HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-08-27.. RESIDENTIAL.. APP L J C AT I O N i-.J Rful I I' 225 North Sth Street iiytringfield' Onegon 97477 Builrltng Dtuision 7 26-s7 53 SPRINGFTELD >b Locatiott i::essorc !'!!tp il bdiu')sion: '^mef' Jtlre:; s T6s Lot ll L --l I Descr"ibe (orl< 1,:ldt ticn [n:r I ti,no,k'l- !!o!til c !lonc dlue-+ Datc ol APPZicat S I,]'!: I N:;I'EC':' 1 ()N : eJ:Lnua,Lion' buL forns. 'Io be mtdc a!'ter ptdor te set uP of To be aj' vAtrll I,l ter uL ticn y!-! E!!!tV=-!:! u!E!!!--E L! q!!gL-g ;,tii,t:u,jat: 'fo be made befote anY uo,T7i'iouened. F )TIttg 1 FOUNDAI'TCY To be nPcle ,;l L ct-t ru rutn; s rtriircauated arul furrrs are erected, but Ptior to ptut,irtg ccncrete. !t' P!! 9 i9!t:!L !A!!!! 9- :;!',Yt',!l-!!y* D!(A I llAt;l':: 'l'o be na:le prLor co t L L- Ti-i{iGncnes. wt tEi!!,!!,c-!.1!!0J!9-!--t!E!JAApL : ^'l',' be nucle pPior to Ln:itallacLon ol floon tnsulction or decking. DRYWA\,[, INSPECII)N: ?c be nade ;f-" ;7TT-A,"y;;n- L s in p tac e, but prior to cnY taPing- MASONRY: Steel loeation, bond iiililgroutittg ot' uerti<:als tn accopdairce DitI, u.B,C. section 2415 . wooDS'r'0vt::ccnfiril.After tnstallat'ton is requ:-t ed uapor' but before any unLL couering i. oty insulation baw,iers are in Place Lath, gyPswn baat'C or s appliecl, arul before is concealed. t'oiT AND BEALI: ?o be rade Prion to Troilc[tat6" of floor insulation ot' deaking, !?(1!'ril! !t,tt:lR-l !!c, Et:EC?R!9A[, .t I'lECll; AN|L'A!.: No uork ts to bc aotered wi7 L these inspectiors haoe been natle ,rrul appt'oued.. FMEPLACE: h.tor to plccirg faeing ,,tdcer;;G arul before fratning inspec- tion. l'RAtlIltC: ttust l>e requested after Al,yooal of rough plwnbing' zlectni- ait'L I nealnnical. AL! r'oof ing ltracin;1 & tthinmeys, etc. mtst be conrple totl. lto ucrk is to lte con- ca.c'Leil until ttis inspection |as 'ber:n n,tdc anr! approt:ed. rtilAt, Pt,u!.t\IIlC !' I ilAl, iltiCltA,\I CA t, F t NAI, [:I,E("|'II I CAI, CURB ,g APPRCA{)I! AI'!:!QN: Alter forms ar,;Z;*tei bu;i,'lii to pourins eoncrebe. Sru!:ttAt,K ,fi DRII'titt,4Y: For all con- irete paofr,g Ginin stteet night- of-r,tcu-. to be naCc after all exea- oLtln-g- cdnptete & j'orn wrk & cub- base naterial in Place. IENCE: When conPlete -- lYooiCe f,iiZa or nortable sections thnough P. U. E. AL.L proiect aondit*tns, ttucli as the "i.nst-al^lation of stl,eet _t_le_e_I.'- conptction of the requir.ecl .LancTsccpir.g,'Lt'"'., *r"t be aatisfiZ<1-L,ifrl"i tn" EUILDIN| PIiAL can be requested' FTNAL BUILDINC: The l,',.inol Btilding rnspection mtet be requeeted alter the Pinal Plwnbing b t' "; ;i";;;|' :' ia u ". no.t i, ri ii, p ". t-i "ns'hau e b e en made and app,ou e d -_l :l_l b N\IJ /-)4T;O53LPlione; ( 4 \ Date r)ltr l:t () icnerit I I uurtr i ttg, Itrc[ratr lcit I lr Ii l,ut: L r t.ll e<'t r t: iitrtitrlrr,liv to see that alt .inoytections at:e nade at tlte ptope" time' that acch cddress is readabie \,,n,,qnttol ron rNgpECTI\tt RSQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state youl City W"ady fo-n inspcct;-on, Contraator:t or A)ners :ill be natle tlrc sane dcy, requests-mcde afber 7:00 ccn uvLLL be nade the nct Cesigra rwne antl t holdet'It is the ca?d ie Located at the front of the proPe"tYall times. responsibility of the Pe(mi str.e'et. anC that the Permtt lhiui:iov: ,tP;rou'erl PLan shcll'rom the L renain on tlo Building ::iL. utt ltui.! di:u.l job aCdtess, tYPe of insPeclicnted job nwrber', Pequesta receiDed befcre 7:00 rnphone nwnbct'. t wrkiry1 day. Your City Desigruttatl Job Ntunbat' Is BU I LDIDEMOLI?IOII OR Sanilary eerset eapped ct property Lire , rrl, I I I,,1,' 'ti:.'!,{' ".i/l i," lr I Septic tank p:trtped artd filled uith gra:sel Final - l{lten abcue ite:ns are ccnpZeted and uhen Cemoli.tion is conplete ot stt'ti:' ture noveC and. prenises cleaneC up. Ilcnes aru| Set-uP eonnections -- sane? and, uater L - After Pcrches, akirting, decks, are canpleted. setBCcnnectionlocking -uiLectt'ical ntaas beconnections apprcvedandLutnbingYtio:tLee!r"ica Le Lns?ecrequeati.ngbefote Aceessot":i Building etc. Pllte 1 ol !.\A!,1, t1,1illtct,t:; AND cLr.:ANOI)'1',.: tltt:T nE iccl:;tIBr,t, AD,|UST\E\\T T0 nE lt.Pr: /.'l'N0 rcsT T0 cl'ly N*o t-CO GSOLAR AC-CESS REQ.-JOB NO. Iat Sq. Ftg LOT ?YPE !leat z cf Lct Coteraga_fntericr Corner PanharuTle CuL-de-sac P. t,.llou t, e Aacess ! of Stortec Tor;al Height Topography th t ITEM FTG x VaLue Building Vtllue & Permit This permiL is granted on the erpt,ess condition tlnt the,:;.titi.cttttsLtu't i''trt iruff, A all rZspects, conform Lo th-e. otdinance edop.te;l b'y Lle t',ity "J' ipriibfl."u, ;nctluatng' tti z"nt"rt cndlnanc.e, PegulcLt,n'l .Llt a1rytru'.'':.''.'.. - oird u'in of Luildi.ngs,- and nay be suspende,l or reuokec ,zL a:11 t'.na ul'())i ut.()- Lati.on of a.ny prcoiaions of said 1rdinances' OC) TOTAI, VAI,UE 0c.S.D.C. 1.5 r Buildiryl Perwit PLan 5 Date Pa'il State 15.1s Recei.pt ll Total Clntgea ITEM NO,T'T:E CHARGE Plumbing Permit No nereort slnll constntct, instal!', a!'ter or cltangc Gn! neD.ct'oxisLittt';i,,:;b;;'";;;;i"iZ--"ii"t"" in thoie on in part, inless such person is Ltr i;;;1"';r";'r";;;-;7;illii pt"^aor's Lic.ens-'e, eicept Lhat a.pe:'so71 171'1" 't<) pliiti|rg uork to p..fity-rfnt-ch is otmed, Leased o'r operated by the ai't'Li- cant. I'ittwee Residenti.al (1 bath) Sani Seuer Ilc 1 Plunbing Pernit State L ]TEM Electricol Permit I,Ilet,e SLate. t,au requires ttat the electri-cal uork be done by an ElecLrical contracLor, the electrllot pintio" of th.is _permit. shatl not be oalic wttil the label ins been signed by Lhe ElecLrical CottLractor" Na,t,/EcLend Circuits Set tice L C)o Stcte Total NC,Ern CIIARCEITSM Fvtrace PTIJ|S kfuuat llood Vent Fot Noodstooe { Mechqnicol Permit Permit rssuane2 lleehanical Permtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secarity Deposit Storage Mainterance Potmit Cvtbcu! Sida,talk Fence Electrical Label MoQle llone 1tb )I5 Zono: Total Cha I ttAvE IAREFULLy E0AI'':INED tle compleLed apptication fo,r permtt' cnd <ia i"iiti certify ttot'-ait-lrfirr*4b" heneon' ie true and eonrecL, anJ I iirliL, ."rtiiy that a)v aQ aLL a91k pe1fonned ahall be dote i:t accon- dance uith the ordiia),c"no-of 7t'n city of springfield' .and the La;e of ttn * State of oregcn p"r:i;;;;;rg-io- ttte aoik CesbribZd hcrein, cnd !1n! No occli- pAlcy aiLL be nade ;7"';;|; ';;";ii* wttio"t permiaeion of the BuitdtilQ DL- ttision. I further certif',1 that otly eontrac'tore and .enplcyees ul:o are tit Lorpiion o'rtth cns 701.'0"5s uiLL be- used on thte project t)*X.r t \0L,.-*"t-Jr- 1U (\\ t 1121v66r:ts tot Faces ' T)TAL AH)UNT DtlE:'5D {\L\- 5r. ) Permit No: Address: lssued by STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure My general contractor is Contractor registration number I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. OR 1 2 Date: COPY TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT FILE B I will be my own general contractor. lf I hire subcontractors. I will hire onlv subcontractors reoistered with the Construction Contractors Board. lf I chanqe mv mind and Eo hire a oeneral contractor. I will contract with a contrattor'who is reoistered wlth tne Constructi'on Contractors Board and I will immediately-notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contradtor. I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the lnformation Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this form. t- J; - clA ure Applicant Date r-1.1-\uf,. € CONSTRUCT]ON CONTRACTORS BOARD 0244J 10124t89 COPY TO APPLICANT @r Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 28:. su-t-F- .. RESIDF\TIAL.. APPLICATIalI/PERMI! 225 Nonth 5th Street Sprtngfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFIELI) I ilSaLATr)N /YA?OR BA\8!ER r ilSPEC!!.ON : lo be nade aftet, aLL insulaticn a:d tequined zsapor boniers are in place but befone any Lath, gypsun bcarC ot, tnLL cooeting is cpplied, and before oty insul.a,tion is concealed. DRYWALL fNSPECII)N: ?c be rrude ;f;;;-Af@;T-ie in ptace, but prior to cny taping. MASON!?I: Steel Location, bond iifrilgrouting or uerticals in aceondutce tith U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: ;cmpT;t;a. After installation is I s- Job Locaticn: Assessors MaP il gtbdiuision: Otmer Address: City Date: l,lechanica' Srrpe Elec Lr c]'an It ie the responeibility of tle penrit holdet to aee that aLL incpeetions a.te nade at the p?ope" tine, that each cddress is t'eadabie fron the stpeet, and that the permtt catd ie l,ocated at the front of the property.tBuilding Diuicion appz,o"*ed plan sfu:ll rematn on tha Building Sitc at aLL times. PRocgDUPE FOn INSPECAIOil R1QWSTTCaLL726-3769 (tecotdet) state yout, City Cesigrated job nunber, job aCdress, type of inspeclictt iequ;rt;a-arA-fien Wu ITLL be z.eady for inspection, Contractot,s ot omers nctne and phone nunbcn. Requestl receixed befcre 7:00 c:t r.'iLL be npde the sante dcy, ?equests nade aftet 7:00 on vLLL be nnde the nect tnrking day Iour. City Desigr,ated Job Munber Ia: SI?E INSPECTION: e*.ao;r|.n, -but ?o be nwde after prton tc set up of fr T Ir il forne. UN?ERSLAB PLU!,tBltlt- ])LEnWqA-L e i4ECHtllICAL: To be made before ang GEGTouu ed. PAOTINC t FOUNDA?fCN: To be naCe after trenchea are exca'uated and forms are erected, but priot, to Wuying ccncreta. qps&qalNp PLUMSrNC, ssw.?. il.ArER.onllilct; rrte naCe pr"ior to fit-7f ii6n"hes. UIIDEPFLOOR PLUI,EIIIG & MECHANTCAL: o7 floon ineulction or decking. POSI AND BEAM: To be made priot to TnstiTTitGn of floor insulation ot' decking. ROUG}I PLUEIIIC, ELECTRICAL & I,IECII: ANICAL: No uotk is to be coaered ffiiTthese inspecti,ons haue been nade and apprortei. FIPEPLACE Pt iot, to plccirg facing mc.te?ia s and. befot,e froning inspec- FIIIAL PLUMBIIIG PINAL IiECHANICAL FII'IAL ELECTRICAL CURB & APPRCACH APP.ON: at " evAtAArVnA After fornsto pouting tion. FRA!!I!C: l,tust be requested aftet apptoual of rough plwrbing, eleetni- cal & mectnnical. AIL roofiztg bracittg & chinmeys, ete. rrust be cornpleted. Ilo ucrk ia to be con- . cecled until thi.s inspeeti,on las 'been nade anC approtsed. eonerete. SIDEWALK & DRII.EIIAY: For all con- c"et;nao@Gtffi street right- ofaxy, to be nade after aLZ etca- oating eatplete & for'n utork & sub- base naterial in Place. PENCE: h1ten conPlete -- ProuiCejdlG o, nouable sections through, P, U, E,drfiffatu{\ud ""??AY 7nil4 3Z W?bl|,ra* h!r) ALL project conditions, suck as the i.nstallation of stt'ee required LanCsecpieg, ctc., mtst be satisfi-ed before the ,+ a,a,rl /bn L , conoletion of the FINAL ean be requested. PINAL BAILT)INC: The final Building Inspection mtet be requested alter the Pinal Plwnbing \J Electrical, and Necharical rnspections hqoc been nade and approueC. Scnilaty seser eapped et property line /, .il^ir,r,,i'tttiilT/ldl,,,irl l.l;;i,t.,i Septic totk p;,urped and filled uith gravel Final - hlhen abcue itens are ccrnpleted and uhen Cenolition is conplete ot, st!,u3- ture noued otd, prerrises cleaneC up. e Hcnes od Set-up eonnections -- aa)ev anC. uatet before requeeting eleclrical inspeclion Aecescory BuilCing ' pct ekes, skirting, decks, leted. Connection SCBloeking u9 and connections betn;stpLwnbing appnct;ed Pinal - After etc. ate coitP Palre 1 of 2 ?ct lot ll Phone: \L\&e\h\ Deseribe h'ottk: Date of AppL .-.o0/tEt Val.ue \qBb Additicn RenoCeL llobile Hone ii Gener Plurnbi cc f.rE TAT,L IIANIICLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST RE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIII TO BE I,IADE /.T TIO CCST TO CI?Y putut +11 1 r-l tr .i, T /JOB NO. BeCrooms: Lot Faces - !!eatSetbacks Cat aqe AccessP.L House RattNot'th East South West % of Lct Ccoeraga_ TNT TYPT _ Interi,ct _ Corne" _ Panhandle - Cul-de-sac Total P.eight . FTG VaxITEM Iat Sq. Ftg. I of Stories Topogrcphy tlain Cc?ade Ca"Dort ,(\Accdssoru \I ,t-AA &mv{cn TOTAL VALUE s. D. c.7.5 t 1a NO.FEE CHARGEITEM Ei.stures Residentia.L (1 bath) Soitary Seuer Wctet, ITEM NO.FEE CHARGE Res. So. ftq. Na,t/Ectend Cincuits Tanpor@A Setruice /S"octt In l'f, /5 ou bhanst Hood Vent Fdt toF CIIARCEITSMNC. llcodsto;te * Mechqnicql Permit Permit fssuance Mechanicet Permit -- ENCROACHMEN? -- Seeitr.Ltu Deposit Stotdge l,ldinterance Pcrmit Curbaft SidataLk Fence Electrical ta.bel ilo\il,e Hyte f\tq85/5.?5s.ds soLAR A^'Ess REQ.-L-co * Lace Building Volue & Permit This permit ic granted on the erpress cond_i-tion ttat the said construction slnll', in all r-espects,- ioi,iii 'to the Ot'dirnnce adopted tiy the iity 2f SpiLngyle1, incfidtng' the 2oning Cd:.nanc-e, regulatiryt the ccnstmteticn ,ira "ZL of'buildings, and may be suspended or rettokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of any prcoi.sione of said 1rdinances. Euildingl Perrit Stqte Total Charges Plunbing Pernit State State Total Total PLan Date Paid: Reeeipt ll Signed: * Plumbing Permit llo person slnll consttuct, instalL,- altet or change.any neu-c/' esisting ptrhtl,rq or drainage sastal in aho'Le or in part, unless such person is the iegal pbsses"o, o7"o u"olid plr^b"n's Lic-ensb, e&cePt th'at a Person na! 49pir ti"g uork to property uhieh is oDned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electricsl Permit l,lhete State Lan "equi?es ttnt the electtical uork be done by an Eleetrical Conttactor, the eLecttical portion of this permit stall rot be oaliC until the Label los been si.gned by the Electt'ical Contractor, L * Datu I HAW CAFEEULL( ,YAMINED the completed application for permit, and do herebu certify that aLL infornation hereon is ttue and eorreet, aruc r furth"er certiiy that ang ard aLL uotk perforned elal-L be done in accor- 'dance vith the- Ordinancbs of the City of S,ingfield, anC the Lc":e of ther State of Oregcn pertaining to the wrk Cescribcd hereln, cnd that NO )CCU- uycy iitt bZ nade of any structure ui,thout permieaion of the BuildingT Di- uision. f further cZrtiiii thet only contracto?s and .ezplcyees uho are itr eo:rpliance uith CRS ?01.055 uiLL be used on thie ptoiect tA^ ( C ^.^. '.1.-l /r',>8-J -so TaTAL AttQUtlT 1UE:' Dzte ?ono :\)t lKq,t\\ ( teLue ) (5cpit nfl * l'Larl Lxanlner Permit No: Address: lssued Date STATEMENT: INFORMATTON NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 28: I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure. My general contractor is Contractor registration number I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. OR 1 2 B I will be my own general contractor lf I hire subcontractors. I will hire only subcontractors reoistered with the Construction Contractors Board. lf I chanoe my mind and -do hire a qeneral contractor. lwill contract with a contrattor-who is reoistered wlth the Constructibn Contractors Board and I will immediately-notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contradtor. I hereby certify that the above inlormation is correct and that I have read and understand the lnformation Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side ol this form. F,'- J -9o rerl e m /rts{A p Date CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD 0244J 10t24t89 COPY TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT FILE I COPY TO APPLICANT @s \ c uw a.- CITY OF OREGO'V SP,l!NGF!ELO DEVELOPMENTSERY'CES PUBLIC }UIOFKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH SIEEEI SPRINGFIELD, OB 97477 (50s) 726-37s3 As requ ired by the CitY of Springfield DeveloP ment Code, f understand and agree that vi th the aPProval of the attached Pe m one of f.I1 ng manufactured homes viI I be placed at Springfield, Oregon, C ity Job Number C Iass A Manufa ctured Home. A t an not sst enclos i ng a space of at least that are commonlY used or com CIass B Manufactured Home. A manufactured home of not less than 12 feet in t an roo pit vith exterior dimensi ons enclosing a sPace of not Iess than 500 sq uare feet, vit h roofing and siding ma teriaLs that are commonlY use d or comPatib le vi th si te buil-t homes ' 6-e -70 Dateure manufactured home of not less than 24 feet in 2rlit roof pitch, vith exterior dimensions-960' square feet, vith roofing and siding materials patible vith site built homes' "J.-\ ch, t - \ oUrns\o /? rz /4 ,r! S't ', S7-.rrr42, Dln,, fla),'t 7afuc's , ,/z'*'o-'-J s/oVs' V)zoy'/"r, /r4 *"] h*-^ fL bts/ b "'p=' o( />< ' ZlL d*,*// $..,los K'.-:J F{ ^\\ \ st