HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1982-10-11SPRTNGFIELDcity of springfield 235-r.{th st ree t lN Fo R.MATToN : 726-37s3 INSPECTIOttS: 726-3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A. €)l aoI TYPE OF BUS rtE;ss, t1d.4 {-/nt-&4 /Cla..r r.or OINER OR PROPERTY ADDRESS NAME OF BUSII.IESS, FIR}T, EIC. LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRIPTION OIJNER OF SIGI{ CIF OTHER TI{AII PROPERE OWNER) ADDRESS : .8. ryps oF HoRK: fL ennct ALIER RELOCATE STP.UCTURAL IYPE OF SIGN: -AIIALL FREESTANDIIIG ROOF PROJECTIIIC _l,tARcluEE T'NDER I,TAROUEE OTI{ER c.USE AI{D CEA.RACTER OF SIGN: -Ioglrrttt \./ _LINCTDEI{IAL _DOUBLE FACE r SINGLE FACE T{IILTI.FACE P.EADER BOARD BILLBOARD D. E a zt? DATE 7 y7-a 7a 77r 77 / SIGN ERECTOR CITY LICENSE }ITJ}18 VENDORS, SIGIT I.{ANUFACTURNR ClF OTIER. TI1AN ERECAOR) ADDPTSS D(ISTING sIGNS ,/ ARE ,GRE A}IY E(rsr*rc srcrrs? /rr, *o ATL EXISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINESS, ,ETC.y''u'/ ./4'. trG G. IN DIlGltsIoNS, UISTALIdTIOU & TOTAI ITEIGHT ABOVE GMDE VEPJICAL DI},IENSION OF SICN HORIZONTAL WIDTII OF SIGN DI}IE}ISION FROM GRADE TO BOTIOM OF SIGN !|glE: Ir PROJECTI0II IS IiORE TI{AN 12,'oyER puBt.rc pRopEp.fl THx srcN snrcionr.rusr FILE t.lrru THE BurLDrNc orviiios' 991r-E! oF Hrs/rrER LrAErr.rry ar,ro-ir.oi-ERfi DAIIAGE msuneNce roLrC:ES. -"-- E t,L _YES k*o /u-'/lf /* IIIICKI.IESS OR DEPTE BEYOND IF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND TROPERTY IINE DCES SIGN PROJECT PROPERTY LINE?. I.[LL SIGN i{AVE ELECTP.ICAL IJIRII,IG? .?I-/-r* IF-wS, WHICS E.PPLY? --ELECTRICEffi_rLLIJI{TNATED (rNDrpJc?ffi ucnrsoj- ELECTRICAI. COI{TP.ACTOR H ADDRESS LISC l. DEscR.rBE TypE oR yATERTALS s L IGN IS 0F.>f /n*r/ . VALUE OF SIGI{:5co. ocK ' SITE INFOFy,ATION (I_A,lrD usE)oF BUrLDrlrc oR LAIID qon ta3r PROPOSED USE OF BUILDIIIG OR TAND: J USE IF VACANT OUTDOO?. I,{EI.CHAND IS I IIG .. EXISTINC USE _rNDooR susrurss I 'I I_{AVE CAREFULLY L\A}tItrED Ehe comrrlecinfornracion j.s rrue .na coiieca;-;;;accordance lrith rhe Springfiela'Sie"Sori.ngfield and alI oiher"ordi""i.E"Cregon percaining Eo E:re worti aescnbcelrse lriEh rhe Cicy of Sprinqfield is8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). 'r "Iii-ieq"eperrnic. ?E NA.YE (PLEASE PRINT) SIGNA' 1 .NIJMBER PICIIE I PLEASE READ 1) Separace Slm Apprllcarlon:A separace appllcation Ls required for each separate slgn.as definedin chE S1-n-Toae 2) Eleccrlcgl: Any p-eroJ.c lssued under thls applicaeion will lnclude wiring ln or on sl.gn sEruccure,EFt=uPPItwlres Eor connecEion mrsE be covired oA an electrieal p-eraiE.- Electrical ionneccionuusc be aade only by a State Llcensed Electrlcal ConEractor. Illuainaced signs (boch tncernallyand exEernally) nusc conform E.o Sectlons 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of che Slrlngfield Sign Or--dtnauce. 3) Plans Requiredr Ttrls appltcatlon !s to be submltted vrlrh tlro courplete sers of plans showlng d!- Eensi.ons andEeighf of sign; advertising Bessage on slgn; locaElon of slgn on property with di--mensions co properEy llnes, scrucEural details of supgort fraoing, bracing and foocings; naterlalsof consErucEion for sign and sign struclure; electriaal equipueni and ligf,cing; slze ind locacionof existing signs on property fqr Ehe same busienss, all ds required to deteral.nq compliance wlththe SpltngIleld SfB.n Ordinante (Artlcle 7 of che Spiingfield Ciry Code). Also,.ihow the follow-i.ng lnforoation on the p'Igc plan .(plan.showi.ng properry llnes and locatlon of .signs): ; a) Show the location of, all exlsti.ng stgn(s) as well es prcposed stgn(s). b) Show Ehe length of the street frontage taken up by the business or bullding. For waII. signs, shon che length of the building frontage. c) Show the locaclon of entrances open to the publtc and drlveways. 4) When requlred, because of deslgn, size, eEc., englneered drawings and calculatLons Eilsc be pre- pared b_y a lieensed engineer or shall confom to deslgrr staadards on fLle at the Building Divi-slon Office. s) 6) 7) 8) e) Plans of lnsufficlent clarity or detail will be returned to the applicanE with no perrnit being lssued. Signs Erust loeec colner visioo clearance requi.rements ag described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Conprehenslve Zoning Code. NOTE: No slgn nay be erected whlch ts less than 12 feet horlzontally or vertically from overheadeleccrical conducEors ln excess of 750 volEs, or less than 5 feet in any direction frou overheadelectrical lines vhlch are energized a! lese than 750 volts. If a stgn ls aoc lnstalled wlthla 60 days after the date of issue of this perrrit, the peroiu shallbe votd. Insoectlons : a) Stte InsoecEion - to be uade before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footinq Inspection 1ffip'pI;EEEie) may be o"cie aE Ehe sane tine as lne Sice inspecclon. ffi?crng-Espec-tion is to be oade after hole(s) 1s excavaEed, buE prlor to Ehe placeuent of concrece. b) FLnal InspeccLon:- to be oade upon coorylecion of all work. c) Elecqr:iqa! - all e-lectrical slgns rotrst be tnspected for electrieal hook up after Ehe slgnIs etEcEed and before the slgn is turned on. cArI FOR TH,E REQUTRED INSPECTTONS ON r{E 24 llorrR TNSPECEoN LINE AT 726-3769 srGN DrsrRrct JA) D ,ZOIE DISTRICT il-L- TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN sz7 REQUTRED rNSPEeTIof.lS: + z Ll rs =9_stry +o fTA- doL/- _SITE/LoCATIOII _FOOTING OR MEIIIOD Or ATTACIIMENT -{**_ELECTRTCAI. SPECIAL coNDlTloNS m BE SATISFIED BEFoRE ERECIToN oF SIGN: /y4 " A)ar *4 u€ ?at € o< Rra^tr S / 4' /\'/ U tt LE 55 Fuo ;4,-c-t-a/ e 5 tE il ffiof4 fF z'iffi .f5t?r,<1.€ ADDTTToNAL rNFoRIlAlroN NEEDED BEToRE p#$Yiair"t tt.tno, ts '<gioc€? rb-3/o F Ntr€l> s C r7?' L'rt*ru'S'f DATEAPPROVED BY: PERHIT FEE: 47. STATE SI,IRCIIARGE : F/D ooTITAJ.: -/(\- + DATE CLEBK SIGN PERIGT EEE: JOB # SECTION: q-7 -'SIGN ORDINAT\CE /0-tlLgLcX(l\