HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-04-27IilSPECTIOil LIirE 7?6-37 rt9 Pri mary Structura I Electrical lJechanical Pl umbi n EI LiiY Ct)IIB I iIATI ON UI SPR APPLICATI ERMIT Electrical work be done by an Electris been signed by an Electrical Supervi 726-375i MEC HAN I CAL Apol iance vent ent systenn apart from orA ISSUAIICE NF PFP.IlIT lr -li L..r;. \ \S )" [, s\\ I/HERE STATE Ltt,t REQUIRES rhat theshall not be vali.i untii the Iabel hi cal Contractor, the electrical portion of this oern.itsor and returned to the Building Division Job Address b3g o-4a/l-egal Description / ? -O 3 _ J 1 _ Ranoe llater Heater EIIERGY SOURCES Hea t fil - LStohz-'yt of l,/ork: QAr<>a a. d 6 So. Ftq. Iiarn_ Sq.5tg. Access._ So. Ftq. 0ther_llel Add Al ter leo. Jen-e_Derno Change/Use 0ther Add rcs s Phonc nq l'ernrr t i nf o: D-aarr be t]orlf Residence llith nttached Garaoe Uui Fan Itliilv e., Build Single qw 2/4ab;z- d ^e/24. /4&1ry- nstruction Lender /5Zo / ,Ld*z-ui-\ u /r .\dd res s Phone v DESIGN TEAII nanre add lics. no.( exoi res (onone r C TR nre PLUIlB I NG ELECTR I CAL ii0.FEE C HARG F N0. I FFF Each single fixture furnace/burner to BTLI' s Relocated bui lding (new fix. additional)New circuits alts.or extensiont Z+2*FIoor furnace and vent S. F. Residence [] bailr)SERV I C ES Recessed wa I I Soace heater and vpnt Duplex () bath) each Additional bath Temporary Constructi en [,]ater servi ce Change i n exi sti ng res i dence Stationary evao coo I er Sewer multifamily, connn. orindustrial Vent f an r^r'i thsinole duct Storm Ser,rer 6rTeN'h 0f s c0i4r!./IND. FEEDERS hanical exhaust Insta I I /a l ter/rel ocatedistrib, feeders l'Jood stove/heater 0f TOTAL CHARGES t<oo TOTAL CHARGES 2-g TOTAL CHARGES llAl.lE(please print)s I Git,RE 0reoon the Bui E NEXAIl I ED co c ta on f,et ed o r trmimpapi)DE a dond c rte ttha a nhe re bv fy trrna on hereon s truendacotrrecandrthfurerthattndaaaworkrmedoerfofynyhabedonenordaccncthwit0rdiheancetofcheftySoredanngfdLthefoawsthSetateofDEartnntowotheresdcrrdsbeherenndathatOCCUPilcY,AHC wi ma debefotrstUucnyw1reoutththerm'i s o nDE of d n D vl onq fu hert cer rt t tha re Sfy o v/rn h eth Bui dtm.y q er srdBoafunsfrcoaendeecffratsrequ i red 70Rsby 0 505 t tha t ex the femo t ba s s or s tedno nhereo a nd tha tonbcU0nvtrac0trsndawhoaemr)oyees re n comc an wice ht 7oOPS 1 0 thoned OFF 0i TOTAL VALUATIOII Load Sq +E JYoelcon s t E-N ,n-,. otner &Zr/aazx@.fraa lue Val eroup H-Z l AZSq. Fts Zone Ftg. Access r Val ue. Fire Zone Bedrooms Flood Piain Stories Ftq. l'lain ndan Ck. C Deve 1. 51e(s teris opnrentBUILDING PERI.IIT Charges anC Surcha rges 5o ,(oL an Ck o1 FencePLUt4BING PERMIT Charges and Su rc ha rges 5,Oo.,0c Demo Si dewa 1 k ELECTR ICAL PERI,iIT Charoes and Surcha rges o 22,50 Total Comb. PermitA/C Pavi ng Curb Cut IlECHANICAL PERI.IIT Charges and Su rc ha rge s TOTAL /*5.r2 0wner rHAOr:E I FFFH0. I atl Residence of sQ. FT. qPDa ra tp tutfiltJ,Ph Fa FtjlTW- JMtro, .I COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legal Description 1. example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 43 ?. example- Lot l. Block 3, 2nd Add.ition toSlrTngTieid Estates C. Name, etc. of owner and construct.ion lenderD. Energy Sourcesl. examol e-2. Exaffi'Ie-E. squarE-T6oTag hea t/ wa ter eor at s l. example- 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot garage2. elamplE: Tffiew project, check-nEw - ir aaoitioi, check add, etc.F. Building permit information:1. exampie - construct single family house with anattached gara_qe garage jnto family room amily residence into 2. examole - remodel existing3. -qlqmlle - convert single f iEstE-urant ( change of -use )G. Vaiue of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of theStructural Specialty CodeH. DESIGN TEAI,1 AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, BuildingDivision Staff must be able to contact appropriitepersons regarding design information or job sitecorrections, etc.II. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical, & Electrical SchedulesA. Except ylhere blank sDaces occur in the descriptionportion of the Mechanicai and Electrical Schedules,the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacentto the appropriate .item(s) to be installedB. Fuil Plumbing, t'lechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated?. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered onthe abbreviated schedules you should consult theful l schedulesC. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES0. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to theelectrical contractor for signature by his electr.icalsupervisor. The general contractor is not authorized III to sign the electrical label Applicant to sign and date IV l,lhenever oossibie, the initial application will be used asa worksheet onjy. Where possible, Bui lding Division Staffwill prepare a type written copy and return.it to theapplicant at the time the actuai perm'it is issued for his s i gna tu re. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the t.ime of theappiication, and no plans wi1 1 be processed until thesefees are paid. All other fees and charges are due andpayable when the permit is issued. FOR OFFICE USE ONLYV E t,g tt/ PERMIT VALIDATION Permi t Cl erk nf v->?-g I PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAIICY: ,?,*)U /r? A t N mp.ry*flrh ) ruz ruft/l%,t )?4L T-I Permit appljcant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Add'itional Project informat jon: PLANS REVIEWED BY: da tenamesigna tu rel: Doro,Dvu lk