HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-04-16,7 INF0RI{ATI0N: 726- 37Ss CIE T OF SPH,I\TGFIEI-D SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 CITY OF SPRI.\,iGFIELD SI6:i CONSTRUCTIOY fu\D ELECTRICAL i),ISTALLATION COIIB INATION APPL ICATION/ PE IL\IIT I]-SPECTIoS REQUESTS : 7:6- j:b9 LEGAL DESCRIPTIO:,I ON){ER OF PROPERTY AODRESS OIfl(ER 0F SICr'(IF OTHER T}LL\ PROPERTY OlnlER) LocATIos oF sI6N(Ao0RESS)732 She11e 1nSt. S field Or TYPE OF tsUSIIESS v PHONE ZTP oun rrc LOT 4 e AODRESS NA\IE OF BUSI}.ESS, FIfU, ETC Northwest Vendin Co. o SI I./ALL ROOF t"!\RQUEE OTHER FREEST,\\DIIqL; PROJECTIN6 REAOER BOARD BILLBOARD IDENTITY PROJECTING INCIDENTAL DOUBLE FACE (_.\dLL 1 NON- I DENTITY SECONDARY SINGLE FACE }ruLTI - FACE ERECT RILOCATE ALTER gIIIER xx VENMRS, COSTR,\CTCRS: srcN ERECToR Studio lYest Graphics ADDRE55 1000 S. Bertelsen Rd. PO Box 10668 Eugene, Or. 97440 PHONE 34FTstr CITY I,ICETiSE NI:}IBER fu sIGN I'IA\UFACTUREI (IF ADDRESS IER TIL{\ ERI: EXP. DATE EL-EcrRIc.{L conrmctoR (/ ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NI.'}IBER DIT!ESS I C)iS I I STi L L\i i C,r" .uJ D CC);STR.UCT I 0l{ I r" F0 Rtt\T I 0){ TorAL HEIGHT ABovE 6R{DE 16'- 10"vERTIcAL DIITENSIoN oF sr6N 38 t - 0" HoRTzoNTAL wIDTH oF slcli fr--a'frJ -'t DIIiENSIO:{ FROii C-r{,i0i: TO BOTTO}! 0F S 13r_ 6"IC$IESS .OR LEPTH CF SIGii 1rt DOES SICN PRoJECT BEY0:(0 PRoPERTY LINE _ YES _X N0 IF YES, DIIIENSIoN BEYoND PRoPERfi LINE I{OTE: IF PROJECTION IS I.|ORE, TII).\ I2'' OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY THE SIGN ERECTOR.,.IUST FILE I{ITI.I THE BUILDI}IG DIVISION COPIES OF HIS PUALIC LIABILITY A\D PROPERTY DA.II.I,\GE INSURI"\CE POLICIES. I{ILL Sl6ti HAVE ELECjTRICAL I{IRING? _''5 XNO IF YES, hI{ICH APPLY? ELECTRIC{L SICN _ILLU}IINATED (INDIRECTLY LICTTTED) DEscp.rBE TypE oF l,-\rERrrLs sr6]! rs colrsrp.ucrED oF_ 24%ljers constructed ffgq_11__Lglyfoamr 3'-4" Logo letters cl,nstr PROVIDE UL M,TIBER IF APPLIC.\8LE - VALUE OF 5IGN $5OO. OO SITE INFOR\IATION (L)"\O IJSE)--EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LP.\D (OR LAST USE IF VACA.\T):-Qf!!gE 4.N d warehouse PROPOSED USE OF BUI LDING oR uuro: AL\DI)sfF?/ A l- EXISTil{G SIG,IS (SiGN CoDE)ARE T1IERE EXISTING SIGNS?out wood letters ONE IF APPLICABLE: X ITiDOOR BUSINESS x v* No ,t Et, DE'.RIBE ALLTre Failed to'the exFt -OLTTDOOR }IERCHA.\D I S I NG EXISTING SiGNS FOR BUSINESS,:in$ wbod'waf1 " CHECK FIRY,erc. Exis ting cut and will be removed to provide space for the'proposed new signage. AI,L EXISTING SIGNS ON PRETIISES(SA,\IE TAX LOT): I HAVE CAREFULLY EXr"\IINED the completed applicati.on for pe:coit and do hereby certify that all information hereon. is true and correct, and I further certify thar all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sigq Ordinance, the other ordi.nances of the Cit ty Codes tmy Uniforn Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I Ci.ty of Springfield is in full. force and effect as required by alJ. required sign inspections l,isted on the approved pennit. NA.YE (PLEASE PRI[T) SIGN DISTRICT ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED:S I TEl LOC.ITI ON _FooTING 0R r,'lETllOD 0F A'ITACIr\IENT further cert y of Springfield and the laws of n Contractors License Hith the (.3) and 9-7-2OLZ\, I rill request l-,: oa 16'81 6 -FOOTAGE OF SIGN ELECTRICAL FI OTHER FEES TMAL FEE FOR PERUIT fi,-60 STATE SURCHARCE: SICN PERTIIT CIL\RCES:45oo ELECTRICAL PEP.UIT: - C}IARGES: PLEASE ii,\O 1) Seorrrre Siqn ,lorl icrrion: A separate application is required for each separf,le >lgn Js .lcirneo in the sign code. 2) Electrical: Ary perrsic issued under this application will include wir- ing rn or on sign structure, che supply wires for connection must be covered on an electricel permit. Eleccricel connection must be made onlv by r. State Licenscd Electrical Contractor. Illu:ninated signs (both internelly end excernetly) must conform to Seccions 9-7-1 (4)6(5) and 9-7-lS of che Springiield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plens Reouired: This application is to be submitted with two completesets or plrns drern co scale, showing dimensions and height of sign; ad- verti5ing nessrge on sign; Iocation of sign on properry with dimensions to properEy lines. srructual detail.s of support frarning, bracing and foorings; n:terials of construction for sign and sign structure; elec- tric:I equipcenr rnd lighring; size and loiation of existing signs onproperly for the sc.ne business, alI as required to deternine compliancesith the Springiicld Sign Ordinance (Arricle 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also. show the r'otlowing infornation on the plot plan (plan showing proper.ry lines and location of signs): a) Shos the locarion of ell e-risting sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) Shos the length of rhe street frontage taken up by che business or buildi;rg. c) Shov the locarion of entrances open to the public and driveways. 4) l{hen required, beceuse of design, size, etc,, engi.neered drawings and calculerions nust be preoared by a licensed engineer or shai.L conform to desrgn scandards on file at the Building Divj.sion Offi.ce. 5) Ptans of insufficienr clarity or detail will be recurned to rhe ap-plicrnc vich no perntE being issued. 6) Signs nust meet corner vision cl.earance requirerBents as described in Fig. 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. 7) NOTE: lio sign nay be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or verticJlly fron overheed electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less th:n 5 feet in any direction froo overhead electrical. lines vhich ere energized at less than 750 volts. ' B) If e si;n is nor installed r;ithin 60 days after the date of issue ofthis peraic. the penrit shall be void- e)Insoect ions: a) Site Inscection - to be made before the s rgn I f\LtD.iTIO}J r5rl-qtAf 5\0338 Oiq6r. b.oo Ehe I:oo:.rrq [;r5pection (if applicable) nay be ,s pl nade aced. Usually, at the sametine as rne Stce lnspeccion. The Footi.ng Inspection is to be oade after hole(s) is excavated, but prior to the placement of concre E e. b) Final l:',soection - to be made upon completion of all work. c) Electri.cel - All electrical signs nust be inspected for electri- cal hook up tfter rhe sign i.s erected and before the sign is turned on. CLERK DATE CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 726-3769. 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT i. XrUOffit coNDlrlolis ro sE sArIsFrED EEF.RE EREcrroN oF srcN: Butt Or U Wntc PRru€7ER U NCV ADDITIONAL INFOR\I,\TION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT }tAY BE ISSUED: PLA,}IS REVIEI{ED BY TE 1-zo-B/ Z3o tts \ T -7, z l€* 5L.11ey Street lVNl NoRIHwEST vENDNG co' t-l t