HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-07-06" , \ -." #.. RESID'\TIAL.. z.s Noz,th rrt ironlr"trcArroN /PERI,rr Spz"irqfield, 1r,egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFINGFTET.D 50t,tll 4- cc-- Date: Cenetal Con trilction Lde" It i, tln reapontibility of tle penrtt lzol.d* to aee that aLL inspections ee nade at tlu ptope" tine, that ecch cddrees is reqCnhiefrat tlr at?eet, atd tltat the petvrit catd. ie Located at the ftent of the D"oodat.*Buitding biticion apprw-ed plan shc.Ll renain on the nunlding Site'at all'likes." PROCflDUPE FOR INSPEUTION NqUeSTTCaU 726-3769(recotd.er) state yout City Cesigrnted job nwr,bet,, job aCCtess, tgpe of inspeelicneadgfot,inspection'Contraetoisoia*",""ninL"iino7"numbel,..?equestsrcLeti:ZabL7cre.7:00o:t I"'LLZ be nade the eane dcg, ?eqtests nade after ?:00 @n uLLL be nwde tke nert,eorking day. rob r.acaticn' Z fZnA{ie ld CP Aeseesots Map # /7^OZ-/?-V/ w11Iaz lat # Aerc Svbdioision: asner: C/tt[s#nfur Carkr,rt (7ran6- Car(.rrr_\ Address: Z Ll 1 S,-_/f.,</tlst phone: fW*0588 Jprlnafi<-uL o R- zip: Q1.111ci.w eribe llork: -unt{/fr:3/::YL of fk*t roaf Carpay/ in{O Zr' x Z 3' rmrtyu ;^, 711ltno dofliymru, ^vLcL parh'a( kitcturu v"ue ]J-AP* --:"Date of AppL Additian Page 7 of 2 SITE INSPECTION: *;aoatlon;Vut fortns. ?o be rnade afterprtor tc seL up of UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRTCAL & WCHAIIICAL: To be nade before ang utork ie cotsered. FO)?INC & FOUNDATICN: ?o be rm,Ce MTffis a"e escaoated attd. forns are etected, but priot, topotfing ccnereta. ANDSRGROUIID PLUMBTNG. SEWER. W.4TER, DRAfilAcE: To be made prLor to fil- @-6dnenee.')l ANDERFLOOR PLUI,ETNG & MECTIANICAL: oy floor ineuT,ation or decking. POS? AND BEAM: To be nade prLot toffidtffio1 floor insulZtion oydeckitq. 12 )" .*-t -\ / l,r / R)ucH PLAlBrr.tc. ELEg!:RrcAL & trECE- ANICAL: No uork is to be corsey,ed -.- wttil these inspecLions haue been nod,e attd. approoeC. FIP.Ep4AIE: tu Lor to plccirq faeingnaterials ard before fratring inepeb-tion. Iout,Desigr,ated Job Number Is: fo Laticn required oapor bez,iers @e in pla,ce but before ang Lath, Wpsun boatC or rnLL couez,ing is appli-ed, and. before uty insulation is eoncealed. DRIWALL INSPECITON: Ic be nadeafter aLL d^rguall is in place, but prior to any taping. MASONR\ Steel Loeation, bond beans, grouting or oerticals in aceord.otce urth U,B,C. Section 24L5. #o/?/ OR )IOWD BU, Sanitoty seuer eappted at properay- Lire Septic tank V*,tped and. filled rrith gra;sel Final - I.,4ten abcue items are canpleted ard uhen dqtolition is canplete o? sttae- ture noued and. prerrtses cleaneC up. Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing eonneetions -- saDe? otd. aater w ilx 3 w WOODSTOI|E: etnpT;tfi. Aftez, installation is CURB & APPR)ACH APPON: After fornsee erecteC but prior to pout*ing conc?ete. SIDEWALK & DRII,WAY: For aLL con-c"etenaufiAiffi street r'ight-gf-txA, to be made after all, erca- ratdng canplete & forn uotk & aub- 'fo,se taterial in place. I Electrical Ccmnection - Bloeking, sei-up and plwnbing connections rntst be apptcoed before requestt)ng eleclrical inspeetiol Aecessory Buildtng Eitnl - After etc. tre comFt pcz,ehes, skirting, decks, leted. fr FRAIIING: llust be requested after apptooal of rough plwnbing, electri- a,L & nec?nnical. ALL roofing bnacLng & ehinrneys, etc. rntst be , conpleted. llo wyk is to be con- - cealed until this inspectLon lns:been made and approoed. DDirid. saa hrhen conpl.ete -- ProoiCe ot, mooable seetians through >q FTNAL PLUAAING ,#ofr*r*rrro,FINAL BaILDING: The ?inal Building Inspeetion nruet be requested after the Final PlunbingElectrical, and Meclnnical fnspections hsoe been mad.e ard'approued. P.U.E. - --- ALL p?oiect conditions, sueh as the installation of street t7ees, conpletion of tie rcquired Landseepirg, etc., rmtst be satisfied befote the BaILDIN? EINAL can be z'equested. / tr ,,1$'Luo*o, *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJAST!{ENI ?O BE MADE A? NO COS? TO EUY tr T \a @ qbl- l-l ,-, 2 JOB NO TotaL soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co c Grc Reeeipt # 75-=E - f ilAW CAREFULLY EXAI,IINED the cotnpLeted application fo? perrnit, and do hereby ce"tifA that aLL infotrnation hereon is true and eazz,ect, anl. f furtket, ee"tifA that ang ard aLL uork perforxted shall be done in accoz.- dance trith the Oydinances of the City of Spz,ingfield, and. the Las of the* State of Oregon pertaining to the uork Cesctibed here'!.n, and tllat N0 oCCa- PANCY ?'rLl,L be nwd.e of any structure tyLthout pennission of the Building DL-oision. I futther eertifs- that only cont?actors md e:nplcyees uho are in eanpl':lance uith 1RS 70L.055 uiLL be used on this project \at*bv 7-6 -t I Bedtoons Lot Faces -Enerau Sourees Tyoe Setbacks lleat DT IIouse Caraqe Access Wate? lleaterNo"th East Fiz,eplace South Wood.stou^e # of Stories ?otal Height Iopography LCT TWE _ fnterior _ Corner _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Ipt Sq. Ptg. % of Lct Cotserage West Building Volue & Permit rhis peztnlt is granted on the enpress condition tlnt the said eonstraetionslnll, in all respects, conform to the 7rdLnance edopteC dy the City ofSpt,ingfield, ineluding the Zoning Cydinance, r,egulatZng thZ ccnstru"ctibn and..uss of buildings, and may be suspended or ybuokeC at c*y time upon tsic-Lation of dny prcoisions of said Ord.Lr,ances. -- Fees -- .TJU Value ?OTAL VALUE x G.- * 9a7 Signed:. S.D.C. L.5 c ITEM tlatn Building Pe"nrit Total Clwrges State Date Pai.d: Cheek No_ person shall construet, install., alter on clnnge any ned cr eristing pLwnbing ot, d.rainage sgsten in ahole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal possesson of a oalid plwnbet,'s License, eeeept th,at a pbt:son nag do plunbing uoyk to p?opert1 uhieh is oumed, Leased oz, opez,ated by the dppli- cant. Plumbing7f-e N0.FEE arc,-v rrnitCHARGE -6Pi,stutes Resid.ential (1 bath) Sanen Plttnbing Perwtt Electricol Permit Were State Lan requires th,at the electrical uork be done by an Eleetrical Conttaetoz,, the electyLcal portion of this permit slw.Ll not be oaliL untilthe Label lns been signed by the Electyical Contractot,. q 7 v .1 Neu/Ertend. Circuits Seroice State lotal FEE , 6a 4t1-\U * Mechonicol Permit khanst HooC Hcodstote Vent Fan Permit Issucnee Meclnnicel Pernrtt -. ENCROACHMENT -. Sec,r'ity Deposit Storage Maintetultce Penrit C\ttbcut Sila,taLk Fenee t/ln,l D {*AIEleetrical Inbelr/ I 70 Mobile llotne TO?AL AI4OUNT DUE: */76.a t 4"fu4>-- Date 2:= ITEM q Water Tctal Charaes State Swchange rTSM NC. /s >{State &sclnrae ?otal CTtaraes - CITY 0F SPRINGFIELD Planning and Development Department DATB OF.I.,ETTER JuIy 8' 1988 DATB OF }IBEf,ING July 5, 1988 APPLICArtT Helody Carlson 2475 North 31st Street Springfleld' 0R 97478 STIBJECT CITY JOIRNAL NUMBER 88-06-111. Type I Site Plan requesting approval a Day Care Group Home (up to 12 children in a 24 hour period) in the existing residence. The site is located at 2475 North 31st Street (Assessor's Map L7021934; Tax Lot 600. The property is zoned LDR Lov Density Residential and designated Low Density Residential on the Metro PIan Diagram. There vas no Pre-Application Conference ACTION PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN APPROVAL subject to: 1. Requirements under Site PIan Review Criteria of Approval; and 2. Minimum Development Standards to be met (See Attachment A). SEAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO OBTAIN PII{AL SITB PI,AN APPROVAL? A Final Site PIan dravn to scale is required vithin 90 days of the date of this letter. The folloving revisions need to be shovn on your Final Site Plan: a. The location of any nev utilities (e.9. lrater lines' etc.) vhich wlII serve the Day Care Group Home facility. b. If the proposed fences shown on your plan are increased to 6 feet, the change vill need to be shovn. A signed Development Agreement. This agreement will be prepared by staff upon approval of your Fina1 Site Plan. 1 2 --=t Page 2 Carlson Type I Site plan APPEAL If you vis of h to appeal this Type f Sitethe date of this letter.PIan Review decision, you must do so vithin 10Your appeal must be in accordance SpringflelE'tpmen t c PREPARBD BY . Karp Associate Planner Copy To: DRC Members ATTACHHEM A PINDINGS (RITERIA OP APPROVAL (Ref. Section 31.060 of the SDC). lxl DBHoNSTRATBD COHPLTANCE mTE APPLTCABTE STAI{DARDS OF TErS CODB. I{hen the Minimum Development Standards belov have been met, this application viI} have demonstrated compliance vith the applicable standards of this Code. lxl PARKING AREAS Ar{D INGRBSS-BGRESS POrirTS EAVB BBBN DBSIGNBD SO AS TO PACTLTTATB TRAFFIC AT{D PEDBSTRINI SAFEIY, TO AVOID CONGBSTION AI{D TO I{INIIIIZB CTIRB CTMS ON ARTERIAL AT{D COLI.ECTOR S13BBTS. llhen the applicable Minimum Development Standards belov have been met, this criterium viIl be met. I{INIHUI{ DBVBLOPI{EM STANDARDS TO BE HBT (Ref. Section 31.040 of the SDC). MDS ARE APPLIED IN LIEU OF FULL SITE PLAN REVIEV TO ENSURE MINIMAL COMPLIANCE IIITH APPEARANCE AND SAFETY STANDARDS SPECIFIED IN THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE AND TO REDUCE PROCESSING TIME FOR DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL. THE FOLLOIIING ARE CONSIDERED HINIMAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: [x] TEE DBVELoPHBTiTT HUST CONNECT T0 PUBLIC UTILITIES. Additional utility connections need to be shovn on the Final Site PIan. The house is on septic and does not have to hook up to sanitary sever at this time since the nearest sewer is 150 feet avay. lxl TEE DEVELOPITBM HUST CoHPLY mTE TEE SPRTNGFTETD BUrU)rNG SAFETy C0DES. The proposed use requires a Building Permit for the construction of the day carefacility, the deck, the fences, and the sign. lxl PARKTNG AND CTRCIILATTON AREAS }{UST BB PAVED At{D STRIPED, Ar{D TJEBEL SToPS HUST BE INSTALLED. The existlng paved driveway required for this use. can accommodate the one additional parking space lxl CURB ctlTs mIcE BxcEED TEE STAITDARDS OF TEIS CODE IiUST BB CLOSBD AND REPT..ACBD SITE STAI{DARD Ct RB AIID GI}TIER, AIiID SIDBSAIX VEERE NBCESSARY. There are no curb cuts along the frontage of North 3Lst Street. Page 2 Carlson Findings IXI SIDESAI,KS I{UST BB INSTALI,ED ITEEN TEE SITE ABI}TS A CT'RB AND GT'T[ER. A PT'BLIC II{PROVEHBNT AGREB}IEIIT IIUST BB RBQI'IRBD 9EEN TEB SITE DOBS NOT ABTIT CTIRB A}ID GUTTER. There is a recorded Improvement Agreement for this property. IXI A 5 POOT TTDB LAI{DSCAPED PI,AT{TER SIBIP IrITE PERI{ANB}IT IRRIGATION HUST BB INSTALI..ED BETIIBEN TEE STREEf,-SIDE PROPBRTY LINES AIID PARKING AREAS OR STRUCTT'RBS.IB SIRBET TRBES DO NOT BXIST, TEEY HUST BE INSTALIAD IN TEIS PI,AIITER $T.IP. The front yard is grass and the plan shovs one street tree. lxl STRBET LIGETS !{UST BB INSTALLBD. No additional street lighting is required. The property ovners viII install tvovapor site lights. [XI TRASE RBCEPTACLES AND OI,ITDOOR STORAGE AREAS UUST BE S(REENBD. If trash receptailes and/or an outdoor storage area are to be used, then theyvill have to be screened and shovn on the Final Site plan. 2F Sar itt qft e U- P La n rt tn q *4 t,ri o{ spr inJnlu- Att, l^orne Pleg-e-r Chrisfu, -__r, / l(ebclq (arlson- zLl vs --- U , 3 rs! 5{, iuxust , )frtfnerd' "u:-l1l.1r.r Deu"a{a pmz nt Deat Nln, Plgcr: J a-t',1 t^tlth ng re.qarcLt'nq oz.t-rr bcud-in1t |t<rrnttS, tl'te ad.d.itio>- 2".- h. p/up",tg of z,{is- /V Jjst-tt. A s :/oq tncz-^.t dz tt<3 a n- u<st *"* , lctr-t hatle bee o^- Utno'b k- -b cnmp/€te -aq ba-&roah_ - -T4e P'r' ^o: y r<a|o/4 , unh( th-ts Jkqrntr hacl bee^ (a_c/<or flnLnraSr(*" ar€ shtL =AdTtu #r<€. x p<-,ns< of -tAi <a-7Lta n bqi ,rf:'u der t n7 '; _:/:l- _^ ,-*" o>t_ ta4;ru',&:":;:.)!r::rar ,,fc-t/p|<t-, <tc, de r.ecr-t* c( 'Lnot Z'^/ u)asAGo ct-t 4\* FrzryLLL,(./,yL (rrrg h,u5ia-rn.r( O a_pa-Lnt<r a.ttcl tlrtcJ i: ct- b*? -fectsott) . So uu €- b"S q.yy ,1. tA rtcl p tun btry "s t i,,ta-L"s , ctth tcL pro ue d ,*ttg , "r. no'* Cnris is -trginj h ftirrre oz*t h-o>", h cLa aJ ttt<-rc/- a-f, -the p/ctnnbinq a-s possible bt-t th.[s ,rfrr.Lr€r /'nore- -tirme-. 7rt. 7q fiTe- de a-re "u6 LL*.J&"1 a-kL e-xl<ns(. c:?L- of OL/-r bct-t Lc,Ling peyrrtct qXpc'ratt D-t-, c{c.t e-. t'tr e pu)'pore of 1i[: a.c.(dt' h' or- is -b -,4 ci/itcttt- a- Jro u{J h-o,rne do1 C ct-rL. t pres e nt (g ape roti,<q ct- noL lvtuch- L,ru C'erna-nd , a-ncy' u)e pton "to ftn*4 --gy'r<_ ba-Llrroo-rr- Lt4- th< J"oy rLea-r Q.tctro, -[ha-nk gou fi. gor.t- Consid<rotion- , de h-ope. gcn tUtUt h"Q t/.s 1o .o^LnLLe- tO Se*,.)O CccT (O-mft1(L(.ti+<J u,JttL 'thIs tnctlh- neeoled- Jcrur te S ince reLtl , Caila+t<t