HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1986-05-215SS AREA CODE 5O3 TELEPHONE 71C.ECZI ry EDWARO C. HARMS, JR. TIMOTHY J. HAROLD JOSEPH J. LEAHY ERWIN I. IAAMI PACE. JF. ATTORNEYS AT LAW SUITE O. 223 NORTH A SPRINGFIELO. OREGON 97477 Henus, Henolo, Leexv a Pace May 21, 1986 Mr. John Fletcher 1815 SW lr{arloweSuite 108Portland, OR 97225 Accordingly, weas you hear from contained in Mr. Sincerely, HARI\,IS, HAROLD, LEAHY & PACE Joseph J. Leahy JJL: tgscc: Lorne pleger, plans ExaminerCindie Harmon, permit CoordinatorGreg Mott, Development Code Administrator Dear Mr. Fletcher: This office has received a copy of Greg s. Mott, Developmentcode Administrator, city of springfield, letter to you datedMay 20, 1986r copy attached. r am the attorney who provided the advice to Mr. Ir{ott whichis described in that retter. subsequent to providing thatadvice r have had the opportunity to tatk wittr rdward c. Harms,Jr., .the city Attorneyron this matter. rt is Mr. Harms' recol--lection that the advice that I provided may be incorrect in thatit is his recollection that the planning easement has a specificprovi-si-on in it which tnvisions enforci6irity uy ttre -city ofspringfield. rf such is the case, our advicL i; stating thatthe enforcement or negotiation of that easement is a matter be-tween you, the developer and other property owners may well beincorrect. are again reviewing the matter.this office, please disregardMott's letter to you dated tnlay Until such timethe information 20, 1996. 5s5 v-{-AL SPRTTUGFTELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department t'4ay 291, 1986 lE. John Fl.etds 18f5 S{ I"lar1ove S.rite 108 trortJ-and, OR 97225 SUBIECI: Planting setback for D:gen+Springfield Indr:strial hrk Ear I"E. Fletcher, I have been advised by ttre City Attorney's Office ttrat tfie A f@t- planting easelrEnt recorded on tJle Eugene-Sprirgfield lr:dustrial hrk.plat was a reqrris6s=.a of ttre Zoning 6de in effect at the time the plat was approved and recrcrded. tr:e City has subsequently anended and/or adopted it's Toning Code no fewer tfian tlree tines. In none of these instances was a 2A foot planting setlcack a requirerent of the lightr mefliusn q. heaq/ industrial zones (lpu current zoning is Light Medir-un Indr:^strial). It is the conclusion of tJ:e City Attorrrey, with our corrcLrrrence, tJ:at the Code standards for setbacks that apply to your properEy are five feet for prkirrg and drirzeraays and ten feet for buildirgs. These setbacks mlst be planted. The Xj foot planting setback that appears on ygur plat will be crcnsidered by our office as a private covenant or deed restriction, the enforcernerrt and/on negotiation of wtr-ich is between you, t}.e developer and other properEy cr^/ners in E-rqene-springfield }rdustrial Park. Itx,vever, any additional easernents lrtrich v/ere provided in th-is plat for public utilities or facilities nust be obsenzed- It is o-r.r recormendation tflat ygu clcntasC yoLr neigtrlcors and an attorney to resolve any gntentj-al. conflicts pri-or to tJ:e develolrrent of lourproIErty. If you have any add.itional guestions please contast me at ygur crcnvenience. CcrdiaILy, I,rctst 225 North Sth Street o Springfield, Oregon97477 . 503/726-3753 T \ffiN- Develolment Code A&ninistrator ,,^cc: lqfeany, City Attorney D4,.:-ndie lbfiur, Permit Coondinator Lorne Pleger, Plans Eraminer sss 5 D COAST DISTRIBUTORS, INC. Corporate Headquarters May L4, 1986 Mr. Gregory S. Mott Development Code Administrator Planning and Development Department 225 N. 5th StreetSpringfield, OR 97477 Re: LoEs 6 & 7, Block 1, Eugene/Springfield Industrial Park as Platted and Recorded in Book 50, Page L7, Lane County Oregon Dear Mr. MoEt: As we discussed in your office on May 14, 1986, CoastDistributors, Inc. needs relief from an original planning easement assigned to this subdivision. We would like Eo change this to conform with the regular planning easementdefined in Article 20, LMI, HI and SHI, Industrial ZonLr.gDistricts and referred to as 20.050, (2)(b). This needsto be done Lo accomodate additional driveway and parking space. We would also improve the new 5 foot planning easementwith bark dust and plants normally found on roadside im- proved landscaping. I appeciate your prompt atEention to this. Respectfully, C[r",J/tutu/ zt,/cJohn Fletcher Operations Director JF/mh 1815 S.W. Marlow Avenue Suite #108 o Portland, Oregon 97225-5189 . 503/297-4444