HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1986-10-24I *ALL IIANHCLES AND CLEANOATS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJASTIIEIIT rc BE LL4DT A7 IIO CCST TO CI?Y @---t-r!fltrurrq-a".{ Job Loeaticn:///.s7- Aaseseors Map #noz 3 Subdiuision: A;ner: Addtess:s7 Phone: ci Na,t Deeq,tbe Woyk: ,/47aAC ?aa r4-- Sa{ur<-a. O-! CXt577.-6, .Va,&-4 ,/a;aa-t AiAition L Date of Value GeneraL Constn ctiorr_lende!_ uhen you LL 726-3769 (teeoydet,) state your. Citg desigrnted jobreadyfot, inspection, Contraetoz,s or A;nels nanne cnd plnneI be nwde the sone dcy, requests nade after ?:00 ott ttill be nnde the neet tnrking dag. Iour Citg Desigr,ated Job Nutnbet fs a- It ie the teapoaoibility of the penrifrcn tlu atteet, and, tlwt the oernrit*BuiHing Dioiciot appro,*ed pliot shcl "t hod* to aee tlzat all-inopee-tione ee nad,e at the ptoF)et tine, that ecch addrbss is tea4ni.iecatl. ia Lxated at the fzont' of tlte propetta.L remain on tlte tunlding Site-"at-all"li;;:' , rntnber, job aCitess, type of inspeelicnnumber, Requests receixed befcte- Z:00 ctz f0 o1b7 SI?E INSPEC?ION: eecauation, but ' Io be rrude after prion tc set up of ANDERSLAB PLAMBING. ELEC?RICAL & WCH{IIICAL: To be nade before angwk ie eooered. fotms WEIING & FOUNDA?TCN: To be np.CeAn;;Wes ate eccattated and forns are ereeted, but prior to pourtng ccnerete, i UNDIRGR1U\|D ?LUI,|? INGL EqWp' tnAlLR' DRAIIIAGE: ?o be nwCe p"Lor to fil-Lirq trenches. AIDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECIIANTCAL: oy flooz, insuT,ation or deeking. POS? AND BEAU: To be nade prlor to ffiiffilffof floor insulition or decking. ROUGH PLU-,!BN'IG, ELECTRTCAL & TIECH: ANfCAL: No uoyk is to be co';*et,ed dllTthese inspeetions lwoe been nade and. approtsed.. FIP@I,ACE: Prtor to placirq faeingmatil& ard befot,e f"*nirS ir"p.L- tion. fFL![llq: lttust be requested aftet @aL of rough plwnbing, e-Lectri-cal & mec?tanical. ALt toofing bracLng & ehinmegs, etc. nrast be . conpleted. Ito ucyk is to be con- . cealed until this inspectLon las 'been nade anC approved. ?TNAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FIt:lAL ELECTRICAL tequired oqor burie?a @e in pLace but before oty Lath, gApsum baatC or tnLL cooeting is applied, and. beforeoty iraulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECITON: Tc be nade;@-AT@Trs in ptaee, but prior to anA taping. I4ASONR!: Steel location, bond beons, groutirtg or oertieals in accotdotce LlLth U,B.C. Seetion 2415. VOODSTOVE: cctnpT;TA. After instalLation is CURB & APPROACH APPAN:After .fornsI poutlflgue et,ecteC but ptior to concrete. SfDWALK & DRT"WAI: Por aLL con- a,ete paoittg tvithin street right- of-teA, to be made after aLL erca- oating eanplete & fottn tnyk & sub- base nwtertal in place. ALL project conditions, such as the installat|on of street trees, conoLetion of the required Landscaping, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDINC EINAL can be requested. FINAL BUfLDIN7: The tinal Building Inspecti.on mtst be requested aftet the Pi.nal Plwnbing Electrical, ord, Mechanical fnspeetions lwrte been nade and approoeC.I oR !,10wt Scnitatnl saset capped et p?ope?4i Line Septic tutk putped cnd. fi.Lled ttth gra;tel Final - Wea abcue itens are ecnoleted and uhen Canolition is eomplete'op sttae-ture moued and. g,etnLses cleanei up. Mobile Hcnes BLocking otd. Set-up Plunbing connections -- ael)e? otd, uater Electtical Ccnnection ! Blocking, aet-uD and plunbing eonnections tnist be apprct;ed before requesting eleelrical inspecliot: Accessory- BuilCing Pitnl - After pcrehes, skirtittg, decl<s, etc. ane eotnpleted. Page 1 of 2 ?ac lot # " RESIDE*.TlAL"Receipt # 22s Noz,th sfii sa,eeaPPLrcA?r0N/PERMruSprlngfield, )r,egon gZ4?Z Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPHINGFIELD (, R,q45, llSd --d @ Date: ezS'zzz- C-L h"L-op IoT ?ENCE: h4ten eotnplate -- ProoiCejd6i or nooable- sectians through J_lP.u.E. I I 2 Bedtooms: L-co d--soLAR a^'ess REQ.- Building Vqlue & Permit , Thispernttisgrontedontheerpressconditionthatthesciid'constmtctionslnll, in atl respecti,"';.;f";i;-tin- o"i't''*"ce edop-te'l biv the c:tv of Springfield, incLttding'tt'"'2l'i"g Ct'dinanc-e' z'egulating .tie e713-tru11:t:.r^ and. use of buildi,rqs''ii^'v b.e" s-us!-ended or neuokeC at cnu ti'me upon oLc- Lati.on of ctly prcoisions of said wdLnances' Access. Value TOTAL VALUE s. D. c. Date Pai.d: Iotal Cltarges b xFTGITEM Si,gned t JOB N P.L House -- Fees -- Lot Facee - 1.5 o Building Perwtt TDT TWE _ Interiot Come? Iat Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lot Couerage # of StorLee Total Eeight llopog!6?hY Panltandle CUL-de-sac N0.FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit No Dereon stnT-L consttaet, instal?" altet ot' clnn4e cnu rleu 'c? etisting prlirairq o, dtainase ";Zi;"';;";;'L;;l-i" patt' LnLesi such petson is ttP Leqal posseaso* of " ;!;iZ"pi:'^b'Ji'i 1t'"n"t2' eicept tttat a pbtson natl do plwnbtns uork to pr"oJXa*"lni;;"7'";;e: lll"na or operated bv the appli- eant. Ei.stutes Residential (1 bath) Seuer Phnbing Pemrtt State N€u/E*end Circuits Electriccrl Permit WheleStateLarequiresttuttheelectrlcaluol,kbeilonebganEleetrteal contractor, the eLectiZ"i';;"1;';;"--;7 it'.'t"-pn' t't stwll not be oalic until i;--Lrb;1 'lns been signed iy the Electrical contracto!' Seroice u so State Iotal IT9M NC FEE CIlARCE Mechqnicql Permit bhanst Hood Vent ?@t llcodstotte Permtt fssuance l4eclnnical Pernrtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Penrit Cvtbeut Sida,talk Electrieal Label MobiT.e Hane Reeei,pt #: PLan Exaniner Date ?otaL f HAW CAREFALLY ELAMTNED the conrpleted application for perrnit, and do Itereby certify that aLL information heteon i-s ttue and, ecrtect, artC f furtket, certify that any ard aLL uork perforned shall be done in aeeor- dance tLth the Ordinanees of the City of Springfield, and the La:,;s of the State of 1regon pertaining to the aotk Ceea'ibed herein, end tlnt ll0 occu- PANcy DitL be rrud.e of any structut'e uithout pernission of the Suilding DL- uision. I furthen eettify- that only contt'actors and enplcyees uho are in conpliance uith ORS 701.055 ui.LL be used on thie proiect t0-2{-tr TOTAL AM0UllT DUE: *lS-tao {Date b State HOUSING AUTHORITY AND COMMUN]TY SERVICES AGENCY OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON NOT VALID IN EXCESS OF $ZOO. OO Unless approved on lines 1&2 below PURCHASE ORDER MaiL lnvoice to: HACSA of Lane County Attn: Larry Abel 177 Day Island Road Eugene, 0R 914OI Show P0/l on Invoice, Shipment or Correspondence I ship Prepaid to AqencyE NET tr P0# i! /()DATE -2 /-r4 INVOICE NUMBER +/-16 I 2495,' VENDOR: L lry o F 9f/Zt*6 Fr€b Check Appropriote Boxes: E1olSferial Picked Up Discount fa-z ryl - !-Z,aza."{.g, DESCRIPTION above items a required in th endit NET AA{OUNT "Seller worronts thot the product sold or service rendered to the buyer sholl conform lo the stondords Acr of 1970 (29 U.S.C.651, Pt 9I-596) ond by Oregon Worke/s Compensotion Boord under lhe Oregon does nol conform lo lhe OSHA ond/or OSEA stondords ond/or regulolions, lhe buyer moy return lhe product for correclion seller which do nol conform lo rhe OSI-IA/OSEA stondords ond,/or regulotions musl be correcled by the seller ol the propriote correclion within o reosonoble time." "NOTE: This purchose subiect io oll o pplicoble provisions of ORS C the U. 44.ORS cement seller's oplion ond ot seller's exPe nre. Senices performed by the or by uyer ol buyer's expense in the evenl reller foils to moke the op- ,/a Vr"t C>Fz'a4ac S. Deportment of Lobor under lhe Occupotionol Sofety ond Heohh 654.00I lo 654.295 qnd 654.991). ln the event the product sold I -v{-y€ NET TOTAT ond/or regulotions promulgoled by Sofe Employment Act of 1973 (SB The and cha t r e operation of this Agency t are an approved budget -ffi- DATE BY ol BY QW UNIT PRICE Dtsc. % / 6,60 ACCOUNT CODE CHARGED ramcL/P er/ Division/0b /7"6-'2 2 APPROVED BY c-t4_27 they DATE 2 been received or performed ond hove been occepled. ,1 DATE I