HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1979-04-30PUBLIC \\i ORKS CIlrAT C)-F- SPH,T\TGFIEI-]:) SPRINGFIELD. OREGON S7 477 April 30, 1979 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 Li I 262 Spr U&RExpresslnc. F. R. Corbett P.0. Box 5ZZ Lake 0swego, Oregon 97034 1 igren Logging North 32nd Street ingfield,0regon 97477 Dear Si rs ; At the request of the Springfield Fjre Department Inspector, Capta'in Joe Lamonr, the Bujlding Divjsion of the Cjty of Springfield made an inspection of the structure located at 262 North 32nd Street, Springfield, Oregon. In add'ition to, and for clarificatjon of the violations ljsted in Captain Lanonts' 'letter to you, dated Apri 1 9, 1979, the f ol 1oi,ri ng j tems must be re- paired, removed, or replaced to conform to appf icable codes. 1. Remove al I cords and open wiring. Wiring should be in condui t. Repair or replace damaged wiring. Install approved cover plates on all junction boxes. Remove 30 amp. fuses from branch circu'its with #12 wiring and replace with 20 amp. fuses. Repa'ir, replace and protect all wiring to service equipment in an approved manner. Remove alI equipment and material'in front of electrical servjce panels. Maintajn a clear unobstrucled access area to the panels. Remove the lights'in the service pit. Ii'lights are used in the service pit they must conrpiy with Class 1, Divis'ion .: wiring as outl ined in the Natjonal Electrical Code. The storage of f'lamnrable liqu'ids must be limr'ted to the amounts specjfiecj by the Fire Code and Section 1008 of the Unjform Building Code. 2 ? 4 5 6 7 oo rs dz1/tt,-f\il/*qJlj,F d*,4tr ftr nl-fgd-'&,iJ+'3i //r* (i rt o f ra?fH,I\TGFIEI-D SPRINGFIELD, OREGON S7 477 'l 4TH AND NORTH A STRUET FIRE DEPARTMENT 7 46-6544 April 9, L979 LilIigren Logging 262 North 32nd Street Springfield, OR 97477 ATTN: Ken LilIigren RE: Code Violations Truck Sho 3 Wiring in shop area must be brought up to code ' nlectiical peimit will be required' Division wall between the two different occupancies does not meet fire wall separation rating. Building permit will be required. Heating system does not meet code' (Wiring' flue' clearance and installation) ' storage in buitding is extremely hazardous. (storage of material must be clean and orderly' Housekeeping is non existent). 4 SincereIY, BUREAU OF FIRE PREVEN T ON q I 2 The springfiel,d Fire Department has classified your building' in fire situation, as "l man trap". The City of SpringfieJ'd will be raking i;;"i acEIoE-i3-TE-e hazards are not abat'ed' -/ { Joe Lamont, CaPtain-InsPector SPRTNGFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT 150 North 4th Street Springfield, OR 97477 rl' i re' Safety Inspection Draa ')I uyL L. 9' If nlore th'rn one occupanc-v (cliffercni types of use) 'is in use jn the builclinr;they must be sgParated by approvecl fi relres i sti ve construcii on. Adequatelight and vetrtilation must be provided as specifiec in Section 1005 of IheUniforn Buj ld.inq Code. 1C. The restroorn ntust be provided r,vith v,_.ntilati0n as specified in Section 1C05of the Un i fornr Bu i I d i ng Code. 11' The walls in the water closet conrparrnrent shal'l be of a t;upe l,rhjch is notadversr:1;z affected by moisture - Section 1711 Un.ifornr Buljaing Code Al I electrical itens lllust be repaired inrr,reciiately and al l apol icable perrnits ,rust br_,obtained before vrork begins and all vrork shall bL acconrplisired according to app1i..il;lecodes and inspected before a cert jf icate oi coilpl iance r,ril l be issuerj. Please direct all inquiries to the spi''inqfield Bujlclinq Itivis.ion a I /26-3753. Sinc e ly, Dan Snri th Bui lding Inspector DS/ct Encl osure cc: Joe Lanont, Fire Department CI.TY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON hrb lic Works BUILDING DEPARTITT{M pl^r_ I I Inspector ! s Memo ADDRE S TO: DA -25'- 7 Phone 747 -422L INSPECTOR I FtRE DEPARTMENT CIItrY OF SPF,II{[GE-IEI-I) SPRINGFIELD, OREGON O7 477 April 9, 1979 Lilligren Logging 262 North 32nd Street Springfield, OR 97477 4YH ANO NORTH A STREET 7 46-6544 ATTN: Ken Lilligren RE: Code Violations Truck ShoP 1. Wiring in shop area must be brought up to code' Electrical permit wiII be required' 2. Division wa}1 between the two different occupancies does not meet fire wall separation rating. Building permit will be required. 3. Heating system does not meet code, (wiring, flue, clearance and installation) . 4. Storage in building is extremely _hazardous. (Storage of maferial must be clean and orderly. Housekeeping is non existent). The springfield Fire Department has classified your building, in fiie situation, as "l man trap". The City of Sprinqfield will be taking legal acfioh-iffie hazards are not abated' Sincerely, BUREAU OT FIRE PREVENT ON ,/{ Joe Lamont, CaPtain-InsPector SPRTNGFTELD FTRE DEPARTMENT 150 North 4th Street Springfield, OR 97477