HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-01-11" RESIDtrNTlAL" z2s North rrr rroni"t"orro*/PERt4rr Sprtngfield, )regon 97477 Brilding Diuision 7 26-37 53 # SPFlINGFIEL.O labt#I I 3 ) Job Loeaticn: Aeseseots Mq # Subditsision: Cl,mer: Ad.dress: \A\O \ I Phone Date of Applicatian_ Deserlbe h'ork:l-t llea &t Value (.-p L Additian # General ; Plwbing ELectrleal l4echanicel DEI,DLTTIA!] AR Sanila,y sa.tet eapped ct Wope"4j Lire Septic totk p:,irped and. f:"Lled rrtth gra:;el linal - i{hen abcue itens ate ccnoleted azd ohen Cencll tion is conplete ot, struc- tute moueC atd. prenriaes clearted up. e llcnes Bloeking od. Set-up Plunbing cotmectians -- saue? ad. uatet EZectr.Jccl Contection - Blocking, set-u, ard. plunbing conrectione rn;st be appr*ed before requestlng elec2rtcal inspec)ion Aeeeseorl Buidit4 tcnekes, skrz,ting, decks, 1^L^S Einal - After etc. cte ccmp Page 1 of 2 I-t. ia the reepoasibi_Lila oi,ttc penrit hold.er to see that aL! inapectionB @e nade at the propet tiae, ihat each.zidress is rea)a^Le t!or,.-t!y st?eet,. and. that the p*trit ccd. ie l,xated. at the frcnt of the property.*1uilding b.ticiot appnc"-e<i ptn siuLl z,eaain on tie tunldnng :itc'at ali- a.kes.' PR)CEDUPE F1R INSPETI1\I R9QWST:CALL 7: nequested and ahen gou uiLL be ready forrtll be nade the aane dcy, reqaests nal-e Consln sllcn_Leder QTq? filQDeaatnit. *caoatlcn;T; forms To be rmde afterprior te se! up of fuLor r-o plccirg facing and. before frartng insDee- INSULA?JON/VAPCR BAPRIER ITISP?CTTON : ?o be nade after aLL insuLaticn ed. required uqor bavie?s @e in pla.ce btft befote ay Lath, Wpsurn boarC cr uaLL coueying is applied, a:nd. before ary insuiation is concealed. DRWALL illSPEC?I)N: lc be nade -.. after aLL CtyuaLL is tn place, but prior to crry tapirg. ttlAS)NRI: Steel Loeation, bond beons, grouting or 0ertic6,Ls inaith U.B.C. Section Aftet installation ie ?URB & EPBCAQq A?PON: After fornaa,e ,I,A;AT;@ to pout,.tts concrete. SfDfilALi( & DRf',EIAY: Por aLL eon-c"ete@Gffi st"eet right- of-uny, to be nade e;'ter aLL exea- uating canplete & fom usork & aub- base materi.al in place. 26-376 9 ( tecordet) state your City desigrated job mmber, inspeetion,Conttaetors cr A,ners nane cnd plnne nutfrerdfter 7:00 an vLLL be rnade the nezt .sorking dag, Iour City Desigr,a,ted iob ltwtber fa:a jab aCitess, type P,equests receixed of itspee--icn befcre 7:CC c:t _(- UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL ,9 i4ECHLiliCAL: To be nade before any aoz,k is eotlered. PC)TfNc 1 ECUNDA?ICN: To be na.ie @ertu,ench@escaatedard forms ate ereeted, but prtat to pouring ccncret€. UND1RCPAAID PLAMPTNG. SYTEP,'I,4TER. DRAIIIAGE: To be tru.d.e prior to fil-Lirg trenehes. r_lr I r UTIDERELCAR PLUI,EING & i|ECXANTCAL :Io be nade p"io? to instaltation of f'Loor insulctiaa or decking. ?OS? AND BEAM: To be nad.e p?io" toffiffilG{of ftoor insul,ation ot decking, ROUCH PLUI,IBIIIC, ELEC?RICAL 1 I,{ECE. ANICAL: i'lo tork is to be ect:ereduntil these .)nsoectiors h,auc- been nad.e cnd approued.. lTaftf 1aD, ,nateAA; tion. FRA.I.'!ING: i,tust be recuested af2er @t of rou4h plttrbing, elecu-i-u,L & neciunical. ALL roofin4 bractn4 I chinmega, ete. rntst be eontpleced. llo Dc"k is to be con- ' eecled until this inspection lae'been nade anC appro"-ed. ?ENC!: ilhen cornplete -- *ott'r)Ce gatee or fiooable sectians through DIID ALL ptoject con&iiionl, suck as the i.nstallation of street trees, ecnoleiion of ihe tequired Lattdsecpir,g, etc., mtat be satisfied before the BUILDI\\C FI1IAL can be reqttesteC. ?INAL EUILDIIIG: The Final Building Inspection rrust be requested aftet the Pinal PlunbirqElectrical, otd. Meclarical Inspections iate been nade and approrsed. *ALL I,'IANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MAST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEilT TO BE I,!4DE !.T !1O C3ST TC CI?Y FIIIAL PLUMBING PIIIAL MECEANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL o Date: Vorm.m}. L:tDLT'25 Phona Rcati-ra,1 ta cn oali an a ll l T soLAR l ;Ess REQ.-L-CO G*JOB NO. Type/Cot^.st BeCtooms:)ca/pqnc'l CtouoZone Iat Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Ccuerage_ # of Stories !'oxaL aeLght ?opogrqhy LCT TWE Interior Come" Panhzndle CuL-de-sac lleat Lace Df House Lot Faces - -- Eees -- !!c X VaLue Building Volue & Permit This pervrtt is granted on ihe ecp"ess eotditicn tha.t the said.-cons.tfl'Lction sl",all-, in all z,bspects, confcrm to the Crdinar,ce eCopted ly the City o.f Spr.")n4iteLd., including :he Zoning Ctdi-nance, reguLctu'rg the ccnst!-tcticn otd,rse oi builriings, anci nay be susperuieti or reuckei 4.t dn'! tLne u?on uic- Lation of a'g prcuieions of said 0rd.irances. TO?A.L VALUE uc Building Permtt PLan Check Fee: State total Charges N0.FEE CEAR,CE Plumbing Permit No pe"son siwll eonsttact, inelall-, alter ot change an! nel cr e*istit'.g plutrbing cr drainage systan in alale ot in part, unless sueh person'i.s the legal pbssessor of a ualid plunber's License, escePt that a petson nag !o.plwtlng aoz.k to p"ope?tA ahich is ottned, Leased or operated by the qpli.' cqtt. Pistunes Resil.ential ( 1 bath) Sani Sane" Pl"onbing PetrLt Electricol Permit tlhe"e Sta,te La,t requites tl"a,t the electrLeal uork be done by qn Eleetrical Contractor, the electrical poz,tion of thie permit siu.Ll not be ualii until the l,abel has been signed bg the Elecb'tcal Contracto". ilar/Ertend Circuits Setttice State SLLr ?otal i!1M t aL CIIIRCE Mechqnicsl Permit llcodstare Vent .aa/ bhanet HooC ElU, Pemit fssu,swe Mechanice! Pemit -- ENCRCACHMENT -. See;,ritu Deposit Storaoe ihintenanee Pemit Curbcut Sidalalk EZeetrtcal Label Mobile Eone TOTAL A],!OUTI? DUE: *@ Signed: PLan Eccntner I HAW CAREFULLy IX,LAINED tle conpleted appli,cation for petmit, cnd. do hereby cettify that aLL infc:tnation hereon is ttue and eorreex, auC f f."utket certify thdt druJ ard aLL aork perforned sLaLL be dpne in accor- dance tLth the 1rdinanees of the City of SptingfieLd, atd the La:,;s of the State of 0regcn pertaining to the uork Cesc'ribed het,ein, end trot N0 1CCU- PAncy ,aLLL be rmde of atA structure urttl.out penntssion of the 3uiliing Dt -uision. f fu.tther ce"tili that only cont"actors a'd etrplcyees uh.o are in eonpliance ulth ORS 707.055 uiLL be used on this projeet TotaL Signed '..l ITEM iietct State Surcl",arqe I ,6'(J1=, Total Aoroes State Surehaqe lencp- t.