HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-04-29I IISPEC 7?5-37 Oil L /U | - _.1 Lr:c0r,rB I it APPL I CAT I RMIT -37 5l EIIERGY SOURCES Hea t \ \S )" [^, s\\ l.later Heater Ranqe Job Address 63fi Lega) Description 1? -O 3 * A 1 _lo - f,/a/ frt - LStohz-'^*t ?a €aa-d5 of t/ork So. Ftq. l.iain_ Sq. Ftg. Access._ Sq. Ftq. 0ther_ l{ew Add Al ter Peo. lence_Oemo_Chan ge/ Use 0ther Address Phone Builr.inq Pernrrt Info: Descri be l.lorkiFanily llesidence Ilith Attached Garaoe e., Build Singie fuaLd'@ d ^6/rU. zaJtt-t* ffinsiuction Lender I o/t z,?*/.-\ a '{/ Addre s s Phone v DESIGN TEAI1 name addres s ( I ics. no.( exni res Pri ma ry & (/. Struc tura I llechanical El ectrical itT KJ ante address'exo.i res Pl umbi nq EI ectri ca I ltechanical PLUIlB I NG ELECTR I CAL FFF CHARGE NO FFF C HARG F ilo. I Each sinqle fixture Residence of FTSQ furnace/burner to BTLI' s Relocated buiidinq (new fix. additional ) New circuits alts. or extension, Z+2*,,Floor furnace and vent S . F. Res i dence ( I uatir )SERV i CES Recessed wal I Soace heatpr and vpnf Duplex (l bath) each Addi ti onal bath Temporary Construct i o,Apol iance vent sepa ra te l,later servi ce Chan,oe i n exi sti ng res i dence Stati onar.v evao cooler Sewer T ndrrstri a I mul ti fami 1y, comrn. or Vent f an r.ri th si nol e duct Storm Sevrer ,6f,TeN'h 0f s Vent systern apart from heatinq or A.C. COI{H./IND. FEEDERS iilechan'i ca'l exhaust hood and duct-1 Instal l /al ter/rei ocate di stri b. fepders Hood stove/heater ,r-l-amp s.0f t^ilftilJ,PJ) tu4L1 blrL\I fr-t17?k1 /N*), u4 \q i14l ] SSUAI\CF OF PFRI,lIT TOTAL CHARGES t<oo TOTAL CHARGES %&TOTAL CHARGES I.IHERE STATE LAN REQUIRESshall not be vali.l until the that the tlectrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of th.is oernitlabel has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned to the Building Division llAtlE(piease print)SI DATE ny of any rd H A EXAII INI tD he oncacomr)t rfo t a dond here c rtl-)oermi e th ta a f orrnan on he reon s t rueapbv.vandco rre tc a nd rtherfu ftcer t tha a danv work rmedoerfo sha be nedo n a cc rdao cen thwi het 0rd na enc of he C tyfSrfoedndaLathewsngofSthettaeon0reonrtaDEntoworthedekrscngbedheredanhattCUNCPAwiOCbemadeorutrectuthouwlthtsesonftBudpermheU'I s on fu therr on thv/l het u rdetngatthfyregm.y aBo n U fo anrce d fse fec at red 0ns ba S fos rhetrequ070155thtafeby ns tedo reonhe ha tandt0nu0nbctorstracdanvsawhorec0mcnempoyeenawlth700i?s no thsed Ftg Ftg Ftg So Value Val uex t1-^ I b2: v- Fire Zone Bedrooms 0ccy Load 0cc.y Grou p Sq q oel Con s tZone ToTAL VALUATI0N--- alue €:to ri es Acces s l'1a iN Units othu, rfZoaVr-ar*/bSnFlood Piain S Plan Ck. Conm/Ind ru 65"t/B1do Per Fee - '2/.x#ry;5ys Cha tems Deverqe ( 1.5c opnrentBUILDING PERI,IIT Charqes and Surciarges A 50 ,bL PIan Ck. Res 30%/B1dq Per Fee FenceCharges and Surcha rges ,0Oq/5,PLUI4BING PERMIT Demo SidewalkCharges and S urcha rges LI o 22,50ELECTRICAL PERI:IT A/C Pavi ng Total Comb. Permit l*5,t2 I,IECHANICAL PERI,|IT Charges and tSurcharges V TOTAL Ge MECHAN i CAL Owner ,I l Cq na FFF dt I scerti I i coMElNATr0N AppLrCATroN/pERMrT (CAp) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legai Description l. examp'le- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 432. example- Lot l. Block 3, Znd Addition toSFTlnqfield EstaresC. Name, etc. of owner and construction IenderD. Energy Sources 1. exampl e-2. exampl e-E. squaiET66tas hea t ura te /electrical eili forced air gas ea ec tr ca or soi ar e or valuati on, etc1. elryple- 1250_ sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot garage2. EEmpie- if new project, check-iEw - if additio;, EIEEk--E-dd, etc.F. Building permit information.:1. example - construct single family house with anattached garage 2, ellrmple - remodel existing garage into family room3. lr*ElE - convert singie iariily"resioence intoiElTiurant (change of-use)G. Value of work as defined in Sect.ion 303 (a) of theStructural Speciaity CodeH. DESIGN TEAI,I AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, BuildingDivision Staff must be able to contact appropriitepers0ns regarding design .informat.ion or job sitecorrections, etc. Abbreviated Plumbing, ivlechanical, & Electrical SchedulesA. Lxcept where blank soaces occur in the descriptionportion of the Mechanical and Electr.ical Schedules,the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjaientto the appropriate item(s) to be.installedB. Full Plumbing, l'lechanical, and Electrical Schedulesare avai lable at the Building Division1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated2. If the item(s) to be instajled are not covered onthe abbreviated schedules you should consult theful I schedul esC. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to theelectrical contractor for signature by his electricalsupervisor. The general conEractor is not authorizedto sign the electricaI iabel.Appiicant to sign and date Whenever oossible, the initial appl.ication w.ill be used asa.worksheet only. l,{here possible, Building Division Staffwil) prepare a type wr.itten copy and return it to theapplicant at the time the actual permit is.issued for h.is s i gna ture. Fees and Charges Plan cneck fees are due and payable at the t.ime of thea_pplication, and no plans vrill be processed until thesefees are paid. All other fees and charges are due andpayable when the permit is .issued. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY II III. IV. E t,grs/ v->2-r ( PERMIT VALIDATION Permi t Cl erk rf PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAIICY: Permit appf icant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: name Doro Si I na tu re da te lk bsz stele,fl \ ,,, SITE PLAN REVIEt^I DEVELOPI-IENT AGREEI'IENT THIS DEVELOPI'IENT AGREEI,IENT, HEnEINAFTERb DAY oF ffi-spRrrugrrr 1987 (rtre "EFFEcrr ,,AGREEI',IENT,,, ve DRte") BY IS ENTERED INTO AIID BETI,{EEN THE THIS CITY HEREINAFTER ,,CITY,,, AIIID I{AJOR DEFOE, HEREINAFTER,,APPLICANT,,,IN AccoRDANcE wITH Secrroru 31.090, nruo Secrron 3.070G), 3.080(3), 3.090(3), nno 3.100(3). RECITALS }{HEREAS, oN rHE IIDAv oF lhdrcl.- , 1987, rne Crry AppRovED Srre Punn Appt-IcATIoN sunrmtrrrp By rHE ffie punpose 0F ALLOWING: A 1600 souARE Foor ExpANSIoN To rHE EXISTING MANUFAcTURING FAcILrry LocATED Ar 632 SHeu-ey SrREEr, Assesson's |tlnp L7'03-27-10 Tex Lors 9500 aruo 9600. Crw Jounruel Nurcen 87-02-18 WHEREAS, IN coNSIDERATIoN FoR Stre Plnru AppRovAL, THE rssuANcE oF A Butt-otNe PeRmIt, AND THE IssuANcE oF AN 0ccupency PrRmtr, AS spEcIFIED IN THE SpRtruertem Deveuopmenr Cooe Secrtoru 31.090, Appurcerur AGREES To cor{pLy wITH ALL THE srAI{DARDS oF THE Spnrruorreuo DevelopMENT Cooe Rro SpRlxerlem f'lurulcrpnl Cooe wHIcH t"lAy BE AppLIcABLE To rHIs DEVELopT'IENT pRoJECT, INcLUDING BUT Nor LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: 1. A cuRB sHALL BE INsTALLED ARoUND THE LAnDscApED AREA ADJAcENT To THE DRIVEWAY TO PROTECT THE LAI{DSCAPING. 2. WHeeu srops sHALL BE TNSTALLED IN THE NEW pARKTNG spAcES. Pnnrrne SPAcES L, 2, 7, ll mo 12 oN THE srrE pLAN 3. THE grre RAcK sHALL BE INSTALLED AS sHowN oN THE srrE pLAN. WHEREAS, IN coNSIDERATToN FoR Stre Puru AppRovAL, THE rssuANcE oF A Butlotrue PeRMtt, Ar'rD THE ISSUANcE oF An 0ccuperucy PenMtt, AS spEctFIED IN THE SpRlruertem Devetopmerur Cooe Secrroru 31.090, Appr-rcarur AGREEs ro co'lpLy wrrH THE FoLLowING spEctFlc coNDITIoNS IMposED By rne Clry AS pART oF THE Stre Pun APPROVAL: ( No coruotrloNs oF AppRovAL HAVE BEEN REouTRED oF Ttlrs pRoposAl. ltQW- IHEBEEOBE IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING RECITALS l,lHICH ARE EXPRESSLY I'IADE A PART OF THIS AGREEI'IENT, CITY AND APPLICAIIT ACREE AS-T0LT0[^IS:-_ AGREEI'IENT 1. FINAL SITE PLAN: TnE AppLrcANr AGREES ro suBmrr a Frruel Srre pmn rru AccoRDANCE wITH Secrton 31.080 oF THE Spntnorrem DevelopMENT Cooe corucuRREN'rLywrrH THIs Aonremerur. (:r.*2. STANDARDS. TNE APPLICANT AGREES TO FULFILL ALL APPLIcABLE STANDARDS SpEcIFIED IN THE Spnrruerrem Developr'tENT Cooe eruo rHE spECIFIc sTANDARDS LISTEDIN RECITALS PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY, UNLESS CERTAIN STANDARDS HAVE BEEN DEFERRED ToA LATER DATE IN AccoRDANCE ytrrH Secrron 31.110 oF THE Spnrnerrer-o DevrlopMENTCooe. ., 3. CONDITIONS. THe AppltcANT AGREES To FULFTLL ALL spEcrFrc coNDrrroNsffi AppRovAL REoUIRED By rHE Crrv ursrED rN RECITALS pRroR To occupANcy, UNLESs CERTAIN CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN DEFERRED TO A LATER DATE IN ACCORDANCE WITH Secrroru 31.110 oF THE Spnrruerrem DevElopt'lENT Cooe. 4. I'I0DIFICATI0NS. THe AppLrcANr AGREES Nor ro rrcDrFy rHE AppRovro Frruer-Srre Pmru wrrHour FrRST NorrFyrNG rHe Crry. lvloorrrcetloNs To rne Ftnru- SrrePuru sHALL BE REVIET{ED IN AccoRDANcE wrrH Secrtor,r 31.100 oF THE SpRrruerreuo DevEuopmerur Cone. 5. I'IAINTAINING THE USE. Txe nppIIcANT AGREES To THE FoLLoWING: (n) THe gutuolNc AND sITE sHALL BE MTNTAINED rN AccoRDANcE wrrH THEpRovtstoNs oF THE SpRtnertem DeveropMENT Cooe tru oRDER To coNTTNUE THE usE. (g) Ir sHALL BE THE coNTINUING oBLTGATIoN oF THE pRopERTy owNER To MAINTAIN THE pLANTING REoUTRED By Secrtoru 31.140 oF THE Spnlruerlem Developt'lENT Cooe IN Af{ ATTRAcTIVE I4ANNER FREE oF wEEDs AND orHER ITwADING vEGETATIoN. Iu ADDITIoN, PLANTINGS IN THE VISioN CLEARANCE AREA SHALL BE lRItt'lED TO MEET lHe 2l/2 Foor HEIGHT sTAruDARD IN AccoRDANcE r{rrH SEcuon 32.070 oF THE Spnrruerrguo Developr'tgrur Cooe. (c) PRnrtrue Lors sHALL BE MATNTATNED By rHE pRopERTy owlER oR TENANTIN A CONDITION FREE OF LITTER OR DUST, AND DETERIORATED PAVEI4ENT CONDITIONS SHALL BE IMPROVED TO MINTAIN CONFORI'IANCE WITH THESE STA}IDARDS. (o) UmoevelopED LA rD wrrHIN THE DEVELopMENT AREA sHALL BE r"lArNTArl.rED FREE OF TRASII AND STORED I'IATERIALS IN A Ilpl,ED AT.ID ATTRACTIVE I'IANNER. UruoeveuopED LAND sHALL Nor BE usED FoR pARKTNG. 6. In ADDrrroN To ALL orHER REMEDTES wHrcH r'tAy BE pRovrDED By LAw oR EOUITY (TI.ICI.UPTNG BUT NOT LIMITED TO PENALTIES PROVIDED BY APPLICABLE STATE LAW oR crry onorruRrucrs) Appr-tcRrur AGREES THAT Ctw MAy ENFoRcE ApptlcRttt's REspoNs I BI L I T I ES By t,lrrHHoLD I NG oR TERr'rI NATI NG Appr-t cnur' s 0ccupRlrcy PeRmrr - DevElopmeNr AeneemENr 2 (-* (,\-r' ' Srre Punn (t (,7. AHv Ftrunu Stre Plnru nppRovED BEcof'rEs NULL AND vorD rF coNSTRUcrroN DOES NOT COf'1T,1ENCE WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THE DATE OF THIS AGREtr'IENT. IN I,IITNESS I.IHEREOF, rHE Appltcnnr AlD THE Crry nnve ExEcurED THrs AGREET'IENT As OF THE DATE FIRST HEREINABOVE WRITTEN. APPL Tt6' -7 BD[re = _- BY: STATE 0F 0REG0N, Couruw or <a*,/* ful4dl 6 , lggiz.. peRsomeuy AppEARED rHE ABovE NArvlED WHO ACKI€WLEDGED THE FOREGOING INSTRI.I4ENT TO BE THEIR voLUNTARY Acr. Berone Mer ARY I FOR EGON lilv ColmrssroN ExPrREs CITY 77/d4"L 4 /?s Z u,I,^o.*.ffJAMe- Dere D{5 ru4il-,G 198-Z. PeRsolrRlry AppEARED THE ABovE NallED , }'ftIO ACKNOI,LEDGED THE FOREGOING INSTRU,',IENT TO R VOLUNTARY ACT.l€: FOR lvlv Cotu'ltssroN ExPr *rt Q* ?, /?8 7 Developt'tEtw 3 D it,tr)'' I /,) It \\() I ( Srre Puru Aoneemeur a ..? STATE 0F 0REG0N, Courury or oQr*q