HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1967-04-05CITY OF SPRINGTIELD APPLICATION AND AGREEilENT FOR SANITARY SE},ER LATERAL HOOKUP Appllcatlon ts hereby made by the undersigned ProPerty ou'ner for per- mlssion to connect the followlng deicrlbed propeity to a sanitary sewer lateral line owned and malntalned by tG CIty of Sprlngfleld, and I agree to pay a hookup charge ct $a.OO p.r iront fooi of tlre pioperty to be.served by such sewer lateral ln lieu of an assessment against the descrlbed proPerty: Property descrlPtion: 139 $erth Jlnd $t. Iax ;lot #5790 ?hc Ytst 230r sf ?ax Lot #1700. l]*$!')f*Jl b1 Amoun't of front footage: $txty Feat (00t1 Sewer hookup charge. (@ $4.00 per front foot): Locatlon of CltY lateral taP-16' Length of sonnectlng llne; l$0r Type of constructlon! Slze and klnd of PlPe: 4" Concrote $2IrS.60 ln accordance wlth provlslons of the Springfleld Clty Code' lt is pro- vlded that ln the event a sanltary sewer lateral should be constructed ln the future whlch is beneflcial to the above property, I further expressly agree that the abo.re property shall be assessed for such sewer ln preclsely the same manner as lhough iroperty were not served by and hooked to a city sewer, and that the above i+.bO per iront foot hookup charge deposlted wlll be "ppfiea to such future assessment for sewer lateral constructlon' clTY 0F SPRINGTIELD, OREGoN PRoPERTY E}|NERS| ( By , -.L F <\ Si r,ii vl. Appllcatlon ls hereby made by the undersigned ProPerty owner for per- mission to connect the following deicrlbed property to a sanitary sener lateral I ine obrned and malntalned by the CIty of Sprlngfleld, and I agree to Pay a hookup charge cf $4.00 per iront fooi of the property to be served by such sewer tateril tn lieu of an assessment against the descrlbed ProPerty: CITY OF SPR!NGTIELD APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR SANITARY SEUER LATERAL HOOKUP Property descrlPtlon: 139 Scuth 32nd St. Tax :tlot #5700 The Llest 230t of Tax Lot #5709, 17-02*31'31 Amount of front footage: Slxty Feet (6Ot) Sewer hookup charge. (6 $4.00 per front foot): Locatlon of Clty lateral taP-ln: Length of connectlng llne: lB0t Type of constructlon: Slze and kind of plpe: 4,' Concrete $240.00 ln accordance with provlsions of the Sprlngfield CIty Code, lt ls pro- vicled that ln the event a sanltary sewer lateral should be constructed In the future whlch Is beneficial to the above propertyr I further expressly agree that the above property shall be assessed for such sewer In preclsely the same manne!. as though property $rere not served by and hooked to a city sewer, and that the above $t+.OO per front foot hookup charge deposited wlll be applied to such future assessment for sewer lateral constructlon. clw oF sPRlNGi:lELD, 0REGoN PROPERTY U}INERS: By );.{ I -6-6 7-?/Ya- talo,to C.