HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1986-08-26" RESIDLT. f lAL" APPLICAruON/PERIIIT 225 North ith Street Sprtngfield" )regon 97477 Building Ditsision /zo-o/b,t Job Loccticn: Aasessons Map fl SPFIINGFIEI-D Ics lpt il s\bdiuision: Asnen Addt ess City: Add.iticn Datc of Appli CeneraL 7 ,nnoon, 6 ,,ooorn ,o*" \ -Z tl'WDescrtbe hlotk: Val-ue Aadtess Date ,r :.tf 4 -,-) Phone: PLunbing l.!ecic.cr.ic.zl J !.: is lhe tespottsibility of the Dermit hol^d.er to see that alt inspections ate nade at the propey tine, that each ianess is vsa:n'n'-2't'oT the at?eet, anl tltdt the permtt catd is Loeated dt.th,e frcni of ti,.e otoDe"tarzuilii::4 d.uisio:t ac.pro"*eci cl'an shcll rencin o:.; tiu Buala,;n; Sicc bc all' tines.' '\D,|QUEST:CALL 726-3769(yecotde?) state yout, City desior.azed job nw:,ber, iob aiitess liou DL L be reariy _for i nsccccion, Conttacxc?s c" A--ne?s nane cni ;-rore nunber. Peq-uesls recei;ec be,'cre 7:CC c: e--- rrra--^-?tIr , t'!=e oj ir.spee=icn :iLL be matie xhe sone dcy, reouesxs nctie cJxe" /:uu @n LiLLL De maCe tine ncst torkin€ c,.-! leouine.7 lcur City Desiaraxed Job llunbet Is 7[,")5ql?o be nacie after prtor to set up of r i : S L' L A! I C ii / V.4PO P B -1 P R I ! ?. I i! S ?r C ! I C ] J : ?o be naie aiter aLL insulaticn a-d.reouired uaoor beriera @e in plaee but before ory 7ath, Wpsun bcatd ortnLL couering is cnolied, anC beforeotg insuZation is concealed. a )i::)LI?;C:: CP E JIL':::C-C 1 y!!:r1l.t -A.3 :LU:PLlc. z ry ) i:.ci.:.,!ia';-: 7o- be maae beiore cnyuorK Ls eoDc?ed. ) riorrac t ry;to,tyrcn: To be naceI ajte:1 x?encnes are ercaUated arui fotms are ereeted., but p?io/, topour.lr,g ccnerete.l escardticn, aut forme. xreneneg, FTUL PLUNNIC PII|AL I.{ECHAIIICAL FIIiAL ELECTRICAL Df f Dmf Ia 'o be raae prior to DRYWALL I\ISPZCTTON: lc be made after aLL az,yuall is in piace, but prior to cnA taping. NAS1NI?I: Steel location, bonC beans, groutino or uerticals in aeeoz,dorce v|th U.B.C. Section 241€,. Sanitatl seser capged. ct prop.?i! Lir:e : Septic tazk pt:ced, ann fnlled ttith grciei lincl - ttrhen cbcoe itens are cc*clete,i ar.d uhen iertc|t-tion is ct::Le;e or s;-il- tuxe naDea cnc pt,errLses clecnei u?. i.lcbile Ecnes I uloFnrzoc,t ytu::snc a HtcH,qrrc*, -J 'l'o be naae oricr co insxallation offloor insulation or d.ecking. I p.OSr A_tlo a.Uu: To be nade prior to_l LnstaLlattcn of floor insulation ot, deckinE. - powr pLu:BI:tc. ELECI?TCAL 3 t.tECH-I A;IICAL: ;lo ao"k is to be co,^ered- - uz,til these inspeetiot:s haue been mad,e anti apDrouel. I PIPEPL.AQ,E: Pr.ro? to plceir4 fceingI mcte?Lals arul bcfore fratting inspee_tion. 1 fpt:fitC: !.tuct be requested afterI approual of nough plwnbing, elect"i_eal & neciunieal, nll nobyitq bracing E. chinmcys, etc. nast be . conpLeted.. llo ucrk is to be con_ - . cecled until this inspection haa- 'bee.n nad.e anC apptwue'd. WOODSTOI,,/E: ccnpLeted. Aften installation is CURB & APPRCACIT A.ppON: After fornsue eyecteC but prior to pouring conc?ete. SfDEilALK t DRf\EllAy: Fo? aLL eon- crete paoing Dithin street right-of-lxy, to be naCe after aLL esea- oating contplete & fotn tsork & sub- base rctet'ial i.n place. !E!!L: h4ten conplete -- tuouiCe gates ot, nouable eections thtough P. U.E. llll ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of stteet tnees, con-oletion ol tienequired LanCsccping, etc., rmtst be satisfied befote the BUTLDIilb FIIieL can be tequested,. PINAL EUILD|N?: The Final Bui-Lding fnspeetion rirust be tequested cfter the Pinat PtunbingElectrical, od. Neciur,ieal fnspections -iutte been nade arui'aoproued. B1.ocking otd. Set-up Pltnbing connectioas -- aare! d. ucier Eleetrical Ccntection - Bloeking, set-u. and pLutnbing cotneetions tn;st be d2?cu-ei befone requestang elec:rLcal inspe'c'=io- Acceseory BuilCing Pirnl - After pcrckes, skirting, decks,etc. are enpleled. Page I of 2 .ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUS?II::II TO 3E I.|ADE r'.? ilO C1ST TO CI?Y *-e N Constrtetica Leruie-r u T Ix $ :l T JOB ""fllWqg SOLAR AC'CSS REQ.-r--co C Lot Sq. Ptg. i of Lct Cateraga ! of Stortes :otal Height Iopogrcphy OccuDancu G?oua LCT ?WE _ Interiot _ Comer _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac /Cor-st Bedroons: :ieat Ra -- Fees -- [,ot Faees - Setbaeks P.L House Caraoe /,eeess. No?th Eas t South toxe llest :!x:.1 '.fain Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the ery?ess eordition tlnt the said constntctionsltal.L, in all respects, confcrm to the Ordinance tdopteC by the City ofSpr,-ingfield, ineluding the Zoning Crdinance, r,egulcting th-e ccnsttw-cticn otd .use of buildirqs' otd may be suspended on veuokec ot "*y tine upon uic-Lation of any ptcuisions of said Ordtnanees. TOTAL VALUE tDc3.D.C. 7.5 t x VaLuc Bui.Lcit-ng Penrtt State Swcharae ?otal Clnrges -.esiienti.al (i bath) :gr:i Seuer Petri State Suyci':ayae Receipt # Signed , Plumbing Permit No .oerson slnll consttaet, instal!, alter ot, ciunge dnA neD cr e:istir4rplwnbing or dtainaqe sAsten in uhoie or in part, unless sueh Derson is theiegal possessor of a ualid plunbet,,s License, e.ccept th.at a D-elson na.1 dcplunbing uork to p?oDe"ty uhich is oanei, Leased or opetaxea by the ippli.- I I I I I I I I I rmtr.Jo 6 I ;s/Ezterti Circults Electricol Permit Were State Las reouires ti:ax the electrical uork be done b,1 an llectricci Contraexoz,, the eleetriccl cortion of tnis pe?nat si;z.LL not be ,.tcli ut::iixite Label itas been signea by the Elecaical Contrcctar. L ?otaL Ci:.atces - a'. t iliechqnicol Permit,s :harct HooC eat Eot cod.sto;le Penrn t Issuanee Meeiunical Pe"fiit -- L;,]CROACHI,:':]T -- :c"*itu i-ntertanee P,n'it Tctal Cnanocs Ceaalk Labcl bile Hqre PLafl EEanLne? I EAW CAREFULLy IXAI|INED tle eonoleted aooltcation for permit, cnd dc hereby certify that aLL itfotmation hez,eon' is true ani c'otrect', anC f further eez,tify that any ard aLL uotk perfozned shall be done is oeco?- <iance vLth the Ordinences of the City of Springfield, and thc La;s of thcState of Oregon pcrtainino to the uork Cescribcd herein, cnd. :h.at I,tO OCCU- Pr'.ilCI uiLL be nad.e of any sttuetu"e uithout permission of the Suitdina Di-uision. f furthen certify that only cont?ae'to"s a;.;d enpalcyees uho aie in eonpliance tnith oRS 701.05s uiLL be used on this project te-,25.oo TAL A,\OUIIT DIJE:'5L ?/> 6.ao D