HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-03-19r,4 fti t2l). # Job Loeaticn: , Alseasora MaP # /0a Subdiuision: Aile?:gEsr Addtess:a .So cL Addi.tion L 225 North Sth Street SprLngfi-eld, Oregon Building Diuision 726-37 53 /J 3 ? J 5/Phone: .. RESID APPLICAT 97477 .lTlAL" 'ION/PERI/IIT SPFIHGFIEI-D Tca Int #o ,/ ?'l 4 {(- q,+l -1* 1, €,u, {, { f /Jf;qW!| yt Sy sT*' J,./, 9oo 4*p .9t-,.{-, "oL'{orvre< { 3 t" &,. ".-. {S 0, C2 Date Date of App 7 VaLue 3ffi'( GeneraL Eleety,icaL Remtt'aorl L h ((f(l-IL 26-376 9 (z,eeoz,det) state yout, City designated job ntmbet,, iob aCiress, type of inspeeticn inspection,Cont?actcts or Oumei,s rtctne and pitone rmrnbet. P.equests receixed befcre 7:00 cnafter 7:00 on tiLL be made the nert aoz,king day. Congtruetion Lender I-t is the responsibi_LilU of tte penrtt hoZden to Bee that aLL inspections ee nade at the p"ope" tine, t?,at each a.l,lress is rsnsn;i" [7t1-t1g atreet,. anc that the permtt card is Located at the fuoni of the prope"ta.*suiaing Nuicion approxed plhn shz.Ll remain on tLe Building site 'at aLL' ilkes.' PRo2EDUPE FOR TNSPE1?TOII R!8aESr..cALL 7 nequested at;d ulzen 'gou uiLL be ready foruiLL be nade the sde dcy, neqtests" nZtie 8lo t(sIout, City Designated Job Nutnbez, fs: fi.an c SnE INSPEC?rON: ?o be nade after ezcaoation, but pt Loz. tc set up of fotns. ilISULATTON/VAPAR BARRTER IIISPECTION : Io be maCe after aLL insuLaticn ed t'equired uapor bavie?s @e in pl-a.ce bat before ory Lath, Wpslrn bcatC ot, unLZ cooering is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. I I tllppRSLAB pLUt{BrNG, ELECTRTCAL &WC\tlliCAL: To be nade befoie-nyuork is eotseyed. FC)TING & F)UNDA?ICN: Io be npCeafter tt,enches are escaoated artd. forms. are erected, but ptior topourtng ccncreta. UND,RGPCUI]D PLUMEINC. SIWEP. W.ATER, DRAfNAGE: To be made p,ior to fil-Lirq trenehee. UilDERFL))R pLutntuc & \|ICHANTCAL :robemade@of flooz, insulat.Lon ot, decking. DRYWALL LNSPECTf)N: Ic be nadeafter aLL d.r,yuall is in pl.a.ee, but prior to any taping. IUS)NR!: Steel Location, bond beans, girouting or oerticals in aecoydqtce Lrith U.B.C. Section 241s, WOODSTOI,IE: ccnpTet;A. Aftet, irntallation is I posr elto ataw: To be nad,e pz,iot, toI installation of flooz, insulatton oy deekittg. :---J ROUGH PLU!,IBIXG, ELECTPICAL & I,\ECH- ' I ANICAL: aoM - utiL these inspeetiors haue been made and appnorled.-1 rlPrpu,ct, wton to plceirs fccino, I materials and. befone -franirfi ir"pnl_tion. 7 pnu:rnC: ttust be requested afterI approual of rough plwrbing, eiectni-cal & necitanicaL. ALt roofing bracing €, chinmegs, etc. nast be . cotnpleted. lto ucz,k is to be con_. ced.Led until this inspeetLon hastbee.n made anC appz,oxed. CURB & APPR1ACH APPON: After fonnsue erecteC but ptiot, to pour*ing concrete. SfDEWALK & DRf\EWAI: Fot, all eon- crete paoing uithin street right- of-ucA, to be maCe aftez, aLL erca- oating complete & forn tnyk & sub- base nater.i.aL in place. IENCE: h4ten eonplate -- prouiCe gates or nottable seetians through P, A. E. ALL project eondttions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, co::oletion of tierequired LanC.sceping, ete.' mtst be satisfiedbefore the BUILDIN:G FfNAL canbe requested. FrNAL BUTLDIN1: The Final Building. rnspeetion mtst be tequested after the Final plunbingElectrical, and Meclunical fnspection" 'hauo been nad.e- ard'opprotsnd.. lf tr l FTNAL PLUI.IBIIlG FINAL ILECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL DEI.IOLTTTO]] OR Sanitaty seset, capped et properfi; Lite Septic tank purped atd filled trtth gra:;el- Pinal - I,lhen abcue ttens are ccrnoleted and uhen Cenolition is comp;Lete'ot, sttac- tuye moued ard. prerrLees cleaneC up. Mobile Hcmes Blocking ord Set-up Ptunbing connectians -- aaie? otd ua*er Electrical Connection - Bloeking, set-up and. plutnbing conneetions tn;st be apprct-ed before requeeting electrical i-nspeetiol Aecessory- BuilCirq Pital - After pcrekes, skirting, decks,etc. are eompleted. Pace 1 of 2 *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S MLJST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST\1EI\I ?O BE I.,ADE A? UO CCST ?O Cny l l T JOB NO. I?EM Neu/Eotend Cireuits Hcodstotle PennLt Mechanical Permtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- t Permit TotaL AEbc'ut Sidettalk Fence Mobile llone soLAR AC n ESS REQ._L-co ir t:.V BeCtoons Mechqnicql -T*r l. t I F" ' v'4 e<Csu uJ t*l EaT Pu t*^.1c ,l Permit I i 7-'rJa D ) u. r,"t PLan E&anlner s/ rq lst I HAW CAREFULLy EXA\LINED t?e eotrpleted application for pennit, and do i"i"ty iiteQ that aLL infortnation het:eoi- is true and correct, and r futth"et, certi'fy that ana ard aLL aork pez,fotned ahall be done in accot'- "danee tLth th|" OrdinancLs of the City of Sptingfield, and. the La:;s of the ii,ate o7 Oregcn pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, cnd tlnt NO OCCU' pl.nCy ,itt bL rnad.e of any" structuye uithout permisaion of the Building DL- uision. f fw,ther c'ertii, that only eontraclors aitd enplcyees uho ote in eonpliance aith oRS ?01.05s uiLL be used on this pt'oject \q Lot Faces - Df Access Laceth # of Stor"ies Total Height Topographg LOT TWE _ fntetiot, _ Cor.ner _ Panhard.le CUL-de-sac- Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Coueraga ITEM Sq. FTG x Va ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 r Check Date Paid: Reeeipt #: Building Vqlue & permir \i"..o"y'*t-is gnanted on the etp?ess eond.ition tLnt the said. eonstraction Y::-'^::.itL:'e:pee.ts' conform to the ordirwnce adopted 6iy the city afbp?LngrleLd' tncrudinq the zoning cz,dinance, regulatzng thb ccnstrubticn *.,\: { ?uildins.s,. and ,*y tn" "iii;";.;;" "" t,euokec at eny time upon uic_LatLon o!'cnA prcuisions of said 0tdirnnces. J Building Penrit ?otal Clnrges State Signed: NO FEE aoA DFn Etbhpes Resid.enti.al (1 bath) Seuer No pereon shall consh.ttet, install., alter or ehange cfiA nel cr e*isting plutnbing or drainage systen in'ahole or in patt, unless such person is the iegal pbssessor of a oalid plunber"s L'Lcense, eccept that a pe"son nay lo plttnAi.i'rg uork to p?operty uhich is otned' Leased or opez'ated by the appli' cant. Plwnbing Perrrit State Plumbing Permit t! A Daa 22,sa Semsiee I{ rl.J S? (vtu- Electricol Permit hthet,e State La,s requiz,es th,at the electrical uork be done by,an Electrieal Cont"acto", the eleetrical po?t'Lon of this permit sltall not be oalil unttl the Label las been signed by the Eleetrical Contlactor. 2z;oawg 9l-r{n,"* L Sffi .f*avtcq 3 tJ €r,r-.r (,,r41^.J g iT,vs,Lrl4fL; LE3t?LCAL Total trEp PTUIS bhanet HooC Vent Fot & "n2, /o TOTAL AMOUII? DUE: A 5(.ro Signed Date Watan U UJ