HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-07-12Job Locaticn: Iat lat # Describe h,otk: VaLuetr L Ru'5 -qDDate of A {r- ll Additicn Aesessots Map # svbdiuision: Oumet: Addtess: City: Phone: zip: rSGeneral i Plumbing Electr a1 .. RESID' ITIAL.. 2 z s North sth streeaPPt'rcAT rdn*'/PERI'fi'r Springfield, 1z,egon gZ4ZZ Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIlrlGFIEI-D 'by Date: tf p I4echanica Su e E1 t,:c 1an It is the responsibility oi the permit ltoldet tofranr*D.,.'the e tteet, atrd, tlut theLdingDioicion appno"*ed p penmt cad, isLot shcll remain tlwt aLL inopeetions ee nadeat the fuont of the orooet,tu -Building Sitc -at aLL' tr!mes."- at the pto?er time, that ecch cd,tnees is rea4.hl.e job al,i.z,ees, tgpe P,equests receit:ed of inspeelicn befcre- ?:00 s,t 1r 7 aee Located on the p.RocEpupE, Fo4 rvspEcrrov RwuEsricau zrequested and, uhen iiou uiLL be readu fot,LVLL be nade the eane dcy, req,rcsts-nZde 26-376 9 (recotdet ) state gout Citg designated job nur,ber,inspection, Conttactors or A,mets nc,'ne and. plane numberaftet7:00 @n wiLL be nnde the nect tnrking day Iout City Desigr,ated Job Nunbe" fs: m STTE TNSPECTION: excaoation, but forns. ?o be rmde aftez, pt tor to set up of ANDERFLOOR PLAMBII|G & MECqANICAL: of floor insuktion or decking. POS? AND BEAA: To be nad.e pntot to ffiffiTWof ftoor insuT)tion or decking. RoUGH PL(DBINC. ELECIRTCAL & MECH:_ ANICAL: No uork is to be cot:et,edffiiL these inspections lnoe been mal,e and approoed.. EIPEPLA9L: Pz.ton to placirq faeingmaterials and. befote froning inspee- tion. FM[-AC: iltust be requested aften @in6i"t of rough pltt,bing, eiectri-cal & neclnnieal. ALL toofing btactng 6 chinneys, etc. rrust be eonpleted. tlo uctk is to be con- eealed until this inspection has been mode anC appro"-ed. FIIIAL PLUUAIrc FINAL AWNANICAL FIIIAL ELECTRICAL ?o be aLL DRIIIALL TilSPECIION: ?c be nade @er atT@A-is in place, but ptior to cng taping. MASONR! Steel Location, bond beans, gz,outing or uerticals in aceordorce LlLth A.B.C. Section 2415. VOODS?O"E: errpTetA. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APPON:After forznsee erecteC but prLor to pourin4 @ncrete. SIDWALK & DRTLE'I|AI: For aLL con-.tete pffiitfid street right- of-txA, to be na.4e after aLL ecea- oating eonplete & forn uotk & sub- base nnter.tal in place. ) DEI.DLruIOI] OR Sotitary easer capped et propertii Line Septic totk pwrped and fi.Lled tith gra:sel Final - l{hen abctse itens are eanpleted and uhen Cer.tolition ie eanplete bt stntc-ture moued od. pretriaes cleaneC up. e Hcmes Blocking otd, Set-up Plunbing eonnectione -- aede? otd. ualet Electrtcal Connecti.on - Bloeking, set-uD and plwbing eonnections nrtst be apptcted before tequeeting eleclricaL inspecliott Acceseory BuilCing ANDERSLAB PLI.]MBING. ELECTRICAL &wcltrycnr:@ns tlotk is couered. requiz,ed uapot baniers @e in p|,ace but_ _befone ory Lath, gApslon bca.z,C oz, unZL -couering is applied, and. before any it'tsulation is concealed. !p!!l!c & F?UNDA?ICN: ?o be rmCe @ et WncG a" eZse att at ed and. forns ate etected, but ptioz, to poun-ing ccnc?ete. ANDgRGROUIID PLT]MBTNG, SEHER, TN.A?ER, DRAIIIAGE: To be made prior to fil- @-linehes. Pinal - After etc. Ne conp pcrchee, skit ting, decks, Le'.ed. ALL pnoject condittons, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, ecnpleti.on of ilte requined LanCseepirg, etc. ' mtst be satisfied before the BUILDIN? FfltAL can be requeeted. ilNAL BUfLDING: The Pinal Building fnepeetion mtet be requeated aftet, the Fi.nal Plwnbing Electrical, and. Meelnnical fnspections l14ue been nade ard approoed. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIITIIT ?O BE I.|,4DE AT IIO C)ST TO CI?Y Page 1 of' T I u fa fincs: h4ten conplete -- ProtsiCe L) gates on nooable seetians thnough P.A. E. T JOB NO. Zone: IoL Sq. Ftg. % ci Lct C.tserage- li of Stortes Iotal Hei,ght TopogrcPhY TotaL SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- LCT TWE _ Inteticr Corner PantnndLe Cul-de-sac o t L-co d Bedroons Ileat O/zr/n I flAW CAREFULLY EXLaINED the conrpLeted application fot pernit, cnd do hereby certify that aLL infonnation heyeon is true and correct, cnC f further certify that any ar.d aLL uork perfor-ned slwll be dote in aceot- ilznce rrLth the 1rdinances of the Ci,ty of Springfield, ard the Lae of the* State of 1t'egcn pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, c'nd. that N0 OCCU- Pl.ltcy urtll be nade of any sttuetupe ut)thout permission of the Suilding Di- tision. I funther certifii thet olly contractol's and enplcyees t;ho are in eanpliance uith CRS 70L.055 uiLL be used on this project Date/ / 1^ tz-9 0E Lot Faces - DT House -- Fees -- FTG x Value Building Vqlue & Permit I This penrtt i" g*ant.[on the exp.nes? "o!,-l!io" tlnt the said'eonsttwction slull, in all tespects, gonfortn to ^"h,1 -?-11*nce adopte'L dv the citv of Spz'iwfieLd, including the Zoning crditwnce' negulating tie ecnstructicn ' otd use of buildin7.s'. ia-"y b.e" susp.ended or reuokeC at cr'a time upon ot'c- |ation of any prcuisions of said 1rdinances' TOTAL VALUE ,e S.D.C L.5 x Building Penlrt Date Paid State #: Sig*ed:Total Charges NO DFf CHARCE Plumbing Perrnit No pereon slull consttact, inetall.,. altet or chan4e.any nea,cr.existing ;j_,2:;;"?;d;i,;};,#:ii,i*t;nizl{:h!ri;"2;L"T*i.:p??::{;iff 3:*,Lrn?X:"Ti""';;o'";:;*,,lni7iii'";;e-, ;;'a oir op"rated bv the dppli'- eant. Fi.ott*es Residzntial (1 bath) Sa'ter PlutnbLng Pentit State Sutchange ITEM Electrico I Permi t WhereStateLan"equilestlnttheelectlicaluolkbedoneby-anElectli.cal contractor, the electiZot'ilot':o' of this p"i':t stnll noi be oalid until il;"bb;L'n"" inL" signed ty tne Electrical contracto"'Neut/Eotend Ci-tcuLts Sensice total t aL ntt A Dal Mechq nicol Permit Vett P@t I,lcodstooe Permit Issu's.ee Meelnnical PerTrnt , r')tSec,u.L Permit Curbcut Sideualk Mobile Hone TOTAL AMOUIIT DUE:'/03,/s Signed Date klwnst Hood K.o" .>{<c