HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2001-04-25Job# 00-00065-01 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Community Services Division Building Safety Page 1 of 3 SPR!NGFIELD 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 Location Of Proposed Site: 2730 00031st St Spr AssessorsMap#: 17021932 Lot:00103 Block: Addition: Job Number: 00-00065-01 Office:726-3759 lnspection Line: 726-3769 Tax Lot#: 00103 Subdivision: ctTY oF SPRINGFiELD, OREGOTV Owner: Mark S. Schelsky Phone Number: 541-74-6250 Address: 2730 31st City/State/Zip: Springfield, OR 97478 Scope Of Work: Accessory Bldg New Value: $13,440 Tool Shed SEE PLAN CHECK NOTES. Tool and yard implement shed never issued, terminated Contractor Type GeneralContr Contractor Registration # Expiration Date Mark S Scheksky 2730 31st St, Springfield, OR 97478 Phone 541-746-2501 Quad Area: # Of Units: Constr. Type: (V)Wood Frame Water Heater: Office Use - Land Use: Single Family Dwelling Zoning Gode: LDR Bedrooms: # Of Buildings: I Occupancy Group: Repair Garages To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections working day. Range: ATTEIiTI ONI:Oregon law wor$ig{f@Efe. UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT Footing Framing Fina! Building Rough Electrical Final Electrical Storm Sewer Line Drywell -Prior to filling trench. -Engineered Drywellis AUTHQRIZEDreoutred. C0l.4l.':' -':'r OR IS ABA.ND3:(:] FCR 0090. You maY ain the telePhonecalthe center. (Note Required BuilAing Cente'f is 1-800-332 -2344) -After trenches are excavated. -Prior to cover. -when allrequired inspections have been approved and the building is complete. Electrical -Prior to cover. -When allelectrical EXPIRE IFTHE WORK AI.,IY 183 DAY Street lmprovement: Curb Cut?[ San Sewer Depth (Ft): Storm Sewer Available? SpecialReq.: Security Required: Bond Begin DateTime: Specia! lnstructions: Other Utilities: Project Supervisor: AC Mat lmprovement Agr.? 00/00/0000 00:00 AM Sidewalk Type: AdditionalROW? Size Of Line (in): Downspouts/Drains: Enchroachment Permit: San Sewer Tee (in): Bond End DateTime: Page 2 of 3 tr To Drywell-Provide Drywell En 00/00/0000 00:00 AM Job# 00-00065-01 Types Of Warning Devices Reqd. Zoning: LDR FIoodPIain? ! Wetlands? [ Journal numbers 1: 2: Comments: Planner: Urban Growth Boundary? [l Quantity Of Fill: Supplier: Drainage: Floodway FEMA: Overlay District: # of Street Trees: 3 Additional Requirements: Glenwood Area? [ Required Attachments: Source Locn: Material: Flood Plain FEMA: Land Use: Single Family Dwelling Pave Driveway? E Construction Types(V) Wood Frame Occupancy Groups: Repair Garages # Of Buildings: 1 # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Access? Area (Sq. Feet) Main:AccessoryB96 # Of Stories: 1 Height (feet): 14 Current Units: Proposed Units: Census Code: Does not apply Total:896 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Plan Check ResidentialPlan Check Additional Plan Check Total Plan Check 01t18t2000 12t08t2000 275 3998 6B 68 $67.93 $67.93 $135.86 Buildi Garage/Carport State Surcharge For Building Permit State Surcharge For Building Permit Building Administrative Fee Building Administrative Fee Tota! Building 1210812000 1210812000 0412512001 1210812000 0412512001 3998 3998 5060 3998 5060 13,440 $104.s0 $7.32 $.00 $3.14 $.oo $114.96 Electrica! Miscellaneous Electrical State Surcharge - Electrical 0412512001 04125t2001 5060 5060 $35.00 $2.45 35 Job# 00-00065-01 Page 3 of 3 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Administrative Fee - Electrical Total Electrical Electrica! 04t25t2001 5060 $1.05 $38.50 Minimum Plumbing Permit Fee State Surcharge - Plumbing Storm Sewer Footage Administrative Fee - Plumbing Total Plumbing Plumbing 1210812000 1210812000 12t08t2000 12t08t2000 3998 3998 3998 3998 $.oo $1.75 $25.00 $.75 $27.s0 50 System Development Residential- Single Family - Storm SDC Administrative Fee Total System Development 12108t2000 12t08t2000 3998 3998 864 $200.45 $10.02 $210.47 BWOP's BWOP - Building BWOP - Electrical Total BWOP's 04t25t2001 0412512001 5060 5060 13,440 35 $104.50 $35.00 $139.s0 Grand Total Plan Check Type lnitial Review-Res lnitial Review-Res Engineering-Res Planning-Res Checked By Bob Barnhart David Bowlsby Steve Templin AlWard Date Completed 0112512000 0112612000 $666.79 Comment This is a SECONDARY submittalon a BWOP that was never issued. Builder is resubmitting but must obtain approval on a modification of provisions application with planning (pending) Application with planning is to relieve 10' setback requirment that was not met in construction. See plans. Additional plan review fee accepted. See planning comment by AlWard. Called applicant on 1128100. Needs to complete Modification of Provisions application before we can move on. Al Structural-Res Tom Max 04t25t2001 By signature, I state and agree that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon. I further state that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that the address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during con Signature Date --z5O OREGONCITY OF SPA- .iFIELO D EV E Lo P M E N r s E R v t c E s r.r4gE(60ttr" zoning arto ' aPProvai Zontng 225 FI'rTE STREET SPRTNGPTELD, OREGON INSPECTTON REQTIBST: OFFICE: 726-3759 9747paro 726-fu7.6eeo SignatLlre 1 LOCATTON OP INSTALLATION,L1 3o Zlaf IJGAL DESCRIPTION t1 az i q3 L o0103 JOB DBSCRIPTION 6*B+r > Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork is not started vithin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. COT{TRACTOR INSTALI,ATION ONLY Electrical Contracto t () hr<t Address ci ty- Supervisor License Expiration Date Constr Contr. Num r Expiration Date Signature of Supervising Blectrician 0vners Name t\1AB< SCI FLSKY address zTVD glat city 3PhntFtEt fl Phone OITNER INSTALI,ATION The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is no for sa1e,lease or rent. Ovners S DATE:c>r{REcEIEms - prole ct as submi 15sS ha$ doe:nol requlre sPeclllc tand use Ptu 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689.o A PERUIT APPLICATION Ci ty Job Nurnber c)o -oo o6t -O / 3. COT{PIJTE PEE SCEBDTILE BELOS Nev Residential-Single or Mu1ti-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included:ftems Cost 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder $ 8s.00 $ r.s.00 $ 40.00 B. Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: Sum 200 amps or less 201 anps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps _ 601 amps to 1000 amps_ Over 1000 amps/volts _Reconnect 0n1y 00 00 00 00 00 00 $so $oo $100 $130 $300 $40 c.Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps 0ver 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 Branch Circuits -v-6llfs see nBfr a6ove $ 40.00 $ ss.00 $ 80.00 D v Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel one circuit i $ 35.00 35.00 Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit $ 2.00 E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lightit g- Limited Energy/Res -Linited Energy/Comm SUBTOTAT OF ABOVE 7%, State Surcharge 3Z Administrative Fee TOTAL Buto 9 --EfSi-fL:Ir-J 7=i-q!-f-,, #F $ 40.09 $ 40.q $ 20.90l $ 36.qq r:frj: ., l (fu I(:r}() fn(} Ct"O f.J {I} F 'hone RECETVED o t intended 5 3 o r} 71 OREGO'U SP'IIN ELO DEV ELOP M ENT SERV IC E S D EPARTM ENT May 16,2001 Certified Letter Mark S. Schelsky PO Box 7945 Eugene, OR 97401 Subject: 273031$ Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. Schelsky The City has received a complaint that the property listed above is in violation of the Springfield Development Code. Several months ago I gave you a copy of our Home Occupation Standards. You are in violation of section 16.100(6) of the Springfield Development Code. . 16.100(6)a - The primary use of the building is a dwelling.. 16.100(6)b - The occupation is a secondary use that does not significantly affect the residential character of the dwelling or neighborhood.. 16.100(6)c - Compliance with the following conditions shall occur at all times: 2. There shall be no display which would indicate from the exterior that the building is being used for any purpose other than a residential dwelling. 3. There shall be no storage of materials visible from public property or adjacent private property. 4. Mechanical equipment, except that which is compatible with residential purposes, shall be prohibited. 9. The use or storage of heavy equipment or heavy vehicles shall not be permitted. Heavy equipment and heavy vehicles shall include, but not be limited to the use of: semi-trucks, trucks and tractors, back hoes, bob cats, refrigerator trucks, livestock trucks, commercial buses, farm tractors, garbage trucks and log trucks. 10. Any home occupation, which requires more than one vehicle for it's operation shall be prohibited. The one vehicle permitted shall be limited to passenger vehicles, passenger vans or pick-ups trucks. I l. No residence shall be used as a headquarters or dispatch center where employees or subcontractors report to the residence to be dispatched elsewhere. 225 FIFTH STBEET SPR/NGF/ELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-s753 FAX (541) 726-3689 ;r.r,"' rr'i, ', {f the activities in violationef th'b cod0 are not resolvdd within ten (10) days of this letter, this matter may be referred to the City Attorney's offrce. If you have any questions please contact me at 726-2301. I am available from 9am to l2pm. Sincerel v, tuL Liz Planning Aide cc: Tom Mary Building Inspector IV Mel Oberst, Planning Supervisor Joe Leahy, City Attorney City Of Springfield Development Seruices Community Services Division Building Safety Job# 00-00065-01 Page 1 of 2 Location Of Proposed Site: 2730 00031st St Spr AssessorsMap#: 17021932 Lot:00103 Block: Addition Tax Lot #: 00103 Subdivision: Owner: Mark S. Schelsky Phone Number: 541- 74-6250 Address: 2730 31st City/State/Zip: Springfield, OR 97478 Scope Of Work: Accessory Bldg New Value: $13,440 Tool Shed SEE PLAN CHECK NOTES. Tool and yard implement shed never issued, terminated Contractor Type General Contr Contractor Mark S Scheksky 2730 31st St, Springfield, OR 97478 Registration # Expiration Date Phone 541-746-2501 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount PIan Check Residential Plan Check Additional Plan Check Total Plan Check 0111812000 12t08t2000 275 3998 68 68 $67.93 $67.s3 $135.86 Building Garage/Carport State Surcharge For Building Permit State Surcharge For Building Permit Building Administrative Fee Building Administrative Fee Total Building 12t08t2000 1210812000 0412512001 12t08t2000 04t25t2001 3998 3998 5060 3998 5060 13,440 $104.s0 $7.32 $.oo $3.14 $.00 $114.96 Electrical Miscellaneous Electrical State Surcharge - Electrical Administrative Fee - Electrical Total Electrical 04t25t2001 04t25t2001 04t25t2001 5060 5060 5060 35 $35.00 $2.4s $1.05 $38.50 Minimum Plumbing Permit Fee State Surcharge - Plumbing Storm Sewer Footage Administrative Fee - Plumbing Total Plumbing Plumbin 12t08t2000 1210812000 12108/2000 1210812000 3998 3998 3998 3998 50 $.oo $1.75 $25.00 $.7s $27.50 System Development Residential - Single Family - Storm SDC Administrative Fee Total System Development 12t08t2000 12t08t2000 3998 3998 864 $200.4s $10.02 $210.47 BWOP - Building BWOP's 0412512001 5060 13,440 {s ^4u^"d Ea-\rlfrcr b,bn^ \o,n TNS'\+ 4[to tor $104.s0 City Of Springfield Development Services Community Services Division Building Safety Job# 00-00065-01 Page 2 of 2 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount BWOP'S 04t25t2001 5060 35BWOP - Electrical Total BWOP's $35.00 $13e.50 Grand Total $666.79 Required lnspections Scheduled Date lnspection lnspector Date Result Gomments Footing Framing Final Building Rough Electrical Final Electrical Storm Sewer Line Drywell Electrical Plumbing Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Plan Check Type lnitial Review-Res lnitial Review-Res Engineering-Res Planning-Res Ghecked By Bob Barnhart David Bowlsby Steve Templin AlWard Date Completed 01t25t2000 01126t2000 0412512001 Comment This is a SECONDARY submittal on a BWOP that was never issued. Builder is resubmitting but must obtain approval on a modification of provisions application with planning (pending) Application with planning is to relieve 10' setback requirment that was not met in construction. See plans. Additional plan review fee accepted. See planning comment by Al Ward. Called applicant on 1l28lOO. Needs to complete Modification of Provisions application before we can move on. Al Structural-Res Tom Max d Of Repo I Building I 4ry Journal Number 98-05- l I 8 Date of Letter July 9, 1998 Pronertv Owner Peter Ruzicka 750 Waverly Street Eugene, OR 97401 Survevor Charles W. Guile & Associates 52 Centennial Loop Eugene, OR 97401 Explanation of the Nature of the Anplication Mr. Ruzicka has submitted an application to the City of Springfield to partition one lot into three parcels. Location of the Pronertv The property is located at 2730 3 l't Sfreet at the southwest corner of the intersection of 3 I 't Street and Hayden Bridge Road, also described as tax lot 100 on Assessor's map 17-02-19-32. The site is located inside the Urban Growth Boundary OGB) and outside the City limits. Decision Tentative Plat approval, with conditions, as of the date of this letter. Other Uses Authoriz.ed bv this Ietter None Backsround/Site Information The land to be partitioned is approximately 4I,722 square feet in size and is developed with one single-family residence located in the southeast portion of the site. The house is accessed offof 31$ Street and is currently used as a rental. The property is zoned Low Density Residential/Urban Fringe-I0 (LDRAJF-IO) and abuts, on all sides, land zoned LDR/LIF-IO. The site is designated LDR in the Metro Plan and is not part of any refinement plan area. The applicant wishes to partition the property into three parcels so that the existing house can be sold, leaving the two vacant lots for future disposal. \ilritten Comments Limited Land Use Decisions require the notification of property ownerVoccupants within 100 feet of the proposed development allowing for a l[-day comment period prior to the staff decision. No comments were received regarding this development proposal. 98-05-1 r8 Page 1 Notice of Decision - Limited Land Use - Partition Criteria of Anproval Section 34.050 of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) states: "The Director shall approve, approve with conditions or deny the request based on the following criteria: 1. THE REQUEST AS CONDTTTONED FULLY CONT,ORMS TO THE REQTITREMENTS oF Trrrs coDE PERTATNTNG To: Lor sIzE ANn DIMENSIONS, TIIE EFFICTENT PROVISION OT'PUBLIC FACILITIES AI\D SERYICES, STREET IMPROVEMENTS, AI\D CONSIDERATION OF NATT'RAL FEATTIRES.' LOT SIZE A}tD DIMENSIONS Lot Size SDC 16.030 states: "The minimum lot size in all residential districts shall be as follows: (1) Lots on east-west streets shall have a minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet and a minimum lot frontage of 45 feet. (2) Lots on north-south streets shall have a minimum lot size of 51000 square feet and a minimum lot frontage of 60 feet.,, Parcel 1 is 12,359 square feet with 71.88 feet of frontage on Hayden Bridge Road, parcel2 has 12,219 square feet with 71.92 fe,et of frontage on Hayden Bridge Road and 169 feet of frontage on 3l't Street. Parcel 3 has 17,144 square feet of lot area and tiO.gg feet of frontage on 3l't Street. Finding: All the proposed lots exceed the minimum area requirements and have the necessary required frontage; therefore, this criterion has been met. Setback Standards SDC 16.050 states: In all residential districts, each lot shall have setbacks of not less than the following sizes unless otherwise provided for in this Code: (1) "F ront yard, street side yard and rear yard. ..- 10 feet. (2) ...interior side yard setbacks...-5 feet (4) ...accessory structures...shall be set back at least 3 feet from interior side and rear lot lines." Parcel 3 contains the existing house. The front yard setback of the house is 20.90 feet. The rear yard setback is approximately 75 feet. The side-yard setbacks are2l feet on the norttr and approximately 56 feet on the south. The existing garage has an average setback from the north properly line of approximately 7 feet and is at least 50 feet from the next closest property line. Finding: Because the structures located on parcel 3 are set back more than the required minimum distance from the property lines, the proposal complies with the setback requirements. Solar Standards SDC 34.010 states: (1) Solar Access Standards (bxl) Basic Requirement for SubdMsions and Partitions. A lot complies with this section if it: a. Has a north-south dimension of 90 feet or morel andb. has a front lot Iine that is oriented within 30 degrees of the true east-west axis.', Parcels L,2 and 3 have north-south dimensions of approximatelylT2 feet, 170 feet and I l9 feet respectively. All 3 parcels have a front lot line that is within 30 degrees of the true east-west axis. 98-05-1 l8 Page2 Finding: Because parcels 1,2 and 3 exceed the required minimum design standards, this criterion has been met. Note: the solar standards set forth in SDC 16.050(5) will be required to be met when building permitsfor parcels I and 2 are reviewed. THE EF'FICIENT PROVISION OF PUBLIC FACILITTES AND SERVICES Water: SDC 32.120(3) states: "Each development area shall be provided with a water system having sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish adequate supply to the development." Water is available to the site from an existing water line in 3l't Street. An additional line is in place on the north side of Hayden Bridge Road. A single water meter in 3l't Street serves the existing residence. Rainbow Water Dishict will be the utility provider until the City is able to annex and provide necessary urban services to the subject property. Finding: Because public water is available to serve the proposed parcels, this criterion has been tulfilled. Electricity: SDC 32.120(1)(b) States: "The developer shall be responsible for the design, installation and cost of utility lines and facilities to the satisfaction of the utility provider." SDC 32.120 (5) states: "An applicant proposing a development shall make arrangements with the City and each utility provider for the dedication of utility easements necessary to fully semice the development." Electricity to this area is currently available from the overhead lines in 3l't Street and in Hayden Bridge Road. Parcel 3 currently receives power from the lines in 31't Street. Service for parcels 1 and 2 will be required at the time of development. Finding: Electricity can be provided to these parcels; therefore, the proposal complies with SDC requirements. , Public Utility Easements: SDC 32.120(5) states: *An applicant proposing a development shall make arrangements with the City and each utility provider for the dedication of utility easements necessary to fully sewice the development. The standad width for public utility easements adjacent to street rights of way shall be 7 feet.... Where feasible, utility easements shall be centered on a Iot line.' There are no Public Utility Easements (PLJEs) recorded on this site and none are proposed. Finding: Because no PUEs exist on this site, seven foot PUEs will be required along all street frontages. Condition: Seven foot Public Utility Easements shall be dedicated behind the right-of-way lines along Hayden Bridge Road and 3l$ Steet and shall be shown on the Final Plat. 98-05-t l8 Page 3 Sanitary Sewer: SDC 32.100(5) states: *For proposed developments in unincorporated urbanizable land, the Lane County Sanitarian shall approve all septic systems designs." The City sanitary sewer is located over 300 feet away and is not available to serve these parcels. A septic tank and drain field located on what is to become parcel 2 serves the existing house on parcel 3. The applicant indicates that this septic system will be abandoned and replaced on parcel 3 as part of this proposal. Septic approval from the Lane County Sanitarian is required for parcels 1,2 and 3 prior to Final Plat approval. Finding: Because this development area is unincorporated urbanizable land, the Lane County Sanitarian shall approve the septic system designs. Condition: Provide certification from the Lane County Sanitarian that a drain field and replacement area may be sited on parcels 1,2 and3. Condition: The new septic system for the existing house must be installed, and the old system abandoned, prior to Final Plat approval. Storm Sewer: SDC 32.1l0 states.' (1) "The Approval Authority shall grant development approval only where adequate provisions for storm and flood water run-offto the City storm water drainage system have been made as determined by the City Engineer. The storm water drainage system shall be separated from any sanitary sewer system. Surface water drainage patterns shall be shown on every Site PIan or Final Plat...r, (1) "A development shall be required to employ drainage management practices approved by the City Engineer and consistent with Metro PIan policies which minimize the amount and rate of surface water run-offinto receiving streams. Run-offfrom impervious surfaces shall be directed to an approved drainageway or drainage system with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge..." Piped storm sewer is not available to these properties. The current runoff from parcels I and} tends to flow to the southeast to a low area on parcel 2 that has no outlet. The current runofffrom parcel 3 tends to flow off-site to the southwest. No changes to the existing drainage patterns are proposed and none are needed at this time. Future development of parcels I and 2 will necessitate some grading so that the drainage from impervious areas will be directed to a public street. Any future development of parcel 3 will require the drainage from impervious areas to be directed to 3 l$ Street. Finding: The site's storm water drainage is adequate and will require no alteration at this time; therefore, this criterion has been met. STREET IMPROVEMENTS Right of Way Dedication SDC section 32.020(10(a) states: "Whenever an existing street of inadequate width is abutting or within a development area requiring Development Approval, additional right of way shall be required. 3l't Stueet is identified in the l,ane County Master Road Plan and in Transplan (project #379) as a major collector. Major collectors require a right-of-way of 70 feet. Currently the right-of-way 98-05- I I 8 Page 4 for 3l't street is 60 feet. The applicant is required to dedicate 5 feet of right-of-way along the 3l't Street frontage. Additionally, a 1O-foot by l0-foot triangular "clipped corner" right-of-way at the intersection Hayden Bridge and 3l't Street is to be dedicated. The "clipped corner" will allow adequate room for sidewalk improvements and to ensure sufficient sight distance along the streets. In accordance with the Development Code, a25 foot"vision triangle" must also be maintained at this corner. Finding: Because the right-of-way for 31$ Street is inadequate for street and sidewalk improvements the applicant is required to dedicate additional right-of-way. Condition: Dedicate 5 feet of right-of-way along the length of the 3l't Street frontage. Condition: Dedicate a l0-foot by l0-foot triangular "clipped corner" right-of-way at the intersection of Hayden Bridge Road and 3l't Street. The dedications must be recorded with the county and a legal description must be provided with the Final Plat. Improvemdnt Agreement SDC 32.020(10)(b)(aa) states: "In all other cases of unimproved streets, an Improvement Agreement shall be require as a condition of Development Approval postponing improvements until such time that a City street improvement project is initiated. Hayden Bridge Road and 3l't Street are substandard and do not meet City street standards. Required improvements include, but are not limited to, curb, gutter, sidewalks, street lights, storm and sanitary sewers and street trees. Finding: Hayden Bridge and 31"1 Street are substandard; therefore, an Improvement Agreement is required to fulfill this requirement to eventually improve the streets to City standards. Condition: An lmprovement Agreement for the future improvement of 3 I't Street and Hayden Bridge Road for the entire frontage of the property must be signed and recorded with the County prior to Final Plat approval. Access According to SDC 32.080 Table 32-4, on collector streets the minimum separation between a standard driveway and the neatest intersection curb return on the same side of the street is 50 feet. SDC 32.080(lxb) states: "Joint use of driveways at a property line shall be required whenever necessary to reduce the number of access points to streets." SDC 32.080 states: Single driveways...shall be paved for the first 18 feet when abutting a curb and gutter street...tt Hayden Bridge Road and 3l$ Street are both classified as collector streets. Only one new access will be allowed on Hayden Bridge Road for the two parcels that front Hayden Bridge Road. This access should as far from the intersection as possible, and at least 50 feet from the curb return. This one access will also serve subsequent partitions of these parcels. One additional access will also be allowed on 3l't Steet with the same restrictions regarding future divisions and placement away from the intersection. 98-05-1 18 Page 5 Currently the only access to the site is the unpaved driveway serving parcel3. This driveway shall be paved when 3l't Street is improved. A Lane County FacilitGi Permit is required foi any construction activity within the right-of-way of Hayden Bridge Road or 3l't Street, including driveway construction. l0 foot "vision triangles" shall be provided at the corners of all driveway access points (SDC Section 32.07 0). Finding: Because Hayden Bridge Road and 3l't Street are classified as a collector streets only one new access, located a minimum distance of 50 feet from the intersection curb refurn, will be allowed on each of the two roads. Finding: Because the driveway for parcel 3 is gravel it will need to be paved when 3l't Street is improved. Condition: Construct only one new access on Hayden Bridge Road and one new accesson 3l.t Street. These driveways shall be located at least 50 feet fromthe intersection curb return and in such a manner as to facilitate joint use at the time of subsequent division of the properties. Condition: The deed for parcel 3 shall have a restriction providing that the driveway shall be paved at the time that 3l't Street is improved NATTJRAL AND IIISTORIC FEATURES The following documents and maps were consulted to determine if there were natural and/or historic resources on this site. The Hydric Soils Map, the Draft Springfield Wetlands Inventory Map, National Wetlands Map, the FIRM Floodplain/Floodway maps, the Draft Natural Resources Special Study, the Willamette River Greenway, the Washburne Historic District and the Historic Landmark Sites Listing. Finding: No significant natural or historic features, as identified by these inventories, are located on this site. (2) THE ZONING IS CONSISTENT WITH THE METRO PLAI\ DIAGRAM AI\[D/OR APPLICABLE REFINEMENT PLAIY DIAGRAMS. The Eugene/Springfield Metro Area General Plan designates the subject property as Low Density Residential (LDR). The property is zoned Low Density Residential/Urban Fringe-10 (LDR/UF- l0). The property is not within a refinement plan area. The proposed partition would create three parcels in conformance with the Plan designation. Finding: The zoning is LDR/UF-10 and the Metro Plan designates this parcel LDR, therefore the zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan Diagram. (3) DEYELOPMENT OF AI\'Y REMAII\DER OF THE PROPERTY tNtDER TIIE SAME OWI\TERSHIP CAI\I BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CODE. SDC 29.070(5Xb) (2) states that cA future Development Plan for the urban development shall be required where the property is redivisable into smaller parcels...for LDR property between 5 and 10 acres.' 98-05-1 l8 Page 6 Finding: This requirement does not apply to this proposal because the subject property is smaller than 5 acres SDC 29.070(5)(c) states: "Any proposed new parcel less than five acres shall meet' in addition to the standards of Subsection (5)(b) of this section one of the following standards: 1. That the property to be partitioned shall be owned or operated by a governmental agency or public utility; or 2. A majority of parcels located within 100 feet of the property to be partitioned shall be smaller than 5 acres." Of the thirteen properties within 100 feet of the subject property, 9 are smaller than 5 acres and 4 are larger than 5 acres. Finding: The proposal meets this requirement because a majority of the parcels within 100 feet of the subject property are smaller than 5 acres. (4) ADJACENT LAND CAN BE DEVELOPED OR IS PROVIDED WITII ACCESS TIIAT WILL ALLOW WITH DEYELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH TIIE PROVISIONS OF TIIIS CODE. Finding: All adjacent properties have access to either Hayden Bridge Road or 3l't Street. This partition will not affect the development potential of adjacent land. Other Applicable SDC Standards SDC 29.070(1)(a) states: The owner of any property requiring Type II,III or fV Development approval, or Type I Development approval with respect to new single family residences and Site Plan reviews, shall sign an Annexation Agreement with the City. Finding: Since the proposed partition requires Type II Development Approval, Final Plat approval will require the signing of a Consent to Annexation Form, a Waiver of Time Limit for Filing Statements of Consent, and a Recorded Notice of Agreement. Condition: Sign a Consent to Annexation Form, a Waiver of Time Limit for Filing Statements of Consenl and a Recorded Notice of Agreement. These documents shall be submitted with the Final Plat. Conditions of Aoproval Primary Conditions 1. The applicant will have up to twelve months from the date of this letter to met any attached conditions or Development Code standards and to obtain Partition Plat approval. For partitions within the City's urbanizable area (outside the City limits but within the UGB), the Plat must be submitted to the City's Development Services department (with a separate application form and fee) and to the Lane County Surveyor's office. The application packet requires three blueline copies of the Partition Plat, a title report and any other documents required as may be required as specified below. Upon signature by the County Surveyor and the Planning Manager, the Partition Plat Mylar may be submitted to Lane County for recordation. No property may be hansferred until the Partition Plat is recorded. 2. Seven foot Public Utility Easements shall be dedicated behind the right-of-way lines along Hayden Bridge Road and 3l't Street and shall be shown on the Final Plat. 3. Provide certification from the Lane County Sanitarian that a drain field and replacement area may be sited on parcels 1,2 and 3. 98-05-l 18 PageT 4. The new septic system for the existing house must be installed, and the old system abandoned, prior to Final Plat approval. 5. Dedicate 5 feet of right-of-way along the length of the 3l't street frontage.6. Dedicate a lO-foot by l0-foot triangular "clipped corner" right-of-way at the intersection of Hayden Bridge Road and 3l't Street. Dedications must be recorded with the county and a legal description must be provided with the Final Plat. 7 . An Improvement Agreement for the future full improvement of 3 l't Street and Hayden Bridge Road for the entire frontage of the property must be signed and recorded with the County prior to Final PIat approval. 8. The deed for parcel 3 shall have a restriction providing that the driveway shall be paved at the time that 3l't Street is improved. 9. Construct only one new access on Hayden Bridge Road and one new access on 3l't Street. These driveways shall be located at least 50 feet from the intersection curb return and in such a manner as to facilitate joint use at the time of subsequent division of the properties. 10. Sign a Consent to Annexation Form, a Waiver of Time Limit for Filing Statements of Consent, and a Recorded Notice of Agreement. These documents shall be submitted with the Final Plat. Additional Information The application, all documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant and the applicable criteria of approval are available for a free inspection. Copies will be available at a cost of $0.75 for the first page and $0.25 for each additional page at the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth street, Springfield, Oregon. Apoeal If you wish to appeal the decision of the Tentative Subdivision Plan Approval, you must do so within 10 days of the date of this leffer. Your appeal must be in accordance with the Springfield Development Code, Article 15, APPEALS. Note: Appeals must be submitted on a City form and a fee of $100.00 must be paid to the City at the time of submittal. The fee will be returned to the appellant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application. Ouestions Please call the Development Services Department at726-3759 if you have questions regarding this process. Prepared ByZzq Colin Stephens Planner I 98-05-t l8 Page 8