HomeMy WebLinkAboutHome Occupation Correspondence 1988-11-21SPFlINGFIELO DEVELOPMENISEBY'CES ADltlI^,tiST RATIC!'l PLA.\l,\I^VG l EU!LDING PLiBL|C iUARKS 4:: i ?CpOL,IA'\, t1.4_c -:;" / -: : '.:.i \ iGE,t/E\ I November 21, 1988 anice Hill 1263 North 31st Streetield 225 FIFTH SIFEEI SPBINGFIELD AR 97477 (50s) 726.3753 Subject: Dear Ms. Oregon 9 Home Occupation Application HiIl: I received your application for a Home Occupation Permit. I have tried to contact you by telephone for the past week unsuccessfully. Before I can finish my review of your application I need additional information. If you can provide answers to the following questions the City can make a determination aS to the appropriateness of your reguest: 1. Do you anticipate the installation of additional washing and drying machines or sinks (normal residential dwellings have one washer and dryer) ? 2. How will your potential customers contact you to enlist your services? Do they call you?, cl-o they visit your of f ice and sign up for the service?, other? 3. I^1i11 you have employees (other than f amily members who live at this property) delivering diapers. washing or folding diapers for deliveries? 4. Can you provide me with other details of your proposed busj-ness that can help me determine if the business qualifies as a home occupation? A written response to these questions would be fine or you can feel free to call me so we can discuss them in further detail. Cordially, C,4,r*lrrr,d fu crhthia L. Harmon Development Permit Coordinator od% CITV OP SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTUEIII 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, oREGoN 97477 PHONE: (503) 726-37s9 EOI{E OCCI'PATION APPLICATION LOCATION OF PROPERTY n if SPRTNGFIELO 7 afr, ExrsrrNc usE oF PRoPERTY hn P NFEqotr,o 4L'JqHFZFU2 Ht- E,zo U2ar{vtU'o a s ru zo DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL U u) '- d N U (\ J I3 =rruFIF{H,!IE,t{o roocr<olE zfoH€Ht{ Ftt, r{,tJ lry (/ o I s s.trt |--r-- l(l\ I oO \ F lc, C)t{H f{lt, t Jnn trF H;ttAPPLICANT NAME ADDRESS l ) L3 tln.J S l&t c) C)l{ F3 trl(, tr, I t, zoFo EJFi t FJt-Hzo t{l H Fl X t-o F{ z P PHONE, 7 J 6n o7)7 or,rNER NAME(S) s tEI ADDRESS ta,L s l'lo. OVER PHoNET'1lC-7O77 +IE ,\trlc)t{Hfu H z 9 k) d H So1r. 9ae 9>Ylr,U EOHB OCCUPATION AGREEHENT THE APPLTCANT'S SIGNATURE OF THIS AGREEMENT CERTIFTES ACKNOI.ILEDGMENT OF THE FOLLOWTNG CONDITIONS OF OPERATION: 1. EXCEPT FOR THE ONE NON-ILLUMINATED L L/2 SQUARE FOOT VALL SIGN PERMITTED IN SECTION 16.080(1) OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE, THERE SHALL BE NO DISPLAY I{HICH I{OULD INDICATE PROM THE EXTERIOR THAT THE BUILDING IS USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN A RESIDENTIAL DIJELLING. 2. THERE SHALL BE NO OUTSIDE STORAGE OF MATERIALS. 3. NO HECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PERI,IITTED EXCEPT TIIAT IJHICH IS COMPATIBLE }IITH RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES. 4. THERE SHALL BE N0 oFFENSTVE NOTSE, VTBRATToN, SMOKE, DUST, ODORS, HEAT OR GLARE NOTICEABLE AT OR BEYOND THE PROPERTY LINE RESULTING FROM THE OPERATION. 5. A HAXIMUI,I OF 2 VORKERS MAY BE EMPLOYED AT ANY GIVEN TIME BETVEEN THE HOURS OF 7A.M. AND 8 P.M. IN ADDITTON TO FAMILY MEMBERS I.IHO RESTDE AT THE DTIELLING. 6. THE OPERATION SHALL NOT CREATE HAZARDOUS TRAFFIC CONDITIONS OR TJNDULY BURDEN ON-STREET PARKING AREAS. 7. TF THE PROPOSED USE REQUIRES A MODIFICATION TO THE DVELLING OR ACCESSORY STRUCTURE OF A NATURE THAT IS NOT TYPTCALLY FOI.'ND IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, THE PROPOSED USE SHALL BE CONSTDERED INAPPROPRIATE AND THEREFORE INELTGIBLE AS A HOME OCCUPATION. 8. COMMERCIAL AUTO REPAIR, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIHITED TO TI'NE_UPS, ALIGNMENTS, BODY-FENDER WORK, PAINTING AND DETAILTNG, AND UPHOLSTERING SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED. 9. NO MERCIIANDISE OTHER THAN VHAT IS PRODUCED ON-SITE SHALL BE SOLD TO THE PUBLIC FROM THE PREMISES. IT IS I,JNDERSTOOD THAT IF NEIGHBORHOOD COMPLAINTS ARE RECEIVED, THE NATURE OF THIS HOME OCCUPATION I+IILL BE RE-TNVESTIGATED. IF THIS HOME OCCUPATION IS FOIJND INVIOLATION OF THE SPRINGFTELD DEVELOPMENT CODE, THE USE SHALL BE TERMTNATED UPONNOTIFICATION TN WRITING BY THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD THAT APPROVAL OF THTS APPLICATION DOES NOT EXEMPT THE APPLICANT FROI'{ THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANY OTHER CITY CODES OR ORDINANCES. kj#L APPLI DATE* *full bL ob/ar,^td 6-DnL ru(YSS & ,1, U-er- " *atu SI TURE ,4 &de #c.*?A/? //. ^e n DATT ' C,ITY OF OREGO'V h, SPFlINGFIELO DA|ELOPMENTSEBY'CES ADMINISTRATIAN PLANN/,^/G / BUILD[,tG PUBLIC IT/ORKS M E T BO P O LI TAN I4AS IE ilA / E F !',1 A I'i AG E I'4 E II f November 2L, 1988 lvIs. Janice Ili11 L263 North 3Ist Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 Subj ect: Dear Ms. 225 FIFT'i S:F'E I SPRI NGf i E LD a)E :r;ir'' aa:., /:i i,5.1 $.a}..oo uof Home Occupation ApPlication HiIl: I received your application for a Home Occupation Permit. I have tried to contact you by telephone for the past week unsuccessfully- Before I can finiih my- review of your application I need additional information. If you can provide answers to the following questions the City can make a determination as to the appropriateness of your request: 1. Do you anticipate the installation of additional washing and drying machin6s or sinks (normal residential dwellingrs.h-"-t" one washer and dryer)? JWaSLtfi- 3d'nl?'s- /t*fwt^a-{ laS 2- How will your potential customers contact you to enlist your services? Oo Lhey call you?, d-o they visit your office and sign up f or the service?, other? fW' 3. I^Ii1I you have employees (other than family members who live at this property) aerivering diapers, washing or folding diapers for deliveries? ftg 4. Can you provide me with other details of your proposed business that can- help me determine if the business qualifies as a home occupation? A written resPonse to these questions would be fine or you can feel free to call me so we can discuss them in further detail. Cordially, (rr,r*lrrtud fu c1&rtfria f,. Harmon Development Permit Coordinator JOB NUI.IBER II'iDIV IDUAL COI'IPLAINT DATA ADDRESS /%3 ^f 4/5: */,DATE RECEIVED:4-/7*o Z RIS I DENT: OI,INER: Plio.,lE:TYPE: HTAC,ZONE: PHONE:NATURE:h-rtarf ITDDRESS:kla COMPLAINTANT: ADDRESS: rt-ndn. NO'TICE AND R REFERITAL PHONE: NOTIFIED:DATE: a AT'TORNEY P I A't"TORNEY I PDND NG \,l NOTES: REFERRED TO: )A'tE DINGS \ .u'- \' L*' F INAL ACTION: INVALID , I nrrtrnmL fi,ttoto E RECIIECK Et) f2-so (