HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-05-15owner Coast Distributors 57 088 .00 Val ue of l,Jork: So. Ftg. l.iain-- 5q. Ftg. Access._ Sq. Ftq. 0ther llerv XAdd Al ter-- leo. - -Fen6*e_Derno_C hange/ U se 0ther Phone^uot"tt 1815 s.InI. Murlow 297 -ng e8. rbekl,io r i GaFarni I u nq Pernrit Info: Residence liith A Portland. 0R. 97225 Loadin anst-onDock Ex Construct'i on Lender ..\ddres s Phone DESIGN TEAII name addres s I ics. no (phone no. .llexnires) Pri ma Structura l EI ectri cal c-Ul t{ n uade ConsL. P.0. Box 287 Li_ncoln Cit 0R. #42s7 9/4/87Gene11 L PLUIlB I NG ELECTRICAL Electrical l.!echan i ti0.FFF C HARG F Nn FFF rHA PC F ft0. I Each single fixture Residence of SQ. FT furnace/burner to BTLI' s z-, \\- Relocateo builoing (new fix. add'itional )-"'New c i rcui ts al ts.or extensions2 a ^za.B€ Fl oor furnace and vent S.F. Residence(l bath)SERV I C ES Recessed wal I Dup)ex (l bath) each Additional bath Temporary Constructi qn Apol iance vent s epa ra tel.later servi ce ge in existing dence Cha n res i Stat i onary evap coo I er S e-u.,e r mul tifami 1y, comrn.. or. I ndustri a i 6.i f.- ,-,i+ts Storm Sevrer 0f s Vent systerx apart from heatinq or A.C. COI.lI.l. /IND. FEEDERS i\lechanicai exhaust hood and ductInstal I /al ter/rel ocatedistrib. feeders llood stove/heater 0f ISSUAI'ICF OF PFRIlIT TOTAL CHARGES N/A TOTAL CHARGES ++/+- 22. ta TOTAL CHARGES N/A l.lHEIlE STATE LAN REQUI RES that tlre El ectri cshall not be vali:l until the label has been si al r^iork be done by an Electricai Cogned by an Electrica'l Suoervisor an ntractor, the electrical portion of th.is Dermitd returned to the Buitding Division S IGiIATURE siL5/87IlAilE(please print) Neil 1,. Quade 0i?s CAR NAl1 t tD comp e ted c ta onapo fo r trmi andDE do ert iche re bv tha at fo trrnanf-y on eh re0n truesadco rre LL a nO iu hert r cer t tha atfy a and workny Der rmedfo ha dobe ne n cca 0r da enc thwl t he Ord i nanc 0e5 f hef t'o Ds tyrtfedngandheta u/sL f0 th taS ofte art n0reoon tto WOhe rkDEncl d r'lc be d nhere i a thnd a ilt C OCCUP CY,AI.I mabeofattrucnywiurehottheutrmipeSofnButhednDsnofugherce rt hat t re s ttra o nfym.y ''q t^/ r ht th B ui er sdrdBoafUsfoarceefndfeactsureclred70nsb.y E05 t ha t exf t th Sba s orfemp exemD 0n s hereonoted n th taandnoubcoSrntavcrstondaernpwhoreaoyee s n como an wlce th n 55 wi be edUS no ht s ctero,jD OFF l'la i n €/.1299 -o._ TOTAL V s So x Sn xOcc.y G q Load Stories 1 ,orp D^7- sFlood Plain Acces s 0the Value .Tyoe/ Cons t. Bed roomsFire Zone Zone Ftu Ftg Ft9 -va 1 ue_ Val ue an Ck teriss rqe 1 BUILDING PERI.IIT Charges anCSurcharges A /z -?a _2a_ea ?Fee0%1d an Ck. Res FencePLUi4BING PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges Demo SidewalkELECTRICAL PERI:IT Charoes andSurcharoes \'\___?3,_?__ -?D Total Conrb. lerm,i t 3f 2.6bA/C Pavi ng Curb Cut I,IECHANICAL PERI.IiT Charges and Surcha rqes TOTAL // 77..o IIISPECTION LIiiE 7?6-37 69 .lob Address l-egal Description tAT. -l l,ricorB I il APPL I TI RMIT 7?6-373a EIIERGY SOURCES: Hea t h N \rl -$ ree l.later Heater Ranqe MECHAN I CAL l"lec ha n i ca i address l l i e < n^ F'F F aHADng SnaaP htrifar rn.l \,6hr I PERMIT VALIDATION ( rl Permit Clerk c tgL{ c -l 0'[ coMBrNATr0N AppLrCATr0N/pERMrT (CAp) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legai Description l. example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 43?. example- Lot 1. Block 3, Znd Addition toSpringfield Estates C. Name, etc. of owner and construction lenderD. Energy Sources examol e- heat/ example- water 1 2 ir gas Ii III It/ 1. examole- 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot garage2, exampie- if new project, checkrr-ew - if additio;, check add, etc.F. Bui 1d ing permi t information:l. exampie - construct singie family house w.ith an att_a?hed garage2. g13mp1e - remodel existing garage into family room3. Efimole - converr single iari.i ly"res.iaence intoresti-ilFant (change of-use)G. Value of work as defined in Sect.ion 303 (a) of the Structura l Specia l ty CodeH. DESIGN TEAI.i AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Build.ingDivision Staff must be able to contact appropriitepersons reoarding design.information or job sitecorrecti ons , etc, Abbreviated Plumbing, rYechanical, & Electrical SchedulesA. Except where blank spaces occur in the descriptionportion of the Mechan.ical and Electrical Schedules,the applicant need fill-jn only the No. Boxes adjacentto the appropriate item(s) to be.insta'lledB. Ful 1 Pl umbing, ltlechanical , and El ectrical Schedu lesare available at the Building Division1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbrev'iated2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered onthe abbreviated schedules you shou)d consult theful I schedul esC. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to theelectrical contractor for signature by his electricalsupervisor. The general contractor is not author.ized E SquaFE-i66Tase or to s'ign the electrical label App I i cant to s i _on and date Hhenever possibie, the initiai application will be used asa worksheet oniy. Where possible, Building Division Staffwill preoare a type written copy and return it to theapplicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his s i gna ture. Fees and Charges Plan cneck fees are due and payable at the time of theapplication, and no plans tJi11 be processed unt.iI thesefees are paid. All other fees and charges are due andpayable when the permit is issued. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PROJECT CONDiTIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAI{CY: 4F z? 1> <) Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information: PLANS REVI EI^JED BY : name SI gna tu r date.4.?>-* LL E-lnspec_*'?J'rs.. PROCEDURE FOR REQUESTING IIISPECTIONS: Cal1 726-3769 (recorder) sEate you CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUMBER, Job address, type of inspection requested and vrhen you will be ready for the inspection. Contractorsor otrners name and phone nurnber. RequesEs received before 7:00 am will be rnade the same day, requestsreceived after 7:00 am will be nade the following work day. Your City Designa ted Job Number rs: 87A3/? f,T IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF TIIE PER!4IT HOLDER TO SEE THAT ALL INSPECTIONS ARE MADE AT Tl{E PROPER TI}IE,tnar nacrt ADDRESS rs READABLE FRol{ T}iE srREET, AND THAT TIIE pERr.{rr cABD rs LoCATED AT TIIE FRoNT oF THE PROPERTY. BUILDING DIVISION APPP.OVED PLANS MUST BE ON JOB SITE AT ALL TI}IES. Job Address Owner: Contractor L SITE INSPECTION: To be nade after excbvation, but prior to setup cf forms. [,,NDERSLAB PLIJ}IBING. ELECTRICAL G IIECHANICAL: To be nade before any wor[-=-covered. qf CONCRETE SLAB INSPECTION: To beffiiraing service equipnent, conduit, piping, accessories and other ancillary equipnent items are in place but before any concrete is poured. FoorRds e rouharrous: ro be made ffivatedand forms are erected, all steel inplace, but prior to pouring concrete LNDERGR0UND : P lumbing - E I ectric al ,C;;E;itary sewer,@ Water and Drainage lines. To be nade prior to covering or filling trenches. f UNDERFLOCR:, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical. To be made prior toinstallation of floor insulation, decking or floor sheathing. POST 6 BEAM: To be made prior toinstallati-o; of flocr insulation, decking or floor sheating.. FLOCR INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIERS:rob@ of decking or floor sheating. I"|AS0NRY: Steel location, bond beamsgrouting or verticals in accordancewith U.B.C. Section 2415. SIIEATHI}lG NAILING: Priorto insta ng any roof Phone ATTIC DRAFT S.TOPS & CURTAIN WALLS. FIREPLACE: Prior to placing facingnaterials and before framing : 1n ection VAPoR BARRIER: To be al1 and required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath or gypsurn board interior wa11 covering is applied. FRAMING: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and bracing are in place and all pipes, chinneys and vents are complete andthe rough electrical, plurnbing and heating wires, pipes and ducts are approved. FIRE & SEPARATION I{ALL: Located q ccnstructeC C-coi?ir1g to pfans. 4TF AND,/OR QYPSI'M BOARD INSPECTION: To be nade after all lathing and g)?sum board, interior and exterior,is in place but before any plast is applied or before gypsum boardjoints and fasteners are taped and finished. WO0DSToVES: After installation is compl eted. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Required foraI1 concrete paving within streetright-of-way, to be made after all excavating conplete Q forn work g sub-base naterial in place. CURB AND APPROACH APRON: After forms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. PARKING.LoT: After gravel is inplace but prior to placing asphaltor concrete. <27? In accordance rr'i.th on 06 e Building Code a special inspector shall be employed by the Owner/ Contractor during construction of thefcllowing work. A copy of the special ing reports shall be furnished to the ding Division. I( 0M F",^ STRUCTURAL CONCRETE: In excess of 3000P.S.I. (306 a.1) STRUCTUR{L HIELDS:Preforrned on thejob. (2722 f) HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING During all , bolt installation and tighting operations (306 a.5) SPRAYED ON FIREPROOFING :ffi (u.B.c SPECIAL GRADING ,AND a.11 !-GE!-ter zs1 GLU-LAM BEA}.{S:Inspection Certificate, by an approved agency, furnished to the City's Building Division before beans are placed. (2501-U.B.C, STDS 2s-10,11). * In addition to the inspections specified hereon, the Building Official nay make or require other inspections of any construction work to ascertain compliance withthe Building, City or Zoning Codes. € tr tr m N w ROUGH P to be coveredunttese inspectio:rs have been made and approved t{} L: No FINAL PLUMBING *4 FINAL ELE TRICAL FINAL T{ECHANICAL CITYIS SITE P REVI E}J wi.sh ect l4 INSPECTION: Must be requested 2 days in advance of the date youproectts such as lands , parking lot striping etc. mustbe completed befcre requesting this inspection caping FINAL BI,IILDING Departmeni- iiEpec a Certifi.cate of n Must be requested after the final prumbing, Electrical, Ir,rechanical and Fire:tions are made_ and approved. No Occupanc! of the pr"rritui-""n-ie maae untitoccupancy has been issued by the nuiliing'Divisicn .na to.t"J"oi-the premises ukJ rrnr DE,ARTMENT S ICNA DATE w *ALL MANHoLss .AND cLEANours MUsr BE AccEssrBLE, ADJUST,ENT To BE MADE AT No cosr ro rHE cITy "- Feguired tr trtr Cttr fr I