HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-08-20.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s North stlt streeaPPLrcATr,N/PERMrr Sprtngfield, Oregon gZ4ZZ Building Diui.sion 7 26-37 53 SPFTINGFIEL.D # &/-or ^ oL- Date *g GeneraL Constmtetion Lenden Z?-<nva*I L Job Locaticn: Aesesaors Map #33 Cf (?c,s lot # SvbdiDision: Aaet:OI^ Addtess:-b7PhoneV^7 City:a1A7zip l'lork:l-t TI TDDate of Applicaticn I -20*ry Value 1-r-r- il Additicn RemoCel It io ttte teepanaibility of, tle pernrit hotd,a f.1ont--t1g atreet, and, tlat in. printt o"rA i"*Building Noicion appro"*ed pth in"fi ,Zia;" to aee tlut aLL inaoeetiow ee nad,e at the puope? tin6, that s44ft ai;rsss i" vsaiahieLocated at the frcni of tlte D?oDerAton the nunldins site 2t "lt'|lku."-PI?ocgDUPE FoR TNSPEC?|1N ,El-o'- ?ES?"CALL 726-3769 (reeo,d.et) state you? citg ,Tesigna-ted. job ntmber, job a,1Fness, tgpe of i.nspeelicntequested' ar'd uhen uou -uiLL be neady fon inspeeti"n, Coiiio.li|"- ." anne"s nane Lnd prone rutnber. pequests reeeixed. befcre ?:00 @x,iLL be nade the edte dcy' requests"nlaie iii* z,oo- o, tttli Le- naae the nect uotkin;d.ay. 71D bo .7 QT1D TNEDN'df^^I e.ccansation, but .: ?o be trude aftez,priar tc set up of Iour City Deeigr,ated Job Nwnber fs: To be aLL dd Aftet, install,ation is uotk ie caered. PO-qNNc & FOUNDATICN: ?o be naCeaJtet ttenchea a?e escansated and. fotns. are eteeted, but ptior topourlng ccncrete. Lir4 trenchee. Utt DyRFL))! PLU|I:B rN c & MEctlANr cAL :lo oe ma4e .p?io? to installation offloot insulation or decking. PP. ST 4-Al B-EAM: ?o be nade prtot toinstallatian of floot, insuT,ation otdecking. ut:t-il these inspeetions haue been made ard approued.. PfPEPLACE: prLor to placir,o facinamaterials and. before fronitfi in"pnZ_tion. PRA|,!ING: ltust be nequested afterapprooal 9f ?ough plw.bing, eieett"i_a,c & nectwnieal. ALI noofiztg bruclnS &- chinmege, etc. mast- beeonpLeted- llo uork ie to be eon_cealed until thie inspeetton lae been rrud,e anC approoed. required uqot bawie?s @e in plaee but -before ory 'la.th, Wpswn bcarC or tfr.LL 9ove?ing is applied, and. beforeoty insulation is concealed. D\IWALL INSPEtrI)N: Tc be madeaftet aLL dtyuall is in place,but prior to anA taping. AASONR!: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or oeyticcls in accord"orce uLth U.B.C, Section 2415. WOODS?OVE: arnpleted. DEilOLTTTO]] OR Sani'-aty seuer capped ct property Lire Septic tank y"u,zped and. filled d.th gra;sel fonne FTUAL PLAAAING FINAL UZCHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL CURB & APPRCACH APPONee eyecteC but prior cottcrete. ,: After fornsto pouring Final - hlten abcue itens aye eanoleted and uhen CenaLttion is complete'or sttuc_ture moued anC prewLses cleaneC up. T Hcmes Blocking od. Set-up Pluibing connectiane -- sa,r)e? od. uater Eleettical Couection - Blocking, eet-up and_ pltntbing eonnections mtst bZ' apprcxZd.before requesting electrical inspebiio,t Aocessory- Buildirq SfDWALK & DRf\EVAI: For aLL con- cz,-ete pauirq uithin et?eet right_ofaxy, to be naCe aftez' aLL -etea- ttating sqnplete & fotn wtk & sub- base natet4al in p'l.a,ce. & Pinal - Aftet pcnehes, skirtittg, decks,etc. aye completed. ?E!!l: hrhen cornplate -- pyooiCe gates or mooable sections thnough P.A.E. ALL ptojeet eonditions, suek as tle inetallation of etyeet ttees, coryLetion of tierequited Landsecpirq, etc., rmtst be satisfied t"y"".-ii)-aai-riin:c FnNAL can be requested.. ?rNAL BUTLDTNG: rhe Pinal Buildittg rnepeetion nu*t be requested. after the Final plunbingElectrical, ard Mectanieal rnspeetiow t14ue t"ni ^i"-id;pb;;;rd. '--'-r ,ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S MUST BE ACCESSIBLE. ADJTJSTIIEN'|1 TO NP M^I)N ^I NO ,.OCIII 4N NTilV _t /fu ff.w-*-4 r trr I l-t t, JoB No. 3) 0 soLAR A/ SS REQ.- Bedrooms: L-cod Ipt Facee -Soitrees Setbacks Ileat P,L House Carage Aceess.lldte? lleate?North East Fineplace South Hood.stoxe # of Stortes Iotal Eetght ?opogt6phy LOT ?WE _ Inter,iot Corqer Panlnnd.Le CUL-de-sac lnt Sq. Ftg. I of Lot Coueraga West -- Peea -- I?EM FTG A Value Building Volue & Permit This pentn t is granted on the ecpress cond.ition tlnt the sai.d eonsttwction slull-, in all rbspeets, eonforrn to the 7ndinance adopted t)g the Ci,ty of Spr"tngfield, i.ncluding the Zontng CYdinance, regulating the ccnstructicn and use of buildings, otd may be suspend.ed o' neuokeC at dly tine upon oic- Lation of cnA prcoisione of eaid 1tdirwnces. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 a * Building Pezwit Check ?ee: State Date Paid: ?otal Chargea t0.ED IIEM N0.FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit No person slnll consttaet, ins+.al'!., altet' ot el'wnge anJ neu cz, eristing plwnbin4 or drainage syetan in uhole or in patt, unless sueh person ie the Legal possessor of a ualid plunber's License, eseept that a pe?son nay do plwtbing uork to propertg uhich is olmed, Leased or operated by the appli- @nt. Erbhaes Residsntia,L (1 bath) Sani Sa,ter Plmbing Penrit State 7 NO Electricql Permit Where State Lan requires th,at the electri,cal uork be ilone bg an Eleetrical Conttactar, the electrtcal portion of this permit slull not be oaltC until the Label lns been signed by the ElectrLcal cont?acto?. Neu/Eetend Cincuits Setltiee u State ?otal NC FEE * Mechqnicol Permit Vcodstotle Vent F@t Erltanst, HooC BTU, S PermLt Issuance Meclwnicel Perwtt -- ENCROACIIMENT -. eeurtty Depoait Storage Plaintenance Permit Clsbcut Sidanalk ?enoe ELectrLeaL La.beL Mobile Honte ?otaL Reeeipt #: Signed: PLan Eaanri.ner Dal;e I HAW CAREPULLY EXAMfNED tle eonpleted application fot pertnit, aztd do hereby certify that aLL information hereon is true and. correct, cnl. f furtker eettify that any ard. aLL uork petforned slnll be done in aecot- ilanee trith the 2tdinances of the city of Springfield, and the Icae of the State of 1regcn pertaining to the uork Ceseribed het,ein, cnd tlVt N0 OCCU- PANCY tLlL be nade of an7 st"uctu?e rvtthout penrteeion of the Building N- oision. I futther eet,ti.fg that only cont?actovs od enplcgees uho are in eonpliance Dith )RS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie project 9- ?n -Y' 0ITOIAL A]"IOUN? DUE: *so Date * lrcM Total Choaes State Sutcltatqe ^/,a lt II SPRTNGFTELD CMY OF SPRINGFIELD c..r a Office of Community and Economic Development CERTIFIED TETTER JuLy 22, 1987 Lorena R. Young 610 Rayner Springfield, OR 97417 Subject: Fire Damage fnspection at 2520 N. 31st Street Springfield, Oregon. Dear Ms. Young: At the request of the Springfierd Fire and Life safety Department, theBuilding Safety Division recently conducted an inspection of the fire damage at the above address. The inspection revealed danage which must be corrected in order for the building to comply with applicable City eodes. The following itens nust be repaired or replaced: Structural l. Fire damaged naterial which is no longer usable sha1l be removed, and thesite r:Ieaned of debris. Materials which can be reused"shall be stackedneatly on the property until they are used to rebuild the structure. Allparts of the building which were structurally damaged by the fire and arestill standing shaIl be denolished, and all renaining portions shall berepaired to conforn with existing Building Safety Code requirements. 2. Rebuild the fire damaged portion of the wall between the 3rd and 4th bays and provide adequate lateral bracing for the wa1I. 3. ff you wish to rebuild the structure or portions thereof which were burned beyond repair, the nevr construction shall be in compliance with thecurrent Building safety code requirements, incrudingi the use of an adequate foundation. 4. Replace charred roof sheathing on the remaining bay, and replace the topplate of the waII supporting the center bearn with a double top plate Electrical 5. The electrical service equipnent and wiring has been subjected to excessive heat which has rendered these ite-rns incapable of providing safe 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 503/726-3753 / Lorena R. Young July 22, 1987 Page ? electrical power to the building. AlI damaged electrical equipnent andwiring shall be replaced with approved materials. Fire and Life Safety 6. The fire damaged fuel ptrnp shall be removed and either replaced with approved equipment and accessories which are installed in a tranner acceptable to the State Fire Marshal, or it shall be removed fron thesite. The underground tank shall also be removed, or the top shall be removed and filled with a slurry of fine gravel or concrete after allresidual fuel has been removed by a licensed petroleun contractor. Please note that environmental regulations are under consideration by the StiteLegislature which, if enacted, will require aIl abandoned underground storage tanks to be removed, even if they have been filIed in an approved nanner. You may wish to discuss the above rnatter further rvith the State DeputyFire Marshal, Ed Harris, who can provide additional information. He canbe reached by calling 686-7800 before 9:00 A.M. on weekday nornings. He suggested two Petroleun contractors in this area who could help you meetthe above requirements. They are: C&KPetroleumCo. Fredrick Equipment Co. Please submit plans to this office for the porti.ons of the building you wish to rebuild or replace prior to coronencing construction on theproperty. Your plans will be reviewed for conformance to code requirements, before the required permits will be issued. .. Building permits must be obtained for the above itens which involverepairs or mo<iifications to the structural, electrical, pluarbing or uechanical systems of the building and for any additions or revisions you wish to nake to the building. Please contact Ed Harris for any per^nits which may be necessary for thefuel system removal or repair. Please note that installation and repair of electrical systems on property whir:h is intended for lease, sale or rent must be done by an electricalcontractor who is licensed by the State of Oregon. If we can be of assistance in clarifying the requirements, or the optionsavailable to bring the building into compliance, please call us at 726-3759. Sincerely, Don Moore Structural Inspector Lorena R. Young JuIy 22, 1987 Page 3 cc Dave Puent, Building Official Mike Hudman, Fire Marshal Ed Harris, Deputy State Fire Marshal $oo { Cc C,o3lno 6,m C,2, mo E! SENDER: Complete items 1, 2,3 and 4. l.ut your addr€ss in the "RETUFlN TO" space (. roverso side, Failurs to do this will prevent this c;tvom being return€d to you. The return rEoipt fe€ will provide you th€ name of the o€rson delivered to and the dats ot delivery. For additional fs6 the following sorvices are available. Comult postmacter tor fe€s and chock box(€s) f or service(s) requ€stsd. EI stro*oftodatowhomaddress delivery.and r/3t)L {2e2.Be6tricted D€livery. Lore..,,a.. Yo".^n- t to Q,.1 r,,",-o Spr,",4{,eld. oEd 3. Article Address€d to c)1.111 4. Type of Service: E Reoistered tllll'ceftitiea trfl Express Mail lnsured coD Pglq 16? %) Article Number Always obtain signature ol addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED. 5. Signature - Addrossee x I - Agqnt6. "Ifff'T1*198? -{z - v I 8. Addr€sso€'s eodrx (ONLY lf t?4u6td @d f@ poid) tq, .ll o 3 s E (0clq, A5 6Aol UNIIED StAtES POSTAI SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS RETURN rrJ nr SnB;NGF;EID lililt * U.S.MAIL -@ ) PENALTY fOR PBIVATE usE. txt00 TO ) c 0ffi, . .nd SENDER Prlnt name,addroeq an tho a O to 4 on thc