HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-02-18I .. RESIDENTIAL.. COMB IN ATI ON AWLI CAT ION /PEPJI"IT 225 North |th Stueet Spm.ngfi.ed, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 r-ob Locaticn 3 a.S Aaaeaao?s tbp t fL- 02- 3L2*?d tat il DbgfiO SPRINGFIELD il Subdiuision: naareea:)l3O 'i,..'nore: //7- 373{ Asner:I SPa*;F/EL D zip: q 7 q7-7Citg: Date of ldditicn RarcCeL Value Date: Reeeip 'i--Tr-naPt is: ag //1, />, ?% /,f. oo ,b0 Ganaral PLunbing EZectrical i,lechciezl Conatorctiott Lendet It is the *epoayLbil.ity oi the pextntt l@Ud b fie tut aLL *apectiona @o nad,e at lle pryd tine, that aach ,:fuesa ia teaiabl.e tltn the streot, dd, th4t the pd,itt cal ia Leated d tho fzrttt of tttc Woperty.teuitdi,H Dirsisiptz qr*^*i plbt slu,Ll r€ftrin oi tlg BuiUifig Sita at aLL- ltnea. mOSDWE POR INSPEAnON f,gQWSI: CaLLtr becozfu) statc yottt Citg deaig@ted. iob tur,ber, job ailrees, tAPa of inspectim @aagforin4ectiott'co|t|aeto?aoia,',ere-,,a,,e-,zldpt,o,umoliba.PeqE8t8yeceii-edbefcle?:00c:tt"tl,l, fu nad,. thc eane dq, "e(Wats ncde aft* ?:00 6a vtLL be ilod,e tlo n*t ,nrking dat. lN citg Deaigwtd, Job tffio Io:, Sdrila.g aa.ta cqoei =t gopS; Line Septie to* ryed d, f,,l,i,ed. ttth linal - ,!',4r,sn abcve itzne ,ze c*rPleted cd. ahen d,qtclitiot ia ca*Lete ot tute nooeti ct pratrtsaa c'r.bot* ,tg. Blockittg ord. Set-tp Plwtbittg connectictp -- sa.)er d,'oarer ElecLrical Ccnneetion - 8lcck4r4, aet-uo od, pltnbitlg eornectiona naist ia q.cra:eci bef ote rcqtea ting elcc=rical')r.epecziott Acceslot?* Etikiitq Final - After pcrehea, sk'Jrt|ng, declcs, etc. @e e4i,ateci. F4e1cf2 : ?o bt nll aftet aLL i,tltuktiai ed, ryu*d uqot b*ztoc oe in plzce but beforc @79 lzth, glpan boal. or tzLL ao*itrg ia qplied,, od beJ'orc ory inaul,atton ia conceatd.. DRIIINL IIISPECI!?1[: ?c be nade afte.t aLL dlgl,b,Ll ia in placa, but p?io, to aq tqlng. tW0fiRI: Steel lacatian, bottd. buw, grantin4 or oet*.iu,Ls ia accotdoue tlth U.B.C. Sec?ian 2478. ,t1ODST1'n: Afta" i.ratallztion ie urpLeteti. CURB ,9 TPPP.2ACE AP.EpN: After forne ane etectaC but prio" b pouriry ,n?La€te. SIDEI,IALX 8 DRTEIIAI: For" aLL eon- c*e* pavAq vithin si;neet rtght- of-t'tcy, b be ruCs a;'ter aL! esea- ua?-?rg eryLete E foat wrk & cub- base tcter[al in pla.ca. !!I,\CE: tllter anolaxe -- Hooil.e @ e nwable secxi,olts firougil P. A. S. I- WDERSUB PLAMEIITG. ELECARTCAL & | | MECHA.:IICAL: lo be nwie befote oq,&?k La coogtgl. fona. FCOTINC 9 F1Ul[DAlICil: ?o be naCe @audod forna oe etectcd, ktt priot to pount1g ccrlcteta. S]3g ilISPEEION:@ F7Dfrr Af?. ncterials FfiIAE PLAUETNC IINAL I'IE*UNTCAL FIEAL EI,EtrRICAL To be rde aft* /,,,liot, b zet tq of UNDMCEOUIID PLAIEINC. '57IER. U.q?ER, Litq treachse. MDEP:FLOOR PLAI,IBNG T IECAANICAL : U-Ee ffi trLir i insxalkxiott of floor intuiation ot deeking. PSST-4!P_-084A: Io be nade Ptior to:^-installaticn of floot ittsuhtion ot &ckitq. couffi ?LurBrtc. ?LEZq!CAL I WCH- .Ai'IICAL: :.lo ,otk Ls to oe coxqred. ffithese inspec?iozs hase beet; Mne od qrcueC, X futor to plccinq ozd befote fra dng fcczq inspec- ti,ol. NR/tl.IllG: litst be reqaectd. aft* qproual of tottgh pLurbing, electri- a,L & aeclwti,cal. AL! wofittg fuaeing 3 clrhmega, etc. nr;,at be ccryLeted. llo r,prk is to be con- cealed wttil tlrta inspectictt ho.s been nade od. apptoted. E ALL Woiect conditiona, stc!': aa tlu t-netalLqtion of s!"eex t?eel' requircd Tnrnseqirq, etc., ililat be satisfied befote tl,e WILDI;C -*7 --:4 Flliat :an , of ;ne be teouested. ?II1,4L ilILDINC: Tae Final Bri|ting Inqection nast ba recTuested a!:e, '.he l'inzl ?trnbing \_/ Electtical, at:, :lech@lical inspect'-ona ltata been nacie otri aoDtoue<i. *ALL !,IAI,IIICL8S AND CLEANOWS MUSI BE ACCESSIBLE. ADJASTIISNT lO 3E I44DE IT NO CAST ?C :PY 3e T tr T r L-COG #:Refererce ilunbetsJcb Nwbet: )eanpancy Group:?ype/cor.st:BedtoonsZcne: DT House Lot Faces - I?EI,I SQ.FTG x Value lbin /'t*ace- Ccoort Accesao?u TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 s lmt. eoidt Signed: NO.EEE CEARGE Plumbing Permit No pe?son shall constmrct, inotal.|, altev ot ehozge c-nA na/, ct e.z'isting pltnbing or drainage s1stan in ulole ot in pet, unleee such peneon ie tle Legal pbaeeeaor of a oalid plunbet'a Licenae, eacept that a Pe?lon tul q pltnbing aotk to Wope?tA ulrtch is ottmed, leasel ot opterated, by the qpli' @ni. FirttEes Residotlti-d,L (1 bath) Soti Sa'ter Permlt State Electricol Permit Na,t/Ertend, Circuits l{hete La')Lectrical uork be done by an ELectm)eal Contw.ctot,the S*tsiee the Label lae been eigned bg the Conttacto". t ;!lM Mechcrnicol Permit Esltanst HooC Vent Fdt Per*Lt fsstozce o lleehanicel Pernrtt o I Seartty Deposit Storaqe PLan ddar, lllaintenance Perqrit Curbeut SiddaLk !enee E1ectylcal tabel MobLLe Horne !?TAL ltl't1UllT DUE:* f HAW CAREFULLy EYAMINED the conpleted appltcation for perwLt, and do hereby eettify tlut aLL inforrnation hereon ia tzue and. correct, otd. f fuz.then eettify that dng ard aLL uotk perfomred altall be done in aecot- dance rtLth the }rdincnces of th.e city of Springfield, otd. the tana of the* State of Oregcn pertaining to the uork Ceeeribed herein' cnd. tlnt N0 )CCA- PANCY aiLL be nade of qzA stmtctu"e vtthout pennissi.on of the Building N- oieion. I further eertify thet otly contractors ord atplcyees aho c.!e in eanpliance uith oRS 707.0ss uLLL be ueed. on thie pnojeet TctaL * , Lot Sq. Ftg. % ci Lot Coueraga_ # of Stortes Total Eeight tiopogz'ql1g Building Pqntit Stdte ?otal Clnrgea TNT ?WE _ fntericr _ Cornet _ Pothotdle _ CUl-de-sac Building Volue & Permit This pernnt is ganted ott the e$p?eaa cot'tdition tlwt ttle aaid constmtction sttall-, in aLL rbspects, eonfarn to the }tdinry'ce adopted by the City gf Sprtngfield, inctudin4 the Zonlng Cvdinan'ce, regakting the ccnstmtcticn otd. use of buildings, otd nay be suspetded or rasol<ed at dry time upon oic- lntLon of ot! ptcutsions of eaid 2tdinotee. P|an flteek Fee: Receipt #: af, t DvE i\tntao 4lll'3 llcodstote ),C aa / {-/at)Taia1- Chanoes State Szeehctae ,a) -- ENCR,OACHMEIIT --