HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1994-06-28C O III $I ERC'A t /, N D U SIR'A t PEBMII APPLICATION 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 LOCATION OF PFIOPOSED WORK: SPF'NGFtELD JOB NUMBER INSPECTION LINE: 726-3769 OFFICE:726-3759 TAX LOT: a. ASSESSORS MAP:\qr) DEMOLIT loNzze"FluMetNc>aBUILDINGPERMIT /5% State Su rc5% State Surch FEN LUEMECHANICAL SUBTOTAL RMFT. SI 5% State rcha PHoNE: 638-*=/a CITY:STATE:ZIP:e7//effi. OWNER ADDRESS: VALUE:ADDITIOBEMODEL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: DEMOLISH OTHERNEW * PLUMBING; MECHANICAL: ELECI'RICAL: PHONEADDRESSNAME EXPIRESADD 9c A?y, co RACTOR #PHONECONTRACTOR'S NAME ARCHITECT:CONST, G EN ERAL: Single Fixture Relocated Bl fix. ad e 1+ an ft. errm ft e Backflow Device TOTAL PERMIT & ventF u rnace / < 100 Furnace/burner & vent BTUs Floor furnace and vent oorore tI heat Inu ance separate at onary evap. cooler ng duct nt f rom em apa or hood and duct n exec $10.00Permit lssuance TOTAL PEBMIT fz<z.#- - OFFICE USE - ZONING H:I- LIGHTING POWER BUDGET: QUAD AREA LAND USE: OCCY GROUP: # OF STOBIES CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOUBCE: HANDICAP ACCESS: WATER HEATER: - $/so. FT. X r=+> TOTAL VALUE OF PROJ 4 VALUE C>t* SQ. FT. SO. FTG MAIN SO. FTGJ€€'SS SO. FTG OTHEB DA1E ,-ft?/ BY BCPT#c EMS ?v y2. /7 TOTAL PERMIT FEES eiduuotxo ELECTRIcAL E e522.7? -?7a;?u-' ) /29.n fq,as PAVING cuRBCuT5T rT. R E OU R ED I N S P ECT o NS reouest an inspection' call ;;;;;". You will be readY ?i[t i,oo a'm' will be made made at th e pro per ti me.To th at al NS pectlons are pecti re qu estedpermiholdtoseedtypeofNSon respo nsi bi li ty of he ated lob n um ber,lob ad ress,d re qu ests mad ettthestateyourCitydeslgnmadethesameorkingay, 726-3769 (record er)eived before 7:00 m.be {or ins pection Re qu ests rec PAVIN G:Afte gravel S n he fol lowlng work d ay. ROU t H PLU MBING pl but prior to pl aci n g NSPECTlO N To be &ace SIT E bu EL ECT RICA L AS ph alt or o nc rete. m ad e af te excavati on M ECHAN rcA L:No WO rk S to p rior to setu p of f orms.be covered U n ti these rdance inspections have and apProved. bee n mad e SP ECt A L NSP ECTI ON S:n ac co U N DERS LAB P LUM BIN G,Secti on 306 of th e State S peci al ty Code ELECTRICAL &S pec al NS pe ctor S hal be em p oyed M ECHAN ICAL:To be made ATTIC DRA FT STOPS &by the Ow ne Con tractor d u ri ng befo re any work s c overed CU RTAI N WA L LS nstructi n of he fol OW o rk.co o ng ,X / x FOOTINGS & FOUNDATIONS: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, all steel in place, but prior to placing concrete. CONCRETE SLAB: To be made after all inslab building service equlpment, conduit, piping, accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete ls placed. UN DERGROUND: Plumblng, electrical, gas, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water and drainage llnes. To be made prior to covering or filling trenches. UNDERFLOOR: Plumbing, electrical, mechanical. To be made prior to installation of floor insulation, decking or floor sheathlng. POST & BEAM: To be made prior to installatlon of floor insulation, decking or floor sheathlng. FLOOR INSULATION & a, x ,ar FIREPLACE: Prior to placing facing materials and before framing inspection. FRAMING: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and bracing are in place and all pipes, chimneys and vents are complete and the rough electrical, plumbing and mechanical are approved. INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIER: To be made after all insulation and required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath or gypsum board interior wall covering is applied. FIRE & SEPARATION WALL: Located and constructed according to plans. LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, ls in place but before any plastering ls applled or beforegypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and f inlshed. copy of the special testing reports Shall be furnished to the Building Division. STRUCTURAL CONCRETE: In excess of 2500 P.S.l. (306 a.1) STRUCTURAL WELDS: Performed on the iob. (2722 t) HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING: During all bolt installation and ti ghteni ng operations. (306 a.6) SPRAYED ON FIREPROOtrlNG: U.B.C. Standards 43-8. SPECIAL GRADING, EXCAVATION AND FILLING: During earthwork. (306 a.1'l & Chapter 29) GLU-LAM BEAMS: lnspection Certificate by an approved agency, furnished to the City,s Building Division before beams are placed. (2501 U.BC. STDS. 25-10,11). STRUCTURAL MASONRy: (306 a.7) n:3?,P,Sil',X!,";,I1,3i ", ,u .TDEWALK & DRTVEWAy: deckins or rroor sne;i;i;s:' 3ff:U"j Jffi"l|;""??ii,ni ",MASONRY: Steel tocation, bond beams grouting orverticals in accordance withuBc 2415. ROOF SHEATHING ANDNAILING: prlor to lnstailing any roof covering. way, to be made after all excavating complete and formwork and sub-base material inplace, CURB AND APPROACH APRONS: After forms areerected but prior to placing concrete. *ln addition to the i nspec-tions specified , the BuildingOfficial may m ake or requireother inspect ions of anyconstructionwork to ensurecompliance with the Building,City or Development Code. -1- FINAL eLUMBTNG / FrNAL ELEcTRTcAL i- FINAL MEcHANTcAL 4 FINAL FIRE DEPARTMENT t/SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARD:. Mus.t be requested 2 days in advanceof the date you wish inspection. Alt aroj;;iconditions such as L11o:93,0,nt, parking tot striping, "t". .L"t'Oe compieleJL"6iurequestlng this inspection. --/-- 1I4L BUTLDTNG: Requested after the final prumbing, erectrical,mechanical and Fire Department inspections are made andapproved. No occupancy of the premises ".n ou maol- ,intir acertlfrcate of o.ccupaniy has been issued ov ine arliii"g Divisionand posted on the premises. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS PLANS FIEVIEWED BY Date 1 sl natuBys statet9,and th at hagrge,ave caref u examly lned comhe'etedpl cathplap anlon dereitsn do hereandtruec certiorrectby atthdantufy al nerrthrtce rmatfoatth tontyananyalldWOrkshperformedalbeohedonnciofcordtynelfianceSprianddwithhesLawstheOrdnofheEScStateofanonnOregpertaitothngeworkltdescmadebeofbedhereianyrestructun,and hatthwiOU N oissi occ PAUpermnoof NCYBuhetdingviDiSafetysion.rtfu herarewhon certi thcom onatancety conplhRSoly tractors.055701 a ndWibesedU emplthonis oyeesproject. fu hert toreeag ensure that al U red NSreq ectionp ares uesreq atted the pro tiththatpe hattreet,e rne,ropermcardItp addject reSoc SS ISatated readthe leab frorono mhe hemv,propert andESurid theco apngon.nstructl proved ofset ans Wipl il rem AI n n he Si te alat Signature VALIDATION 6AMOUNT RECEIVED: RECEIPT *: RECEIVED BY: DATE PAID: DAIE z-2;2-?/ C'TY I'F SPN'ilG OREG ot, 0t/2?/92 ! Ll.22 Gooa i EoEs t-70'z300oo t%r 225 FIEIE SMgEf, sPn$cPr8LD, onBGoN 97477 INSPBCII0T f,EQllESf,r 726-3 0lEICEr 726-3159 0r AuthorLed SPFD DEV. SER. a9 submltted require speclflc , 1000 sq.ft. or less' UW*)Zach addltlonal 500 sg. ft or Portlonthereof Each Hcnuf'd Eome or Modular Dvelllng Servtcc or Fecder O ooz APPLICATIOIIt.7C{L L IICAL co- Pcnttr lrt n9D-tnnrfcrebls and explretf vork ts not startGd vlthln 180 daye of lssurncc or 1l vork ls suspended for 180 dayr. 2, @MNACTON I!|SEAIJ.ATIOII ONIT Elcctrlcal Contractor t"lutr tNc Addrcu PO Bct *)kt Ctty Job Nuober rEg SCEBDI'IJ BBI,OS ev dcntla I-Stng1c or l{ultl-Frntly pcr dvrlllng unlt. Servlcc Includedt I t:urg Cos t $ 85.00 Sun JOB Slgnrturr ol Supcnrlc Blectrlclan Omcre Addrcrr Cltv Phonr OINDN, INSTALI.ATION llro lnrtrllatlon lr bclng mrde on proDrrty I ovn vhtch lr not tntendcd for ralcr lctsc or rant. Ormur Slgnrturct D[tEr B. Servltes or Feederg. fnstall8tton, Altcratlons or R:Iocatlonl 200 amps or lcss 201 amps to 400 aoPs - 401 ampr to 600 amps - 601 amps to 1000 EDps- Over 1000 amps/volts - Beconnect Only . - $ 15.00 $ 40.00 40.00 55.00 90.00el trBr sEffi ss0 $60 $100 $130 $ s300 00 00 00 00 00 00 a Supervlsor Llccnec Ntimbqr 2.aou 5 Trmporery Scrvlcco or Fcrdcrg InsiaUrilon, A1t:ratton or Belocatlon c. 40 200 amps or legs 201 amps to 400 tnPs - 0ver 401 to 600 cnrps - Over 600 amps or 1000 voltg Each Addltlonal Clrcult or vlth Scrvtcc- or Feeder Perml t / X -Each lnstrlletlon Ptrmp or lrrlgatlon Slgn/0utI1ne LlghtlnS- Ltmltsd Enrrgy/Rer € Llnrl tcd EncrgY/Comn - s s $ 3 D. Branch Clrcultg Ncv, Altcratlon or Ertonrlon Pcr Pancl s 35.00 3Sf . -/O9s ?,00 Jb - B. l,llsccllaneour (Scrvlcc/fcedsr not lncludad) s s $I .00 .00 .00 .00 c!- 40 40 20 36 5. SIETOIAT OP ABOVE 5tr State Surchargc TOTAL h --E?lt6ft Ia ,r. 5a'l llItLa'lULlJ 1.I crty-hP,iJ5 , *on -1QQfu6)l/' E4plrattor. Drt. conrtr contr. Nurbu@. Exptratlon rnrc- /0 - l Ll ' COMM ERCIAL/I N DUSTRIAL PERMIT APPLICATION 225 Fillh Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK: ASSESSORS MAP: SPEINGF]ELO JOB NUMBER "laINSPECTION LINE: 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 TAX LOT: e i PHONE: CITY: Eq, ' Fa"-,,ua G-coa 9)yyo ADDRESS:2t9o !r^rrr. STATE: OA ZIP: OWNEB: DEMOLISH OTHER VALUE: DESCRIPTION OF WORK; NEW X REMODEL ADDITION PLUMBING: lrtrn!.,lAt\llnAl . trt trnTatna I NAME ADDRESS at l'l ,bJa og ^jEry, ADDRESS 9zz?s CONTRACTOR'S NAME ARCHITECT GENERAL: PHONE -'r9/'063 7 PLU MBIN G NO trFF CHARGE Single Fixture Relocated Bldg (new fix. addtl) Water Service ft Sanitary Sewer ft Storm Sewer ft Backflow Device -i4bvt ( TOTAL PEBMIT MECHANICAL NO trtrtr CHA RG F Furnace/burner & vent <100,000 BTUs Furnace/burner & vent >100,000 BTUs Floor furnace and vent Suspended wall or f loor mounted unit heater Appliance Vent separate Statlonary evap. cooler duct Vent from System apart AC or htg. Mechanical exhaust hood and duct - //o/4? -Permlt lssuance $10.00 TOTAL PERMIT - OFFICE USE _ LAND USE: ZONING* OF UNITS: HANDICAP ACCESS: FLOOD PLAIN LIGHTING POWER BUDGET:OCCY GBOUP: # OF STORIES QUAD AREA: * OF BLDGS: CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOURCE:WATER HEATER: SQ. FT.S/SQ. FT.VALUE SQ. FTG MAIN SO. FTG ACCESS SO. FTG OTHER X X TOTAL VALUE OF PROJ D^rE *222/ ByPLAN CHECK FEE <z,at /RCPT# ?/2. t2 BUILDING PERMIT eq4.z,PLUMBING DEMOLITION 5% State Surcharoe ffi '41. /62+. UA,5% State Surcharge MECHANICAL -FENCE VALUE $ 5% State Surcharqe SIDEWALK FT. SUBTOTAL PERMITS PAVING CURBCUT FT. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT )( TOTAZ s?e 4lrAReE Fa'< FoTrr PEtrrt/r t4E"/r74t's' a,r7a4 ,7FK ?aavr7 TCTAL PERMIT FEES EXCLUDING ELECTRICAL Bren"/, Eaqtnetrrnq 3to h fl g, grina,f;e//. A,er'Coru3r. CONTBACTOR # EXPIRES PHONE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsiblllty of the permit holder to see that all inspectlons are made at the proper time. To request an inspection, call 726-3769 (recorder), state your Clty designated job number, lob address, type of inspection requested and when you will be ready for lnspectlon. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. made after excavation, but ELECTRICAL & place but prior to placing prior to setup of forms. MECHANICAL: No work is to asphalt or concrete. be covered until these UNDERSLAB pLUMBING, inspectlons have been made SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: ln accordance ELECTRICAL & and approved. section 306 0f the state specialty code MECHANICAL: To be made a special inspector shall be employed before any work is covered. ATTIC DRAFT STOPS & ny ine ownei/ Contractor during CURTAIN WALLS construction of the following work. A .X FoorlNcs & FouNDATIoNS: ETDEDT AFE. r copy of the special testing reports shall To be made after trenches are FIREPLACE: Prlor to placing be furnished to the Building Division. excavated and forms are facing materlals and before erected, all steel in place, but framing lnspection' srRUcruRAL CoNCRETE: ln prior to placing concrete. v FRAMING: To be made after excess of 2500 PS.l. (306 a.1) coNcRErE SLAB: ro be t1:"1;:lji'lJ'iiixlfl;tx[ ,n v srRUcruRAL wELDS: made after all lnslab building ^r-^- ^6i ^,r ^16^^ ^hi-^^rr. PerformerJ on the iob l,?.7?2 t) service equipment, conduit, '";;;;i; il!""5ilpr"i; .n;f ' :iiJ,?,?;".'.",:;il:".i ?l:',"T5.l :X? ';::H,l['ii:,1'fJ;l33lt: Bl?lf],?EL?T*,?,'"THX^o in place but before any tightenlng operations. (306 concrete ls placed. INSULATION & VApOR a.6) BARRIER: To be made after all\'/ UNDERGROUND: Plumbing, insulation and required vapor SpRAyED ON electrical, gas, sanltary sewer, barrlers are ln place but FIREPpOOFING: U.BC. storm sewer, water and before any lath or gypsum Standards 43-8. drainage llnes. To be made board interlor wall covering is prlor to covering or filling applied. S'ECIAL GRADING,trenches. ,NDERFL..R: p,umbins, - il::,*"#fm'J3[H]"' Eliflfii[tii.l,5ib'i],"1' electrical, mechanlcal, To be according to plans. chapter 29) made prlor to installatlon of floor insulatlon, decklng or LATH ANDTOR GYPSUM GLU'LAM BEAMS: lnspection floor sheathlng. BOARD: To be made after all Certificate by an approved lathing and gypsum board, agency' furnished to the city's posT & BEAM: To be made lnterlor and exierlor, ls in ' Building Division before prlor to lnstallaflon of floor place but before any beams are placed' (2501 u'Bc' lnsulatlon, decklng or floor frlastering ls applie6 or before STDS' 25-10'11)' sheathlng. gypsum board Joints and fasteners are taped and STRUCTURAL MASONRY: (306 FLooR rNsuLATroN & flnished' a'7) VAPOR BARRIERS: To be made prlor to lnstallation of decking or froor sheathing. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams grouting or vertlcals ln accordance with UBC 2415. RooF sHEATHING AND :Hl3^H'^fi"t::ffX'" NAILING: Prlor to lnstalling erected but prior to placing any roof coverlng. concrete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY Required for all concrete paving withln street right of way, to be made after all excavating complete and form work and sub-base material in place. 'ln addition to the inspec- tlons specified, the Building Official may make or require other inspections of any construction work to ensure compliance with the Building, Clty or Development Code. FINAL PLUMBlNG FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL MECHANICAL V FINAL FIRE DEPARTMENT SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARD: Must be requested 2 days in advance of the date you wish inspection. All project conditions such as landscaplng, parklng lot stri ping, etc. must be completed before requesting thls inspection. FINAL BUILDING: Requested after the final plumbing, electrical, mechanlcal and Fire Department inspections are made and approved. No occupancy of the premises can be made until a Certiflcate of Occupancy has been issued by the Building Division and posted on the premises. ,r .r ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: PLANS FIEVIEWED BY DATE Z:491 By slgnature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examlned the completed application and do hereby certify that all lnformation herein is true and correct, and lfurther certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Sprlngfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertainlng to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Buildlng Safety Dlvlslon. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compllance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I furtheragree to ensure that all requlred inspections are requested at the propertime, that project address is readable from the street, that the permlt card ls located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remaln on the site at all times durlng constructlon. 5- eo'9?Signature Date ?t>. ftVALIDATION:/24>AMOUNT RECEIVED: RECEIPT *:RECEIVED BY: DATE PAID SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 225 Fif ttr Street Springfield, OR 97 477 S''IIINGFII:Lr,JOt] NUrUtiUt __*lspect ton Olfice: 726 3759?fi, 1 69 SITE ADDRESS ASSESSONS T\IAP 161 30r l_1d I AX LOT OWNER: Eug Farmert s Co PHONE 688-8 210 2590 Drairie RoadADDNESS CITY:Eugene STATE: OB ZtP: 97 402 BUSINESS NAME. FIRM ETC Eueene Farmerrs Co-oo DESCBIPTION OF PROPOSED SIGN(Sl: (please check and complete all appropriate informationl X Wall __ Freestanding _ projecting (set of 3 Pan Chhnnel Letters)X Single Face _ Double Face Billboard Square Footage:7.5 Total Height above Grade: 17' Vertical Dimension ol sign or enctosure I8 tt Horizontal Width of sign or enctosure _ Roof _ Ottrer -_ Marquee Dimension from Grade to bottom of Sign Enclosure: Electrical lnstallation: X Yes No VALUE (lf yes a<Jditional electricaffirmit is requiredl OF StGN15.51 $1094 .00 Material Sign is constructed of: plastic & sheetmetal List ALL existirrg sigrrage and attach a photograph of each sign (al Type (c, Type Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg. (bl rype (d) Type Sq. Ftg Sq. Ftg CONTRACTOR/INSTALLER: PAY-O-LITE SIGNS INC. ADDRESS: 101 N. Seneca CITY Eusene CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BEGISTRATION NUMBER CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER: q4 oi 7 q STATE: OR ztP: 97 402 7 t490 EXPIRES: EXPIRES: 2-t-95 6-i o-q s OFFICE USE Sigrr District: Code Section: Approved Ouad Area Zorring Sign Permit Fee @ DATE:\\ REOUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Site to be made prior to sign placement Footing prior to placement of concrete Attachmcnt after fasteners are installed/prior to cover Electrical prior to energizing electrical installation _ Final completion of sign installation Additional Comrnents and/or Conditions: By signature, I state and agree. that I have carefully examined the cornpleted application and do herelly certify that all irrlorrnatiorr hcrcirr is true artd correct, and I further certily that any and all work performed shall be done in accordarrr:e with the Ordinarrces of tho City ot Springfield, and the Laws of the State ol Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that only contractors and ernployees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I f urther agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time. that proiect address is readable f rorn tlre strect, tltat the permit card of the sign(sl. is located at the Iront ol property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during the irrstallatiorr Date 9-9-94Signature Amount Received Receipt Number: Date Paid: 2*2 >Validation: /% 4* Received By 2*/ t PHONE: 68R-2500 Land Use: 5m 5CN( \\ SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 225 Fifttr Strcet Sprirrgfield, OR 97 477 1616 N.30rh SPNIN(}':IELr) qt, JOB Nt'N/8[tl -.' lspeCliOn a 3 Of{ice: 726 3759 SITE ADDNESS ASSESSORS MAP: field OP TAX LOT OWNER Eugene Farmerts Co -oD P}IONE:688-8210 2-690 Prairie RoadADDRESS CITY:Euqene STATE: OR ZtP: q7 40? BUSINESS NAME, FINM ETC Eugene !'armerrs C o-op DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SIGN(Sl: (please check and complete all appropriate information) X Wall __ Freestanding _ Projecting(set of.3 Pan Channel letters)X Single Face _ Double Face Billboard _ Hoof _ Marquee _ Other Total Height above Grade t7' Horizontal Width of sign or enclosure 5t Squarc Footage:7 .5', Vertical Dimension ol sign or enclosure Dirncnsion from Grade to bottom ol Sign Errclosure:15.5' l8tt Electrical lnstallation: X Yes _ No VALUE (lf yes additional electrical permit is requiredl OF SIGN $1094.00 Material Sign is constructed of olastic & stee tal List ALL existing sigrrage and attach a photograph of each sign: (a) Type (c) Type Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg. (bl Type (d) Type Sq. Ftg Sq. Ftg CONTSACTOR/TNSTALLER: P,AY-O-LIt. SIGNS, INC.PIIONE: 68 8 -2 5 00 ADDRESS: 101 N. Seneca CITY:Eugene CONSTRUCTION CONTBACTORS REGISTRATION NUMBER: CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER: 94037 9 STATE: OR Ztp: 97402 7 L490 EXPIRES: EXPIRES:6-3 0-95 OFFICE USE Sigrr District Zorring Sign Permit Fee Land Use:Ouad Area r\oae Code Section Approved By:DATE REOUIRED INSPECTIONS ---- Site to be made prior to sign placement Footing prior to placement of concrete Attachment after fasteners are installed/prior to cover Electrical prior to energizing electrical installation Final completion ol sigrr installation Additional Comments andior Conditions By signature. lstate and agree, that lhave carelully examined the cornpleted application and do hercby certify that all irrforrrratirlrr trcrcin is true and correct, arrd lfurther certity that any and all work performed shall be done in accordanr;e with the Ordinarrces of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that only contraclors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this proiect. I f urtlrer agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that proiect aclrJress is readablc f rorn tlre slrect, that the permi t card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remaln on the site at all times during the irrstallation ol the sign(s) Signature Date 9-9-94 Date Paid:Z:*-Amount Received Heceipt Number:v-Validation 4J Received By ?-t -q5 3CNC 72)e--- SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 225 Filltr Srreet Sprinof ield, OR 97 477 JOB NrrMBrtl_Q-e?_ _A _ ,,slil,s) I)?*,., Otfice: 726 3759 SPNINGFIELr) h, SITE ADDRESS ASSESSONS M 6 Ii 30th l-n field OP AP OWNEB: Eugene Farmerts Co_o p TAX LOT pHoNE: 688-8210 ADDRESS: 26 CITY r Eugene STATE: OR ZtP: 97 402 BUSINESS NAME, FIRM ETC. DESCRIPTION oF PROPOSED slcN(s): (please check and complete all appropriate information) x Wall (set of 3v Sinole F+ __ Freestanding Square Footage:7.5 Total Height above Grade: 17'. ' Vertical Dimension of sign or enclosure: lg "Horizontal Width of sign or enclosure: 5 t Dirncnsion lrom Grade to bottom of Sign Enclosure: 15. 5 t Pan Channel letters)ace Double Face' Projecting Billboard _- Roof Other -- Marquee Material Sign is constructed of: plastic Electrical lnstallation: X yes -- No Vn LUE(ll yes additional electrical permit is ierlriredl OF StGN: & sheetmetal $1094.00 List ALL existing signage and attach a photograph of each sign: (al Type (cl Type Sq. Ftg Sq. Ftg (bl Type (dl Type Sq. Ftg Sq. Ftg CONTBACTOR/1NSTALLER. RAY-O-LITE SIGNS, IliC. ADDRESS pHONE: 68R-2500 101 ttt. S eneca CITY Eugene CONSTNUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION NUMBER 7 1490 CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER:qltn17 9 STATE: OP Ztp: 97 402 EXPINES EXPINES 2-t-95 5-i 0- OFFICE USE Sign District: Zoning: Sign Permit Fee: Land Use 5 Ouad Area t e Code Section: Approv DATE: REOUIRED INSPECTIONS ___ Site to be made prior to sign placement Footing prior to placement of concrete Attachrnerrt after fasteners are installed/prior to cover Electrical prior to energizirrg electrical installation -- Firral completion of sigrn installal ion Additional Comments and/or Conditions By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application arrd do lrcrt--lty certify that all irrlorrnation hcreirr is truc arrd correct, arrd llurther certify that any and all work perlormed shall be done in accordarrce with the Ordinarrccs of tlrc City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State ol Oregon pertaining to the work described lrerein. llurttrer certify that only contraclors an(, employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this proiect. lfurther agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address is rcadablc frorn tlre slrc(rt, that the permit card is located at the front ol the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during the installatiorr of the sign(s Signature Date e-9-94 Amount Beceived: lb Date Paid: a '2-t a </ 4z Validation: Receipt Number & Received By:v' I'a rmpr I o Cn-on SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 225 Fifttr Strcet Springfield, OR 97 477 1616 rv.30rh JoB NUM,E,, qt\b\!teST'TI]NGFIELD Zfi, ,nspt:ction Line: 726,3769 SITE ADDNESS ASSESSOT]S MAP: S rl-field 0R OWNER: Eugene Farmerrs Co -oD TAX LOT PHONE: 688-821o ADDRESS: 2690 Prairie Road CITY Eugene, 0R.STATE: OP ZtP: 97 402 BUSINESS NAME, FIRM ETC.: Eusene I'armer t s Co-on DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SIGN(Sl: (please check and complete all appropriate information) Dirnerrsiorr from Grade (15 t 0va1 & Electrical lnstallation: X yes -_-- No to bottorn of Sign Ertclosure: 8 | reader) (ll yes additional electrical permit is requiredl _ Roof _ Marquee _ Other VALUE OF SIGN:S5- 650 (Cwa1 & render - Wall -X Freestanding -_ Single Face X Double Face _ Projecting _ Billboard Square Footage: 80.5 (32.5 0va1_& 48 readerboardiotat Height above Grade (.?-Ot Oval & 14' readerboard) Vertical Dimension of sign or enclosure: (5 t Oval & 6' readeq)e1;2ontal Width of sign or enclosure (6' Gval & 8' Readerboard) ) Material Sign is constructed ol: plastie & iheetmeta'l List ALL existing sigrrage and attach a photograph of each sign: NONE (a) Type (cl rype Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg. (bl rype (dl Type Sq. Ftg Sq. Ftg CONTRACTOR/INSTALLER: RAY-O-LITE STGNS. flIC PHONE: 683-2500 ADDRESS:1nl NI Qan ?A CITY Eugene CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTBATION NUMBEB CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER: 94037 9 STATE: OR ZtP: 97402 7 t490 EXPIRES: EXPIRES:6-3 0-95 OFFICE USE Code Section: Approved Ouad Area Zoning Sign Permit Fee:DATE: REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: -_- Site to be made prior to sign placement Footing prior to placement of concrete Attachrnent after fasteners are installed/prior to cover Electrical prior to energizing electrical installatiorl __ Final conrpletion of sign installation Additional Comments andior Conditions: By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do herc.lly certify that all irrlorrnatiorr hr:reirr is true arrd correct. arrd I further certify that any and all work performed shall be dorre in accordance with the Ordirrances of thc City of Springlield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I lurther certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I f urther agree to ensure tlrat all required inspections are requested at the proper time. that proiect address is readatrle lrorn tlle strcct, llrat the permit card of the sign(sl. Signature is located at the front of property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during the installation Date 9-9-94 Amount Received Receipt Number: Date Paid: €2>9 7fu-Validation ?-,'+ Beceived By:7 Sign District:_ Land Use: crcel not 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 9 INSPECTTON REQTIEST: OFFICE: 726-3759 /i',i.ir,..,iiieC 1. TOCATION OF INSTALI,ATTON I,EGAL DESCRIPTION JOB DESCRIPTION Connee t to ex{ cti ng Cf rcuits Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork is not started vithin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. CO}TTRACIOR INSTALI.,ATION ONLY E1e ctrical Contractor RAY-O-LITE SIGNS Address 101 N.S e,n e-ca City Eugene l, Phone 688-2 500 Supervisor License Number 291SIG Exp iration Date 1-1 -96 Constr Contr. Number 71490 Expiration Date 2-l-95 si ture of Electrician 0vners ene I'armerrs Co Address 2690 iri e Rad Ci ty Eugene Phone 688-8210 OIiNER INSTALLATION The instal-lation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended for sale, Iease or rent. Ormers Signature: DATE: ?tii:xs:3#iJ#fi,jcv,ine B. Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations INC. or Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amPs _ 401- amps to 600 amps _ 601 amps to 1000 amps_ Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only ETECTRTCAL PERHIT APPLICATION City Job FEE SCffiDUIJ BELOII Nev Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included:ftems Cost 1000 sq.ft. or fess S 85.00 nach additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof S 15.00 Each Marruf 'd Home or -Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder $ 40.00 SPllIircFIELD SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge 3Z Administrative Fee TOTAL Z.-'.r:r:i.. *iiLJ Sum $ s0.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 00 00 00 00 C. D Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less $ 40.00 over 401 to 600 amps - $ 80.00 Over 600 amps or 10OO vofts see rrB'r a6F Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit $ 35.00 Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit S 2.00 E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting z Limited EnergY/Res Limited EnergY/Comm $ $ $ $ 40 40 20 36 8o. oo 5 80. 00 4 .00-*lt- RECEIVED 225 gl,frg S1TBBT ! SPRTNGPTELD, OREGoN 97477 INSPBCTION REQUEST:. 726-3769 OPEICB: 726-3759 1 LOCATTON OP ON I.EGAL DESCRIPTION/^ ^-7z'< 6/?aS JOB DESCRIPTION Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork ls not started vithln 180 days of lssuance or lf vork is suspended for 180 days., 2. CONISACTOR INSTALI.ATION ONI.Y E1ectrlcal Contractor R0SE C0RP Address 8997 DAY LANE Cl ty FIIGFI{L Supervisor Llcense Number I 5GBS Exp iration Date 1 9 Thr rollowlng proloct as eubmlttaC hes the ,. .i, and-dbee not require epe':iii( ie":m zontno- W - ELE TRTCAL PERHIT APPLTCATION , Y'11 '1+City Job Nurbur ?/aZ/Z .,. .. h, iiiftrd slsnaru re;].[Jp!!%!f E .IgE "-SSEEDULE BE LOV Nev Residential-Sing1e or HuIti-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included: I tems Cos t SPRI'\lCFIELO 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Hanuf'd Home or ]- Hodular DvelIing Servlce or Feeder B. Services or Feeders InstaIIation, Alterations or Relocation: r ral. A Sum Constr Contr. Number 54431 Explratlon Date g/90/gS Slgnature o sing Electrician own e rs w^^" .€tZ, #E fuxlf= 6 "rr'?ufr1ffi.dYea*€zra OUNER INSTALIATION The.lnstallatioit is beidg made on property f oun vhlch is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Ovners Slgnature: DATts: $300.00 s 40.00 c. D. Branch Circuits6?' Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteratlon or Relocation 200 amps or less S 40.00 201 amps to 400 amps - S 55.00 over 401 to 600 amps - $ 80.00 0ver 600 amps or 1000 voTts see rrgrr "[ffi- 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps -E 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps- Over 1000 amps/volts -Reconnect 0nly -Each installation Punrp or irrigation $Sign/Outline Lighting- SLimited Energy/Res - S Llmi ted Energy/Comm $ as s0.00 s 60.00 s100.00 s130.00 $ 8s.00 $ 1s.00 $ 40.00 1 ai One Circuit S 35.00 Each Additional Circuit or with Service or Feeder Permit _".2 g 2.00 fA E. Hiscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) 00 00 00 00 40 40 20 36 STIBTOTAL OP ABOI'E 5Z State SurchargerorAl fvTo RECETVED 5 A^L Aaar"=" Phone nga-0q0q t CO M M ERCIAL/ I N DUSTRIAL PERMIT APPLICATTON 225 Fitlh Street, Springfield, Oregon gl4Tl LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK: ASSESSORS MAP: SPRINGFlELD JoB NUMBER 7/d7/Z INSPECTTON LtNE: 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3259 d TAX LOT PHoNE: /eG, -F-2/a CITY: ZIP:STATE: OWNER: ADDRESS: I NEW - REMODEL ADDITION DEMOLISH OTHER VALUE: DESCRIPTION OF WOBK NAME ADORESS PHONE ADDRESS EXPIRES PHONE ELECTRICAL: CONTRACTOR'S NAME ARCHITECT: GENERAL: MECHANICAL: PLUM BI NG: CONST. CONTRACTOR # NO FEE CHARGE Single Fixture Relocated Bldg. (new f ix. addtl) Water Service ft. Sanitary Sewer ft Storm Sewer ft Backf low Device TOTAL PERMIT NN FFF CHA FIGtr I Furnace/burner & vent <100,000 BTUs ,a <rzJ IE Furnace/burner &vent >100,000 BTUs Floor furnace and vent Suspended wall or f loor mounted unit heater Appliance Vent separate Stationary evap. cooler Vent Fan/Single duct 7- Vent from System apart AC or htg. Mechanical exhaus[ hood and duct Permit lssuance $10.00 TOTAL PERMIT ,/4lg e-/.; - OFFICE USE - LAND USE HANDICAP ACCESS FLOOD PLAIN LIGHTING POWER BUDGET: WATER HEATER: r OF UNITS: OCCY GROUP: S OF STORIES: QUAD AREA: * OF BLDGS: CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOURCE: SO. FT.$/so. FT.VALUE TOTAL VALUE OF PROJ X X SQ. FTG MAIN SQ. FTG ACCESS SQ. FTG OTHER RCPT#PLAN CHECK FEE DATE BY BUILDING PERMIT PLUMBI NG DEMOLITION 5% State Surcharqe 5% State Surcharoe M u"'oYAgL"/A_-e'/+ d{FENCE VALUE $ 5% Stale Su rcharoe lf*3 -3rE SIDEWALK FT. SUBTOTAL PEBMITS PAVING CU RBCUT FT. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT TOTAL PERMIT FEES EXCLUDING ELECTRICAL Z4-26 ZONING: REOUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsiblllty of the permit holder to see that all lnspectlons are made at the proper time' To request an inspection' call 726-376g(recorder), state your city designat"Jioo nr.oer, rob address, type of inspection requested and when you will be ready for inspection. Requests ieceived before 7:oo a.m. will be made the same working day, requests made after 7:00 a'm' will be made the following work daY. slTE INSPECTIoN: To be - u 19].91.P^L^YMBING', PAVING: After sravel is in made after excavation, but ELECTRICAL & place but prior to placing prior to setup of forms. fvf-gtHllf f CAL: No work is to asphalt or concrete' be covered untll these UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ,";pectlons have been made sPEclAL lNsPEcTloNS: ln accordance ELECTRICAL & andipbroveo. Section 306 of the State Specialty Code MECHANICAL: TO be made ^.-,.. .roor, " special inspector shall be employed berore "ny *oit i" covered. tl,tJ?^',fttiJ,-sroPs & Sljl?,:Jl:'ii,?:'!X:l;;,0"U'$3,n. o copY of the special testing reports shall FOOTINGS & FOUNDATIONS: FIREpLACE: Prior to placing be f urnished to the Building Division. To be made after trenches are i""ing ,.t"rials and before excavated and forms are framing lnspectlon. STRUCTURAL CONCRETE: ln erected, all steel in place, but excess of 2500 P.S.l. (306 a'1) Prior to Placlng concrete' CONCRETE SLI\B: To be made after all inslab buildlng service equiPment, conduit' PiPing, accessories and other ancillarY equiPment items are ln Place but before anY concrete ls Placed' UNDERGROUN D: Plumbing' electrical, gas, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water and dralnage llnes. To be made Prlor to covering or filling trenches. UNDERFLOOR: Plumbing'. electrical, mechanical' To be made Prior to installation of floor insulatlon, decklng or floor sheathing' POST & BEAM: To be made Prlor to lnstallatlon of floor insulation, decklng or floor sheathlng. FLOOR INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIERS: To be made Prlor to lnstallation of decking or floor sheathlng' MASONRY Steel location, bond beams groutlng or vertlcals ln accordance wlth UBC 2415. ROOF SHEATHING AND NAILING: Prior to lnstalllng any roof coverlng. FRAMING: To be made after the roof' all framlng, fire blocking and bracing are in Place and all PiPes,.chimneYS and vents are complete and the rough electrical, Plumbing and meLhanical are aPProved' INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIER: To be made after all insulation and required vaPor barrlers are ln Place but before anY lath or gypsum board lnterior wall coverlng is aPPlied. FIRE & SEPARATION WALL: Located and constructed according to Plans' LATH AND'OR GYPSUM BOARD: To be made after all lathlng and gypsum board' interlor and exterlor, ls in Place but before anY |rlasterlng ls aPPlled or before gypsum board Jolnts and fasteners are taPed and f inlshed. STDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Required ior all concrete Paving within street right of way, to be made after all excavatlng comPlete and form work and sub-base material in Place. CURB AND APPROACH APRONS: After forms are erected but Prior to Placing concrete. STRUCTURAL WELDS: Performed on the iob' (2722 l) HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING: During all bolt installation and tightening oPerations' (306 a.6) SPRAYED ON FIREPROOFING: U'BC. Standards 43-8. SPECIAL GRADING, EXCAVAT]ON AND FlLLING: During earthwork' (306 a'11 & Chapter 29) GLU.LAM BEAMS: lnsPection Certificate bY an aPProved agency, furnished to the City's Bullding Division before beams are Placed. (2501 U'BC' srDS. 25-10,11). STRUCTURAL MASONRY: (306 a,7\ 'ln addition to the insPec' tions specified, the Building Official may make or require other inspections of anY constructlon work to ensure compliance with the Building, Clty or Development Code. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL f FINAL MEcHANTcAL FINAL FIRE DEPARTMENT SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARD: Must be requested 2 days in advance of the date you wish inspection. All project conditions such as landscaplng, parklng lot striping, etc. must be completed before requestlng thls lnsPection. FINAL BUILDING: Requested after the final plumbing, electrical, mechanical and Fire Department inspections are made and approved. No occupancy of the premises can be made until a Certlflcate of Occupancy has been issued by the Bullding Dlvislon and posted on the premises. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: *PLANS REVIEWED BY DATE By slgnature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examlned the completed applicatlon and do hereby certlfy that all information herein ls true and correct, and lfurther certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Sprlngfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertalnlng to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure wlthout permlssion of the Bulldlng Safety Dlvlslon. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compllance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all requlred inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address ls readable from the street, that the permlt card ls located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remaln on the site at all Signature Date lontimes durlng VALIDATION */L/2-8q/?=AMOUNT RECEIVED: RECEIPT *:RECEIVED BY: DATE PAID: q+ (, \l SPRIII|GFIELE' 225 FIFTE STREET zoning, and does not require epeclfic land u8€ apProvsl. tl EI,ESTR.ICAL PERUIT APPLICATION ty Job Nunber 3. COHPLETE FEE SCMDIITE BELOIJ A. Nev Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included:Items Cost L000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home or- Modular DveJ.ling Service or Feeder $ 8s.00 $ 1s.00 $ 40.00 B Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or 201 amps 40L amps 601 amps c 40.00 55.00 80.00 ii$[[Il3il*3ffi33\o2ffii*P1,t'( ci OFFICE: 726-3759 Authorized siignatutc n nA 1 LOCA i TION OFlat(, I INSTALLATTON...,\ nAfv- A;f Permi ts are on-transferable and exPir if vork is not started vithin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended fo 1B0 days. CONTRACTOR INSTALI,,ATION ONLY EIec t cal Contractor Address Ci ty Supervisor Lice r Expiration Date Constr Contr. Expiratio Addres Ci ty OIINER IN The installation is being made on property I ovn which is not intended for sa1e, lease or rent. s Over 1000 amps/vo1ts Reconnect 0n1y Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 2oo amps or less -1-201 amps to 400 amps - 0ver 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 vol-[ l_ 4 6 1 to to to $ s0.00 s 60.00 s1o0.0o $130.00 s300. 00 s 40.00 amps ess 00 00 000 amps _amps_ Sum ee rrBrr aEove $ $ $ SS Ii D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit $ 35.00 Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit - $ 2.00 Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/0ut1ine Ligh t ing- Limited Energy/Res E 5 $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 s 36.00 CITY OF SPR OFEGOTV Phone Num of Supervising Electri ber te RECETVED o qr5 SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge 32 Administrative Fee TOTAL ?/ ovlz cITY 0F >r'RINGFIELD sysTEHS DEVEL0pmEt{T cltAIrGE ,,0,,,0H?l[t#5[1,, n.., (r-NAl.rt 0R c0t'tPAt,tY: L0CATI0l{: /6/b N.n ,4 DEVELOPI.ITNI TYPE: BUILDING SIZE:oT siz I. STORI'I DRAII{AGE Il'lPERvloUs sQ. FT. f,lo6 x 50.203 prR sQ. FT. SANITARY SEWER-CITY F sQ. Fr 2 3 NO. OF PFU'S (See Reverse) g X $42.08 PER PFU TRANSPORTAT IO''|. NO OF UNITS X TRIP RATT X COST PER TRIP X ]5,75 x s424.3i x s424.31 x s424.31 x x 4. SANITARY SEK'ER-I,iI{I.1C N0.0F PFU'S 8 x $l5.l25 pER pFU + StO HHI4C ADl,t FEE(Use PFU Total-From-lG 2 Above) HI\'I4C CREDTT rF AppLTCABLE (SEE REVERSE) TOTAL.Hh'HC SDC SUBT0TAL (ADD ITEMS 1,2,3 & 4) 5. ADI'iINISTRATIVE FEES BASE RGE BT L ABoVE) X .os 6- s s I oo 3/2, A I ToTAL SDC S gS2z.l9 3s6.6 6 e82.78 Coordi n or a I l/\a valq v,.r.. For rerrrcr.{cis. c:rlctriS!e grrly tlrc l{E{ ;rtl.lilitrrrlrl lir.lrrrl'1') F]XTUNE N'PE Brtlrlub....... Drinking Fcrtttr!.rirt...... g;e91 prain. lnl etceptors For Grease/Oil/Solids/Etc........'........ lnl erceplors For Sand//.ut o \t'a strr/El c'..-.'............ La undry Tub/Ootlresrva shcr....... Clothest'aqher - 3 Or l'4ore..... llobile Hdnie Park frap (1 Per Traiter).......' Recep!or F6r RekigeraloiAVater Station/Etc........ Beceptor For Commerclal S ink/D ishrt'a sher/Etc.. Shorver, Single'Statl Shower. Gang......-......'..-. ' Urinal, StallnYall.......-..- Wash Baiin/Lavatory, Single.---....--........;-.........-.... \t,ater Close! Public lnstallation. t{[rt.166,, L]l: t,lE\i' t:t.\l uiiE 5 I TOT/..L FI}3'UAE Ui{ITS L'i{lr l:OLri\'/'.1 [ I JT I ') 3 6) 6 6 2 2 1 6 1 3 2 t r Ii:T UNE U: JI TS Z 7 /Head I ---4 Il'/ater Closet, Prh'al e..........i...-..-.-..--... l,{iscellaneous: o" /uA-'R f EPAPATaR cREDIT CALCULA,TION TABLE: BaseJ on assessed value. lf improvemenis occurred afier annexation date in t-a'ble, cajculatb cred::s es. C{edit for Parcd or tand Only tf Applicable lmprovement (rf after annexation date) xs 7/.2to -3/2,d/ (Rate X Assessed Value)xs (Rate X Assessed Value) CREDIT TOTAL = $3/2,4 3,2/ Year Annexed Eate per 51,O0O Assessaj Vaiue Year Annexed Fale per 51.O0O AssesseJ Value 1995 1 937 1993 19e3 ,ro]1 r93I .r oo2 s 2.?1 1.93 1.57 1.18 0.79 0.44 0.28 1979 or before 1g3C 1 931 1932 1993 1934'1S5 s3.21 3.13 3.09 2.$ 2.82 2.6S 2.51 RUNOFF COEFFICTENTS FOR STOBTT'l DBAINAGE IhIPERVIOUS AREA = TOTAL LOT SIZE X RUI{OFF COEFFICIENT I II