11 Inspectorls Memo JOB ,.r!i ,7 (V:7 1 NP c DATE :-.)a TO: ^/? ,) '.-L/ . '' o ,.rt ^ltt i4 .' ,' V .' ,; '-4t rt,/ t ,\ /: /24/n 4n,1,/Ft'c j ,^,/.c f z''l ('^/i ,'i,,r, '..., !;--it v.-0,* LfJ.q Tr,d (1.'r.r-- ;.i,.t ( ,o(, ,/1, ;Uz i a.,-r*,_rJ / .a//,, ',/ '-U.1 ,^ i''t.:t -a l) ,:,, .;1/ r: 'r',.''.;:- a t./.t t'/ tt-.,:l /?1i- 'J,-t:,J,/ G,n ,, -r')*] p0 P, .r,-{,)/l- ..t, -'/ ..'o/J / /,,1,,,l i/-4./t /,r a - ,'//,,(6,q.4. t/, /t::. ('t.'.a.-l,;J! rl ;r,tr.:4 (t)r'-/ /),.? -tA;..? (1,.1 ;'+n/- Phone 747 -422L ,'rt ,r r.,.'(t4 ft(a ,/- I // I ('J )--.>t,?i,,/ur., ,/,:9f'r) /'\ -,.L/ ,7 1r , ',/