HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-07-07..',- !:i!,.-;L*;raA&,r, -:,, * a - - ..- : - . r - .n' ::' ri! " RESIyENTIAL" zts North urn r,ronff""orro*/PERl'tru Sprtngfield, 1regon 97477 Building Dit:ision 7 26- 37 53 SPTINGFIEI-D # ta \r3 r l\,' ,l a CL Date: l,techan:ical Congtm,ction Leder tt ie the responsibility of the permit lolter to eee tlwt all inspeetions ee nade at the p?ope? tine, that eaeh address is t,eadabie fln the at?eet, anC that the pezmtt eatd ie Located at the frcnt of the propetfu.*guildiq D.iuiciot appro"^ed plbn shc.Ll yemain on tl'e Building Site 'at aLL'ttnes.- PROC9DUPE FOR INSPEtrI2N R9)UEST..CALL726-3769(tecotdet) state Aou? City desiynted job ntmbez,, job aCi.tess, type of inspeelicn nequeeted and uhen gou uiLL be ready for inspecti.on, Conttdeto?s or )tmers ncnte cnd phone rulnben. Requests teceixed befcte ?:00 c:i,':ill be rade the sane dag, "equests ncde aftx ?:0a an urLLL be nnde the nect tmrking dag. bed rob Numbet rs: z 1 c '/'/ ? Reaui.red rnsoeeticns lottt city Deoigr'ated Job Nwnbet're: / sr ?as Iat #/ 762 U Job locaticn: Aesessore Map # Subdioision: I LA,mer: Pl.,one:74/ZNAddress: City: Describe Hotk: (/- 26 - tl t-l Neu Date of "dLk)Additicn RemoCel General ELectrical fotne. ANDERSLAB ELUMB]!Ig ELECTRICAL & WCH|IIICAL: To be nade before any .tlo:rk is eooeted, PO2TIN} & FOUNDA?ICN: ?o be tp.Ce MEencn;;-at e escattated and forns are erected, but ptior to poun'tng ccnct'ete. ANDSRGROATD PLAMBINC, SEWER, W,ATER. DRAINA1E: to be mCe prtor to fil- @-66nchee. UIIDERFLOOR PLUI,EIIIG & I|ECIIANTCAL : Io be nad.e prior to installation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade pr"Lot toinstallation of floor insulation ot decking. ROUGE PLA.{BIIIC. ELECTRICAL E MECH- ANfCAL: No uoz,k is to be eo.-ered ffilTthes" inspections lnoe beer, made and qprooed.. !I."EPL\!!: PrLot to placirg facingmaterials ard before fruning inepee- tion. --1 IRA]!!!G: Ihtst be nequested aftet, ) app"ooaL of rough plttr,bing, eiectri-cal & meclnnieaL. ALt toofirry btacing & ehinmeys, etc. rrust be . eompleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con-. cecled until this inspection haa'been nade anC appto,*ed. TNSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER il\SPECTION : ?o be nade after aLL insuLaticn ard required oapor bavie?s @e in p'l.a.ee but before oty Lath, Wpstlrn bcatC oru.ll couering is applied, cnd beforeay insulation is concealed. lDttnf TmT^ll nD \.^tfr^ Di' San'Ltaty saser copped ct proparfii Line Septic totk putrped a-nd fnlled trLth gta;teL Final - l{hen c.bcoe itens aye ectnpleted and uhen Cqtclition is cotnplete o" struc- tut,e mooed and. prer,ises cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbittg eortnecti,one -- aaie? otd. utater Electrical Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-rD and plunbing eonnections tr;st be apprc"^ed befote requesting electrtcal i,nspectiol Aecessory BuiLCing Pinal - After . ane eonp QfFE TrteD?anf4it. escd;i;;; but To be nade after pt ion tc set up of DRYh.ALL INSPEC?TON: Tc@id-dT6liit-.r.s in be nade place, I but pnior to any taping. I'IAS1NRI: Steel Loeation, bond beans, grouting or oerticals in accotdotee Lrith A,B.C. Section 24L 5. V)2DST1tr'E: After ittstallation is 211etaT;iA. ' S.,' () CURB & APPRCACH APPAN: After forns-a,e ereci;A-iuT wt; to pourtng f ) conc?ete. SIDWALK & DR|VEHAI: For all con- crete pauing oithin street right- of-teg, to be mole after atl erca- vating canplete & forn uot'k & sub- base natev"Lal in plaee.<\ pcrckes, slirti.ng, decks, Leted. ALL ptoj, required VENCE: hrhen eomplate -- PtouiCe gates or notsable sections th?ough P.U.E. Lect conditions, such as the i.nstallation of slreet trees, eonoletion of the Land.scaping, ctc., nast be satisfied before the BUILDTN? FfNAL ean be requested.f l:l l FTilAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL I.{ECIIANICAL FTNAL ELECTRTCAL n PrNAL B.urLDrNc, mg Finat Buitd.ing rnapection nlust be requested alter the Final plunbing \-,/ Electrical, otC Mechanical Inspeetions tatse 6sen nade od-approved. 'ALL |4ANHCLES AND CLEAITOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTttEtlt TO BE LTADE /.? ilO ccsT rO Cny Page 1 of 2 T T ir tr Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cotserage # of Stor.Les Total lteight Topography IIEM Na't,/Extend CiTcuits oLAR AG45SS REQ.- LCT ?WE _ Intetict _ Comer _ Panhandle CUL-de-sae L Electricol Permit Were State La requires that the eleetrical uoyk be done by an Electrieal Contraetor,, the eleetrical portion of this permit sVnLL not be oaliC untilthe tabel has been signed by the Electrical Contracto?. \5.co t, ?otal GO \5.co L-co * Sourees JOB-NO. Lot Faces - lleat DT House Caraae Aceess Waten lleaterllorth East FinepLace South Woouctoxe tlest D^^^ Building Vqlue & Permit This perrnrt is granted on the espress cond.ition tlnt the said. constraetionslnll, in aZL respects, eonfom to the Ordinance adopted by the Ci.ty ofSpz,tngfield, including the Zoning Cydinance, regulating the ecnstructicn and..use of buildings, utd nay be suspen-d.ed or reuokeC at cnA time upon uic- Lation of any pncuisions of said Ordir,ances. Value TOTAL VALUE x S.D.C. 1.5 r llain Building PetwLt ?otal Changes State CO . .\D .L\o Date Paid: Signed: Receipt # Plumbing Perrnit No_ pereon slall constzact, instal'!-, alter or cltange anA ne:t cr eristing glunbirq or drainage sAsta"n in uhole or in patt, unless sueh person is the Le,gal posseasor of a ualid plutnber,'s License, ercept that a pbt,son nag do plwnbing aork to property uhich is oumed, Leased or operated by the ippli- eant. I LLNO AO -J- t tlAtiuL CD Resid.ential (1. bath) Sqni Seuer Plumbing Penrit 1 ito.tFl CiIAiIGE Res. Sa. ftq ?qflpc"@y Sentice rR1--- \\^a-,f \Q \5 po Lecx?1,1 JTlM Echanst HooC Vent F@l t llcodstotle Sectrt Pertnvt fssunlee Mech,anicel Petmtt -- ENCROACTIMENT -. e _c) f HAW CARBFULLY EXAMINED the eornpleted application for permit, and do hereby eertify tTtat aLL information het,eon is ttue and ebrueet, artC f furthet, certify that any ard aLL uork perfor-ned slull be done in aeeon- dance urith the Ordinences of the City of Springfield, and the Las of the State of 1r,egcn pertaining to the aork Cescribcd here.ln, cnd tlat NO )CCU- PLNCY uilL be rmd.e of any st"uetute uithout pernission of the Building DL-uision. f further certify thet only contnactors oid e-nplcyees dho dte in conpliance utth ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project Petmit Cutbcu! Sidettalk Fenee ElectnicaL L MobiLe -t1 0 FID Furnace PTU'S L iU!fiC L MechoniccIl Permit 3sS - + IOTAL N,IOUIIT DUE:'Ic G 6--z 6 -gq ) /> lE- r1(-)^ =f+-CO- -\--Lo--f. r .)r'r SIT:T OF SPR,I\TGFTET .E) '-. ICE 0F C0MMUNITY AND ECON0MIC u-.dLOPMENT 225 North 5th Street Date 3/ [f 8C / oa z-- Bui I di ng Di vi sionPrdrning & DeveIopment Job. No. E2?O/# JoB ADDRESS / 3// /V,TO CALL FOR REINSPECTION INSPECTOR **** CALL FOR' INSPECTI0N 726-3t69 ---- INF0RMATI0N: 126-3153 ***Jr 5A//$< it+t i SO't, /'ZT 7 ,..i. .j,*_ ,ff E |: E ENGINEERING DIVISION oeVeuoPMENT PLAN REvtEw ooamaa c-o TDz C Emv h N \ N (\ N N a o 5 rrl DEVELOPER MAIL ADDRESS ASSESSOR MAI 3 TAX LOT PARTITION rt l4z DEV. COORD t pHoNE zzG4s-€ SUBDIVISONgLocrl Lora aooxa-- EXISTING IMPROVEME NTS STREET NAME GRAVEL A.GMAT CURB FULL IMP.PROJ s.w. wrDTH CI.RBSIDE SETBACK3/-sa ExrslrNc cunecurlNJ ES _WIDTH - fT. FLAIRS- f I. COMMENTS E NGI NE ERI N G REQUIREMENTS ADDTTToNAL RIGHT oF wAy ? ruo-vEs-wHERE rM pRovEMEN T AGREEMETI ? no-yEs- FoR EAsEMENTs ? No-,YES -WHER E COMMENTS AVAILABLE ? t No-,yES ,K- t sruBBED our ro pRopERTy LrNE ? r.ro -SANITARY SEWER -? JES . DEPTH ?,y'cfi.o uNDER coNTRAcr ? r.ro.&Yes Do Nor coNNEcr uNTrL AccEpreo / ACCEpTEO ? 11O_yES ,)( ; BOND neO.? LOCATION FROM N,S,E,W, PROPERTY LINE r'ro.Kves 3 SIZE OF LINE a MAKE CONNECT]ON COMMENTS AVATLABL e? No(yE:S- ,'r. o*ftl'.HtiT5ffiro PIPE PARKING LOT DRAINAGE TO cuR B -, DrTc, fi., cuT oFF L'NE -, orHER E - SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY INFORMATION - NEW cuRBCur APPR .? noK,r ES-IAL INDUSTRIAL -,CURB RETURN -, WIDTH REO - CONTACT MAINTENANCE o.JRBctJT PERMTT ? ruo YES_ WIDTH - f T. HANOTCAP RAMP-SEE DETAILS OI.I BACK eoMMENTS IV. AT -ft R SIZ E 8 DEP LENGTH - ft i SPECIAL -6t ft.;FLAIRS-ft - ENCROACHM ENCRoACHMENT PERMTT REe. ? ruorL(v ENT & ASSESSMENT -ES-CONTACT ENGINEERING DIV. AT 726-3753 , SURETY-STREET OPENING , MATERIAL STORAG E SANITARY SEWER lN LIEW OF ASSESSMENT NO- YES- .17sq. fr.s SPECIAL NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS ALL VYORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE IN CONrcRMANCE WITH THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD STANDARD SPECIFICATION6 FOR CONSTRUCTION. ALL EX|STTNG UNUSED CURBCUTS OR PORTTONS THEREOF SHALL BE RESTORED TO FULL CURB HEIGHT AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. REVIEWED BY OATE S R ERS F RF RTH R IM F M AT! SIDEWALK PERMIT ? \ sF[o-lwAY Srxcrf Po31aoarrot l.ATLSOXES T- I OOJ8LE FOSTIroR . oF ronE I^TL BOXE S i.-J- sr t' l-- r'urx. -.1 kotEt 2fnrarxE{t toctrlox or u^lL6orEs 0ElEixlxEo li rx€ u.s. I'osIAL sERvlcE. SPECIAL REOUIREMENTS M AIL BOXES HANDICAP RAMP SANITARY BANDED TAPPING TEE xallFol rtualt.Etrx o^cx or cunt f ' 6- Cnost nrCE EXTAX!tOX JOrXtt xorE : ilxr 3tlltL tC a'ytx. tHtexxEss looo Ptl coxcnf,rE, 2t b^y srnfxo?F'. coxtriuct ox l'rrrx. rxrcxxf.gt .- ai^xuLAR eocx iett. . IRON HUB RUAEER GASKET .t'r II -lrl di ol 5i 4 t I I l' I TrtcE iOTE: 5' xuB xot ALLfrEo ON PIPE SU^LLER THA}' I2. DIAXETER 8" HUg NOr ALLOWEO OTT PlP' SMALL€R THAN 24.. OIAXETER -i t.3'Iposl OXCR C IE? c Whenever a curb or sldewalk ls constructed, lmproved; or. repalred at a street corner or at.any polnt whlch rould glve reasonable access to a crosswalk.rea; a 8l ke/Illree I cha lr ramp sha I I be cons truc ted ln comp I I - ance to ORS 447.310 and ln accordance wlth Clty of Sprlngf leld Standard Specif lcattons. 0 0 $uusT aE CORE - ORILLEO SIEEL BANO FOWLER. TYPE TAP TEE OR EOUAL COMMENTS CONTINUED 2Ait ItirP nt' 'louox'Dioor rt Ftr :I >oi !t' 5' fxPAxSrox tnoox TlNttrl