HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Application 1978-07-18JOURNAL NO.-"&-v->> TO APPLTcATT0N FoR zgIS_gLt4NGE, C0NDTTToNAL USE pERMrT, 'LANNED uNrr DEVETOpT'iirri piriprrr, on-vnninirii THE COI'1I'ION COUNCIL..AND CITY PLANNING COMMISSIONSPRINGFIELD, OREGON I L'IIII 1. Appl icant,s Name 2 General Location of the property o 3. lloperty as recorded in Deed BookClerk's Office. Assessor's Map llumber Tax Lot Number(s) 4. Legal Description (Attach separate sheet if necessary) ress, s eo S reet,0noca tween c rOSS S reets ,P age , recorded in County 5 6 7 B Size of parcel:2-o Present use of property: acres and/or U V square feet. Present zoning of property:M-3 Proposed use of property (Explain in detail): t 9. Covenants and restrictions on property (if any): 10. Appl i cant' s request: t/' Zone Change: (Check one) From t4 - 3 To MH By Resol u'ti on of Intent to rezone: By 0utright rezoning: Conditional Use Permit Planned Unit Development permit Variance from Land Use Restrictions PL- 1 OVER -b -3 t=,7 t?VV r 3o I -b(>I 19 I l who- has the f 3) the owner Owner's Name: 11.Explain why the request should be qranted. _Show how the change is consistent with and promotis the objectives of the General Plan and the Zoning Ordinance. Also p.or\de informat'ion"showing_hol this request suoports a pub'l'ic need, conven'ience, or the genera'l communitY welfare. i hereby certifY that: 1)the forego'ing s tatements and other in fonnation attached hereto C D are true and accurate to the best of mY k norv'ledg e and belief; 2 )I have the fol'low'ing am not e owner. leg al intere st in the ProPertY:ovJner of record-;contract Purchaser;I essee; holder of an exclusive oPtion -To rchase:.4u ly au thorized to act for a P erson and ol I owing 'leg al interest:eo s app CA onof record is knowl edgeabl A.ddress: LV\zAT'YT\\\ C.P(trqEE--tK)=\- Telephone Address: Te1 ephone: E.NE w-{,6 Appl i cant' s Signature: By: trt|.j-- Date Filed a-r E-)t FCR ()FFICE USE ONLY Journal Number:S 7E ^*^8-/d Received by: Receipt Issued To: Date Fixed For Planning Conrnission Hearing E. Action Taken:t 7y Resolution of fntent Number: Appeal By Applicant: Date Fixed For common Council tlearing : Action Taken: FI}IDIT'IG OF FACT FOR ACTIO}I TA].'EN: Ordinance Number (.C A t/) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBTIC HEARING ON WEbNESDAY, AUGUST 16,'t978 AT7:30 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL MEETTNG ROOM OF THE SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD AT 250 NORTH IAI STREET ON THE FOLLOWING REQUEST FOR A ZONE CHANGE: Allan H. Pier.ce (Jounnal No. 3-78-8-72) Assessor rs Map \7 02 30 Tax Lot 1000. Located at 2020 Nonth 31st Stneet. Applicant requests a change of zone f::om M-3 Heavy Industnial Distr"ict to MHP Mobile Home Pa::k Distr"ict for" the purpose of cr^eating a mobil-e home park, to be planned and openated in conjunction with B. J. Jonesr adjoining land use pr"oposal. In the event of approval by the Planning Commission or: appeal by the applicant or other" interested pa::ties, the City Council wil-I conduct a public hearing Monday, August 27, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. at the aforementioned place fo:: the purpose of hearing views for or against the above land use request. Richar"d Johnson, Secr"etany Sp::ingfield Ptanning Depantment 126 Nor.th 4th St., Sp::ingfield 726-3759 NORTiiR.A w3 SCALE: 1r' = 4001 AREA TO BE CONSIDERED FOR CHANGE OF ZONE FROM M-3 TO MHP. F1 COL COuN?./ LttvllrSItt! ! ttlrrtt ta tlllt! Mt r I r t tll I rl I ll peocosED z'oHE ct-{ANqE frt:ccut M'? 7o t\rtH F v? M3 Hililexdf Ion \r t9t ug Area No. l:To be reclassifi trial District (City ed from M-3 Heav y lndustrial District (County)!o ll-3 Heavy lndus(Tax Lot I00O) Ba - beg pt of sd Co Rd )p on the c/l of Co Rd 753, 3712.04 ft S 0"16r W of the, sd beg pt also be ing 1368.32 tt S and 407 9.45 \t of thecor for Ss 19, 20 29, atd 30 in T1TS , R2tr{ of the WM, and r unning th S 0"16'W 430.48 ft to a pt on the NLy r/w ln of Wendli ng Branch of the SouthernPacific RR Co, th fol sd r/w ln,N Bg"0B' E 139.77 fr, s 89o57 I E 900,52 ft,North 88" 5lr E 14 9.03 ft; th leaving sd ln of RR N 0" 16t E 4 2I.59 tr; rhN ggo 44', w 1089.4 0 ft tn rho nn}. i- -(./) P D.E H.5 rr o zI d { H) o rt 'o {o.p'o-ts H. 0a u, E 0J o zz\o0)@H O\O rt P.oi].Hr P.!.@o5'@- oN ,1{Ln'POF -Ooco trl\o rt D. F.O\oFt'.oHlOtsdu)orrFfro.Orru. t1rt \-Tn{ Fio F.pO O- C' OJ.42 P.H.5 coPoa \o o-o o0r o- co OF5 fr,a) -l 0Jx r-o d OoO @ 0)ro o f, r-t!rto IOr IOr -+t c)(o IF\ !\nv o'o qa "or? o a POo'O.H {Fh os-{(,o(^.a5' @HQ.\or+re C)rtO N)rtaidOe O. ONJ\oo13e O. at Dcropo5 o"Oa rt (,rJ5Or?o P.DZ5 PFA<HoPF1 !C'-\CO O{- P. ts >o0a5 t"ril-O L^)