HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-05-01n14 Pe6t!r--- (15 FOR OFPICE USE ONLY La,ne County Authori zattott for'l::ii:";'""'llb-6e P I T OZ .3.3i K T Res idential Cor,mercial n rndustrial f]n,,uri. PROPERTYPROPOSED USE oS I,oCATIO}J LL]ITY P 6rn 3t Proposed isti NAME the following legal ineerest in the property,f]o*n"t of record; fg]cc,n*ra,:t. pur"lt.serif I f:rther certify that any ad all work perfomed shall be done in accordance with the OrdiDances of lane Cowty and the Iaws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY wi.ll be made of il.i' st-ructure without the pemission of the Building Division. f fur- ther certsify that regislration with the Builderrs Board is in fulI force and effect as requlred by oRS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for eremption is noted hereon, md that only subcontractors ed enployees who are in compliance with ORS 70I.055 wiu be used on this Project. I HAVE READ ANO CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY [,,Uor^ n€ r^ authorized agent with evidence of authority attached forration true and correct, and that I. arrd (lo herelr./ certify thatI TIAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION ITOR a,(o rearinterior &C)rr Date: ecr B. P. #SANITATION Specifications: €6 MH COM}IENTS: Date: \] NoYes Installation coMIIENTS UseX'proros flcEXAMINATION: iJe? \ s. r. * REVERSE SIDE OF PERI\IIY ZATION IiAS Partition # Installa fr (- Maximum Depth Record Issued? Minimun COMTUENTS Lineal Feet of DrainfieLd Gallon Tank , side- READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR fl pmurlruc/zoNrNG: ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS - Parcel # Parcel !c- I:-)si,.l-Ocl4) EN BASED PERI.{IT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFTICIAL,/DESIGNEE r ORS 455 I LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT OlVlSlON, 687-4061, 125 EASTSTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION cL4-25 RW I I I r on At ! rrtclftlcil WORK P.EqUIREMENTI*, CF O;IECON, D:;'ARTMENT OF (;rouo sA/as. , DATF SETBACKS AND OTIIES CoT"DITIONS OF CATION OF TIIIS PER!,IIT, CITATION RE}IEDIES ALLOHED BY LAW. OBSERVED. VIOIATION CAN RESULT ]N REVO- COU:.:TYIS INFRACTIO}I ORDIIANCE, AND,/OR OTI]SR HHEN RE.\DY FOR INSPECTION, CALI,687-4065. A MINI}IU}, QF AT LEAST 24 IioURs ADVAI;CE NoTTCE ToR INsPEc-@N:-.Hna.-iEe=ot1owinginforhrationready:|erm:.tnumber,jobaddress,typeof insPection, when j,t will be ready, your nane and phone number, and any special driections to sit!. BUILDING DIVISION! l I. Foundation Inspectj.on: To be nade after trenches are eycavated and forms erectc.d and when al,Inaterrals for the foundation are deLivered on the lob. ('here concrete from a central nixingplant (comonly terned "transit mixed") is to be usedr naterials need not be on the job. 2. Concrete sldb or Under-Floor !$Mlfg!, To be nade af*.cr aI] in-slab or under-t'Iaor buildi,ngEE?iT-ie.i-uf[mot, rcn-uit, plfliiq-;;Z;ssories, and other ancillary equipment items are inplace bu! before any concrete is poured or floor Eheathing installed, including the subfLoor, 3. Frami,ngr& InsuLation Inspections: 'l'o be made after the roof, a1l framing, fire bl,ocking, andbr-;aInq are--In ptEe an-[-1T-pf!es, f j.replace!,. chimneys, anc vents are 6onplete and ali roughelecrIical and plmbing are approved. AII walL insulaci-on and vapor barrj.er are in piace. 4. Lath and/or Gypsum Board !a.lg!!lg!, To be made after alL Lathing and qypsum board. i.nlerj.or InE-ext[rio-rl-iE-fn-p-IEEe-Eu-E-EEfoie any prastering is applied ani uetori'gypsw boarti joints and fasteners are taped and finished. 5. Final Inspection: To be made after lhe building ls complete and before occupancy. APPRoVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the pointindicated in each successive inspection wiLhout firsr obt.ainiog the aoproval cf the building oifLcialsuch approval shalL be gj,ven only after an inspection shaLl have been nade of each successive stepin the construction as j.ndicated by each of the inspections required. NOTE: AIJ. buildi.nq germits require inspections for hhe work authorized, such as bu! not linited ro: A. Block wall,: To be mace after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. ThisfIEFEctI6i'is required for each bond beam pour. There uill be no aplroval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been nade and approved. B. liood stove: To be nade after completion of masonry (if applj-cable) and when instalLation iscompl6tE. Installation shall be in accordance witi an approvea, nationally recognized tesLingagency and the nanufacturerrs installation instructions. c Mobile Home: An inspecbion is requEEiEFoi-Eptic system for setback li.red after the mobile home is connected !o an approved requirements. blocking, footing connection, tiedowns,skirting, and plubing connecticns. Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or asrecomended by the nanufacturer. Mobile home nininun finish floor eLevation shall be certified whelr required by a flood-plain management Ietter. $obile home tiedowns, when requlred, and skirting shalL be installed and ready for inspec-tion within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowils and skirting shaJ.I be inscalledper encJ"osure. D. Swiming PooI: Below grade when steel j,s in place and before concrete is poured. Above gradewlfrEF-i65l -iE- i n s ta I led . APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERI{IT VIILL EXPTREIE WORK DOES I"OT BEGIN WITHIN ].80 DAYS, OR TF !{ORK IS SUSPENOED OR ABANDONED FOR }IORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION i.TAY OCCUR IE THIS PER}IIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFOR!'NTION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OT REQUIRED INSPECTIONS I4ILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RTSK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE sEt^tAGE pISPOSAL iI.srEMq, I. Permits shaLl be effective for one yedr from the date of issuance. 2. Upon completing lhe const.ruction for which a permrt has been issued, the permit holder shallnotify the Lane County Departrent of Planning and Comunity DeveLopment by submitting Lheinslallation record forn. The Department shaLl inspec.- the construction lo determine if itcomplies uith the ruLes contained in this division. If the constructi.on does comply uith suchlules, the Department shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to the pernit,i holder.If the constructj.on does not comply with such ruIes, the Departsent shaLl notify the permj,t holder and shall requ.ire sacisfactory completion before issuing the certificate. Failure tomee! the requ-.j,rements for satisfactsory completion within a reasonable tine const.iLutes a vio-lation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and rhis ruIe. Setbacks - Subsurface SeIggg Disposal - -* --rgoag run* From: Int.ef,ior propertT lrncs 10i Edge of road riqht-of-way L0'' Burlding foundation I. Y[eIIs; other waterrsourdes 50' Drdinfield_ I. 2. 3. t0, r0, r0' 100 | r ,'' ^'u 0!l & TltoMPgolt, lll0. SOTEULTIIO EIGIIEEBE I EUB9EYOBS 207 2/ raE go' " 6egad e- 2oZ $ n \l I .'uj FI $ N do N l- ttl u) Nl- f) t i I ill iu r(l 0 I 0 7 iir )Ir r0rt\ q 0 0 0 I I 2* I 1tz L 1 + o\LaAUE UADePqPoflND}.l aef 22" w ftb,qG'?2 p(tus€D UNT.L AW BY 11+z fril'{Eittu\ Lof *, - Tu{ L*t- Lot *z tv^t, l--{- i-Zrlz i-l J-oo ; >*"-; )/z t=,ot ( ft-b*'/) / 301 2&a,27t Tc / ?o?* L") * t. o l4o ,OO $2 ulo n UJ M g Ii $x u l ll U N dt A bb' zb'\N ttu.&' 2t,111,5 ( @'+l t) tr t30t -lX N $+ TL lToo LlNETePc.+Cgats+tr-a,aE4- 0 tlEa' I *-_> o / -J L 0 A starti PI.ANS APPRIIUEB building permit is requireC prior A-RP.t', I.- /./ o 13 C.r, 4 )A TA ?EATN FIeLD Br,i'Jing & Sanita 5b' ,t EOAL E :l" , bo' DITE:o /**STBEET OSIWI: FrEr,' ,REG,.{ 'frfillrnonr, s0t3/720-5r0i0' lro: I I ( I @e T> _--La;r__L1_rl E _APJa9JM ENLe,tv *"iivav\I aE -f,68r:>.t.3z i'.1'..i Pub. v /to/ Job Written Directions %?,= s2 oz,s! s.l. TFTS, "ron'sion' WATER SUPPLY enone 7 ?6-///0 PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY ofrecord;-contractpurchaser;gotentialbuyer; lnt .PPIICANT'S NAME AND ADD g1g[ER'S NAMEAND ZZ.3 interest in the Property: O?-I record, and that said owner ONLY BELOW THIS YES ol this action D USE Partitioning #-Parcel 511E MEETS STATE STANDARDS YES -.,NlO{trStandard SYstem Low Pressure Distribution tr tr Holding Tank trtr !trSandFilter AREATYOUROWN IS 1 Fool CaPPing Fill tr ! Other COMMENTS: WHICH DOES NOT ENSU RE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE THIS IS A PRELIM]NARY REPORT THIS REPORT BUILDING PEBMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITUR ES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON , SEE REVERSE SIDE. LANE COUNTY c5$32 ComPleted Pending z I ol E-I RISK. IF S OF PU RKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION , 687.4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE' EUGENE'oREGON 97401 D *s{ ,', ilEito TO: APPLICANT FROM: LAND MANAGEMENT DtVtStON SUB.'ECT CONDITIONS OF SITE APPROVAL hne county6l!'.-l7 Any alteration of the natural conditions in the area approved for the on-site system or repracement area may void this approvar.This approval is'given on the basis that the lot or parcel described above will not be.further partitioned or subdivided and that conditionson subject or adjacent Droperties nave not oeln afiered i, "nv ,"*", nirricn wouta prohibii issuance of a permit in accordance with3;X-i,rill3i:,ll'.]ffilflt"ii:111i.i3il"[i'"i'" nures orine-envi,.on,"nt,r euariry commLsion. nny such subdivision, wAnltre : This documerit is a technical report for on-site sewage disposal only. lt may be converted to a permit only if , at the time of' application' the i:arcel has been found to oe comfat-iril" *iti "ppri"iore r-cod-acrno*r"og"o rocar comprehensive randuse plaris and implementing measures or the statewide Planning Goars. rhe siaiement ot compatibirity may be made onthe attached form or its equlvalent' nutnorizeo nleri "orr""r", isiequireo o"r"* " """rtruction permit can be issued.This report is valid until anon-site sewage system is instailed pursuant to a consrruction permit obtained from Lane county, or untirearlier cancellatlon' pursuant to commilsioi, ,r"", with written noti""ii.,oror by the Departr;;i; Environmentar euarity to rhe:X,:fl:,LffJfllfl"ti-?:B:31lillrecords,or the 6ountv t", records. subjecr to t-rre roresoin!, tni. i"port runs wirh rhe rand and wi, only persons having a valid license issued by the Department of Environmentar euarity under oRS 4s4.69s to insta, subsurfacesewage disposal systems or an owner or coniract purchaser or ni" ,rgri;i'"rployees ,"v irrr", "rbsurface sewage disposar systems.A certificate of satisfactory completion will not oe lssueo if persons ori", tn"n the above perform the instaration.( ( bra cunty ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS t^lILL BE REJECTED! I 1) I _?s --4' . MAILING =--1-#'.ADDRESS - d:?.rr rorfffi-f*,trts *L/ .9 (( -, qrn, --vrm STATE ZIP CODE -zVI:-tb>s Mffim a HOME TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ( IF DIFFERENT 3 rvtap Et ;rAFttr,rL NuMBIFI (fronr tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation (IRED INFORMATION)or frorn tax staternent)kr/,r- MNIfrG--l) o] J93,3 TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION lzoz- # ZONING MENSFIP RAN-GE SEETI-ON S L ZON I NG TOTAL CONTIGUOU 4 SUBDIVISION (if app S PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: 1 i cabl e ) S"'- -!'"*'e'"- l,>AC S t LOT BL 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do),bW 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE ** FOR STAFF USE 0NLY ** DATE: TIME IN: OUT: NUMBER DATE {it,|.t', -lZELAND US BY: LAND TTANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. 8th AVE., EUGENE, OR 9740I I 687-4061 re^"7 7 V 7 /cnY STATE ZIP CODE ACTIVITT INFORMATION SHL€T COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS tl,ILL BT R[JECTED! 4----z T PROPERTY Ot^lNER MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS CITY STAF -ZIP CODE BUS]NESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ( IF DIFFERENT TnO 3 rvlae 6i pAncEL NITMBEFI (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation (RE IRED INFO TION) TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: 4 SUBDIVISI0N ( if appl icable) 6 0r /7 ')'*i7'3'5' Bd? r /30/ TMNSFTF MN6E SEETTM ffi Mil'ING- TOINSFIP MNGE SEenON W ZONING MfiMEIP MNGE SEETMN W ZONING ACRES t you plan t,o do)/1ry BL0CtCffiLOT 5 REQUE ( r.;ta te exa\C 6D CTIONS ZONE/LAND USE: BY DATE TIME IN:- OUT: ly wlr /<z c NUMBER DATE {7U, -* .+p-- o o [-ANI] MANAGTMENT DIVISION / 125 E. 8th AVE., bUGENE, OR 9740I / 687.4061 [:re ccrrnty i 1 fl A)4 ta a */ t \ e t-\/rJ t i, \r, tL, iol ,i CI ' r\;r{, - i, (Ji tl si ir, Iir rLlr{ iir I ;tol r tt{lt; IB#t \9 E t?,{Jl **Fs. '*". ..t, 'ttrs { \ t rl T q \ t:500 ;.L*t2m o bo'/Q,/05',>o. tR,404/55Ct9 '{ FzIa \ lr f, I L ; t o q $\i I / T t !I \i 2 600 700 >lat s SOoUI,p,C1f,18r'E,2'7a'rf F,'f ,r'jrtlotT)'utlu.ll'vtg,l2'ls'5,t't? 611r're ,c 3t-?7', ,r'E 7t.o/ lt.Ea3./7',?r*e Zoocar ra'E y.?c' 57. rz',,g,!rt,otQ' 32.Ja'.9N,21;U',3,U'.,r.ryIItr!lE.rr',? fr,' ol9-oo t I 0 n &r2' JI 2300230t .Q* E: ,.e I!rI 23@. /, , h ttq { ht v I240 au./, 2too \( Ih! .tq,,Cz/. 22@ I !b .I t 5 a t I , SITE EVALUATION FIIItr.D TONKSIIEET Tax Rcfcrqaco 7-at-Eiraluat€r:3 11'(fhtc: Soil !,tatrix Color and Uotttlng (Noration), tcoarse pragu.nts, Roots, D.Dth l€xture Striucturc, Ly€r Lj.Elting Effective SoiI Depth, etc. lJ*zz-d4^4 ^b"-^. 4o^k- /r*,,u|). JJZ 3 &2-/o (/. -\r'L,it tl vPtr Plr P'.t Ptt n -/h .f,'z-^f { l<-g ??n %#fr;-.,- \z *;7 c lao<lsopc l{otrs SIoPc 0tIcn l!p.at GrouodEEer llotcs sItlE{ SSECIETCAITIS TYpo Ssta: Ialttal Rcplaccosat sYsta Sfz&g Sstc! S,.z1!8 Dcarsn Ft* /ro * /Y ?;(,ni* " !'rax' Depth Absorption Facitltv ,r^, 2/'/ t h i {t"* t. Max. D€pth Absorption pacility ,r^, A- T-/() a r\-/' SFoltl codlttol 0lson &lhortlson, lnc. Engineering SurveYing Planning February B, 1985 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION FOR RAY WARNER (t.lZ Acre Parcel) Beginning at the Northwest Corner of the Felix Scott Donation Land Claim No. 52, Township 17 South, Range I West of the Willamette Meridian; run thence South 0o 05rEast 3463.43 feef; thence East 9.90 feet; thence South B8o 55' East 1014.16 feet thence North 0o 05'West ZB4.5O feet to the True Point of Beginning; run thence South BBo 55' East 736.22 feet; thence South 0o 05'West L42.25 feet; thence South BBo 55'East 150.00 feet to a point that is 20.00 feet Westerly from the centerline of llst Street; thence paralIeI with said eenterline South 0o 05'West 111.01 feet; thence South 80o 01' West L62.74 feet; thence North BBo 55' West 125.96 feet; thence North 0o 05' East 294.50 feet to the True Point of Beginning, in Lane County, 0regon. Said parcel contains I.32 acres, more or less. "Q" Street Springfield, Oregon 974r, o 503/726-5104o 3o' *e€6d e .ZOo- $ n \l . 1l r.l i, li Ii: i. III r{| 0 d 0 7 1iir N [- Itl u) Nt- 0 )!l rs q 0 0 0 j I 2*' 1 l-c L 1 o\ ttt Aef ?>uw lz9,nc ?2 <b T)LI tt.lE- ADJ0Z-T MENT €av WA L"r *,. Z&co,27t TC 170?- ll N !J ttu.&'A ab'+b'\N 2t,111,q ( P,ot o)rni. TL tToo 0 Lq ,4L * xi *J v* rI\ fl 0 A bui prior lding to n ? 44,48o, D.{E BY Ul N $+ I ) permit is required lV Co, 4 o {: aL EA" PI.AIIS APPRIIVEII i25 E. tt) ,..te.trub. Buii;ling I San fL t30' ?E,Altrl FIE:r_E> o ExlafrN4l -I;Btrr'E-\,\/ -[ 5h; 0ll & TII0MPE0II , IIllG. solr.E: 0ollEut Tlll0 EIGIilEEBS & EUBUEYOBE 207 A STNEET GFrEr,, ,BEG,'{ rfrfillrnonr,DBAWI:t-Cfaf*"; l" , +o' &* riIOB I0: 503/ IZ0-5104 DITE: I I ,rr, a ul A 6\t M a,2i sx N I / zle/