HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-01-25:Ervt il-- RESIDENTI COI,IBINATION / APPLICATYON PERMIT SPRINGFIELD t).!1,-t: J(fi.Lilut!Etru 22s i:1P?H SrH Si?EgI sPRr:lcFIELD, 1RECAN 97477 tsuildil4 Dioisiot 726-37 53 ob R\l )1', b1 Agent Job Location: Subdiui sicn: Assesso?s ttq # n- 02" -31 -Aq ?aE Lot u o7t b0 1?;r,h^---T t r-X-0-0 ,towv" Addtess l.Z < q n;.Jno1 PhonerlrS?/BdI'-/ *, Deec*tbe vot'k $Qsaz ilet &a.a-u Adeition I ilt*rx, L Cot.tKtctorg ll@e Adfuees Li scil Eeai-tes Phone i Gene.nal ?Lunbing llectpl,a.L ttechanical Coaetnt=tioz 9age 1 of 2 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ft is the responsibiUty of the perhit holder to see thst all i:rspections are made at the proper tiBe, that each address isreadable f?crn the street, ard that the pernit card is located at the front of the property. ,;::;Z# * .411 manholeg and cfeanouts are tc be adjusted at no cost to the City SITE I}ISPECTICN:aEctE;;Ec To be made after FIREPLACE:ffi P:iio? to plaeing f,orras. prior to set up of and before f:rarning iTOODSToYES: - After installation ,:s comPletedtion, ,work is covened. FR.{M!!IG: approval l{ust be nequested afterof nough plunbing, electri CIRB 6 APPR0ACI{ AppON: After fonnsare erected but prior to pcur:ing concrete. FqOTIllc 6 FOUUDATION: To be madeatter trenches are e::cavated andforms are eFected, but pric:r topouring concrete. cal 6 mechanical. A11 noofing, bnacing 6 chimneys, etc. must becmplet€d. No nork is to be con- cealed untiL this inspection has been rnade and approved. SIDE'dALK 6 DRtVEriAy: For: all con-cnete paving withj.a street right-of-ray, ta be nade after al.l exca-vating conplete 6 forrn work 6 sub_base natenii.l in place.TJNDERGROUND PLUMBING- SE.WER, IJATEII,Dneil-iFffiT" nad-e prror to fi].-Iing trenches. 9ilD.ERFtogR PL':IABING t HECHANICIL:!o De rtlde prror to instalJ.ation of @NSPEcrroN:lo De nEde after al.l iusulation an<ircquired vapor but before anyrall covering any insulation is concealed.OTHER I}ISPECTIONS::r.n accordance with may be nequired Building Code, ;1ans on by no- fnspeetor. floor insul.gticn or: decking. POST 6 BEAH: - rnstallation !o be nade prior toof fleor insulation to be. indicateC intice fuour Building or Cecking. DRYIIALL INSPECTICN: To be rnadeafter all cirywall is in place,but prior to any taping. &ogg5_rLU!!!r.,TG,. ErjEcrp.rcAL s HECri_dilLljliJ: iao ?ork rs to be eovereduntil these inspections have been made and appr.oveC. UASONRY: Stee1 Location, bondbeans, grouting cr verticaLs inaccordance ni.th U.g.C. Section 2r+15. HT}'AL PLUMBING A11 projeet conditions, such as the installation_of stleet trees, corepretion of therequined J'andscaping, etc" must be satisfied befone trre-nuiioixc FrNAL can be requested. FIIIAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection rmrst be requested after. the Einal prurnbingElectrical, and Meehanj.cal Inspeetlo""-ti""-5".n mace aed apprcved. llo occupancy of the premises can be mad.e until--the Final. Building Inspection has been3;ff ixfi i33il1"o; iili ;_:ilSiSrcArE oF occupAilcy HAS EEElr rssuE; By ixr suiliiuc_niir- HINAI ELEC?R,IC.{L FINAL MECHA}IICT.L 3 {rt n t---l qt))-,D. (A*,,1,)qgp lu*h Jru fu, P:ge 2 JOB NL}IEER.L-Coe +REFERENCE NUI,IBERS OCCLIPANCY GROUP TY?E/ CO!"STRI,CTIONZONE BEDROOI'!S Hea.te? Lot Faces DT Hot se ,';areoe North EaBt South llest Lot Soudre Ftd- :3 2f Lot Cooered ; cf Stories ?ctal He-tght !oVogro$.y SetbacksLct TgTe fntettor Corqet _ 0ther Sq. Ftg. Cotege Sq. !tg. Cqort ?OTA.L CIL4,PCES Th,l.s permit is granted on the ez?".as ceruiit':on t?ut the said constntction sltalL, in aLZ z.eepecte, confctr to tle tuditezes ,zdnpted by the Clty o;' Spx.ngfield, incluiing the Zondng 1rdiaanee, reEtlat'-ng :'te ecn- st;,l,.etaon od. use of btildings, *tc 1ay be ststar.d.ed or re.toked a! ary tisne upon Lrioldticn ci' dtl gro,ti- eions of eaid Crdinoues. BU TLD I II G IIALW,/PERH fi PLqt Check lee Date Pdd # No person ehall. eonatnrct, inetell, a,Lte? c" cltozge dr! nea o? erastitlg plmbing or dtc"Jnage sys:an in ulole or in pet, unless such peraot is ',he legcl possesso" of a ualid pl.anber's Lteerae, exeeit 't?tat a pe"son n4A ic plmbing uotk to p?orer? a.rich is ouned, Leaaed o" opeaated by the qiliaztt. PLAMBINC PffiMII SIJE?OT.4L tdtAL caRGSs State Sweltatle lleu o? Cot:a*ac'-ion lfire?e State La.t requiree tlat the eiact-icai uork be darc bg an tlectt'ical Cznt?dcto", th.a elecL*)cal X.ot- tton of this penrlt elull not be oaiiC tnti'u the ta- bel hae been sigaed by tlw Zleetriccl Ccntlc,lto?. The E\eetrieal Safety La,t does not "equ':"e ., ?ellota to obtain a Lieansc dB dt elect?Lcian arl/ct elec' trica! antractc? tu np,ke ctt eLectr)cal ins::L7,ation ot D?ogettu uhich is ottwJd bA hinseii ot a -r-rbet of Irts'ilidedic-"e iantly ufuLeh ia not irten=ed ;':t saLe' Ledse ct rant. EWCIETCAL PERW? SUSTO!AL CIIARCES , Hood Vett Fa llood ElICROACHMEII? Seeur)Deoosit l.lainenance Petrrit nt,8!0rN Sideutalk Ttectrteal l,a,bel f AW CAREEULLr EXAMIMD tlv conpleted applicatioa f-ot pernit, o1n do hz#;'";;ify tt-;-;;; tlri:r"*i"'" heteon'Zs nue otd' corteet' std' r ;;t1;";*rzn ** *rs ;i "it wrk penf-otned shdll be bne in accor- d,mtee atih tt, orel;;Zr";| ,7- iitv Zl bpttnafield' atd the Laie of ''he;;rZ;f- ;;s*'i"ii;71i's-'t ' iu *ix an'i+tk ietein' &d tt'a't !t0 0c' cWANcY vtLL be ,,-d, ";i-;'T -;;';tut titttout oetmiseicn of the tsui1'dittg attiaion. r f,*ther i*iifg-i;7'-i1!i"o"'""cltors od' etrploseed uho ate ;;';";;i;.;u" itnbas- zot'.'oss diLL bZ tsed on lhis proiect' on the tuiLdingDiuision qPro,ted Plc't ata 77 tines. 9ui- J5,ATIOUIIT DUE