HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1978-07-05APPLICATION FOR ZONE CHANGE, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, OR VARIANCE JouRNAL No. 5 '/k'7->- Tr o+-5yp"',,-3 /U /rt recorded in County 7 TO THE COMMON COUNCIL ANO CITY PLANNING COMMISSION SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 1. Appl icant's Name gJz<_ N 9*2. General Location of the Property 3. Property as recorded in Deed Book Cl erk' s 0ffi ce. Assessor's Map llumber {-3{ ress, s eo S re ocat on etween cross streets Page 2po / 7-*- 2r Tax Lot Number(s *4 4. Legal Description (Attach separate sheet if necessary) fr /ROo 5 6 Size of parcel:/ c aru* %t acres and/or Present use of property: square feet. 7 B Present zoning of property , tL/- 3 Proposed use of property (Explain in detail):/4 a4tte Pa*4 9. Covenants and restrictions on property ('if any): 10. Applicant's request:(Check one) From 14'3 To l/oflze drur P*n p By Resolution of Intent to rezone: By 0utright rezonino: Conditional Use Permit Planned Unit Development permit Variance from Land Use Restrictions PL- 1 OVER , 11. Exp'lain why the request sF-ould be qranted. Show how the ci-ange is consistent with and promotes the objectives of the General Plan and the Zoning 0rdinance. A'lsoprovide information showing hol this request supports a public need, convenience,or the genera'l communi wel fare.(sa I hereby cerr:ify that: 1) the foregoinq statements and other information attached heretoare true and accurate to the best of my knolledge and belief; Z) I have the following 1ega1_ interest 'in the property: Jz_ovner of record; lz_contract purchaser; lessee;holder of an exclusive option-to purchase; _dulf-authorized to act for a person who has the following 1ega1 interest:3) the owner of record is knowledgeabl .and Owner,s Name ,Tb, Sotw/L Address: TeI ephone /U s! 9- 746 - 4 lo/ D .? Appl icant's Si gnature : By: Address: Te1 ephone ,2" 4f-; ers?- 7//ot FOR OFFiCE USE ONLY Date Filed.:6-7-z/Journal Number:J-7 f-?-s-7 Received by:Date Fixed For Planning conunission Hearing , 1'9-'7f Receipt Issued To ts..\-(>^!,L Action Taken: €:OI Gttt I\I7--7 Resolution of Intent Number:7f,:24Y Appeal By Applicant: Date Eixed For Common Council Hearing: Action Taken: FINDING OF FACT FOR ACTIOItr TAKE}I: Ordinance Nurnber: ta-, k^-ft/'a y, -k1 l{ s )fur j -\ - ._:,, RES0LUTI0N No. 78-262 RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO REZONE A birm with a th'ick p lanting of conifer trees to a1 ong the south and ea st boundaries of this Pro Access is to be taken from a street with a righ 60 feet. WHEREAS, an app'lication has been made by B. J. Jones (Journa'l No. 5-78-7-59 Springfietd Planning Conrnission) to rezone certain property located at 2121 and ZiSS North 3lst Street from its existing l4-3 Heavy Industrial District classifi- cation to MHP l,lobile Home Park District classificatidn; and WHEREAS, the prospective change of zone in such area is in accordance with, and in furtherance oi, the logica'l and orderly development and comprehensive zon- i ng p'l an of the Ci ty of Spri ngf iel d; and WHEREAS, the Council is desirous of allowing such zone change, but does not desire that the zone be changed and held in a vacant cond'ition for speculative pur- poses, and it therefore appeiring to be in the public'interest that the resolution of intent procedure as herein set forth be followed; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AS FOLLOWS: l. The Conrnon Council of the City cl'Springfield does hereby resolve its intent to rezone by appropriate ordinance the following described property: Property located at 2121 and 2155 North 3lst Street, on the east side of the street, and north of Marcola Road, from M-3 Heavy Industrial District to MHP Mobile Home Park District. Z. That said ordinance rezoning the property hereinabove described will be adopted only upon the happening of the followjng conditions: a. Approval of a site plan w'ithjn six (6) months. b. Start of construct'ion w'ithin six (6) months of site plan approval . c. Completion of construction within one (l) year of site plan approval . d. 0btainment of an easement and extensjon of a sanitary sewer from the 42 inch trunk sewer to 3lst Street to serve this property and other properties on 3lst Street to the north. e. Dedication of right-of-way to 30 feet from the centerline on North 3lst Street. f . Signing an improvement agreement for l.lorth 3lst Street. g. The mobile home park must meet all State of Oregon slq4l{v;:..,-. h j ue./ibc'atp*tly. li'., t-*-wAx.\r- . --:.U ,i-,> n r^.*- f Lof CITY OF SPRING FITTD PTANN ING {t, -..-:---::--.-/ A-.t 2f*1 (, Z a'l Y Resolution No. 78-262 Page 2 j. Signing of an improvement agreement to part'icipate in the installation of traffic signals at Marcola Road and 3lst Street (as re'located to align with I'lorth 28th Street). 3. In the event the forego'ing conditjons are not complied with within the times hereinabove ment'ioned, then and in that event this resolution of intent shall be of no further force and effect, and in the event of such compliance, the Councjl does affirm its intent'ion to rezone such property as hereinabove stated. Adopted by the Conrmon Council of the City of Springfield th'is 2lst day of August,.l978. ATTEST: rty OlrL CITY OF SPRINGFIELD NOTICE OT PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS FTEREBY GIVEN TI{AT TTIE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1978 at 7:30 P.l,l. IN THE MUNICIPAL MEETING ROOM OF THE SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD AT 250 NORTH IA! STREET ON THE FOLLOW]NG REQUEST FOR A ZONE CHANGE: B. J..Jones (.Tour:nal No, S-78-7-59) Assessor"rs Map 17 02 30 Tax Lot 1100 and 1200 Located at 2l-2l Nor"th 31st and 2155 Nonth 3lst off 31st Stneet and Nonth of Marcola Road Applicant r:equests a Zone Change fnom M-3 to MHP for the pu?pose of constructing a Mobile Home Par"k. fn the event of appnoval by the Planning Commission or appeal by the Applieant or" other inte::ested parties, the City Council will conauct i pubric-heaning on Monday, August 7, t978, at 7:30 p.m. at the afore- mentioned place for the purpose o1 hear-ing views for o:: against the above land use request. RA M3 ?.l/ Richar"d Johnson, Secr^eta::y Spr"ingfield Planning Commission 126 Nor"th 4th Street, SPringfield 726-3759 NORTH SCALE: lrr = 400 | AREA TO BE CONSIDERED FOR CHANGE ZONE FROM M-3 to MHP. /v\ 3t M3 I M3 M3 M3 >- II\ryESTMENTS 93L7,PO\UTIERTINEROAD . EUGENE, OREGON 97401 . TELEPHONE (,03) 48'-2T,2 May L7, 1979 City of Springfield Planning Department 126 North 4th Street Springfield., Oregon 97477 Dear lvlr. Johnson, This letter follows our brief telephone conversation tod-ay regard-ing the Brogress of my proposed. mobile home park--Ifild- trrlest Mobile Home Park. To d-ate most of the essential el-ements necessary for the successful completion of the park have been dea1t with. Mr. A11sup of DAN D. AII^SUP CONSTRUCTIONis the general contractor; IEE C. PIANTS, P.E. is the private engineeringfirm; and. myfi-nanci-ng is coming from two sources--Northwest life Insr.;rance and Commerce Mortgage Corporation. Financing d.etails are belng negotiated by my attorney Dean Kaufman of Eugene, Oregon. Whereas, I personally feel that actual- physical construction is emminent,I wou1d. not want to eomrnence eonstruction without proper attention to all of these details. The actual sched.uled- completion d.ate of the entire project is mid-0ctober 1979. Barring any unsually wet weather such as this Spring has brought to the tr'lillamette Va11ey, the project should. complete on time. If you have any questions regard-ing this matter, please feel free to call me: LA5-2L52 (rrome) or 683-L616 (office) Jones illAY Pll i$7!lp 'i; CITY OF SPRINGFI[LD PLANI\ING _, !.,I tt6a1 , oFFrcrAL RECoRD 0F DEstffrfProNs 0F REAL pR0pER W .t., nl 2n -t a. ..)'- OFFICE OF COUNTY A5SE55OR. LANE COUNTY. OREGON a/ 1 a^n '' t " Tat L N.: t or .l /Q- -t--! 'i orro r o/ L - Ot , YfAP c'i s..',or - 50 tow*.rre ---]-7 2.-v M. vor lprcr ^CqTSRarcL f .cn'-_ ' 13E{nrxc Dls'A!,: a BEIRTNG [l{ frpLNCr ()E Ltc\L S-r8or!r5tox I348 Lieginnir:g a. a point on the 558 15I cenLer line c.,f County rioaci llu. 755 393/L56 33Ik . ! feet 501056 | It. .,f tne oe- RL1L/ginning point o-f strid Countr' Roed, egi,?OsaiC be;inning po:-:rL eilso being 967,28feet Scuth a,nd LO77 ,.57 fe.et i,est of tlre corrier t'or Sections ig, ^.0, irnd E9 and 50 uf Toirnship 17 Scuth, tiange 2 'i,est, Y,i,t.1 runnin,; thence elong the center line t-rf said County holid: litence thence to L,'ie center of ar: irt'igr,tion diichl thence to theplace of i:eginnin6, in Le.ne Count;', Oregon. 1970 ,,s.,llo56IE 1_rg.g l.t. l.: oi.o. ! I :i .l1o;6 | F. i03..r.4 i1 . lyu..)J.+ s.380l,4rli. tc8 {'t. Conti,inin6 more or less Lnd r;ein6 sui--ject Lo aII exist- ing e:se:ients and righL cf rays. ^( -a nar f.,-' D:,- a a .. \.- v\/a ..ra Acreage Ccrect,ion fe 1?68 Less: 0.0? acre in Co. Rd. !lc. 753 Containi.rg mcre or less , 5. c0 ir, ?1 r--- i'1 I I I I lI .l #('/A0 OFFICIAL R[CORD OF Orfifrfr,tIONS OF REALO}hO! Cf FICE OF ;OUIiTY AS5E55OR. LANE COUNTY. OREGON ,-L !( oJ/?^ I YEAR ] T.x Lor i su,,''., , 30 I Tcw'Jsrr,p -'17- , Dlsra^r,l [Jf^nrec FtLrt'6 R^\cE f. oc w, 2 W M,'- - I ct rc F i """. It -- - | 6/ 4I7 45+ qoF gE RfgAr{irc rC- Nc a e \:-. cR Lr.lAL 5(.o!:,I't5,o\ : I I s 0. 16r w 1gg.g3 ft. s 89"44r E l0gg.4 ft. N O" .r-6r E 1gg.g3 ft. N Bg" 44rlY l08g.4 ft. boglnnlng at a polnt on tho contor 1lne of CountT Road No,?53, gSlZ.ll feet South 0" iSt West of the begln-,nlng point of sald County Roe.d,sail beglnnlng polnt also bel-ug 1162.28 : feet South and 4C?8.S] foet }lest oftho corner of Bectlons igr2Or29 and 3O ln Tonnshlp ITSouth, Rango Z Westlof lYlI., end runnlng thenco; ialong the center of sald roed thence;thence; .thenee; l of be gianlng, contai-ningto the place more or less .r .:,1 .16 :e . f c:. C o. RC . Acreage Ccrrection .ior 1968 f,ess; 0.09 acre in Co, Bd. lio, 753 Containing mo:'e or l-ess I 5.0 lo).i a , a+ i I 5.oo I I L. gI E 19 51 Ivan Ruth C. SmithE. Smith 2L55 N. 3Ist StreetSpringfield, Oreqon July IB, l97B Richard JohnsonSpringfield Pl-anning Commission L26 N. 4th StreetSpringfield, Oregon 97477 Re: Tax Lot No. l7-02-30-1200 19-01 and l-7-02-30-1200 19-04 Dear Mr. Johnson: As you know, we are the record title owners of the above described tax lots located at 2155 N. 31st Street inSpringfield, Oregon. Subject to certain conditions, we have agreed to sel1 our property to B. J. and Ma De Guadalupe Jones. Closi-ng of the sale awaits the occurrence of several events. tr{e understand that the Jones have applied to theCity of Springfield for both a minor partition of our realproperty and for rezoning for mobile home use. This letteris to inform both the Springfield Land Development Review Committee and the Springfield Planning Commission that we are in favor of and consent to the applications for such minorpartition and for such rezoning. Very truly yours, Tvan C. E.t :i< )l :k ::< !i: >i< >i< :l >l :l >i< :l :i: :ioi< :i<:t >l<:',< :l+i< )k ,k )k )i+i( )k )! >F DFLJ\/FR THFSE LABFI.S TO: :!)i( s7R59 :i. >:: >k >k ::< *< {< >k :f >i< :k *< )i< >:( >k >k *< :i< >k {< tk >i: :k >k * ,< J,< >i< >i< l-nT 11n.?3000 0t.l.oo ilsF 1111 il-)ccilPANtTizlzl ttt 3lsr srI SPRINIGFIFI.D OR q7477 >i: >i< :l< :i: ;l< :l< ;j< :l< >i< :ll :! :i< :i; :i; :i< :ir :t :lr >l< :ir :i: :i< :l< ;! :f: :i: :i: >l: ,i, [)FLJ\/FR THtrSF I-ARFLS TN: :i< 'i. S7B5q >:< >:< ):< >i. ):< >k >k >k )i. >i( >:< >i< >:< ):< >i< >l< >:< )l: >l< >:: ):< >i< :i< >i< >l< >i< >i: :i< >l< ". >:< l_oT l7023noo nt zon UsF l.l t l t")ccilPAl\rT 2155 N 31ST sT SPRII\IGFTELN tIR Cl7471 >l: :i< :ir :i: :lt :l< >i< >i< :ll >l )i. )l< )i< )1. ,i( :1. :1. :l< >:r ,l( )k )k :l< :l< :il >lr >i< :i: ,i. NFLI\/FA TL{ESF t.ABFt.S TI')3 :I< >:< SlA5q )t< )i< )i< >l< >k >j< :i< :i< >i< >i< >i( )l< :i: )l: >l< >i< :i< i< )l< >:< * >k >:. >k >:< >l< >l< >13 :i< r>k \_ I nT 17n'2 ?nno nCf.llP Ar\lT 2o?? r\r ?1qT sr L. spRI\tcFTt-l-n r1R olooo usF 6711 c)l 411 i ( ':..1 ;..it -q l.-t ( : (, ,a a d a O tD rD C) O, l}t q o a a a t7 02 33 7 2 04303 HOLMES EI'N I C,F B ?IO N 51ST ST SPRINtcFIFLD OR 97/,71 {r 6/?1/78 DATE PROnilCEt-) * 13 LABELS PRIr\tlEn rr- rr, rL J, rr, !r? rr? i, rr? J, J, J? + rr. ir, ir, rr, !r? rr. rr. -t, J, r.- J, r., rr. r., J,,f ,F ,r! ?.! t! ar ai + ,< DFLI\/FR THESE LARFLS TO: >i< >!: CTOqO) r ^ r7 11 02 30 0 0 0100n PIERCE R H + EI-TZARFTH C, 2 5t5 rrl-#lFFrr,r uR FilGFl\rF nR 914O5 ):< (./?1/7R nATF PROI-)llCFn ,i 3 LARFI_S pRT\tTEt) ,|r ,|i .lr nr ,|i * I]EL IVER THFSE LABFLS TO: *j< S786n * J.1\ >F DEI-J\/FR THFSF LABELS Tfl: >I< * 57859 >:< ,'r ,|r ,'\ .f ,li ,'i 11 02 30 0 n n1100 BEST CLARtrI\ICF F T. CNR 'i. f)ELI\/ER THESE LABELS TO: * ,i. S7A59 >:< .., !L *< DFL J VER THF SF LABFLS TO: :i< >:< s7R5q * J, ir- 7_l2l i\r 3l s tffi,-,,Ll0?300 SMITH I\/AN C 2155 N 3 SPRIT\!GFI o ol 2oo + RIITH E a a @ o a a o C e (. a O O O - O sPRIr\tcFIFt_t-)R 9l /+71 J?J.\l.\l,J-..-.Lr|.\l.!l?r|..l?JrL\,,\l,rLr..rl, * NEL IVFR THFSE L^BFI-S TO: : *< 57860 :i< +],r],+.|?rl,rl,rl..l,J-rl,Jzrl,rl.rLr.?\l.rl,r|, J. :i< DFI.IVER 1I-IFSE I.ABFLS TO: >:( ,i. S lR 60 >i< 17 ^,? 71, a n n?gn1 11 t-.? 21+ 1. 3 n?an2 l? r\2 2./, 1, ).O?7 'I 7 a\a ) /, . ,1 r : r:^.^ F.F- "fe l l,* T CIEY OF SPF,I}$GFIEIJ]f SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 July 30, l98l 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS / ,,, Mr. B. J. Jones 93.l 75 Powerl i ne Road Eugene,Oregon 97401 SUBJECT: Resolution of Intent to Rezone No. 78-262, t,li'ld West Mobile Home Park Dear Mr. Jones: In researching cond'itions for condition j whi participate in intersection of with North 28th conven i ence. our files it has come to our attention that all of the the subject R.0. I . have not been sati sfied. Speci fical 1y, ch requires the signing of an improvement agreement to the cost of installing traffic contro'l signals at the Marcola Road with North 3lst Street or its realignment Street. A copy of R.0.I. No. 78-262 is enclosed for your Presently, traffic signals are not wamanted at the intersection and are not expected to be required unt'il the development of the Pierce property located west of North 3lst Street. 5le request that you contact the Public Works Department's Engineering Divjsion as soon as poss'ible for the signing of the improvement agreement. Very t 1y yours, Ke V n RobertsTraffi c Admin'i strator KR/ bj AGR Greg Mott, Planning Dept. Bob Barrett, City Engineer ENCL0SURE: R. 0. I . No. 78-262