HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1982-08-23" RESIDtrNTlAL" 22s North sttr streeAPPLrcATr,N/PERMrr SprLngfield, )regon 97477 Buildtn4 Diuisi,on 7 26-37 53 SPFI'NGFIEI TT t# q Tlro"2r,*r*..?clob Locatlcn.' o AJ 2 Tc,z Lot #Assessoro Map # Subdiuision: zip: 71\ll Phone* s11 ,O.zz 5f ctts: 5 o S.\r ArZet: Addt,ess DescrLbe htork: Nr^J zoo r1 Ltte). t e rz v i cL kp-!o^"- uLls\\'U"rS- c.d& su*rLr elfutu.,- /z-ozs,i:ODate of Applica tl Nan Additian RemoCeL Z t u.*&-\*:E-VALUE L CR Soi"-ar1 seuer eapped ct ?ropeti! Lite Septic tank pu;:ped and fnLLeC uith grelai Final - i'h.en cbcue'itens are eqroletei and uhen Cenclttion is complete oy styue- htre naoeC qtl oz'etr"ses eleanei up. Mcb Ecnes BLocking otd Set-up Plwnbing connecticns -- sare! qtl. uc.tet Electrieal Ccntectaon - BLocking, set-ui and plunbing connections mtst be apprctzd. b efore requesting el.ectrical insp ectio:: Aecessorl Buii.dtr4 -.crekes, skit ting, decks,?lnal - After etc. ore canD Pqelof2 It is the respoas'ibiLity of tla petmit holder to see tj@t aL?. inspectiona @e node at lhe ptoper tine , ihat aach adltesa ds rec1ai1.t fron the street, and tila,t tha pez.mtt eatd ia Located at =he fz,ont o7 tize craerw.*Buildiry D"iuicion ap?rou'ed plot shz.LL remain on the Buildir,4 :tte'at aLL' times.- PROC1DIIPE FAR INSPEC?ICN R?A,AEST"CALL726-3769(reccrdet) stat,e you? City desr.gt'.tted job nzorber, job alitess, tgpe of i-nspec;icn requested a-d.uhen gou uiLL be ready for inspection, Contrdctcrs or A,tney's ncne and plone ntnber. Pequest; rece*;ed befcz,e 7:0C an'mLL be nade the sante dcy, requests ncde after 7:00 an viLL be nade the neot:mrkinE- dcy. Constn ctton L"*ier SilE INSPEC?IOT!:*;ffiouTG To be rmde afterpriar tc se+- up of UNDERSLAts PLL'MBII]G, ELEC?RICAL & WCtt!.llICAL: To be nade before dny wt k i,s couered. F'COTIIIG 3 ?)UIIDATICN: To be rm,Ce ffiffies are ercaated ard forns are erecteC, but priar to pota-ing ecnc?ete. UIIDIRGROUID PLLMEITIG. SEWP, U-\!ER, DRAIilACE: To be naCe pt-ior to fil- Litry trenchee. UilDER?LCOR PLUI,E ING & MECHANTCAL : To be nade p?ia? to install,atton c; floor insulation or deeking. P1ST AND BEAM: To be nade prLor to installaxion of floar insulation or deeking. R)acH PtaBIilG. ELECI',ACAL 4 t,!ECl- AilfCAL: l:lo uot'k is to be eouez,eri. ffiTTlthese irapections iutte begr nade atd. ooto,ted.. EI9EPLACE: Pr.Lor to placirg facingncterials and before froting inspee- FRAt'IllC: lhtst be reqaested afterqproual of rcugh plttnbing, eleetri- cal & neciwnieal. ALt roofirq bracLng 8, ehitmegs, ete. rrust be . eornpleted, lto acrk is to be con- , cealed until this insoectian ha,s 'been nade anC approue'd. yow City Desigra.ted iob Nurnber fs:8,c ), INSULAIICN/VAPOP BARRTlR IIIS?IC?IC:I : lo be nade aftez, aLL insulaticn e"d t,equired oqor bavie?s @e in place but before ory Lath, Wpslnn bcarC oz, rnLL couez'ing is cppLied, aad before ay insulation is concealed. DRYiALL illSPEC?f)N: Tc be nadeifGiZff@iiTis in pLace, but prior to ang taping. l4AS1NFf: SteeL Location, bond tffijgvoutirq or uertiLals ln aecondozce,'/Lth U. B. C, Sectior,. il)ODSTCrlE: After iratallatton is atwLeiei. I I CARB & APPRCACH APPON. d,e e"ectAT"tVG,: After fornstn pourittg co?E"ete. SfDEWALK & DRf',EwAl: Foz, aLL ccn- c"ete palLng uithtn street right- of-txA, *-o be naCe after aL|. erca- tating canplete 4 forn wrk & eub- base naten)al in place. FTilAL PLUABIUG PINAL I4ECHANICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL ALL project condicions, such aa the installation of stteet trees, ccncletion of tie required Landsccpitg, eic., m)st be satisfiedbefore the BAfLDfNc FIIAL cenbe requesteci. lIllAL BaILDIN?: Tke Einal Building Inspection nust be requested after the linal ?latnbirq Electrical, and Mecharical inspections lteue been nade atd aoprozseC, *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST 3E ACCESS|SLE, AD,;US?!E\I! TO 9E i,L4DE !\T !]O.3ST TO CIIY o $ts,gcISo\o \\..4 sonJ {-fr 11 ,,ouor" ,o " General T A!C!: i{her conplate -- ?vouiCe @G or nouabLe seetions throtgh l-lP.a.E. I I 2 dJOB NO soLAR A 'EsS REQ.-L-CO tseitoons: Lot Eaces -Enera,t So:trces Setbacks Di House Calaae Access.hlater lleaterllorthRange Eosx FirePi-aas South tiaocisto u^e % cf Lct Cooerage_ # of Stories Total lleight LCT TWE _ Intetiot, _ Corner _ Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac bt Sq. Etg. lopogrqhy l,/est Building V<llue & Permit ?his pennt t is p,anted on the etp"ess eot"d.ition tlat the said eonstt"tction sltall, in aI-L resoects, :onfcrnio the )rdirutnce tdooteC:, tL.e iity of Spr")ngfield, inclwiing the Zoning Cr,<iinence, r,egulcting ;he ccnstracticnqr,i,tse of buildin4s, anci mey be susoenLeC cr z.eockei at cny tine upon uic- iatzon oi any prcoiaions of sarC OrCirances. nnm 1f trA r I te cn^ Signed: I!EId F?G x i/d ?otal Clangea Building PermLt State Check D^r- D-.'). # Plumbing Permit No pereon shall eons'bntct, install,, af,tet, or elwnge cn7 nefi cr existing plunbing or drainage sAsta-n in.,tlole or in pott, unless sueh person ia the LegaL posseasor of a oalid plwnber's License, escept ttwt a pe"son nag do plwnbing aork to p"opert! ahich is ormed, Leased oy operexed by the appli.- caflt. NO !tE CI]ARGE Fiztutes Reaidznti.aL (1 bath) Saner Pl;,onbing Penrit Electricol Permit Were State Lan requires tlnt the electr.Lcal uork be done by ot E1.ectrical Cant",7.ctot,, the eleetrical pottion of this pernit sTnLL not be ualiC until the Label has been aigned by the ELectr.tcal Contractor. u I total N a,t / Ect end. C irctri t s Semtice iTlM ilc ?trr 11 l )a; Mechqnicql Permit E lw$t Hoo.1. i'/codstore Vent Fot Pertnt,t fssuawe Mechanicel Perwit -- EI|CRCACHMEII? .- Seaat+tu Deoosit !!9!os" l,laintercnce ?ermit O,ebeut SLdArALR cLeet?leaL LabeL MobiZe ilcne TO?AL AMOUII? DUE:* ffid-- f HAW CAREFaLLY gLAl,[llED the conpleted apolication for pernit, and do hereby eettiiy that aLL itfotrrution hereon la ttwe an4 ebttect, cnl. I f'"uth"e" eertify that any ard. aLL aork perfctned a?nLL be done in accoz,- dance rrith the Ordinances of tle City of Springfield, anl. the L,r,:s of theState of Aregon pertaining to the ao"k Cescribed herein, cnd :/at NO OCCA- PAi{cy vill be nwce of qy st?uctu"e uithout permission of the 3uitding D,!.-uision. f further eertif'g that otzly cantractors azzd etp'Lcyees alp arL in conpliance aith ?RS Z01.0ss aiLL be used on this o?oject ITIM ilatct Tctaf, Clnroes l1Dfra.4 1t" j'\ State Surchsqe Total Chanoes