HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1997-03-28OTTOF EPFIXGFIELE' RESIDENTIAI. PER}'IT APPI.ICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIEI]D COMMI'NITY SERVICES DIVISION BUILDING SAFETY Page 1 ilob Number: 971558 225 North Fi-fth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Location of Proposed Work: 2525 31ST ST Assessors t"tap #: L702L934 Lot: Block: Office: Inspection Line: 726 -37 59 725 -37 69 Tax Lot #: 00300 Subdivision: Owner: MEAD Address: 2525 31ST STREET Describe Work: GARAGE phone #: city/state/zip: SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478 NEW QUAD AREA: 5RNC -- OFFICE USE -- LAND USE: 1111 To requesE an inspection, call the 24 hour recording aL 726-3759. A11 inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will- be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. --- REQUIRED INSPECTIONS --- ITNDERFLOOR PLITI{BING - Prior to insul-aLion or decking. FOTNDATfON - After forms are erected but, prior to concrete placement. ROUGH ELECTRICAL - Prior to cover. ROUGH PLITMBING - Prior to cover. ROUGH MECHAI'IICAL - Prior to cover. SHEAR WALL NAILING - Before covering sheathing with finish materials. FF-A.IIING - Prior to cover. INSUTATION - Ffoor; prior to decking Wa1l/Ceiling; Prior to cover DRYWATL - Prior to taping. FINAL PLITMBING - When all plumbing work is complete. FINAL MECIIANICAL - When all mechanical- work is complete. FINAL ELECTRICAL - When al-l- electrical work is complet.e. FINAL BUILDING - When all required inspections have been approved and the buiLding is complete. Lot Faces: W Solar Approved: Y Total- Height.: 22 Setbk From NPL: 500 IEem Main Garage GARAGE/BARN/OFFTCE Total- Va1ue Building Permit Fee Surcharge/aamin TOTAL FEE --- BUILDING PERMIT --- Square Feet x $/Square Feet Value 0.00 0.00 50, 000 . o0 50, 000 . 00 283 22 00 64 (A)305.54 PIJIIMBTNG PERMIT --- ftem Fixtures Plumbing Permit Surcharge/Admin 4 Fee 40.00 40.00 3 .20 TOTAL EHARGE (c)43.20 SPFIi.GFIELD h, ilob Nr:rnber: 971558 dTTOF Page 2 --- MECHANICAL PERMIT --- 1Vent Fan SPACE HEATERS (2) Mechanical PermiL Issuance Surcharge/admin TOTAL PERMIT 3.00 5.00 (D) 15.00 l_0.00 L.20 26.20 --- !{ISCELLAI{EOUS PERMITS Surcharge/aamin CITY SDC BWOP PENALTY U 203 283 00 13 00 (E)486.13 (Excluding Electrical ) unless otherwiEe noted --- TOTAI. A}TOI'NT DUE --- (A, B, C, D, and E combined)851.17 .-- BUILDING VAI.UE, PI.A}iI CHECK AT{D BUII,DING PERMIT --- This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shalt, in aIl respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Development Code, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon violation of any provisions of said ordinances. PLan Check Fee: 183.95 Date Paid: Received By: Plans Reviewed By: DON MOORE Date: Building Site Reviewed By: LISA HOPPER LO /2e / e7 02/27/ee ReceipL Number:. 27858 --. ADDITIONAL COMMEI{TS --- SEPARATE ELECTRICAL PERM]T ]S REQUIRED HEATED AREAS OF STRUCT. SIALL COMPLY W/ COMMERCIAL INSULATION REQUIREMENTS By signature, I atate and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further cerEify that any and all work performed shal1 be done in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPAIICY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further cert.ify that only conLractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 wil-l- be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all reguired inspecEions are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is ]ocated at Lhe front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the siue at all times during construction. 3-.€5-?r Signature Date TOTAL MISCELLAI{EOUS PERMITS SPFIXGFIELEt Job Number: 971558 qTT OF SPruNGFTEID, ONEGON Page 3 Receipt Number: Date Paid: Amount Received: Received By: --- VATIDATION --- Z?2r4 s/z r/>a EY-7-, z- /-\7 t JoB N0. ql I s58 ATTACHMENT A CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET NAME OR COMPANY 1"1 e on LOCATION Zq LE 3l s'T 3'T DEVELOPMENT TYPE G*rta ae BUILDiNG SiZE SIZ F SQ. Ft 1. SIORM DRAII\]AG[ IMPERVIOUS SO FT 85a x $0.225 PER SQ. FT $ tq3,4G 2. SANITARY SEi^lER-CITY pnrr^f6 S<pr,c {vlrtn NO OF PFU'S x $.16.86 PER PFU S # (See Reverse Side; 3. IRANSPORTATiON NO OF UNITS X TRIP RATE X COSI PER TRIP x $472 49 $eX SAN ITARY S E,^JEP. - MI/iMC X X x $472 49 x $472.49 5 4 MI^IMC CRIDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) 5. ADMINISIRATIVE FEIS BASE CHARGE (SUBTOIAL ABOVE) X .05 I $ PER FEU + $10 MI,.JMC/ADM FEE $-a $ q,\6,7 NO. OF FIU'S X $ TOTAL-Mt^lMC SDC $ SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1,2,3 & 4)$ lq3,+L SDC Coordi nator Date:)l- t -n7 TOIAL SDC $ 2C3,17 t "\ I vtrL vtrr t v'-tr-\'\'r-'a I lvlY I F\lJLr-. l\umoer or New Frxtul-es x Unlt Equivalent = Fixture gnits(NorE: For remoders, calcuiate on, ^ie NET additionar fixtures) - -rYrYq's'It -- FIXTURE TYPE Bathtub...... Drinking Fountain.... Floor Drain,............ lnlerceptors For Grease/Oil/So1idsiEtc................. lnterceptors For Sand/Auto Washi8tc................. Laundry Tub/Clotheswasher. Clotheswasher - 3 Or More..... Mobile Home Park Trap ('l per Trailer)................. Receptor For Refrigerator/Water Station/Etc........ Receptor For Commercial Sink,,DishwasheriEtc.. Shower, Single Stall... Shower, Gan9......... Sink: Bar, Commercial, Resider-rtial Kitchen........... Urinai, Stall/Wall... Wash Basini Lavatory, Single.. Toilet, Pubiic lnstallation. Toilet, Private....... Misceilaneous: NUMBER OF NEW FIXTURES TOTAL FiXTURE UNITS UNIT EOUIVALENT FIXTURE UNITS adeIH 2 1 2 3 6 2 6 o 1 a 3 2 i 2 2 1 b 4 CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: Based on assessed value. lf rmprovements occurred after annexation date in table.calculate credits rates Credit for Parcel or Land Only lf Applicable lmprovement (if after annexation date) XS (Rate X Assessed Value) X$ (Rate X Assessed Value) Year Annexed Rate per S1,000 Assessed Value Year Annexed Rate per $1,COO Assessed Value 1979 or before 1 980 1 981 1 982 1 983 't 984 1 985 1 986 $ 3.97 3.89 3.83 3.70 3.55 3.39 3.20 2.91 1 987 1 988 1 989 1 990 1 991 1 992 1 993 1 994 1 995 't996 vz.co 2"17 1.73 1.31 0.92 o.74 o.61 0.45 0.31 o.17 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR STORM DRAINAGE (For Estimating Purposes Only) Resioeniiai............... Commerical.............. lndustrial... Governmental........... 0.4 0.9 05 0.5 lMPERVlous AREA = TorAL Lor stzE x RUNOFF coEFFtctENT CREDIT TOTAL = $ - -IIIIII Q0Y{(Lflu 6 $10({H ,^ ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING LAND USE AND INTERIORS March 20, 1998 Mr. Donald Moore Plans Examiner City of Springfield Development Services/Publ ic Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 RE: Mead Barn Dear Don: I am in receipt of the attached drawing from you by fax today. Up have requested that I provide the missing dimension on this drawing anO tfris letter attesting to the correctness of that dimension. I hereby attest (to the best of my knowledge) to the correctness of this dimension based on the following. . The scale overlay drawing of the wetland zone that you have provided me. . My field notes establishing locations of existing structures using the West property line and center line of Yolanda as reference points' . Measurements executed by the Contractor and myself in the field. I will assume that a permit can be issued to Koala Construction for this project on Monday, March 23, 1998. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very t'r'u!y ycurs, CROWCLAY & ASSOCIATES INC. r)€&*l,YlSteven L. Clay, Principal BAI. l6t6 OF cc Mr and Mrs. Melvin Mead Koala Construction SLC/taj/97320mor.01 PoRTLAND, OREGoN . Coos Bay, OREGoN . EUREKA, CALtFoRNtA 125 W. CENTRAL AVENUE, SurE 4OO, Coos BAy. OR 91420, (541) 269-9388, FAx (541) 267-61g7 AssocIATEs: CHRIS DEFFERDING AND DAVID A, PIERCE MEMBERS AMERTCAN lNsTtrurE oF ARCHTTECTS crowcloy@horborside.com L. L 0J,,30i 98 lE : E1 OEr.)J 728 368S 101 r0D le00 SPFT) T)E\i. SER IIillF,IU[5 E oor t,r lVl i004 i;. l-'l 1 ,rIJ ++s-€0 i'i It\ I0t. e00 20E rl I00t3 LrOt l0 r::r'.1 101 0 10l l tcl E l't = loo' + WAA _:F.lw'*wtoT4AE. .ryrsT'a ,..:... 400 I:r0P ,'!F !:' I -l MOTT Cynthia L From: To; Cc: Subject: Date: MOTT Cynthia L OBERST Mel F MOTT Gregory S FW: 2525 31st Street Thursday, March 19, 1998 2:18PM Mel, I am being pressured by bldg staff for information on this one. I know Mott has been busy. I need to know what specifically I need for review of a building permit for an area that has a wetlands which is not delineated and if someone is willing to say that their proposal is an agricultural building when it clearly has an office, bathroom, RV parking, etc. Thanks. From: MOTT Cynthia L To: MOTT Gregory S Subject: FW: 2525 31st Street Date: Tuesday, March 17, 1998 1 :- 3PM I could really use some advice on this one, thanks! -t-------- From: MOTT Cynthia L To: PUENT David J; MOTT Gregory S Subject: 2525 31st Street Date: Thursday, March 05, 1998 4:15PM I again have the building plans to review for the subject property. ln looking through the plans, it appears as if I'm still lacking the information lrequested the first go around. I still don't know the height or square footage of the residence in relation to the height/square footage of the accessory structure. ldon't have a plot plan that shows the location of the proposed (constructed) accessory structure and the wetlands which have not been delineated on the property. I understand from other planners that the building will need to be a minimum of 20' from the wetlands. Mott is this the case. Dave, you said that you were going to consider this a non-farm agricultural building. I don't know what this is but in looking at their building plans they are definitely building a garage/office/restroom which makes this, development code standards an accessory structure, not an agricultural building. The agricultural structures listed in the definition of accessory structures says "...such as but not limited to barns, silos, hay sheds, drying sheds and greenhouses..." ldon't think we could make the stretch that a bathroom/garage/office is similar to a barn, silo, hayshed or the other items listed. Please advise and I'll review it tomorrow. Please advise. I know they have already built this without permits. 4[Oo ffiatt( i n@4 ok '/a< ,kilf htdlWl /rlfi4?+V@) oK - lil- aSA$f Page 1 .IIrIII o0\Y/ftfllJ 6 {fl00fll{f ,,,( ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING LAND USE AND INTERIORS March 18, 1998 Mr. Donald Moore Development Services Department Building Safety Division City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mead Barn Project No.97320 City Job No. 971558 Dear Mr. Moore I am responding to your plans review on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mead, Owner of the subject project. I will answer each of your items listed individually: Item 1:The electrical grounding system specified here has been installed by the electrical contractor. This was verified by me with the general contractor on site approximately one month ago. An electrical permit has already been issued for this job and I believe inspection of this item has been done in the progress of construction. Item 2:An approved sill plate sealer has been installed at all exterior walls in the building. The sill sealer used was a closed cellfoam-type, slightly Rei"rower than the plate dlmension, Any vvsl1= noted in this item which are not underlain with this type of sealer will be sealed using a bead of sealant at the intersection of the plate and slab at both sides of the plate. Item 3:Table 402.2 specifies the minimum compressive strength of concrete based on the weathering potential expected for the type or location of concrete construction. !n this case, the barn floor slab weathering potential is negligible which allows 2500 psi concrete to be used. lt should also be noted that this table is specific to garage floor slabs and makes no mention of barn floor slabs. ln any case, the Contractor used 3500 psi concrete. PoRTLAND, OaEGoN . Coos Bav. OREGoN . Euire<a, CALtFoaNtA 125 W. CENTRAL AVENUE, SurE 400. Coos BAy, OR 97420, (541) 269-9388, FAx (S4t) 267-6187 ASSoCIAIES: CHRIS DEFFERDING AND DAVID A. PIERCE MEMBERS AMERIcAN INSTITUTE oF ARCHITECIS crowcloy@horborside.com Mr. Donald Moore March 18, 1998 Page 2 Items 4 and 5: As noted on the floor plans, the finished floor in the barn is elevated a minimum of 1'-0" above adjacent grade. This will allow a minimum of 6" clearance between finish grade and all untreated wood materials and allow for the grade to fall away from the foundation walls at a minimum of 6" within the first 10'. Items 6 and 7:Despite the fact that, in our professional opinion, the prescriptive standarcis (when applied to ihis barn; constittite substantiai over- design, I believe it is in my clients' best interests that full compliance be accomplished as you have indicated on the floor plan. The contractor will be instructed to add blocking in selected areas at horizontal unblocked edges, two (2) interior braced wall panels installed and minimum 1800 pound rated holddown pairs installed at all of the altemate brace panel locations shown on your plans review drawing. I have enclosed specification data showing an alternate to the holddowns your prescriptive standard suggests. Item 8:At your suggestion, I contacted Harold Atiyeh at the State of Oregon, Plans Review Division, and asked him to give a succinct answer on whether or not a sewage disposal drain for an R. V. was acceptable inside a building. After several hours of research and consideration, Salem decided that because the R. V. sewer system does not meet state code, dumping from it into a receptacle would classify that receptacle as a "sewer disposal system" instead of a "sanitary drainage system". The sewer disposal system then (by state code) must be a minimum of 5' outside the building. Therefore, the Owner will have three options to consider: a. To cap off and cover up this drain location. b. At a later time, install a priming line from the sink location to the drain location and use the drain location as a floor drain. c. Relocate the sewage dump to a location 5' outside of the building. Item 9:Flashing has been installed at exterior window and door openings. Reference Details 1112,412 and 5/3. The bathroom exhaust vent shown in the bathroom will be ducted to the exterior through the east wall near the wood storage area. Item 10: Mr. Donald Moore March 18, 1998 Page 3 a a Item 11: Item 12:The Owner will be deciding to do one of the following The toilet to be installed will be 1.6 gallons per flush and the lavatory will be rated at2.5 gallons per minute. lnstall a 45 degree limit thermostat on the single unit heater currently specified and install R-19 insulation in the roof joists with a vapor barrier fiame spreaci rating of 25, OR lnstall insulated closure at the opening between the shop and the main volume, insulation on door #7 and insulate the ceiling, leaving the heater and thermostat as specified, OR a Eliminate the unit heater and thermostat entirely Item 13:GFI protection will be provided at exterior waterproof outlets and interior outlets, excepting those in the office. Item 14:Joists above the office and storage area will support a total live and dead load of 66 and 95 pounds per square inch, respectively. Structural calculations are enclosed. On the basis of this information above, we respectfully request immediate issuance of a building permit to the project contractor, Koala Construction. We would appreciate your confirmation of the permit's availability by telephone and/or fax upon receipt of this letter. Once again thank you for your cooperation Very truly yours, CROWCLAY & ASSOCIATES INC. L , Steven L. Clay, A. l. A Principal SLC/ljal97320sp9.01 cc: Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mead Koala Construction v\rr=t,gie<- {A1-* " lrU''--oLt Ipq,*;r,tr h, raJ|..r-r r.- Atfroarrlrie. L'",1, iii,r,, , DXrl , t*)\ ', I! W'ier**-, , U*,*',**r&; +C *; Fb= \4=p*v= qd | = \,1oc,ffi'ol1' I Ja1FAvU- ?yh1*t- ^ ' r,i-\/W= f;Jffi6.,.- = t t llt 9l . ,i !1:JC = rL=4tb W4> W=-oK olLa-,xitt'et tQ ht 1?1 ,(& h frC, {/'1. $J= \b,*b% w_ . ?4+ \,loarOeOWTEEI 1o4, *b W6i* u:hvh ..A,, @l4w\u e %b,U +/t rd*""r.& 4a %,z\/,av= \c aI I I \N=v li50. ll 'tlts je,: , b€to \rL1,d?-/t(\?% lw,1bWV.:--- qE,+bnhe 1,, . Jjtcfe.9-'r"''e iQ no X,kb1 \14,,9b I 11r,Jl @NEffitr[Ij F.*"rS,!ef+L'+L1, FO U f\ DATI O N -TO -STIgD CONNECTIONS.! HTf22 f\e Typical HWTT1BT Stud-to-Concrete lnstallation Add Blocking To Counteract Horizontal Forces with (See page MATEBIAL: HTT-1 1 gauge; HWTT & HDA-see table FINISH: Galvanized, HWTT and HD14A-Simpson gray paint' TNSTALLATION: r Use all specified fasteners. . HWfis must be used in Pairs. r Bolt holes shall be a minimum ol 1/ez" 1o a maximum ol 1/16" larger than the bolt diameter (per 1991 NDS, section B 1'2'1 )' r Standard washers or bearrng plates are required on stud bolts opposite the HDA holdown. r See SSTB Anchor Bolts for anchorage options. The design engineer may speciiy any allernate anchorage calculated to resist the tension load for Your sPecific job. t To tie double 2x members together, the designer musl determine the tasteners required to bind members to acl as one unit without splitting the wood. coDES: BOCA, |CBC, SBCCT I'tcs. NER-393, NER-469; City ct L.A. Nos. RR 24818, 251 5S (all codes are for HD2A, HDSA, HDBA, HD10A)' Detlection at highest allowable design load: The deflection of a holdown measured betvreen the anchor bolt and the strap porlion of the holdown when loaded to the maximum altowable load listed in the catalog table' other movement in a holdown system are excluded from this measurement (slip between the holdown and the stud is not part ot this deflection)' MODEL N0.MATL L FASTENERS ALLOWABLE LOADS ANCHOR BOLT BOLT USED AS HOLDOWN USED AS PURLIN ANCHOB HWfi127 3ga 1 13/a Tq 3h 2055 41 60 HWfil87 3ga 183t6 3/a "/t 2055 41 60 1.Loads have been increased 33% lor wind or earthquake Ioading with no further increase allowed. 2. HWfi1 87 paired with HWTT127 in purlin anchor application has a load of 3800 lbs. 3. Purlin must be 372" or wider ior the full allowable load. Reduce allowable loads per the code for smaller purlins. 4.Holdown studs must be 11t2" min. 3. The designer must specify anchor bolt type, length and embedment or use a SSTB20 embedded 16" with a load of 4600 lbs or a #5x1 6 embedded 1 2" with Epoxy-Tie for a I Typical HDsA lnstallation with Epoxy. Washers are not required at base. U.S. Patent 5,467,570 'l.Allowable loads are based on the lower the 1991 NDS lastenei values or the ultimate load on a steel test jig divided by 2.5. 2. Do not install HTT tension ties raised ofl lhe mudsill,load of 4040 lbs, 4. Minimum stud lhickness @ l.Allowable loads are based on the lower of (a) the bolt values in accordance 4. HB is the required minimum distance lrom the end of the stud to the center of with the NDS, and (b) the ultimate load on a steel test jig divided by 2.5. the first stud bolt hole. End distance may be increased as necessary for installation. 2.Allowable loads have been increased 33% lor wind or earthquake loading 5,The anchor embedment and configuration must be specified. See SSTB Anchor Bolts. with no ,urther increase allowed; reduce where other loads govern. 6. Lag bolts will not develop the listed loads. 3.The wood member must be sized lor lhe load-carrying capacity at the 7. Holdowns installed raised otl the mudsill may have larger deflection values. critical net section, reducing the gross seclion area for holes or other removed wood as specilied in the code. 0 FASTENERSDIMENSIONS ALLOWABLE UPLIFI LOADS (133) OEFLECIION AT HIGHEST ALLOWABLE DESIGN LOAD ANCHOR BOLTS NAILS 4 AVG ULT UPLFT MODEL N0.w L 0.087Tr"n,32-1 6d SINKEHS [31s0 5250Hfi22 MODEL N0. MATERIAL DIMENSIONS FASTENERS AVG ULT ALL.WABLE ,-g1ggr (i 33)HOLDOWN DEFLECTION AT HIGHEST ALLOWABLE DESIGN LOAD BASE GA BODY GA HBI SB w H B SO CL ANCHR DIA STUD BOLTS LENGTH OF BOLT 3'5,6 IN VERTICAL WOOD MEMBER OTY DIA 1V2 2Vz 3 31/z SVt HD2A 7 12 41/z 21/z 21/z o 25/e 1/q 11/z -/8 ,8 12150 1 555 2055 2565 2775 2775 2760 0.058 HD5A 2 10 51/c 334a 93/a 31/z 1/z 21Aa 5/a or 3/a I '/a 20767 1 870 2485 3095 3705 401 0 3980 0.067 HD6A Te 7 634a 3Vz 31/a 111/rc 37Aa s4a 21/rc 7/s 2 7/B 27333 2275 2985 3685 4405 51 00 551 0 0.041 HDsA "/B 7 634o 31/z 31/s 143/g 37/s -/16 21As 7/6 3 7a 28667 3220 4350 541 5 6465 7460 791 0 0.11 1 HDlOA -/B 7 63/rc 31/z 31/a 17r8 37Aa '/16 214e 7/E 7/B 28667 3945 5540 6935 831 0 1 0425 9900 0.269 HD14A Ya 3 7 4 31/z cdg/,-35/a 5/o 234a 1 4 1 51 233 11080 1 3380 0.215 12 ll-ol [t=L] lll o M ( BASE MATEBIAL ALLOWABLE TENSION LOAD Item Concrete Grout-lilled Concrete Block Hollow Concrete Block Solid Brick Hollow Brick 500 lbs or Less 500 to 2000 lbs 2000 lbs or Greater Wedge-Allril Sleeve-Allil *** Drop-ln Expansion Screw Anchor * Machine Screw Anchor Lag Screw Expansion Shield Leadwood Screw Anchor Mascru *- Plastic Screw Anchor f Vinyl Screw Anchor ++ NailonrM Spring Wing Toggle Bolt Hollow Wall Anchors BASE MATERIAL Plywood and Drywall DATrr / MECHANICAL ANCHORS Sleeve AllrM ,w-e Size (inch) Allowable Loads (lbs) f 'c = 40fi) psi Tension Shear 1/o 770 690 Ts 1470 1170 ,/z 1 920 1 385 '/s 2930 2380 3625 200E Tie Mechanical Anchor Selection Table Note: Many building codes require special conditions for the installation of anchors used to make structural connections. Consult the local building authority to assure compliance with applicable building codes. uLtte Allowable Tension and Shear Loads (lbs) CMU Size (inches) Head Style Tension Shear Tension Shear ,4 Acorn Head 145 190 325 375 "/te 230 caq 425 500 ,8 240 380 600 750 ,/Z 260 380 1 175 1 300 '/a 260 380 1 475 2500 t4 Hex Head 260 380 2300 3750 ,/,i45 1S0 325 5/ta 230 275 425 500 ,8 Flat Head 240 380 600 750 th 260 380 325 375 3/B Round Head t 260 Q80 600 750 Allowable Tension & Shear Loads (lbs) fb = 2000 psi fb=4000psi Size (inch) Tension Shear Tension Shear 340 570 6801/t 570 3/e 510 1 160 880 1 160 1/z 940 1750 1 600 1750 c78 )1540 2350 2?60 2350 r6h3h eoon vd 3990 ?/a 1 eed 5600 /uao 5600 1 3930 \ s63o / szzo 5630 \eo/1 1/q 3930 5770 9800 11 ( C t , fb=3000psi u/t t3 OREGO'VCITY OF SPFl. JFIELO 4uq ft/* 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726_3753 FAX(541) 726-368e D EV E LOP M ENT S ERW C ES DE PARTM E NT March 13, 1998 Steven L. Clay CROW/CLAY & ASSOCIATES Architecture and Planning 125 West Central Avenue, Suite 400 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Dear Mr. Clay: Enclosed is a copy of the drawings for the MEAD RESIDENCE BARN with my plan review comments marked in red. A few of the items will require yourattention; particularly the proposed heaters in the uninsulated portion of the building, wind/earthquake bracing and the RV dump station in the building slab. With regard to the bracing, the prescriptive method of bracing, which is rnarked on the plan drawing, nlay not be achievable due to the fact that the building is already constructed. The alternate brace panels required by the prescriptive method require special tie-down anchors. The Code allows engineered brace wall calculations to be submitted that will indicate how the building walls will adequately resist wind and/or earthquake loads. This information will be helpful in facilitating our approval of the structure. The RV dump station as drawn will not meet State requirements. Recreational vehicle dump stations or drain connections are not permitted within buildings. The floor fixture shown for that purpose must be located outside the building. and must be modified to include a trap and a vent. Please refer to comment No.l2 regarding the insulation requirements for heaters in this type building. Please note that the entire building must be insulated or the heating system must be restricted to frost protection only with modified insulation requirements. Please submit the requested information to my attention at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Don Moore Construction Representative/Plans Examiner dm Enclosure: I cc: Dave Puent, Building Official h, iIOB ADDRESS: 2525 31st St. OUINER: Mel-vin Mead CONTR.JA,CTOR: CITY OF SPRINGFIEI.D Development Services Department Building Safety Division Residential PIan Review CITYiIOB# z 971558 PHONE: 343-9363 PHONE: 1_ Items listed bel-ow are incorporated into this project in addition to any requirements appearing on the construction p1ans. A corresponding number will be marked on your plans where applicable. A1I references are to the 1995 Oregon State One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code, (a995 CABO One and Two Family Dwelling Code as amended by the State of Oregon, and l-991- Dwelling Requirements of the Uniform Plumbing Code as amended ) unless noted otherwise. A copy of this code may be obtained from the Building Tech BooksLore, Inc., 8020 S.W. Cirrus Dr. Beaverton, Oregon 97008-5985. Your signature on the Building Permit is an agreement that all items circled herein will be installed or corrected, and that all work on this project wil-1 comply with applicable codes. EIJECTRICAL GROI'NDING REQUIRED IN NEW FOIINDATIONS: On new construction, a #4 concrete reinforcing-bar electrode at least. 20' in length shall be installed horizontally at or near the bott.om of the concrete footing at the location of permanent service entrance. A second bar, at least a/2 in diameter. shall be stubbed up a minimum of 12 j-nches above the floor plate line near the service entrance panel location. The stubbed up rod or bar shall- bend horizontally and attach to the reinforcing bar el-ectrode with a minimum L2" Iap. (ao: .4, NEC 250- 82 (C) . INSPECTION OF THE GROIIIIDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM INSTATLATION IS REQUTRED PRrOR TO PLACTNG OF CONCRETE FOR THE FOITNDATTON Provide an approved si11 plate sealer at all office, restroom and st.orage room perimeter wal-Is separating these areas from untempered areas. The sealant shal-1 be installed between the slab and the waII sill p1ate. (APP.E-401.4). Porches, carport slabs and concrete steps exposed to the weather, and garage f loor slabs shal-l- have a minimum compressive strength of 3000 psi. Concrete ilbatchil tripticket.s to be made available upon request.. (Table 402 .2) . 2 3 Garage floor or carport to slope to the door. main vehicle entry (R-30e.3) At 5 6 Provide and all- a minimum of 6t of cl-earance between untreaLed wood materials. (INCLUDING finished grade S]D]NG)(R-322.a) . 7 The grade away from foundation wal-Is shal-l- fal-l- a minimum of 6" within the first 10'. When restricted by 1ot 1ines, drains or other approved means shal-1 be provided to ensure positive drainage. (R-401.3). Provide for adequate bracing of the front garage wal1 and similar waII panels by use of the ALTERNATE BRACED WALL method or PORTAL FRAME met.hod shown on t.he attached shear panel drawings, or by an alternate engineered method which is acceptable to this jurisdiction. submit proposed alternate engineered methods to this office for approval prior t.o placing foundation concrete. (R-602.9) Provide standard braced waII panels at the locat.ions indicated by trBPrr on the floor plans Standard EXTERIOR "Braced WaII" panels shall provide standard anchor bolt and plywood nailing patterns, and such braced panels shall- extend t.o the f l-oor or roof deck above. Standard exterior braced waII p anels SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 4' IN LENGTH AND HAVE A MAXIMUM HEIGHT-TO-WIDTH RATIO NOT TO EXCEED 2.5 TO 1 Standard INTERIOR "Braced WaI1" panels shal-l- extend from the floor below to the roof deck above as shown in the attached drawings titled "BRACED INTERIOR WALL". fnLerior braced walIs SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN EIGHT FEET LONG WITH GYPSUM BOARD ON ONE S]DE ONLY, AND NOT LESS THAN FOUR FEET LONG FOR GYPSUM BOARD APPL]ED TO BOTH SIDES W]THOUT INTERRUPTION, UNLESS LONGER LENGTHS ARE SHOWN ON THE PLANS. Such braced waII panels shall besupport.ed on f oundat ion wall-s , or by f loor beams or double f loor j oist.s directly under the braced wal-l- .Support blocking shall be instal-l-ed in a similar manner between joists and beams were braced wall-s areperpendicular to the floor system. (R-602.9) Plywood shear walls sha1l have a1l- panel edges blocked(horizontally and vertically) and shal1 be attached along al-l- panel edges to framing members with fasteners at approved int.ervals. The RV dump stations are not permitt.ed to be instal_Ied withinbuildings. The dump station may be l-ocated outside thebuilding when it. is installed in accordance with the at.tachedinf ormation sheet titl-ed " SEWAGE DrsposAl, FACTLf ry', . 8 9 Coordinate this requirement with the City Plumbing Inspector. Pl-ease note that the State Buil-ding Codes Division has advised that an RV may not be permanently connected to a sanitary drain for the purpose of using the RV in a fixed location. Recreational Vehicl-es are licensed for recreational use only and are not intended for permanent occupancy of any kind. The only exception is when a temporary use is allowed for a documented medical hardship situation and a permj-t. for that purpose is obtained from this office. Flashing is required at exterior window and door openings and locations noted on p1ans. (R-708.4) . 10. Bathroom exhaust f ans shal-l- be vented to outside air. (R-303.3) 11.New plumbing fixtures shall- meet thefor maximum water flow:Toilets - 1,.5 gallons per flush Shower heads - 2.5 gaf. per minute following requirements fnterior faucets - 2.5gallons per minute. (P-e15) . L2.Space heaters shal-I not be installed in the open equipmentstorage area or other areas which do not comply with theinsulation requirements of the Oregon Energy Conservation Code.EXCEPTION: Heaters may be instal-Ied for freezeprevention when such heaters are not. capable of heating t.he space to a temperat.ure above 45 degrees F. and whena t.emperature-limiting thermostat which cannot. be setabove 45 Degrees is instal-l-ed with the unit (s) .Roof/ceiling assemblies and windows must meet theprescriptive requirements for Zone 1 in Tabl-e 13-F. (OSSC Sec.1312 exception 1.1 and Table 3-F) 13. L4. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter protection shall be provldedin receptacles located in bathrooms, hydromassage bathtubs,garages (except dedicated appliance circuits), crawl_ spaces /basements , outside (where there is direct access to grade), and within six feet. of any sink. (R-4402). If joists above the office area are to be used to support f l-oor loads |agfi/s.f .) t.he joists must be #1 grade material- tospan 1-2 ft. between supports with a spacing of 16rro.c. -,IIIII Q0\{^LfltJ 6 trfl0(Hl{f rn( ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING LAND USE AND INTERIORS November 24,1997 Ms. Cindie Mott City of Springfield Planning Department 225 Fifth Street Spi'lngfield, Oregon 97477 RE Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mead Residence Barn Project No. 97320 Dear Cindie: Thank you for the time you spent with me this morning discussing this project by telephone. As I diicussed with you then, I am writing this letter to clarify issues which affect your planning review for this Project. This project is scheduled for two phases. The first phase is the construction of a barn as shown ih tne drawings from our firm dated September 1997. Construction is scheduled to begin immediately on this phase. Schematic design has been completed on the second pnas6 which includes additions to the existing house which will be constructed concurrent with or following the construction of the barn. It is our contention that this barn structure should not be considered as an accessory structure but instead qualifies as an agriculture structure as stated in the Zoning Ordinance definitions. As an agricultural structure, it is exempt from the special use standards of tne underlying zoning district as it is located on a parcel of nearly five (5) acres' The history of this propefty, I believe, is relevant to land use considerations. Since 1949, this property has 'been continuously owned by the O'Brien family. Claude and Jessie O'Brien'purthased the property and constructed a house and agricultural structures in 1g4g. The agricultural structures were used for raising rabbits, poultry and other farm products grown on the site. The full scale operations of the ranch were discontinued in tgOg at Ciaude O'Brien's death and, since that time, his widow Jessie had several of the agricultural buildings removed as they fell into disrepair. Most recently, the Springfield Fire DLpartment burned the last of the buildings which we estimate totaled nearly 5,000 sq ft and were located on the site which will be occupied by the proposed barn. At her death, PoRTLAND, OaEcoN . Coos BAy, OaEGoN . EunExa, CALtFoaNtA 125 W, CENTRAL AVENUE, SutrE 400, Coos BAy, OR 97420, (S4t) 269-9388, FAX (541) 267-6187 AssocrATEs: CHRIS DEFFERDTNG AND DAVTD A. ptERCE MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHIIECTS crowcloy@horborside com Ms. Cindie Mott November 24, 1997 Page 2 Jessie O'Brien willed the property to Carol O'Brien Mead. Mel and Carol Mead are responsible for the construction projects proposed which are intended to enhance and rejuvenate the agricultural operations begun in 1949. Since Jessie O'Brien's death earlier this year, the Meads have moved onto the site and perpetuated the agricultural activities historic to the site. A visit to the site would allow you to witness the tree, flower and berry crops and the pasture area where horses were kept this summer. The Meads recently completed their harvest and drying of walnuts in preparation for sale of this product. The site also boasts a vineyard, vegetable garden and a suhstantial vvetland rvhich has hecome a local bird sanctuary. lt is our position that the uses of the pasture adjacent to the proposed barn as well as the cultivation of these crops and their impact on the building use easily qualifies this structure as an agriculture structure/barn. Looking at the plans for the structure, you can see the design is intended to closely repticate a classic barn design, even to small details such as the cupola and weather vane as well as the installation of a Jackson Fork under the pent eave in the primary elevation. The uses contemplated for the building interior are as follows: Shop and Equipment Storage: This space will be used for storage of smaller motorized and non-motorized farm and maintenance equipment and to provide space for repairs to equipment and structures on the site. a a Main Volume: The main section of the building (roughly 21' x 42') has been designed so it will accommodate larger farm implements and/or vehicles, temporary storage of harvest or housing of livestock and/or feed storage. Larger maintenance projects or product drying may also be accomplished in this area. Storage: This area will be used for general storage Office: The office will be used for the operations of the ranch and is deliberately separated from the primary residence/structure. For the reasons stated above, we feel this barn structure qualifies as an agricultural structure and, therefore, the height and area are not a factor. lt is interesting to note, however, that the primary dwelling will become larger than this barn structure when the Phase 2 addition has been completed. Your final concern was that of the barn's proximity to the wetlands. The Meads are very concerned that this structure not encroach in any way on the wetlands. ln fact, Mr. Mead has recently initiated correspondence with landowners upland of this wetland to cease and a a Ms. Cindie Mott November 24,1997 Page 3 desist with development or operations which are the cause of recent substantial silt deposits in this weiland. lt is our understanding that the preliminary (or final) delineation of inat wetland has been accomplished by the City of Springfield. Ribbons placed by city staff are still visible at the perimeter of the wetland. Placement of the barn structure will not encroach on this area and will maintain the minimum 10' setback which is required from the welands area. We would appreciate continued cooperation from your department in verifying the edge of the wetland prior to the final staking for the new barn structure. Thank you in advance for your expeditious review of this material. lf you have any questions at all. l.woulci appreciate it if you would contact myself or Mr:. Mel tvlead who can be reached at (541) 343-9363. Please advise us of your determinations at the very earliest time possible as the contract for construction will not be executed until clearance from your Department is received. Very truly yours, CROWCLAY & ASSOCIATES INC. 4^ttV, Steven L. Clay, Principal SLC/ljal97320mo1.01 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mead Mrs. Heather Donahue cc: RESIDENTIALpEnnar APPLIcATIoN lnspectlons: 726'3769 Ofllce: 726'3759 JOB NUMBER 225 Fifth Street Sprlngfleld, Oregon 97477 9Y ql t s =< A.re,*4t LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK: ASSESSORS MAP: LOT b oO SUBDIVISION: - To request an tnspectlon, you musr cail 726-3769. TnlsffiQ{b$AypeHbg.All lnspectlons requested before 7:00 a'm. wlll be made the same worklng day, lnspectlons requested af ter 7:OO a.m. wlil'bd-made the followlng work day. REOUIRED INSPECTIONS I Temnorary Electrlc Slte lnspectlon - To be made after excavatlon, but Prlor to settlng forms. UndErslab Plumblngl Electrlcal / Mechanlcal - Prlor to cover' Footlng - After trenches are excavated. Masonry - Steel locatlon, bond beams, groutlng. Foundatlon - After forms are erected but prlor to concrete placement. Underground Plumblng - Prior to fllllng trench. Underlloor Plumblng / Mechanlcal - Prlor to lnsulatlon or clecklng. Post and Beam - Prlor to floor lnsulatlon or decklng. Rough Mechanlcal - Prlor to cover. Rough Electrical - Prior to cover, Electrical Service - Must be approved to obtaln permanent electrlcal power. Flreplace - Prlor to faclng materlals and traming lnsp. Framlng - Prlor to cover. Wall/Celling lnsulatlon - Prlor to cover. I-l Drywall - Prlor to taplng Wood Stove - After lnstallatlon. Flnal Plumbing - When all plumblng worl( ls complete. Flnal Electrlcal - When all electrical work ls complete. Final Mechanlcal - When all mechanlcal work ls complete. Final Buildlng - When all requlred lnspectlons have been approved and building is completed. Other MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS Plumbing Connectlons - When home has been connected to water and sewer. Electrlcal Cgnnection - When blocking, set-up, and plumbing lnspections have been approved and the home is connected to the servlce panel. Final - After all required inspections are approved andporches, skirtlng, decks, and ventlng have been lnstalled. E tl E tl MSanttary Sewer - Prior to filling ,)+trench. Floor lnsulatlon - Prlor to decking. Slorm Sewer - Prior to filllng trench. Water Llne - Prlor to filling trench. Rough Plumbing - Prlor to cover. lnsert - After flreplace approval and lnstallatlon oI unlt. Curlrcut & Alrproaclr - After forms are erected but prior to placement of concrete. Sidewalk & Drlveway - After excavation ls complete, forms and sub-base material in place. [--l fence - When ccf,tpleted Street Trees - When all requlred trees are planted. PHONE: ZIP:STATE: 367 4t)D OWNER: ADDRESS: CITY: DEMOLISH OTHER MECHANICAL: ADDRESS I EXPIRES A PHONE CONTRACTOR'S NAME DESGRIBE WORK: PLUMBING: GENERAL: CONST, CONTRACTOR '' NEw F< REMODEL ADDITION H EAr soUH&PEEMIISHAILEXPIF E I F THEd&OR[env n ear RANGE: tlTHOnlZeO UruOfn mlS PERMTE&0{0C. FoorAGE: - oFFICE USE - LAND USE:FLOOD PLAIN: ZONING CODE: OUAD AREA: r OF BLDGS: WATER HEATER: OCCY GROUP: r OF STORIES: # OF UNITS: __.- coNSrR.hlOtlCH: r oF BDRMS: -) r)1 cL or>\ E tI tl E E E fl E l-_l Blocking and Set.Up - When ail - blocklng ls complete. tlE ffi t,r" Lot faces Lot sg. ftg. Lot coverage Topography Total hetght Lot Type - lnterior -- Corner - Panhandle i - Cul-de-sac ks PL.HSE GAR ACc N s E i lS THE PR OPOSED WORK IN THE ".HISTOR ICAL DISTRICT, OR ONTHE HI STORICAL REGISTER? lf yes, thls appllcailon must be slgned 1nd approved by the HtstoilcatCoordinator prlor to permit issuance. APPROVED: BUILDING PERMIT VALUE (A) so. FT. x $/sQ. FT.ITEM Main Garage Carport Total Value Building permit Fee State Surcharge Total Fee This permit is granted on the express condiilon that the saidconstruction shall, ln all respecis, "rri.i.'i""tne Ordlnanceadopted bv the city . 9f spiinstreiJ, inctudtng theDevelopment code. regurating in" """"-"ti,]"tion ano ,se otbuildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any tlmeupon viotation of any provisions or saiJ'JrJinances. Date Plan s Reviewed By B U L D N G LU E NLA c EH c KDANUBLDNPGREMIT Receive<j By: Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Receipt Number: ELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) SYSTEMS DEV Systems Develop properties withln ,ment Charge is due on all undeveloped the City limits which are being improved. ITEM Fixtures Resldential Bath(s) Sanitary Sewer Water Storm Sewer Moblle Home PLUMBING PERMIT FT. 50 FEE N. FT. FI 2'l(c) 1x-f .7s- h t. e{ Plumblng Permlt State Surcharge .l O.03 Total Charge ADDITIONAL COMMENTS - ri )'^, Wood Stove/ lnsert/Flreplace Unit Dryer Vent MECHANTCAL PERMIT (D) N0 Mechanical Permit lssuance State Surcharge Total Permit Furnace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan By slgnature, r state and agree, that r have carefuily examrnedthe completed application and do hereby cerilfy that alllnformation hereon is true ancl correct, and I f urther cerilfythat any and all work performed shall be done in accordancewith the Ordinances of the City of Sprlngfield, and the Lawsof the State of Oregon perlalnlng to the work descrlbedherein, and that NO OCCUPANCy wiil be made of anystructure wlthout perrnission of the Bulldlrlg Safety Divislon.I further certify that only contractors and employees whoare in compllance with ORS 7O1.O5S wlil be used on thlsproiect. I further agree to ensure that all requlred inspections are requested at the proper ilme, that each address ls readable from the street, that the permlt card ls located at the frontof the property, and the approved set of plans will remaln lgnature LX" I times cirtri con the site tion. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Moblle Home State lssuance State Surcharge Sidewalk - ft Curbcut - ft Demolition State Surcharge Total Miscellaneous Permits (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excludlng electricat) (A, B, C, q and E Comblned) at )\t - RECEIVED BY AMOUNT RECEIVF.D I d DATE PAID VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUMBER -)- q1 OREGONC'TY OF SPR SPFI ,FIELO Nev Residential-Single or Multi-FamilY Per dwelling unit. Service Included:Items Cost 1. LOCATION i2 (i ,{S OF INSTALLATION AI 3i 1oC JOB DESCRIPTION 2. CONItsASTOR INSTALI..ATION ONLY Electrical Contractor Address Ci la{C phone X3737/l L Supervisor License Number 34 t2- ( Expi ra t i oa oatJD*/- r?16 Constr Contr. Number 4-/ - 1 6741 Expiration Date of I Electrician L s Name /,4 .".d Ls i..)s5- Ci s (Phone r 225 SPPJNGFIELD, oREGON INSPECTION REQTIEST: OFFICE: 726-3759 {726-3769 A Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork is not started vithin 180 days oi it"u.nce or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or Portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home- or Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder B. Services or Feeders 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amPs - 401 amps to 600 amPS I 601 amps to 1000 amPs- 0ver L000 amPs/vo1ts - Reconnect 0n1Y C Woo 40.00 5s.00 80.00 ee ilBr aEoE I $ gs.oo I g 1s.oo $ 40.00 Sumwo /s 00 I1o.,n hc-t- t I' t Installation, Alterations h/";1 lu< or Relocation: s s0.00 s 60.00 $100.00 s130.00 s300.00 s 40.00 $ $ s s Temporary Services or Feeders Installaiion, Alteration or Relocation OVNER INSTALI.,ATION The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Orners Signature: 200 amps''or less 201 amps to 400 amPs -Over 401 to 600 amPs Over 600 amps or 1OOO voT[s D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit $ 35.00 Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit - S 2'00 E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/0ut1ine Lighting- Limited Energy/Res Limited EnergY/Comm SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge 3Z Admini.strative Fee TOTAL $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 s 36.00 5 0 DATE: RBCETVED o /a l*