HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-08-04 (2)IIISPECTION LII{E 7?6-37 69 CITY OF SPRiNGFIELD COIIBI IIATI ON APPL I CATION/PERMIT INFOR'IATIOil tIiiE 726-3753 Hea Ranqe EIIERGY SOURCES: l,later Heater 0Job Address Legal Description Owner '^w*'0"'em Sq. Ftg. l.lain_ Sq. Ftg. Access._ Sq. Fto. 0ther l,lew_Add-A l aeIp.Ap:- _Fenc e_Demo_C han ge/ U se 0ther Address \-SCo tla Il Phone g Pqrrlit Info: Describe-l.toitfi -e., Bui ld Slngle-llesidence I'li th nttached Garaoe) Builciin FamiIv Constructi nnlt.d".+ Addre s s Phone cae C(l -L OESIGII TEAII name lics. no-exo req ohone no- Structura I E l ectri ca I llechanicaI }S nical L PLUI1B I NG ELECTR I CAL MECHAN I CAL FFF NO FFF l^HAPGF ilo.I FFF CHARGF Each single fixture Residence of SQ. FT furnace/burner to BTLI' s Re'located buiIdinq- (new fix. additional ) New circuits alts. E.EPTbape ?z.e Floor furnace and vent 5. F. P.es i dence(l bath)SERVI CES Recessed wa l I Duplex (l bath) each Z Zaw /s*22*z ,4o./z.oAdditional bath Temporary Construction Apol iance vent l.later service Cha res nge i n exi sti no i dence Stat onary evap. Sewer mul tifam'i ly, conxr. or i ndus tri a I n withVen t Storm ewer 0f s.Vent systern rt from c0l4t!./IND. FEEDERS ica ex haust I nsta I I /a I ter/rel ocati llood stove/heater 0f amps" ISSUANCF OF PFRIlIT LII,I REQUi'l unti I done by Electri TOTAL CHARGE S TOT AL HARGESc -ALTOT,,DRGESCHASI.JHERE TA TE RESI t tha t he 'IE ce tri c Ia rw0 k be EIan rect caI Ihas'|rat ctorConnot ethe IbevaI ec catri I ontitheIbealp0r thof s'|has sbeen t tnapermignedbyIcaSusorvlrpeandreturnedtothe,lBu dI '|ID I 1ss on I'lAl.lE(pl ease pri nt )IGiIA * fy 0reqron the Bui f exempt .055 wi l Y D t ecomp tca nap!')for t an dandDermi dorrec tco ce rtndafuhereb.y tharrthe atticer rma t nthaaf hereonfy ts rueaandrkwoDErformedshaofbeSpriefiddoneaandn9thewlccordancethofLawsthetherdnaSteta ny of nces ,f ctheDErtntofogworkthescrtdesbedanytJltructurethereinhotutndathhermiattJcpesnoof0ccuPAt,tcY wl be ma ty dedvtDingonrdBoacfurt her ertnsI tha tfufofyercand m.y reg tra ontieaffec t thv/t heL Bu5 der srequ i red 0Rs 0l7 AE t thabycon bahesbcon s forsvtractors onandexemDt s noted he reonempwhooyeesa thaandren tanwicecomD0r?sth 7 (.rl be sedu no sthi ectproj eroup 8t? sq. Ftg. TOTAL VALUATIOII xi Val Access v. Vr::.*hfrp/& f,ZcE := '| uen"i@i Load ts sq Flood Plain Stories l'la i nFire Zon Bed rooms Cons Ftt:. Ftg. PIan Ck. Conm/tn-J_l 65%/81dq Per Fcp t/Syster,rs Deve Charqe (1.5I opment N.r' BUILOING PERI,IIT Clrarges and Surcha rges __I_27_-o6 7.72 s F an Ck. B1 PLUI4BING PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges Fence Deno 6raV Sidewalk A/C Paving ELECTR ICAL PERI,:IT Charges and Surcha rges .7a ZZ.SO Total Cornb. Fermit 7223a Curb Cut I1ECHANICAL PERHIT Charges and Surcha rges 6a .6,6 TOTAL Z%.8o (addrpss Pri ma rv name I addrp<< Gencra I t,\rs- /4/q El ectri ce I I b 1 PERI,II YAIIDAIION bt,ag sq y-(-gb III IV. PROJ v ECI CONDI,,,,i dppl icant e Permf t Cl erk Permi t IO BE SAIISFIE D BEFORE OCCUPAIJCY: xempt from registratio n with the Bui Jder, Jdition S REY Boa rd because Pnojec t Info {- .:,;,,:tr'.: j,1 ::, ql:j.' iL -:.:! ,r{ reuEo syi sf gna tu da te 8- OC- ion:rmat