HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1985-01-22-.cjJy of springfield 225 n. 5th street SPFIINGFIELE'INFORMATTON: 726-3753 INSPECTtoNS: 726-3769 SIGN PERMTT APPLICATION 5o/*{ A r5.LocATroN 0F srcN (ADDRESS) LEoAL DEscRrprro* *l' , TA.Y LOT .Jt i7 I :,,,.'!i).2" ? r'C OIINER OR PROPERTY ADDRESS OI.JNER OF SIGI.I CIF OTTIER THA}I PROPERTY OWNER) ADDRESS NAME OF BUSINESS, FIRM, ETC . I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA}IIlnformation is true an NED Ehed correc complet, and ted applicationI further certi f,I PHOI\E ? 4t-{2117 ZTP cl-| tl 77 TYPE oF .BusruEss irl USE AT{D CEA.RACTER OF SIGN: T ,IDEMITY {rncrouurar, DOUBLE FACE .T, SINGLE FACE UTTLTI-FACE P.EADER BOAPO BILLBOARD wn( D accordance with the SSorinqfield and all o pringfield Signther Ordinances for Ordinance, the fy Uni 'pe tha form Si rmit and dot all workdeasa hereby certifyoerformed shali dopted thac allbe done inby the City che SEate of of Cregon oercense with talni-n to t:1e worl: <lescribsi gn Cod andof the Cicy of' Springfurther fie I the 1 aws ofed he!crn I cert {fv that mvprineIwi8- 2- 6 (3)and 9-7- ty 20 field is in full force and effect as reauired permlt NAI'IE (PLEASE PRINT) rhe c ofS Slgn Contractor Li-by Sprind on rhe gfield Codes TYPE OF WORK: Xt*., ALrER RELOCATE OTHIiR B.STP.UCTURAL TYPB OF SIGN: -6uer.r, FREEsrANDrrrc ROOT PROJECTING MAROUEE T'NDER I,IAROUEE OTHER c. E . VENDORS, CONTRACTORS SIGN ERECTOR S"-1 Z . .ADDPJSS € CITY LICENSE !ITJ:"l8ER . DATE 3 SIGN I,IANUFACTURER CIF OTHER TI]AN ERECTOR)yn ADDP.ESS 0 3 PIIONE I.Gh.Jt - v041 E DU,IErrSroNs, IUSTALIATIOH & CONSTRUCTIOII TorAL HErcHr ABovE GRADE lS, G.EXISTING SIGNS ARE THERE ANY EXISTIUG SIG}IS?["r, -No VEP.IICAL DI].IENSION OF SIGN HORIZOMAL WIDT}I OF SIGN DI}IENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN NIICKI{ESS OR DEPTH DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? 5', 8',S i i AIL EXISTING SIGNS FOR. EUSINESS, ETC.lo7 sq.t,* YES X*.H' ,rrr" ,r.*HAVE ELECTP.ICAL - I,IIRII,IG rrcH !-ppl-y? Xrr.r.ro,?VlrSIF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE IF YF9, W :AL SIGN I9iE:-Ir PRoJEcTIolr rs rroRE THAN 12,, -O-VER PUBLIC PROPEPJY TPJ SIGN';iiECiONI.ruST FILE WITIT THE BUILDING OTViSiOIIgg!-rE_s oF Hrs/lrER LrABrLiri aivo-ip.oi;_ERTY DA}IAGE IIISUP.AI.ICT POr,iCrild: '^*' _ILLTJT{INATED (INDIPSCTIT LIGHTED) ELECTR,ICAL LISC.NTJMBER t.qIqqBIBE rrPE oR yATERTALS SrcN rsCONSTRUCTED OF. J . SITE INFOF]{ATIOII (LAITD USE) -- EXISTING USEOF BUILDING OR LAND (OR IASI USE IF VACANT' \ . VALUE OF SIGN:o!_TNDOOR BUSTNESS EOUTDOOR. ITERCHANDTS ING PR.OPOSED USE I,AND: K SIG (2) .11 request all required sign i.nspections liste aporoved : I { I - I t '*1,-.?::; /-rrt tJ4 ,'t '---' i.-a ! - 1 d'- ? , , f .i-. t l'i L' : PLEASE READ 1) 9epafacg-SteE Appllcatl-on: A separaEe applicaEton is requlred for each separate sign as definedfiffi 2)Electrical: Ehe supply wi musc be .madeand exEernall dlnance. 3) Any p-ermlt issued under this application will include wiring in or on stgn structure,res for connecEion musE be covlred on an electrical perrnit.- Electrical ionnectiononly by a SEate Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illirrninated signs (borh lnternollyy) musc conform Eo Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-L8 of rhe Sflringfield Sign or-' 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) e) Planq Requifed:. Thls-applicatlon ls to be submitted wlth two complete sets of plans showing dl-mensions and height of,sign; advertising message on sign; location of slgn on property wlth-di-uensions to Prope-rEy 1ines, _structural details of support framing, bracing and-footings; maEerlalsof construcEion for sign and sign sErucEure; electrital equipmenf-and ligf,ting; stze 5nd locationoF elisting slgng.on property for the saBe b_usienss, all as iequired to deteriinq compllance withthe Sprlngfleld Sign ordinante (Article 7 of the Spilngfield Ciry Code). Also,.dhow the fo1low-lng lnformaEion on Ehe plot plan (plan showing propert, lines and locarion of signs): a) Show the locatlon of all existing stgn(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) Show the. length of the street frontage taken up by Ehe buslness or bulldLng. For wallsigns, show the length of the building frontage. c) Show the location of entrances open to the publlc and driveways. llhen required, because of design, size, etc., englneered drawings and calculations Emst be pre-pared^by-a licensed engineer or shal1 conform to design standards on file at the Building Divi-slon Office. Plans of lnsufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicanE wlth no permit beingissued. ligrrs must roeeE corner vision clearance requirements as described in Flgure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. NOTE: No sign nay be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overheadelectrlcal conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction froo overheadelectrical lines whlch are energized at less than 750 volts -If " qign is not Lnstalled within 60 days after the date of lssue of thts peroit, the permit shallbe void. Inspectlons : a) Slte Inspection - to be nade before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footing Inspection(rfajj,ffta5lE) uray be made at the same tiue as the site Inspection. IE-F66ffi'[EEpec-tion is to be oade after hole(s) is excavaleci, but prior to the placement of concrete. b) Final InspectLon:- to be aade upon coryletion of all work. c) Electrical - all e-lectrical signs ruust be lnspected for electrical hook up after the sign :ls erecEed and before the sign is turned on. cArI FOR IIiE REQUIRED INSPECTTONS ON T71E 24 ltouR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 -'r "'l 'r J'r SIGN DISTRTCT . . '' .:,I,ZONE DISTRICT fi'q TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN 4n REQUIRED INSPECfIO!{1 : _srrE/LocATr0ll Iz, ELECTRICAL FOOTING OR METHOD OT ATTACIO{ENT ?-,-TINAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INFOR}4ATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSI]ED: I tAPPROVED BY: ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: .lc) - rt es 5 REcErPr 86440u .*b TOTAL: 'i I .! .t C; r: 47. STATE SURC}IARGE: SIGN PERMIT FEE: JOB # DATE CLERK .) J 5 -t-<.tr,*ri SECTION:SPRINCFIELD SIGN ORDINANCE