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Permit Electrical 1993-02-17
l-,WT OBEGOtt,CITY 225 Yltrs stBBEr EPIINSIIBIDT 08tOU 97177IrSrEfiIOl B3QtE$fr 726-17590IIIGIr 72htl59 t coastr contr. Bxpitrtton De stpriture ol r Otrnero Addrrrr Cl ty ogilB Orntrr DAIBr ISCBIVBO I e - l?- ? lIAcI&tC4L DB8IIT APPIJCATIOT{ t. coHPlJrS ttsE EodtDurx [Brrc Clty Job n***3fo175 - *A. t3oO Ncv f,elldrntiel-Single orHultt-Pillly por dyaltlng untt.Srrvter Inclurlcdr Iters Cost 6un _ JoB UBSGlmrdtx- lqrritc are hon-transfcrabla ind cxnlral! uork tg not rmrted vtthtn 100-d;r;- 9!-lquunce or lt rork ti iuipiiiod-iir180 dryr. lq. tt or portion rhcrcof Eaeh Hanutrd Bo'ae orllodular &lellfuU $crvlcc or leeder Srrvleer or Fredcrrfnstallrrton, Altcrattoncor lelocetlonl itl :iB: ?l t6;o,,,o. j!- I IB:.!B -w !!! e"i,a to 500_iri; -j-- Sroo.oo V_E601 anpc to l0o0 eios-- St3o.oo Over 1000 arps/votti ifOO.oo -felporery Servtces or'feederrInstrllrtleflr Alterrtlon or Relocttlon 1000 Bach 200 attrps or }esr 2Ol rnpr to a00 0ver 401 ro 600 Ovrr 600 eagr ot D. Dreneb Clrcuttr lq.ftr or leaeaddttlonll 100 s 83,00 I 15.00 $ (0.00 x x x X'x X X x 2, comnActor lrsutHlIl{n-Wrrr. E. Eloc, trl cel goavlctor (E Le, Cf*y i_ea* ht*!. L d d rc t e i&lAa f*. ^**l q # j&,v, u tvfutlg).L L l,l"oatlL-T 8b%/ . supervtcor Llcense tlurbcr 3 |3 S 8:cplratlon Dete to/a,/rr uu$er b 7o r* *C, te tlot /73o ALectrtclro B rnPs tlrps l00o-[5T[s $ 0 $ (0.00 15.0O 80.00gee,Er rffi- Thc lnstallattob te bcftig uadr onDroper-ty l_om rhlch rr iot tntiiirdtOf Sllcf IeUa Ol tt[tr Nanr Alters[lon or Exrehslon per penal onc.Clrcul! _ Ots.OO8cch,\ddltlonrl . ' .- Clrculr or ylth Servlccor Peedcr lerolt 5l g Z,OO -W lliccollancous (Suvlce/fseder not lncluded)-Bach lnstallailon Puop e1 trrlration _El gnlOu rl lne- Llshr 1n E-Llrlted Eaergrr/hr -- l,lnitrd Bnergyltnti - g 10.00 6 40,00I 20.00i 36.00 Pl,to//e-,lUT3oz// Fay - 44f*so73 5. gt,E?o[AL oP AEoYE 51 6tere Eurcbarge =. -:r tUTrI. UoL'._W 7T,fi-7. zoi'lrng appro\ te