HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1988-06-06.. RES|r'"NTlAL.. 225 North stt, it "ffPLrcAw0N/PERI[rSprLngfteld" 2regon 97477 Building Diodsion 7 26-37 53 e_ SPFIINGFIELD Reeei 55 d--e -c.<j ll\' bA L.o- Date: G - I Lt Plrntbing l?-8 I I0, 3t* S*,,e<-l-Job Locaticn: Aeseesors Map # 11 -AZ - * - ;r4 ra r-ot O O./rn, Subdittision: ,\i, 3l E& s"+Phone:lzu 1zt- Gzzz A,mer: Address: citu: {u1v\va C aia Qzqzfzip Describe Wotk Additian Value T t-t Nea t-l RenoCeln Date of App Lication € lec*v. c-.-P tda-r/<- GenetaL t4echan:ieaL Construetiott Lend.et Remtc'-no/l Tn en anlt' nn a It ia tha reepone'ibilitg of tle pendt hoLdq to aee that aLL inspections ee nade at the p?ope" tine, tl",at eaeh addrees is renCahit fln tlu at"eet, atd that the pez,rtrit catd ie Loeated at the fuottt of the ptope?t,tt*Building Diuiciol appro"^ed pTan slnll renain on tla Sunlding Sitc -at aLL' tilnes.- r PROCFDUPE FOR INSPETI@$1WS!.'CALL726-3769(tecoyder) state uour Citu Cesiqnated job ntmber, job aCltess, type of inspeclicneadgforinspection,cotiaetoiso;a*;""",,;.Lniino".nnbel.-P.equestsr.L.;i:LabZ1cr,e.?:00*, ,viLL be *ade the scne dag, ?eqliests nade after ?:00 ant tti,Ll be made the nett tmz,king day. Iour City Dcsigr,ated Job Nunber fs SxoLs ,/ V uvogncnoulo pzuuttuc, sswtp, w.qrm,J Lirq trenchee. AUDERFL1jR PLUI,IBING & MECIIANICAL : o7 floot insul,ation or decking. POS? AND BEAM: To be nade prLot, to inetallatian of fToor insulation ot deckitlg. ROUCH PLABI]IG. ELECTRICAL & MECH: ANfCAL: No uork is to be eo.*ered wttil these irnpections haue been made and, approueC. SITE INSPEC?I)N: Io be made aftez, eocauation, but pri,or tc set up of fonns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCH|IIICAL: To be made befoz,e angLwk is eotlet,ed. F))IING & F)UNDA?ICN: To be rm,Ce Mffia"e *caated and fonns ote erected, but prior to poun'tng ccncreta. INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTION : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn ard required oapor burie?a @e in plaee but before oty Lath, Wpsutn bcatC or tnLL cooering is applied, cnd. before oty insulation is conceaLed. DRYWALL fNSPECIION: ?c be nade @et'&T@aTts in place, but ptior to ang taping. MASONRIj Steel Loeation, bond beans, grouting or oerti,cals in accordorce DLth U.B.C. Section 24L5. W)2DST)'|E: After installation is arnpleted. CURB & APPRCACH APPON: After fornsee erecteC but prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRf i'WAI: For aLL con- u,ete paoing uvithin street right- of-txy, to be naCe after aLL edea- oating catrplete & forn wtk & sub- base naterLal in plzce. DEI.IOLITIAT OR bt t Sanitaty sasez, eapped ct properQl Line Septic totk y,r,ped and. filled ttth g.a;.sei linal - l{hen abcoe items ate canpleted and uhen d.*talition is cotplete or strac- ture motsed and. g,etrLaes cleaneC up. e Hcmes Blocking od set-up Plunbing connections -- s€uey otC uater Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-up. and plwnbing eonnections mist be appra:ec before requesting eleelrLcal inspection Accessory- BuilCirtg Fi-nal - After pcrehes, skirting, decks, etc. ate compLeted.FTP.EPLACE:ffi;fra;PrLor to placirg and befote franing facing inapee- tion. FRAIIING: I4ust be requested aften @f6-at of rough plirbing, ilectti-cal & neelwnical. Alt toofing bracittg & ehinmegs, ete. rrust be . eonpleted. Ito uotk ie to be con- . cealed, until this i,nspectLon lwe 'been nade anC approoed. ?NIAL PLUMBINC FINAL MECHANICAL FTNAL ELECTRICAL ALL pnojeet eonditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion of the required LanCsccping, ete., rntst be satisfied befone the BUILDINC IINAL ean be z,equested, IINAL BUfLDfNc: ?he Final Build.ing Inspection mtet be requested after the Finat Plunbing \_,/ Electrical, otC Mechar.ical fnspeetlons lare been nade and apptooeC. *ALL ITANHCLES AND CLEAN)U?S MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUST!{ENT TO BE \L4DE A? NO C1S? T0 CI?y Page 1 of 2 t Cont?acto?s Ad-d.ress Lisc. # tr r u la mce: when conplete -- ProuiCelJ gatA op notsable sectians through l-lP.U.E. I-J , JOB NO. taL SOLAR AC4ESS REQ.-L-co d Bedtoons: Lot Faces - Laee --F I HAW CAREFULLy EXAI,IINED the eornpleted application for pennit, and do herebg certify that alt infonration het,eon is ttue and. coweet, and f futtket, certify that ang ard aLL uork perfor.ned alnll be done in accor- dance rith the )rdinanees of the City of Springfield, and the La:;s of the State of 1regcn pez,taining to the uork Cescribed herein, and. tlat N0 )CCU- PANCy ?,rLlL be nnd.e of ang structune uithout perniesion of the Building Di-uision. I further certifg that only contz,actot,s and entplcyees uho are in conpliance uith ORS 70L.055 uiLL be ueed on this project L-o-zs/nl Building Volue & Permit Ihis permLt is granted on the erpress condition tlnt the said-constractionslnll, in all respects, eonform to the Cydirnnce adopted b:y the City of Springfield, inc!.uding the Zoning Ctdinance, regulcting the ccnstructicn and. use of buildings, and nay be suspend.ed or reookeC at cny time upon uic- Tntion of dnA prcuisione of said Ordinances. DT Access. SQ. F?G Value rOTAL VALUE House toxe t I?EM x ,( Signed: S.D.C. L.5 e Building PetlrLt Iotal Clntges State Date Paid: PLan LCT TWE _ fnteriot _ Corarcr _ Panlnnd.Le CUL-de-sac I-ot Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Cooetage # of Stortes ?otal Height ?opography Plumbing Permit No person stnll construet, instal!, alter or ehange anA nea cr existing plwnbing on dz,ainage sAsta,n in uhole or in pott, unless such person is the Legal possessot, of a oalid plutnbet,'s License, eseept that a pe"son mag do plunbing uork to pyopertA uhich is oaned, Leased or opetated by the qppli.- eqnt. . FEE CHARCE Fi,ctut es Residettti-a.L ( 1 bath) Sani Seuet Plwtbing Perrrit State Stnchange Electricol Permit . Where State Lan requires tlnt the electr.i.cal uotk be done by qt Electt ical Contrv.ctor, the electrtcal portion of this permit sitall not be ualid, untilthe Label lne been signed by the Electrical Contracto". 37.p ?otal ) I qt 2\) Na,t/Extend Circaits Set'uice ITgM NC FEE * Mechqnicol Permit llcodstole Vent P@t blwnat HooC ,5 PermLt fssudtce Meclanicel Per,rmt -. ENCROACHMENT -. Seatrit! Depoai,t Storage I'laintenqee Penrtt Ctttbcut Sida,talk Fence Electrical Label I4obLle Horne /.ao Receipt #: PLcn Eronl,ne?uale TO?AL AI4OUN? DTIE:'€%€7 ,4 b Signed Date North Ens f South ITEM Wetan Tctal Clnrqes .$tate Sutchatqe ?otal CTtaroes Dt