HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1997-08-12SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97 477 SPAINGFIELO JOB t .4BE ffi, lnspection Line: 726-3769 Office:726-3759 TAX LOT:SITE ADDRESS: ASSESSORS MAP: OWNER:-) ADDRESS:3 CITY STATE ZIP:QtvT f Marquee Other Total Height above Grade IF ' (nt' Horizontal Width of sign or enclosure a' BUSINESS NAME, fiRT.J{ FEC la,tp-/n rn*5tO4 DESCRIPTION oF PROPOSED SIGN(S): (please check and complete all appropriate information) [ *u,, - Freestanding - Proiecting -_ BooI Single Face Square Footage: Vertical Dimension of sign or enclosure: Double Face Billboard (l Dimension from Grade to bottom of Sign Enclosure: (a) Type (c) Type Electrical tnstattation: I (lf yes additional electrical\t Yes - No rmit is required)1l Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg VALUE OF SIGN:o r Material Sign is constructed of: List ALL existing signage and attach a photograph of each sign (b) Type (d) Type Sq. Ftg. Sq, Ftg. a-lA PHONE:5-5 s4u4 CONTRACTOR/IN STALLEB:r ADDRESS CITY: CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION NUMBER: CITYBU SINESS LICENSE NUMBER: STAT ZIP: a-2-qEXPIRES: EXPIRES: OFFICE USE Ouad Area:la Sign Distri Zoning Sign Permit Fee REOUIRED INSPECTIONS Site to--5ffiade ptio, to sign Ptacement Land Use: Code Section Approved BY: 'lq DATE Footing prior to Placement ol concrete Attachment after fasteners are installediPrior to cover Electrical prior to energlzlng electrical installatton L--' F'nal co.[i-.tion of sign installatiort Additional Comments and/or Conditions: By sig nature, I state anci agree , that i havc carefullY examined the completed applicatio n and do herebY certifY that all information hereir is true and correct, and I lurther certify that anY and all work Perf ormed shall be done in accorcjance w'ith thc CrCinances of the Citv o Spring field, and the Laws ol the State o{ Oregon Perta ining to the work described her ein. I lurther certify that only contractors an emploYees who are in comPliance with OBS 701.055 will be used on this Proiect. I {urther ag ree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the P roper time, that proiect address. is readable lrom the street, th' the permit card is located at the front of the property'and the aPProved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during the installatio of the sign(F-l2Date Signature Amount Received ReceiPt Number: Date Paid: Validation: .r-E&1Jt Received BY q) PHONE: Irq * q rt/ 6 -r fr \ SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION The application on the reverse side needs to be completed entirely. lf you are the sign contractor/installer, or if you are hiring a contractor, you need to make sure that both the City of Springfield Business License Number and the Registration Number f rom the State of Oregon Construction Contractors Board are listed on the application along with the expiration date o{ each. lf the sign you are proposing to install is illuminated, an electrical permit application also needs to be completed and signed by either a supervising electrician, limited sign electrical contractor, or il you are the business owner who also owns the building in which you are occupying, and you will be performing the electrical installation yourself, you may sign the electrical application. lf there are existing wall and/or freestanding signs, a photograph(s) of each existlng sign noods to be attached to tho applicatlon. The size of each existing sign also needs to be listed on the application. PLANS To submit for a sign permit, you need to prepare two complete sets of drawings showing all dirriensions, total height. and a plot plan indicating where the proposed sign will be located. lf you are installing a freestanding sign which exceeds 20 {eet in total height, the looting detail needs to be prepared and stamped by a registered engineer or architect. After the plan review process is completed, and, if your sign(s) is approved, one set of plans will be returned to you. The approved set ol drawings need to be at the site when an inspection is requested for the inspectors reference. INSPECTIONS Depending on your sign(s), you may be required to request one or all of the following inspections during the installation of your sign: Site: To be requested alter indicating on the lot where the proposed sign will be located but prior to any work being perlormed for the installation of the sign. This inspection is required if there is a question on the location of the proposed sign. Footing; To be requested after excavation and the forms are installed, but prior to pouring concrete. l{ there will be electrical conduit placed in the footing, it must also be in place prior to requesting this inspection. Attachment: To be requested when all lasteners are installed but prior to cover. Electrical: To be requested after the electricaltonnection to the sign is made, but prior to energizing. Final: After all required inspections are conducted and approved and the sign installation is complete. The inspections that are required for your sign installation will be indicated on the applicatioh during the plan review process. Failure to request ANY of the required inspections could result in sign removal in order to inspect the sign at the required intervals of work. To request an inspection, phone 726-3769. This is a 24 hour recording. On the recording you will need to leave your City Designated Job Number, location of where the sign is being installed, the type of inspection you are requesting, and whenyou will be ready for the inspection. All inspections called in to the recorder prior to 7:OO a.m. will be made the same working day, all inspections phoned in after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. ll you have any questions regarding the application, required plans or inspections, please feel Iree to phone the Building Saf ety Division at 726-3759 City of Springfield Building Safety Division 225 Fit-th Street Springfield, OR 97477 SPA. -iFTEL() ll,ifi|g'J33::f1 L:yruedipe thc ro,owins approvat. 'ltre ePecfric land ueo Ln^ 225 FTFTE SIREET DE*e SPPJNGFIELD' OREGOH 9f,iffi7izeo INSPECTION REQUESTz 726-37 OFFICE: 726-3759 1 Permits are non-transferable and expi if vork is not started vithin 180 of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days ELECTRI(XL PERHIT APPLICATION ty Job Nunber COHPI,ETE FEE SCEEDUI,E BELOII Nev Residential-Single or Hu1ti-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included:Items Cost 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Hanuf'd Home- or Hodular 'DvelIing' Sertice or Feeder s 8s.00 s 1s.00 $ 40.00 Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less s s0.00 201 amps to 400 amps s 60.00 401 amps to.600 amps s100.00to 1000 amPs_s130.00 amps/voIts 0nIy s300.00s 40.00 Services or Feeders ion, Alteration or Relocation 3 A Sum 2. CONTRACTOR INST, Electrical Contract Address ONLY tmmt fl.Ecmc /tr .B D. Branch Circuits L ci Supervisor Li cense Num Expiration Date Constr Contr. Number C Expiration Date /c- Signa ture of Su pervi.trician Ovners Address ci Phone The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended for sale, Iease or rent. Ovner*Signature: DATE: Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel one circuit t $ 3s-oo eSP Each AdditionalCircuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit - $ 2.00 Hiscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation - Sign/OutIine Lighting- Limited BnergY/Res Limited EnergY/Comm SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge 32 Administrative Fee TOTAL 4W 200 amps'"or less $ 40.00 201 amps to 400 amps - $ 55.00 over 4b1 to 6oo ambs - $ 8o.oo over 600 amps or 1OO0 vofts see (Br'a56 s 40.00 s 40.00 $ 20.00 s 36.00 RECEIVED 5 @ ?n*n-tallat * stcN PERMTT APPLTCAT u 5 APIlINOFIELO 3 NUMBER q 1lt l-t 225 Fif th Street Springf ield, 0R 97 47 7 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK: efr,lnspection Line: 726.3769 Office: 726-37S9 <lJI ASSESSOBS MAP:10 ADDR CITY: ESS BUSINESS NAME, FIRM ETC.: TAX LOT o I n PHONE 14A-t a0l STATE oz ZIP: to DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SIGN(S)(please check and complete all appropriate inf ormation) / *u,, Y singte race Square Footage Vertical Dimension of sign or enclosure 1o' _ Freestanding _ projecting .- Marqunr: uble Face _ Billboard Toral Height abore Grade: i Horizontal Width ol sign or.n.lorrr., 3 / Electrical lnstallation: yes I No (1, yes additionat perE-f,-ts ,eqrlili-VALUE _..- floot Other r/ Dirnension lrom G to bottom of Sign: r ade (l + Material Sign is constructed of : List ALL existing signage and attach a photograph of each sign: AO /r-_!- (a) Type (c) Type CONTRACTOR/|NSTALLE a, Z') Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg. (b) Type (dl Type Sq. Ftg Sq, Ftg trw.PHONE ADDBESS: CITY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REG ISTRATION NUMBEB r0 c b STATE htL ztP t4Dr EXPIRES 9E EXPIRES:)oCITYBUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER ,D OFFICE USE Sign District Zonirrg Land Use Code Section: Approved 8y; Oua Area ArD DATE g.+"Sign Permit Fee REOUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Site to be rnade prior to sigrr placement Footing prior to placement oi concrete Attachment alter fasteners are instal!eC/orior to cover / F,,r,rt ilililtio,, ot srorr ia-.^ll^.:^.-rl rltdllC rrUr r prior to Additional Comments aadlor Conditions 8y signature, lstate and agree,;hat lhave carefully examined the com pleted applicariorr and dois true and cofiect, and I further'certify that any and all work performed shall be dorre rn accorda nce ivith th eSpringfield, and the Laws of the state of oregon pertaining to the work described herein. l{urrher cert ify thaemployees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 witl be used on this projecr I lurther agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the the perrnit card is located at the f ront ol the property, and the approved se ol the sign(s n herein he City of c0r'\ractors and p{oper tirne, tlrat project address is readablc Irorrr llrtr street, that t of plans will rernain on the site at all timcs rJurirrg rrr(,rnstallation Date/t*r.Yt,tt*-S ig na ture Validation 'l) 2toc,ul Received By t?- 1,Almount Received Receipt Number: 72_Datc Paid OWNER: I ,t)p {-f{LJ L \ lrla SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 1'tre opplrcatiorr on the reverse side rrecds to Dc cornpleted enlirely, lf you are lhe sign contractor/rnstaller, or rl you are trrrrrg a conrracror, you need to make sure rhar both the City of Springlield Business License Number and the Registration Nurnber frorn the State of Oregon Corisrructiorr Contractors Board are listed on the application along with the expiration dJlc ol coch, It rt)c sigr'\ you are proposing is illumirratc<J, a,r electrilal permit application also needs to be completed and signed bY either a supervisirrg electrician, limited sign electrical contractor, or if you are the business owner who also owns the building in whictr you are occupying, and you will be performing the electrical installation yourself, You may sign the electrical application, \ ll tircre art: cxisting wall arrd/or frecstorrdirrg signs, a photograph(s) of each existing sign neods to be attached to the arrtllicarion. Ther size of each existing sigrr also needs to be listed on the application. PLANS 'f \, srrt)rrr( tor c sign perrnit, you r)ee(j t() l.)r(rl)l)(c two complete sets of drawings showing all dimensionS, tolal herghl, and ..: rrlc.rr ptan rrdicat,ir'lg where the propclscrJ srgrr will tre located. lf you are installing a freestanding sign which exceeds 20 1t:cr irr roral height, the looting detail rrcecjs to be prepared and stamped by a registered engineer. After the plan review process is completed, and, il your sign(s) is approved, one set will be returned to you. The approved set of drawings need ro be ar the site when an inspection is reqrlested for the inspectors reference. INSPECTIONS Dut)(ir)dir)U or'r your sign(s), you may ltc rcquircc.l to request one or all of the lollowing inspections during the installation ol your sigrt: Srt e To be requesred after irrdicarrrrg on the lot where the proposed sign will be located but prior to any work being performed for rhe rrsrallation of the sign. This inspection is required if there is a question on the location of the proposed srgrr. : Footrrrg To lre requested alter excavatiorr arrd the forrns are installed, but prior to pouring concrete. lf there will be electrical corrduit placecJ irr the footing, it must also be in place prior to requesting this inspection. r\lraiclrr'rrcrrt: To be requested wherr illl lasterrcrs are installed but prior to cover Elcctrical F rria I To be requested after the electrical connection to the sign is made, but prlor to energizing. After all required inspectlo,,s are conducted and approved and the sign installation is complete 1'lrs rrr5psqliq6s that are required lor your specilic sign will be indicated on the application during !he plan review process. Farlure to rcq'uest ANY of the requirerJ rrrsllcctiorrs could result in sign removal in order to inspect the sign at the required irr(ervals of work, To requesr on irrspection, phone 726-37 69. Thrs is a 24 hour recording. On the recording you will need to leave your City Desigrrated Job Number, location ol where the sign is being installed, th€ type of inspBction you are requesting, and when you will tlc ready lor the irrspectiorr. All irrspections called in to the recorder prior to 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, all inspections phorred irr alter 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. ll you have any questions regarding tlre epplication, required plans or inspections, please feel free to phone the Building Srtety Drvision at 726-3759, City ol'Springl'ield lltrildirrg Snl'ety Divisiun 225 Fil'th Slrcct Slrrirrgl'ieltl, OR 97477 -i . slGN PERMTT APPLTCAT \ 225 Fif th Street Springf ietd, OR 97 47 7 LOCATION OF PEOPOSED WORK !IPFTINOFIELO 1|113 NUMB h,lnspection Line: 726.3769 Of f ice: 7 26.37 S9 ASSESSOBS MAP: OWNER ADDRESSI CITY BUSINESS NAME, FIRM ETC.I TAX LOT: "l-PHONE: 7 -ltt STATE:zrp:(l'1 +l) \L eo t ' DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSEO S'IGN(S)(please check and complete all appropriatc inf ormation) JLs Wall _ Freestanding _ pro,jecting Single Face le Face _ Billboard -._-... Roo I I Other _ Marquor: ISquare Footage: Vertical Dimension of sign or enclosure: iai ' Grade,, 1,n: /- Total Height above Grade tr'@ Dirnension from to bottom of Sig u" Horizontat Width ot srqn or enctosure; E' t " Electrical lnstallatlon: I yes No (lf yes additional per7-rt r-s r.eqri,eO)VALUE (cco ,oO l,/aterial Sign is constructed of: List ALL existing signage and attach a photograph of each sign; /)b/\1.- (a) Type (c) Type CONTRACTOR/IN STALLEB:t-ft rnc Sq. Ftg Sq. Ftg (b) Type (d) Type Sq. Ftg Sq. Ftg €Z PHONE ADDRESS: CITY STATE OE ZIP:I CoNSTRUCTIoN CoNTRAcToBS BEGISTBATIoN NUMBEB , I I )tb CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER;3 OFFICE USE EXPI RES EXPIRES: b ? Sign District: Zorrirtg Sign Permit Fee Land Use Code Section Approved By; Oua A teii(t DATE REOUIRED INSPECTIONS _- Site to be rnade prior to siqn olacement Footing prior to placement nf nnnnrata after fasteners are iastai!idip,-.ior ro cover -_-At Frn;l iorr o I srerr io,) tac lF'04y Additional Comments and/or Conditions By signature, lstate and agree, that lhave carefully examined the completed applicatiorr and do hereby certify that ail informarion hereinis true and correct, and lfurther'certify that any and all work performed shall be dor're rrr accordance with the orrdirrar.rces ot ths city ofSprirtgfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. lfurther certify tiat onty corriractors andemployees who are in compliance with oRS 701,055 will be used on this projecr. I lurther agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the pIDper tirxe, tlrat project address rs readablc f rorn lir0 street, thatthe perrni ol the sio Signature t card is located at the lront of the property, and the approved se t of plans will rernain on the site at all tirnc.s cJurirre tlrr: rnstallation n(s) Date ? t-Q7 Va lidation Becerved By -1Amount Beceived Beceipt Number: Da tc Pa iri Ll ,l) t,J t), SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 1'lrc applrcolior'r on Ihe reverse side rrecds ro De cornpleted entrrely, lf you are the sign contractor/installer, or il you are trrrrrrg a conrractor, you need to make sure Ihat both the Clty of Springfield Business License Number and the Begistratton Nurnbcr Irorn the State of Oregon Corrsrructiorr Contractors Board are listed on the application along with the expiration drte ol cocii. ll rtrc sigrr you are proposrng is illumirrarcct, a,., etectrilal permit application also needs to be completed and signed by either a supervisirrg electrician, lirnited sign electrical contractor, or if you are the business owner who also owns the building in which you are occupying, and you will be performing the electrical installation yourself, you may sign the electrical application. \ ll Ihcre arc cxisting wall arrd/or lrecstr,rrrdirrg signs, a photograph(s) of each oxisting sign noeds to be attsched to tho alrgllicarion. Ther size of each existing sigr'r also needs to be listed on the application, PLANS L) su[)rr]rt lor o sigrr perrnit, you rrcerl to I.)r(il)i)rc two complete sets o1 drawings showing all dimensionS, tOtal height, and ..:1-rlor plurr rrrdicatirrg where the proposctJ sigrr wrll I':e located. lf you are installing a freestanding sign which exceeds 20 It:ct irr roral lreight, the looting detail nceds to [:e prepared and stamped by a registered engineer. After the plan review process is completed, and, il your sigrr(s) is approved, one set will be returned to you. The approved set of drawings need ro be at the sile when an inspection is reqrlested 1or the inspectors reference, INSPECTIONS [)u1rr:rrrlirrg or'r your sign(s), you rnay l.rc rcquirccJ to request one or all of the following inspections during the installation ol your sigrr: Srte To tre requested af ter indicatirrg on the lot where the proposed sign will be located but prior to any work treing performed {or the irrstallation of the sign. This inspection is required if there is a question on the location of the prop rsed srgrr. .t Fr-totrrtg To be requested alt^)r t:xcavatiorr arrcj the Iorrns are installed, but prior to pouring concrete. ll there will be electrical corrduit pl:cecJ irr the footing, it must also be in place prior to requesting this inspection. Air.rclrrttcrrt. To be requested wl ert all lastencrs are installed but prior to cover Electrical To be requested al er the electrical connection to the sign is made, but prior to energizing, I A{ter all required ir;pections are conducted and approved and the sign installation is complete 1'lre rrr5pe6lrqns that are required or your specilic sign will be indicated on the application during Ihe plan review process. Failure to rcq'uest ANY ol lhe reqr, irecl rrrsllcctiorrs could result in sign removal in order to inspect the sign at the required rrt101Y315 Of wOrk. To rcquest an inspection, phone 7 26'3769. This is a 24 hour recording" On the recording you will need to leave your City Desigrrared Job Number, location.:f where the sign is being installed, the type of inspBction you aro requesting, and when you will bc ready for the irrspectiorr. All irrspections called in to the recordu prior to 7:00 a.m. will be made the same workirrg day, all inspections phoned irr af ter 7:00 a.m. will be made the lollowing work day. ll you have any questions regardirg tlre application, required plans or inspections, please leel tree to phone the Euilding Srtety Drvision at 726-3759. City ol'Springl'ield Iltrilding Sirl'cty Divisiun 225 Filih Sllcct S1>r'irrgl'iclcl, OR 97477 F rrlO I hWNt^lqs COM M ERCIAL/ I N D USTRIAL PERMIT APPLICATION 225 Filid;r Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WOFI ASSESSORS MAP: SPNI,\.GFIEL(, 2fr, JOB NUMBER INSPECTION LINE: 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 TAX LOT: -7 60PHONE: 9tql)ZIP: n STATE:0p OWNER: ADDRESS: 5CITY: VALUE:ADDITION DEMOLISH OTHEFI DESCRIPTION OF WOFIK: NEW Y REMODEL PHONEADDRESSNAME CONTRACTOR'S NAME PHONE q E )-o >(" ADDR E ) MECHANICAL: rI\€ PLUMBING: ELECTRICAL: CONST. CONTRACTOR # PLU MBING NO.FEE CHARGE Single Fixture Relocated Bldg. (new f ix. addtl) Water Service f l. Sanitary Sewer f r. Storm Sewer fr Backf low Device TOTAL PERMIT MECHANICAL NN FFF aHA palF Furnace/burner & vent < 100,000 BTUs Furnace/burner & vent >100,000 BTUs Floor furnace and vent Suspended wall or floor mounted unit heater Appliance Vent separate Stationary evap. cooler Vent Fan/Single duct Vent from Systern apart AC or htg. Mechanical exhaust hood and duct Permit lssuance $10.00 TOTAL PERMIT IF ZONING HANDICAP ACCESS: FLOOD PLAINLAND USE: r OF UNITS: CONSTR. HEAT - OFFICE USE - OCCY GROUP: I OF STORIES: QUAD AHEA: r OF BLDGS: LIGHTING POWER BUDGET: R HEATER:-- $/so. FT.SO. FT, TOTAL VALUE OF PROJ Nor X SO. FTG MAIN SO. FTG ACCESS SQ. FTG OTHER BYDATERCPT/PLAN CHECK FEE 2a.^ BUILDING PERMIT t//,*PLUMBING DEMOLITION 5% State Su rcharge 7'ez/5% State Surcharqe MECHANICAL FENCE VALUE S 5% State Surcharge SIDEWALK FT. SUBTOTAL PERMITS 76.e2 PAVING CURBCUT FT. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT 770^TOTAL PERMIT FEES EXCLUDING ELECTRICAL A^- Date Signature times during construction. herebY cet aocordan ati nalnformrtihatondantydoicatdeteheplapcominedplexamulcarefhathavelyrdoinancestatendahheUgree,ceslnatfe'oned nsshalbeByrmedrfoalkworandperthatrtfuceanyherIyand PANCYoccrreOCCUNOUEtrdandanthatnhereisbedneren,hdescworktohenngonateStoOregpertaioheethLawsandefid eand oyeesSntractorsmplconerhCioptgonthattyohecertvtstonfu rt {yfeDBulntdSavthesofssionrmithouUctrepestruemadanyofwilbet.echissedUonbeproi.055701hFISoancencomareplwho ethfromreadableSresisataddhime,projectheattedaresproperotinsrequedreNSalreulpecreSUhaq he teSI allatentonmalonhert(ee an wiS reuago{sctthandeapprovedherty,he ro nt propeatISocatedmlcardhereethatpert, VALIDATION L E- r3 1= AMO UNT RECEIVED RECEIVED BY: DATE PAID RECEIPT g: REQUIREDINSPECTIONS " ... lt is the responsibirity of the permit horderto see that ail inspections,are made at the proper time' To request an inspection' call 726-gl6g(recorcrer), state your city designateJiou numuer, iob addre-si iypu of inspection requested and when you will be ready for inspection. RequeJ receivect befor. 7,oo a.m. wiil be made the same working day, requests made af ter 7:00 a'm' will be made the following work daY' SITE INSPECTION: To be made af ter excavation, but Prior to setuP of forms' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING' ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before anY work is covered' FOOTINGS & FOUNDATIONS: To be made af ter trenches are excavated and forms are erectecl, all steel in Place, but prior to Placing concrete' CONCRETE SLAB: To be made af ter all inslab building service equiPment, conduit, piping, accessories and other ancillarY equiPment itcms are in place but before atrY concrete is Placed. UNDERGROUN D: Plumbing' electrical, gas, sanitarY sewer' storrn sewer, water and drainage lines' To be made Prior to covering or f illing t re nc hes. UNDERFLOOR: Plumbing' electrical, mechanical. To be made Prior to installat'ion of f loor insulation, decking or floor sheathing. POST & BEAM: To be macle Drlor to installation of {loor insulation, decking or f loor sheathing. FLOOR INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIERS: To be made prior to installation of decking or floor sheathing' MASONRY: Steel location' bond beams grouting or verticals in accordance with ROUGH PLUMBING' ELECTBICAL & MECHANICAL: No work is to be covered until these inspections have been made and aPProved' ATTIC DRAFT STOPS & CURTAIN WALLS FIREPLACE: Prior to Placing facing materials and before framing insPection' FRAMING: To be made after the roof, all lraming, {ire blocking and bracing are in Place and all PiPes,.chimneYs and vents are comPlete and the rough electrical, Plumbing and melhanical are aPProved' TNSULATION & VAPOR BARRIER: To be made after all insulation and required vaPor barriers are in Place but , before anY lath or gYPSum ' board interior wall covering is aPPlied. FIRE & SEPARATION WALL: Located and constructed according to Plans' LATH ANDIOR GYPSUM BOARD: To be made after all lathing and gYPsum board' interior and exterior, is in Place but before anY Plastering is aPPlied or before gypsum board ioints and ' ijsteners are taPed and linished. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Required for all concrete Paring within street right of waY, to be made after all excavating comPlete and form work and sub-base material in place. CURB AND APPROACH PAVING: After gravel is in Place but Prior to Placing asPhalt or concrete' SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: ln accordance Su"lion 306 of the State Specialty Code aipecial inspector shall be employed uv ine Owner/ Contractor during c6nstruction of the following work' A .. ;;;; .a the special testing reports shall be'iurnishecl to the Building Division' excess of 2500 P.S.l. (306 aJ) STBUCTUBAL WELDS: Performed on the iob' 12722 l) HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING: Durino all bolt installation and tighte;ing oPerations. (306 a.6) SPRAYED ON FIREPROOFING: U'B.C' Standards 43-8. SPECIAL GRADING' EXCAVATION AND FILLING: During earthwork. (306 a'11 & Chapter 29) GLU.LAM BEAMS: lnsPection Certificate bY an aPProved agency, furnished to the CitY's Buildino Division before beams Ere Placed. (2501 U.BC' srDs. 25-10J1). ,,,.. STRUCTUBAL MASONRY: (306 a.7) uBc 2415. ROOF SHEATHING AND NAILING: Prior to installing any roof covering FINAL PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL FlRE DEPARTMENT 'ln addition to the insPec- tions spec ified, the Building Official maY make or require other insPections of anY A PRONS: After forms are constructlon work to ensure erec tecl but Prior to Placing compl iance with the Building' concrete.City or lDevelopment Code. SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARD: Must be req uested 2 daYs in advance of the date You wish insPec tion. All Projec t conditions such as landscaPing, Par king lot stri ping, etc. must be completed before requesting this i nspection. FINA L BUILDING: Requested af ter the final pl u mbing,.electrical, mech anical and Fire DePartmen t inspec tions are made and approved No oocuPan cy of the premises can be made until a Certif icate of OccuPan cy has been i ssu ed by the Building Division and ted on the Premises'.{> ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: DATE B-8.4 / I q-/ PLANS REVIEWED