HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-08-31I IIS PECT I i 726-37 69 c0rlB I Y OF SPRINGFIELD ON APPLICATION/PERMIT 726-37 Job Address o^ Lega1 Dsssri ption Hea Ran EIIERGY SOURCES liater Heater Owner ry)T'*\. @ Sq. Ftg. Access._ Sq. Fto. 0ther_ _l.lewJdd_Al ter_P.ep . _Fence_Demo Change/Use 0ther . Ftg. Builciinq Pernrit Info: Describe llork( FamiIv Residence l,lith Attached Garaoe .e., Build SingieAddress/sl ?a S4-) fitl*--a*z* PhdLTH ? zeoo Construction Lender 0Addres s Phone so H o o N DESIGN TEAI4 name address 'ICS- nO exD'res phone no. Pri mary Struc tura I Electrical Hechani ca l CONTRACTORS Ua-"-'Bi- r I tz PI Genera l hani ELECTR I CALPLUIlB I NG MECHAN i CAL FFF CHARGF NN FFF l.HA ANF FFF .HAANFNO 3 Each single fixture 5-\50 Res idence of FTSQ furnace/burner to BTLI' S Relocated buildino (new fix. additional) New circuits alts or extensions \54' Floor furnace and vent S . F. P.es i dence(t tatn)SERVICES Recessed wal I Snrap hpaicr and vpnt Duplex (l bath) each Additional bath Temporary Constructi on Apol iance vent seDa rate l.later servi ce ge in existing dence C han res i Stationary evap coo i er I ndrrst ri a l multifamily, comm. or Vent fan with sinole drrct \3eoSewer Storm Sewer 0f s.Vent system apart from heatino or A.C. COMI.I./IND. FEEDERS Mechanical exhaust hood and duct Instal i /al ter/rel ocate di <fri h fpedprs,Hood stove/heater \:.40 \\ee\rrtc' l rd<{Y\L9s.of \Q5 ISSUANCE OF PFRI1IT \5ct)TOTAL CHARGES ?r) * WHERE STATE Lll'l REQUIRES that the Electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion shall not be vali'l until the label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned to the Building Divis TOTAL CHARGE this permit o.) lon and correct, and I further certif-v that any and all work oerformed shall be done in accordance with the 0rdinances of the Cityof Soringfield and the Laws of the State of 0regon oertaining to the work described herein, and that NC 0CCUPAI,ICY will be madeof any structure without the permission of the Building Division. I further certify that my reqistration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and ernployees who are in comcliance with 0l?S 701.055 wi'll be used on this project. D^r|tr 3/' 6l,lAl"lE(please pri S IGi,IA' ta 1 information hereon is trueap r)rcatonthe comp b.y certt, a FOP, OTFICE USE ONL1 zone N\ \-foe/const$.[gSQ unitsr Sq. Ftg. llain x Va1 ue_ Fire Zone Bedrooms Flood PIain Stori es x -\ Fts Access Ftg ,r"-\Qff.F TOTAL VALUATIOII Val ueLoad Sq e"orp$i!--sq Plan Ck. Conrn/Ind 65%/B1do Ppr Fpc .9?.ca A Svster,ls Devel ocmmt Charqe (1.52) 'BUILDING PERI.IIT Charges and Surcharges !&{o Plan Ck. Res 30%/B1dq Per Fee E-3pg\ v BZrLa {FencePLUI4BING PERI'IIT Charges and Surcha rges G)O _\_5_ D6mo Sidewal k Tota'l Comb. Permi t ELECTRICAL PERI1IT Charges and Surcha rges ob -?()ab A/C Paving Curb Cut \\q.co I4ECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges Crr,-to L\o TOTAL n_ nampTL TOTAL CHARGES COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMiT (CAP) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legal Description I' example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 432. example- Lot l. Block 3, 2nd Addition toS!ffi!'fietd EstaresC. Name, etc. of owner and construction lenderD. Energy Sources PER}4IT VALI DATION 1. 2. Sq t. 2. example- hea example- wat uare footage o t/e l ectrical 'I or forced air gas e ec or sol ar E r vaiuation, example- 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot garage example- if new project, check new - if addition, check add, etc. F Euilding perm 1. example - a ttac hed2. example -3. example - res ta uran rit information: construct single family house with an 9ara9e remodel existing garage into family room convert single family res'idence intot (change of use)G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of theStructural Specialty CodeH. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropr.iatepersons regarding design information or job site b\(p II.corrections, etc. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical, & Electrical SchedulesA. Except where blank spaces occulin the descriptionportion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules,the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacentto the appropriate item(s) to be installedB. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedulesare available at the Building Division1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedu'les have been abbreviated2, If the item(s) to be installed are not covered onthe abbreviated schedules you should consult theful l schedulesC. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF I.IILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to theelectrical contractor for signature by h.is electricaisupervisor. The general contractor ii not authorizedto sign the electricai labelApplicant to sign and date I'lhenever possible, the initial applicat.ion wilI be used asa worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staffwill prepare a type written copy and return it to theapplicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his s i gna ture. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of theapplication, and no plans will be processed until thesefees are paid. All other fees and charges are due andpayable when the permit is issued. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY V Jupt / III IV V Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAI,ICY: Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information : PLANS REVIEWED BY: nur ig na tu re date aj -r.3 ra .. r-rrquirgd lnspecr,ohs .. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF TIIE PER],!IT HOLDER TO SEE THAT ALL INSPECTIONS ARE MADE AT TIIE PROPER TDIE, THAT EACII ADDR,ESS IS READABLE FROI{ T}IE STRF"ET, AND THAI TIIE PERI.IIT CAR.D IS LOCATED AT TIIE FRONT OF THE PROPERTY. BUILDING DIVISION APPF.OVED PLANS MUST BE ON JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES. PROCEDURE FOR REQUFSTING IIISPECTI0NS: Ca11 726-3769 (recorder) state you CITY DESIGNATED JOB NIIMBER,job address, tyPe of inspection requested and vrhen yorr will be reedy for the inspecticn. Concractorsor otrners narne and phone nr:nber. Requests received before 7:00 am will be u.ade the sane day, requesEsreceived after 7:00-am will be nade the following work day. Your City Designated Job Number Is:gb?e()q Jcb ACdress owner.Q\c \ql-ls\r Phone: Contractor:Phone:L\Rh-\q\x SITE INSPECTION: To be nade ATTIC DRAFT STOPS E CURTAIN WALLS INSPECTIoNS: In accordanceafter excavation, but prior to setup cf fcrms. TN{DERSLAB PLUIIBI:{G, ELECTRIC.iL & IIECH.\\ICAL: To be nade bcfcre;ny "o;I-Is covered. CONCRETE StAB INSPECTION: To benffiitaing service equiprnent, conduit, piping, accessorie,s and other ancillary equipnent itens are in place but before.any concrete is poured. FO0TINGS G FOUNDATICNS: To bc aade ffivatedand forms are erected, all steel inplace, but prior to pouring concrete {I}IDERGROUIID: Plunbing, Electrical, Gas, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, Water and Drainage lines. To be nade prior to covering or fillingtrenches... TNDERFLoCR:, Plunbing, Electrical, Mechanical. To be made prior toinstallation of floor insulation,decking or floor sheathing. POST 6 BEAM: To FIREPI-ACE: Prior to placing facing;atd:GE and before iraming : ilspection. INSUI,A,TION 6 VAPOR BARRIER: To be nade aftcr all insulation and required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath or gypsun board interior wal1 covering is applied. FRAMII'IG: To be nade after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and bracing are in place and all pipes, chinneys and vents are complete and the rough electrical, plumbing and heating wires, .pipes and ducts are approved. lI8E E SEPARATION IIALL: Located Sec 6o lding Code a special inspector shall be employed by the 0rrner/ctor during construction of the lowing work. A copy of the special esting reports sha1l be furnished to the ding Division. STRUCTURAL CoNCRETE: In excess of 3001 P.S. I. (306 a. r) f .rl' ru ANn/oR cypsm{ BOARD INSpECTIoN:l{l @optans. g)?sun board, interior and exterior,is in place but before any plast is applied or before gypsun board .STRUCTURA.L IIIELDS:job. (2722 f) HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING: During allEoiffiiEtiofi;a tightin! operations {306 a.5) SPRAYED 0N TIREPROOFING: n.B.C.ffi SPECIAL GRADING, EXCAVATION .ANDrtntuc@6a.11 0 Chapter 29) 9LU-IAM BEAI{S: Inspection Certificate,by an approved agency, furnisheC tothe City's Building Division before beams are placeil. {2501-U.B.C. STDS. 25-10,11) Preforned on the G be made prior to ocr insulation, heating. . jcints and tlnrshed. WOODSTOVES ;onrpfetea: fasteners are taped and FLOCR INSULATION 6 VAPOR BARRIERS:lo Dc macle prior to install3tionof decking or flcor sheating. llqSONRY: Steel location, bond bearnsgrouting ot verticals in accordancerrith U.B.C. Secticn 241S. instartEl6i or fr decking or floor s ROCF IG NAI o nstal any nade and approvld FII{AL |\ECHA.\ICAL After installation is SIDE}'IALK 6 DRIVEWAY: Required forall concrete paving within streetright-of-way, to be made after allexcavating ccmplete g form work 6sub-base naterial in place. CURB .qND APPROACH APR-ON: After formsare erected but prior to pouring concrete. PARKING LOT: After gravel is inplace but prior to placing asphaltor concrete. Prior , cot'ered been be CI ottpleted befcre nspection. Attp ITE PLAN requesting this inspc roject conC Eh/NSP ffiuntil these inspections have *In addition to the inspections specified hereon, the BuildingOfficial :lay make or require otherinspections of any.construction work to ascertain cornpliance withthe Building, CitT or. Zoni.ng Codes. I'lust be requested 2 days in advance of the date ycusuch as landscaping, parking lot striping etc. Dustction. h t I\.\NG: Must be requested after the final pl umbing, Electrical, l{echanical and Firerpartmsnt inspections are rnade and approved. No Oc cupancy of the premises can be made untilBuilding Divisicn and postcd on the I}.:AL FIRE DEPARTIIE}IT a Certificate of Qccupa ncy has been issued b;. thc DA, premi ses tr rr ffrr*o, pLUi,ErNG ffrrn^, ELECTRTcAL