HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-08-02.. RESIDENTIAL.. C OMB TNATT O N APPLT C A? TO N / PWJ,II ? 225 North |th Street Springfi.elC, 1regon 9747? Bttlding Diuision 7 26-A7 5A SPRINGFIELD t l.b CAs+ a Date za7 ?a lat # iob Location: Subdiuision: Astesaors I'bD i l*afAA ,P, {qa2ggar*.Asnet: phone: ? /€-YlCAdbees:€ Dee*ibe llotk: /€ k?1 ' vahp /2 YA. o Q L a VI ,,, tdditicn ,fiasre--z/.?< <*"rc.?7 Date of Gdatal tlectrical ),techaical Constz,uc*ion Lend,et It i.8 thl reapaneibilitg of tlB penrit hoda. b se. thzt aLL inspectioas @e nade at lhe pvq* tin€, tLat ecch afueea ia recldle frat tlu 8t eet, @d, ttax the pqtit ca<i ia i*aed a the fzozt 6f ciu ?rcpert1q.-teuildi.y x-uiciol @rw^ed. -ctbt sttcll lry!gl2+:?Zin4 stte'at aLL' tinee.' PR1CEDWE P1n INSPEQI2N NQUEST: CaLL JlaLdeEoila) atate gor/? Citg deeigrlated, job nmber, job aCdreas, tW. of insgectim requectcd cd,u!..ctt you,aLLL be tdy for inspeetiotr, Contracto?s or a,rna?s nane ad phont a.onbe. Peqtsetd recei.xed beJ'cte 7:00 o:t'ttill b ilod. tlo aane d4, reqtosts ncde afta 7:00 qt viLL be nzd,e tlo n*t..wking dq. Peouiterl lnmceficns z o>IotE Citl DeeLgrutd, Job lluaba fa: Sdrital aa,te cq?ec:t Fop&i Line Septic totk Vttped d. tltlled vith grctel litu.L - .l,hea, abcue itane ee *lplaied cd, uhott C.arcLition le cot*Lcta or stntc- xute nooeci ott pr*Laea c':.ecnei up. Mobile Hcnes Blockittg od, Sat-zp Plutnbitg cotmecticas -- aa)e:r *td, aaiet EXectrtcal Cdneeti.on - Blcckirq, set-uo od, plmbing cotu,ecticna nast 'ce otra:eti bafote rcqtcatzng elec;rical irspeczio;t Accesoo\* Buildntq tc?ehea, sk'JrtlJng, decks, leted. lll l l Final - After etc. @e cdD' F4e1of2 ?o bc tda afterpriot tc aet t4 of foana. IXIDERSLAB PLUNEING. ZLEQRICAL & MECEAMCAL: lo be nnde bafore oq t,rork ia eooeted,. ITISIJLATION /VAPOR SARRIIR IIISPIC?ION : To be traLe after aLL ittottktiot ed, re4uired oqot bolctt ae in pla,ce btt beycte org Lath, gyper/r,t boeC ot taLL aoet'ing ia qplied,, ord. before otg iaul,attbn ia coteealed. DRWALL IilSPECIf1fr: lc be rruds aftet aLL dr.VtELL ia in pla.ce, but p?ior" to any tqtng. WQ$QY: Stecl Loeation, fund. @glautitq ot oerticals in accoldlstce aLth U.B.C. Section 2415. 700DST0'/8: arqLeted.. Aftet instalTatiott is ;\ @*caudEea att fotne oe erected, buc prtot r.o-?orrrirrq ec-ncr.e:'c.-Fb le DWzS UND*GFNUIID PLUIETNG, SgflER. V.4T9R. DRAilIAGE: ?o be taCc ptlot to f'JL-Lirq trenchea. WDEP.IT,OOR ?LUI,EIIIC " ITEC9ANTCAL : to be rud,e piio? to instaLlaxion of fToor insuktioa o: decking. ruS'T NL__CEAA: To be rudo priot to:--itsxalk ic-n of f-Loot insukti.ott ot deckitE. ROLIGE PLU!BI!]G. ?ig1iRlcAf, N :4ECE- ,o these ittspectioes hase beerz iwne od, qrotteC. FI-oEPLACE: *ior to plccirq i'dsinSnaierLals od, befote lnatittg ")naec-tion. M ,eRArtEtG: ttwt be reatected. aft* iN @"1 o7'rough plinbing, ilecty|- a,L & nechodeal. ALI toofing brac+tq E chinneys, etc. nrast be canrpleted. llo r.ptk ie to be con- cealed, tmtil tltts insoecttca. las been nanie ou apozwxeti,. ?IIIAL PLUABINO IINAL I,IECEAIIICAL lTilAL ETEERICAL & C!88-3 EEqAqE_APwN: Afta forne @topourtnq cotuTete. SIDSI/ALK 4 bRflTIA!: Por aLL con. crZte paing dthin streat right- of-utcg' to be ru.4e ai'tet aLL ezca- oatitq caoleta d for,1 wk & sub- basa nct*ial in plzta. l4ilCg: 'i4ut anol;te -- *oDiCe gataa ot naable sectiotts clttough Dilr ALL pnoiact conditiona, srch ao +.lts rnstalT,ation of s?:"eet t?ees, co:to!;"io>t of ie *e4ired ?and.seoirq, etc., tllr,tat be satiafied. beJ'ore t|.,e BUILDI1C FlllAL :st le reatested. fiNAL SALLDINC: The Final Build,ing Inspeerlot ftnBt ba recyueoted aller !/a Fi.ttal ?!,unbitqglectrtcal, otC lleciunical fnspecttona ltstte been nade otd qproued.E *ALL |.IANHCLES AND CLEANOW€ MUSI BE ,ICCESSIBLE, ADJUSN{EW ?O 9E I,L4DE !'I NO CCST 7O :I!Y 8- I -EF?7 ,rorrr" r^" T 2 Referenee lltonbers:L-COC #:Jcb lhnnber: Zor'.e: Lot Sq. Ptg. % oi Lct Cotseraga # of Stortes Iotal 1eLght ,iopogrqhg Bedtoone LC! ?WE fntetiot Corter Patthotdle CUL-de-sac r!8tt Building Vqlue & Permit This pe?nfl.t is gnanted on the esprese eondition tha.t the said. conetnlction shal|,-, in aLL tbspects, eonforn to the cr'&inatce clopted by the cntu 2fSptingfield, inctuiing the Zoning Crdlttoue, z'egulcting the ccnstmtcticn ,;rd "sb of buildi-ngs,- and mag be suspetded or reookeC at dtA ti.me upon oic- LatLon of oty ptctt'Lsions of eaid 1r'dinanzes. Elect5.ifgl Permit llheve State La,t tequiree tlat the electrteal uotk be ilone by ot Elect;tieal Contmctor, the electrical pottiott of this penrtt slralT. @t be oal,id' tmtil the Lobel las been aigned by the Electrical Cont"acto?. Euilding Pendt State Total Clargea State Iotal ,( * Access.L. Lot Faces - cn n4n Y Value Main G@dfre 2-'/z vE.-CdDott 1rc Accesaofu /7 yc.'-TOTAL VALUS S.D.C. 7.5 z cO Plumbing Permit Ilo person atw\L conslvuct, inatall, altet ov cltoqe -cng ned-c? e*tsting plinbing ot drainage sgltan in ultole or in pot, unlees aueh peteon is the iegal pbeaeaeon of a ,:alld plrrr**'s Licertse' escept that d pe?son My q phmbing uork to propetty ihich is ouned, Leaaed ot opetated by the qpli.- @rtt, Signed: Date Paid: {./7s" a I!EM Fi.EAEes Residqttial (1 bath) Serlet Plzmbittg PenrLt State N0.CDD CEARGEITEI,I Res. Sa. fta. Nar/Ertend Circtttts Tafipcr@A Setts'ice Mechonicol Permit El,ltanat EooC 'rlcodstooe Vent Fot PenrLt fssua ee tleeltanicel Perqnt -- ENCROACHMENT -. Secaz"Lty Deooait Stcraqe ? Lcn EEa1r, |.,!aintenance Pcrmit Curbcu! Sidanalk !enee Electnical ta.bel Mob'tle Hcne ?.y? f EAW CAREFULLy EXAMINED the eotttpleted application fot pernrtt, nrtd do herebg certify that aLL infotnati.on hereon ie tnte and. ccruect' and f furtk* eertiftl that ory cd. aLL uork perfomred alull be done in aceor- dance tith the tudinorcee of the city of Sprtngfield, old the La,te of the* State of Oregon pertaining to the aork Ceecribed herein, cnd tlnt N0 )CcU- PANCY t itl be naCe of attA Et?ucb)re uitltout perTnission of the Building Di- tision. I futther certifg that otly eont"acto?e and, enplcyees who are in carpliance aith CRS 701.055 utLLL be used on thia ptoiect 8'e-ta - -gL TataL e Signed ilc.F3E It, A Dal Frffiec ?-Tll'S falnT- Charaes State Swchayqe ?OIAL AJAOUNT DUE:** CITY OT' SPRINGFIELD--BUILDING DIVTSION 346 MArN Sr. 726-3753 (BUSTNESS) 726-3769 (TNSPECTTONS) APPLICATION T'OR ELECTRICAE I,ABEL(S) BY A BUILDING OI{NER rutD1 The Electrical Safety Law of the State of Oregon does not require a person to obtain a license as an electrieian and,/or electrical contractor to make an electrician in- stallation on property which is owned by hirnself or a member of his immediate family which is not intended. for sa1e, Iease, or rent. (PLEASE PRINT) APPLTCANT'S NAI,IE I ADDR.ESS ADDRES x TS PHONE (,6 s FoR PRoPosED woRK / 2 o7-1 3/ BUILDING OWNER (IT OTHER THAN APPLICANT) ADDRESS PHONE I certify that all of the above information is true and correct, and that no portion of any wiring system requiring a label as applied for herein and intended to be con- cealed by any permanent portion of the building or structure shall be concealed until inspected and approved. When the installation of the system is complete, an additional and final inspection shall be made. inspections are generally required for at least the following cond.itions and or stages of construction: t 2 3 Temporary Service Underground Service Service Rough Electric Cable Heat New Circuits or Extensions 4 5 6 7 9 Mobile Home Connections Signs Swimming Pools I further certify that I will notify the Building Division when any of the above ELEC- TRICAL fNSPECTIONS are ready, that all work will be done in accordance with the Electri- cal safety Law of the state of oregon, and that if not the buitding olffIer' r am a member of his or her immediate family. Signature LLl R,gL,,/1 Date INSPECTION REQUESTS SHOULD BE MADE ON BHE BUILDING DIVISIONIS 24 HOUR A DAY INSPECTTON LrNE. THE INSPECTION NUI4BER LS'126-3769- INSPECTION REQUESTS WHICH ARE CAILED TN BE- FOR 7 A.M. WILL BE MADE ON THE SA}48 DAY. LABEL NUMBERS LABEL ISSUANCE FEE RECEIVED BY FOR OFFICE USE ONLY k DATE 8 to. 6C