HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-06-07n '.e:p Lll ll )1).. REslDt\ _,AL" ="",*oFrEr-D - 1 ,' APPLICAT>.il/PERMIT 225 North |th Street Spri,ngfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuisio.n 7 26-37 53 W 7+1 (y' Sioted r9B Date: bl'l lq i41t oRf lt 3t sr Job Location: Aeceaaore l,hp # (d r<ooTar Int ll03 4 LATOAflrtESubdioision: .Souta.sD,A^mer: Phoie lro OT -i tl *r ?041|^41 3z zip:Q"trGvu*City:CJ-t-r-o 4u DeacrLbe h'ot'k: edditian -tt -10Date of App L R ,,ourrn ,^u vatue 6 I *,borJ. ./u,^S&JL -/"*t^ resSracnlla3General7c\'t* P lurnb i - 417.8IIectr'C lanElec tt:Su rv DETIOLITIOII OR I.'OWD BUILDIiICS Sani:ory sa.tet capped tt property line Septie to& p;.oaped atd fitled ttth gra:sel Ftnal - Ifiien obcue itans are eonpleted and uhen Cq.plition ie catplete or atruc- tute noued atd prenrises cleaneC up' Mobile Hcnee fi'alocking otd Set-uP -lPhmbing connectiona '- la)er and ualer ! -1 Electrical Canectton ' Blocking, eet-up Jand plunbing connectione nrtst .be apprc"'ed befir e requ-eeting elec :rtcal inspec lio:z -1 Acceasor-; Building /--lfinat - After Pcnchee ,-l "to. are canPleted' , ekirting, decks, Pqelof2 that aL L Lnapec tions are nade at the proper tine,that ecch cddrea s reaCabie Tt L8 the aee fronr*Bui tho at the ftontLding Site of the ptoperty L tines.UinS remaln on the Bui at a L PBocsDUBE Fon INSPETION ,WI/EST:CALL 7 nequested and uhen Aou uiLL be ready lor uiit be rmde the aone dcy, requeete nade 2 6 -37 6 s (recorder state ci ty .l.ee ignated iob ru.mber ob aCdrees type of Lnspec LCngour and hone nlnbcr.P.equeB receit;ed befcreinepaction,Cott tractora or A'SnerS nctne p aftet 7 00 on t/yL L L be nade the nett wrking da11 Iour ci ty Deoigna ted J'ob Nwnber Ia QOdn l(r Io be nade after prior to set uP of forme. UN\ERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELFC?R|-CAL e MECHANICA|,; ?o ba nnde befote anY ffi7Goarcd, FOTINC E FOUNDATION: To be nade ffiffi;AFfi^caoated and for^t *" erected, but Ptior to Wurtng coterete, UN1qRGROUNp PLUMBTNG? SSryER.,w'4\E-.!' DRAIIIAGE: To be nade PrLor to JLL- Ti$&nchee. UN1ERFTOR PLU\'E(NG 4 MECUI-NIC,aL: -To be nade prior to inotaLLatT'on oI floor insuktion or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be ndde Priot' to ffiitafrETtrof floor inaulation or deckittg. R1aGH PLUIBII\C. ELECTRTC,AL E MECH; ANICAL: No uork ie to be couctect GllTtheae inspecti,ons haoe been made atd approtteC. EIPEPL\1E: Prlor to Pkcirq facing ,,tdtetl;G artd before franing inepec' tion. FRAHIIG,: l,tust be nequeoted aften ffiofit of rough plunbing' electri- cal 6 nechanical. ALL roofitlg bracittg E chinmeys, etc. mtat be , conpletad. No uork ie to be cott- ' cee,Led until thio iwPeotion laa 'been nwde and approued. DRYIIALL INSPECTION: ?C bE IrudE AftFitTEiGlTt e .in pLo ce, but prior to cnY taPtng. MASINRI: Steel Locati.on, bond Effigrouting or Dertieale in aceordaitce tith U.B.c. Section 24L5, HOODS?OVE: @tetea. After iwtallation ie CURB & APPRCAC\I APNN: After forms A:; eiectdE-p;ror b pouri,tts concrete. SIDEVALR 8 DRIVEWAY: For aLL con- ;retffirrg ,fittrn Btreet right- of-tnu-, to be made after aLL ezca- ,Lti"lg- canplete & fora wrk & sub- fu.se nntenial in Place. IENCE: hthen conPlete -- Prouile @G or mooable aectione through P, U.E.W Uags |Shfu,odA VStres[*tcl't FIIIAL PLUMBINC FINAL MECIIANICAL PIIIAL ET,ECTRICAL ILL proiebt conditiona, euch as the i'nstal-Lation of street !!?"-?.: "oWlation.of bhe nnqu'trlla"ini"ipirg,'Lto., ,nst be satisficd befone the BtfiLDING FINAL can be requested' FINAL BUILDTNG: lhe Finat Building Inapection mtet be requeated alt',er the Final Plwnbtry Eln;,.iri,;"i; atd Meclar,tcal Inspecbion, ia'sn been made atd approtted' .ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJASTITENT TO BE I'L4DE AT NO COST TO CITY ,.w @, \ rfd \\1 N\r, tllg SI?E INSPECTION: e-xcanlation, but r OLAF 'CE SS REQ,-L-CO Bedroome:t: tot Facee - Building Vqlue & Permit Thia pemrtt ia granted on the erpress cotd-ition that the said-consttwction iiirt" a afi rZapecti,-;.;;i;;io the ot'dinance adop.ted bv the ci"tv o.f ipi;."g1ln1, inclluding- the ioning Cvdinanc.e, regulati-ng the ccnstraeticn ind u"sZ of Luildi.nge,'and may be euspended ot, rertokeC at cny time upon oi-c' lation of any pt'crtisione of eaid 2t'dinances. P. L, VaLue TOTAL VALUE IIouse ve t x DC a JOB NO. S.D.C. 1.5 r Total Eeight Building Petmit Total Clnrges State Date Paid: Signed Beceipt #: Topography IOT IYPE fnterior Cotner Panhandle CuL-de-sac Iot Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lot Ccuerage_ ! of Stories Plumbing Permit No Derson alull constrntct, inatall, altet or cltange dna neu _c? e:isting ilriri;"g o* tlrainage ayeten in uhole or in pant, unleas such penaon is the 'Legal pLeees"o, olto uLlid pl*rbnr,s LiceneZ, etcept that a person na'g lo- ptGAiig uork to property ini.h i.u otmed, leaaed or operated by the appli- cant. TLL CHARGENO ?D Sani Sa,ter Fi.sturee Resil.ential (1 bath) Plwnbing Pernit State Sut'charge Electricq I Perm it wet,e state La requiree tlwt the electri.cal uork be done by.an glectrical Contraetor, the el)cfuical portion of thi.s ,permi.t sl@LL rot be oaliC until the Label has been atgned by the Electrical contractor' NOlTEM crE CIIARCENC. , Mechq nicol Permit tlas/Exterd Cincuits Seruice Stdte lotal llcodstoue Vent P@t Exlwat llooC Permtt Isaucncz Meclwnicel Penntt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seca.ritv Daposit Stord.ge l,bintenance Permit Cvrbcu! Sideualk ?ence Electrical Label (IMQi(e ttqne N PLan Ercmlne? Total LfJ--'G -T _?O tn.rdrt rr,^trrta .\trf.a \rs A si ed Date /ot LMTrme: ITSM Total Charoea State w.H3 f\^rl* Job No.7ooGt6 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services 225 North Sth Street Building Division Date // TO' rta^ru,*-JOBADDRESS /{7L il AI JTSJ eb?{€r ^t Skt "v * INSPECIORCALL FOR REINSPECTION ****CALL FOR N 726-3769 - TNFORMATTON:726-3759"***