HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1987-08-18*.5c. rr-.s ei's&568 I .. RESID ,\TIAL.'SPRT]{GFIELD 2zs North stlt streelwLrc:rruN /PERt'lrr ipt"Lng|iaLd, 7regon 97477 Buildirq Diuisi'o.n oU-otU?26-37 53 Job Ipeaticn: Aeseesore MaP #0a30 3 A,mer: Adfuess: ci C ons t'r,tt e "i on-L ettde!- zip: Date L rt 'ia the teeponeibility of tlc pen+rit tu4*-f"*, tt" etteet, attd that the pet'tLt -c-ara 7'a *s-Y;#i*-;-uiiTio)."ppiit;edpThrzstrcllremain that alt insPectiot'rs oe mad'e at the fzont of the -Pto?e"tY ' Eil,.1.al.."b sitc at aLL times' to aee Loeated on tta 6-37 69 (reeordet) state Your CitY Cesigrnted job ntmbet" inspeetion,Conttacto"s ot Aine?s tntne cnd P'rane number,. after 7:00 a:n uYLLL be nade the nett tnrki-ng daY. at tle Pto?e! tine' that eceh address is realob"e job aCitess' tYPe P.equests ?ecelxea of insPeeli.cn befcre 7:00 an t7o Pnoc:;DU,PErrg\{.!l2l:?11;Iz!Ll:qfasTe2il\:p2 reauested ar.d uhen '!oL:;i1';;',*d;-ti'- "drr" tuv, requests mcde you! CitA Desi-gr,ated Job Nwnber fs: Page 1 of 2 ?oIc,, Iat # O DescrLbe I'tot'k: 4c', f-rr-tr Date of APPL e Value L AddLtion GeneraL oo --7 - ,ION,DEMOLTTI)!,] 0R olt SITE INSPECTION: eocantation, but forna.ith, ggpt*, boatC or is applied, md before . is concealed. but before aY mLL eooering ag iraulation To be nade aftet prlor tc set uP of To made a required oqot baryiers oe in Plaee Sartitot'y seuer caE)ped at ptoperfil Line Septic tank p,ttl.led c,td filled tLth gra;tei Fi.nal - It\tq-t abcue itens are ccnrpleted and ahen denoliti-on is eanplete ov stnie- tuve nooed ad, PterLses cLeaneC uP' uilpERSLAB PLUMBING. ELICTRI-CAL & WdfriTcnt; ro be nad'e before anY ffiTTi-io,tered, P0lTING & FOUNDATICN: To be tmCe aftet tnenches are ercaoated a71[r 7or*" oon ereeted, but Prior to pourLng ccnereta. Rfl uttosncnoutto ptuMytuc, sst'Fp. .w'qTt4' IJN onatnaa: To be nade P?'Lo? to JLL'. 1,ir4 trenches. V uruomrr,ooa pr'uwmc 4 utctljltc,ar" ^I I ro be made prior to instaLLatlon oI floor insulati-on or decking' DRYWALL INSPECIION: Tc be made AfteP a|T-fiiadTis .in Place, but prior to anY taPlng. PIASONRY: Steel Location' bond 6dffilgaoutirq or oeY'ticals in ac.ood&.e ttLth U.B.C. Secti,on 2475, IIoODSTO',.E: After instalLation ts arnpleted. CURB & APPRCACH APP)N: After fonns @'" "r*t;{il, p;1"" to pourLng conc?ete. SfDEWALK & DRr',ryWA!: For all con- clei;nctfig Lvtthii stteet right- of-twA, to be nade after all ecea- oating eanplete & forn uot'k & sttb' base natettal in place. Hcmes Bloeking od. Set-uP Plunbing eonnecti-ons '- aeLte? otd' aatet Electrieal Connection - Bloeking' aet-up anl plwnbing connections nust be qprct;ei before requeating eleclrical inspeclion Accessory Building POS? AND BEAM: To be made Pr"iot' to ffiifrTfiG{of floot insul,ation ot' deekittg. ROUGH PLU,IBIIIG. ELECTRI?AL & I'IECH= Tntcar: - ui oorY"-T{to be co-*ez'ed ffiiTthese inspections hatse been mad.e and approoeC. FIP.EPLACE: mat;;l;G PrLor to plceirq faeing and befot'e froning inepee- tion. FRAL'IING: l,lust be requested aftet appto,nt of rough plfurb;.ng, elech.t- a,L & mechanieal, AL! r'oofittg btactng & chirmegs, etc. rrust be , antpleted. Ilo uork ia to be con- 'ceaLed until this inspeetion lue 'been made anC approtsed. L PLUMBTNG FTNAL MECHANTCAL FilAL ELECTRTCAL IEICE: Wen conPlete -- ProtsiCe gates or nooable sections through P, U, E. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of sly,eet trees, cotraletion of tierequired Landscaping, etc. ' mtst be satisfied before the BUILDLNG FIN\L can be z,equested.. FrNAL BaTLDTNG: The Einal_ Building. rnspection mtot be requested after the Final plunbtngElectrical, otd, I,reclwnical rnspectlora 'ttque teen i"in- ii- ipp"ind. *ALL I'IANIT1LES AND cLEANourg Mas? BE AccESgrBLE, ADJas?!{Ellt ?o BE MADE /1.T No ccsT r0 ary -€f:1- t Final - After pcrehes, slorting, decks, etc. ate eonpleted. z JOB N SOLA'-s-RCESS REQ.-L-COG* Building pemtt State ?otal CTatgss I!eat #: Bedtoome Lace PLan Eraninez, f HAW CAREEULLy EXA\L!!ED. t-he eompleted. application fot, penrLt, and donSrela certify_ that aLL info,rnafilon heieon is tzae and. eo*ect, ad I*-rtk* .:?:!fu ^that any ar.d aLL work pe,fotned "t lli- a.72" in o.oor_aetnce llrlth tne '?dinance.s of the city of sprtngfield, and the Lane of ther rt?.t^?. of.-o1loon pertainins to tie iit-b""lo"ttlie-iirlil., "ii *nt No occa-PANcy Lrill be nade of any sttttct re uithout permiesion b7 tn. Build.ing Di.-,ision. f fu-t,thet, _cb1tiii1 that otly conttacio,s *a nop1"g"ns uho are inec,,tpliance uith ORS ?01.05s uiLL be'used on thie i".ii.i -"--- g* l(-No [,ot Faces - , Setbacks Df Houae Carage Aeeess No?th East FireSouth I of Lot Couetage LOT TWE _ Interion _ Corner _ Pcnhatld.Le _ Czrl-de-eac Lot Sq. Ftg. Valuex # of Stortee Total Eeight ?opogrqhy West TO?AL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 t Date paid: NO.FEE CHARGE Signed ltctttt es Residential (1 bath) plumbing permr 'tffif ,,,'"".-ry;,ril;:;q;iffi,"".i{J,,#*, it -anA neu ct eaistinaLees sueh person is- ttet tlat a pe?son nau dooperated bg the aipli_ Seuer Planbing petnrtt a (c ..o State oo D.A p E I e t I PcrIcq e tlleu/Eotend Citcuits r m IWet,e State Lan requires t1lat the LectrtcalConttactot',the e LeetricaL pot tion uotk be done bg an ELectriea LSet ui ee the Labe L has been signed of this pemit sllall L Contractot.t be untiLbytheELectrtea State Total * NC,FEE CIlARCE Mechqnicol permit Echanat HooC Vent Pan Itlcodstooe Permi,t' fssuqtce Mechanieal peymit Sec"u'i + Storaqe Maintetwnce, Permit C'utbcut lence Electrical Ia.bel Mobile Horne t T1TAL /&|OANT DUE: *at oo Date ( TotaT Sida,nlk *